We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 136: A picture of a snowy night


Since many things are no longer the same as before, Yuan Zhan can't find a solution, can't understand, can't figure it out, so he doesn't want to think about it any more.

He thinks that he and Yan Jingxi need to think about the future, they will definitely not be able to return to the pure emotional world, but how to get along next is another question, and he doesn't know.

At least when facing Yan Jingxi, Yuan Zhan had no special idea.

This man should be the person he is most familiar with in this world, but the way they get along is a little awkward, and I can't tell what it feels like, probably because he hasn't adapted to the sudden emergence of a bunch of memories.

Still have to continue to digest the memory in his mind.

The appearance of Feng Jiaqin solves Yuan Zhan's little dilemma at this time.

In fact, his memory is still a bit chaotic. Different worlds and the same characters have different ways of getting along.

Feng Jiaqin was his high school classmate from beginning to end, and he remained the same in every life. Perhaps it was because of marginal figures who did not receive the attention of "Bai Yueguang" and kept walking on his original life trajectory.

I have been pursuing him every life, but I have never been successful.

On the day Feng Jiaqin arrived at Yuan Zhan's company, Yuan Zhan Zuodong invited him to dinner, accompanied by Qi Youchi and Jiang Hui.

It can be seen that they had a good conversation that day, and Feng Jiaqin will become the legal director of Yuan Zhan's company in the future. After talking, after the memories of their student days were removed, Feng Jiaqin's professionalism was impeccable, and Yuan Zhan would be sorry if he didn't invite him.

Among all the candidates he talked to, Feng Jiaqin was the best one.

If you want to ask him how to talk about it, you have to rely on his years of work experience, the present and the first.

Feng Jiaqin said the most real feeling while eating: "You are not the same as before."

Yuan Zhan thought it was different of course. Before, he was only one of his personalities, but now he is a collection of two personalities, and now he is complete.

Yuan Zhan: "Everyone changes."

Feng Jiaqin: "But you have become completely different, like a different person."

Yuan Zhan: "You have also changed a lot, from your appearance to your temperament."

Feng Jiaqin has let go of his rigor as a lawyer, and now he has relaxed a lot. Although he has not reached the level of approachability, he is still relatively easy to talk and has a strong logic.

With social experience, Feng Jiaqin is relatively smooth in handling people, otherwise he would not dare to apply for an important position in the company.

Feng Jiaqin has confidence in himself and in his professional ability.

With the help of Qi Youchi, you can always find out if there are any loopholes in a candidate's resume and what he said. Now there are too many fake resumes, and they don't stand the test.

The four of them had a pretty good dinner, and Yuan Zhan and Feng Jiaqin were chatting almost the whole time.

Feng Jiaqin remembered that this year's high school class reunion had not yet been held. It was expected that there might be a gathering of a small number of people before the Chinese New Year. When a company is a legal officer, it wants to focus more on one thing, and also wants to relax the tense self for a few years.

What Yuan Zhan likes about Feng Jiaqin is that he has experience in Internet cases. Their company belongs to this type and needs an experienced driver who is not out of touch with reality.

The gathering of the two high school classmates is naturally inseparable from a drink.

Feng Jiaqin's drinking capacity is average. After drinking, his face is flushed, and those who don't know think he is already drunk.

After dinner, Feng Jiaqin took a taxi back.

Yuan Zhan also drank and couldn't drive, so Qi Youchi drove him home.

The temperature at night was six or seven degrees lower than that in the daytime. When I got out of the car and stepped on the snow-covered ground, I could hear a slight rustling sound.

Yuan Zhan enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

The street lamp pulled his shadow, Yuan Zhan clasped his hands together, breathed a warm breath in the middle of his palms, and rubbed his palms again.

So cold.

However, Lengcai gave him the real feeling that he is a person, not a dispensable little character.

Whether the world is a novel or what, he is first and foremost an independent man.

After arriving home, Yuan Zhan once again lamented the great invention of heating.

Remembering that he hadn't watched the live broadcast of "I Love Cooking" for a while, Yuan Zhan washed an apple and watched it while eating.

"I love to cook" is live today.

This is also the notice Yuan Zhan saw on his Weibo. Since he wants to become a fanboy, he naturally must not fall behind every live broadcast. It doesn't matter if he can't do it himself, the anchor can do it.

"I love to cook" will not be cooking tonight, but today's theme is also related to eating, especially eating in winter.

What is the most suitable food in winter, it is estimated that the first thing that most people think of is hot pot.

Yes, the theme of today's live broadcast of "I love to cook" is hot pot-related, but instead of live-streaming how to cook hot dishes and eating hot pot, he teaches the audience how to make delicious sauces.

The most inseparable part of hot pot is the dipping sauce.

Even though there is no hot pot soup in the live broadcast room of "I Love Cooking", the aroma is still on the screen.

The sauces he makes are simple and easy to understand, and the materials are clearly written.

"I love to cook" never shows up on the screen or speaks, but I don't know why, more and more viewers have poured into his live broadcast room recently, and the highest online number is almost 300,000. For an amateur anchor In terms of numbers, this figure is definitely not low.

In order to avoid disillusionment of his own hopes, Yuan Zhan never asked Qi Youchi to help him inquire about the information of "I love to cook". He just acts as an ordinary audience and relaxes for an hour every day.

"I love to cook" doesn't often send him lunch. So far, they have not exchanged communication methods, except for the usual private message interaction on Weibo.

Come to think of it, "I love cooking" is also a low-key person with a relatively mysterious identity.

But it is mysterious, Yuan Zhan is more curious, and he can't bear to check the information.

He is still unable to walk straight due to those memories.

I don't know if it's because of drinking, but my courage has also grown.

Yuan Zhan thought about not checking the information of "I love cooking" a moment ago, but the next moment he sent a private message to the other party after his live broadcast.

The old driver who is stunned: Hey, rice with six-pack abs, can I have your WeChat ID? If you feel inconvenient, just pretend I didn't say it.

I love to cook: as expected of an old driver, I know I have six-pack abs through the screen.

The old driver who is stunned: Then I will take this as a compliment to me.

I love to cook: Hahaha, woaizuofan0823, this is my WeChat account.

The old driver: It feels like a trumpet you just built.

I love to cook: it's always been this, it hasn't changed.

The old driver who is stunned: I will add more.

As an old driver, of course Yuan Zhan would not use his usual account to add "I love to cook". He also created a new account. After the two added WeChat, they continued to chat on Weibo.

The old driver who is stunned: In fact, we chat on Weibo is also very good.

I love to cook: Well, we will continue to use Weibo in the future.

The old driver who is stunned: Good.

I love to cook: the sauce I made tonight, and I'll send it to you tomorrow.

The old driver: It doesn't seem very good for me to receive your gifts every day. Give me an address and I will give you a Christmas gift in return.

"I love to cook" replied after a minute: OK.

Yuan Zhan thought that he didn't want to reveal the real address at all, but he finally gave it. It seems that he should still have hope.

The old driver who is stunned: Are you good at drawing

I love to cook: ok, learned a little, a little research.

The old driver who is stunned: I think you are humble.

I love to cook: I'm not humble, I'll draw you a picture later and you'll know.

The old driver who is stunned: Really

I love to cook: really, what type of painting do you like, oil painting, Chinese painting, or comics.

The old driver who is stunned: It's okay, I don't have much research.

I love to cook: do you like portrait painting, abstract painting, or landscape painting

The old driver who is stunned: All right.

I love to cook: I get it, I'll think about it.

The old driver who is stunned: Okay, I'm looking forward to it.

I love to cook: hope you will like it.

The chat between the two was easy and pleasant.

Although Yuan Zhan didn't want to end the chat with each other, they still said goodbye to each other before eleven o'clock in the evening, trying to show their side as a good baby and leave a good impression.

Yuan Zhan didn't know that there were already many portraits in the home of the great chef in his mind, and each one was of him.

Yan Jingxi turned around one by one in the studio of his apartment, and the rows were covered with canvases. These were all painted by him looking for memory, and they were all Yuan Zhanqi.

When he first received the memory of his past life from the dream, he started to paint. He couldn't tell the other party frankly. He could only paint all the words in the painting. Yuan Zhanqi's longing is looking forward to the day when they can interlace their fingers, take a walk together, watch a TV series together, and whisper together...

However, he is also happy to paint other paintings for his lover today. He just paints something to express his love, and he will not reveal his identity for the time being.

He knew that Yuan Zhanqi might be in a state of entanglement, and he could understand him. He hoped that he could help him get through this juncture. If he couldn't go back to the past, he had to start all over again.

If the mountain doesn't come, it's me, and I go to the mountain.

In a relationship, there will always be a person who is silently giving, and there is no need to care about anything, he is all willing.

At noon the next day, Yuan Zhan also received a mounted picture while receiving the hot pot sauce.

It was a picture of a snowy night. The bright crescent moon hung high among the dead branches. A man with a lonely back was walking on the snow. His left hand was in the pocket of his coat. His scarf was blown by the cold wind. His right hand pulled the scarf around his neck tightly, and behind him was a line of footprints, as if he would keep going against the wind and snow.

At this moment, Yuan Zhan's nose was slightly sore, and he felt something.

The name of the painting is "For You".