We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 140: General summary


Yuan Zhan's active embrace gave Yan Jingxi great encouragement. He put his hands around his shoulders, and the distance between the two became further. More pictures flashed through their minds. They belonged to their sweetest memory, not A mess of memories.

Shaving away all unpleasantness is their world.

A seemingly simple hug was exchanged by their struggles for several lifetimes. It was not easy.

In the process, there are misunderstandings, pain, and death.

But fortunately, they were reincarnated and the force majeure factor was removed, although there may be other reasons for this.

This hug was not easy, they waited too long, it was too difficult.

The small candles on the cake have all been extinguished, but Yuan Zhan and Yan Jingxi still hugged each other until Yuan Zhan got up from Yan Jingxi's arms.

Yan Jingxi obviously hasn't had enough: "Huh?"

"The posture is a little wrong, and the legs seem to be a little numb." Yuan Zhan said.

The somewhat sad atmosphere was completely dispelled by Yuan Zhan's words. He was like this, always optimistic, so Yan Jingxi couldn't let go of his love for him. This is his lover.

Yan Jingxi supported his hand with one hand and helped him to sit on the sofa: "Sit on the sofa, I'll rub it for you, you can even numb your legs while standing, and I'll take you."

Yuan Zhan looked at Yan Jingxi's face carefully again: "Okay, don't frown, it's okay to be older than me, but don't grow old too fast, I don't want to chase the vicissitudes of your face."

Yan Jingxi pressed his hand on his leg a little harder: "what you say is right, I just don't frown."

Yuan Zhanruzi nodded instructably: "Well, that's right."

Yan Jingxi pressed hard on his leg, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Is that right?"

Yuan Zhan took his hand away at this time: "The leg is no longer numb."

They can't say too much hypocritical words, their feelings are relatively restrained, and they have always maintained "I understand his thoughts", "I know his habits", "Our 100% tacit understanding represents love", no need to always Put words like "love" and "like" on your lips.

Yan Jingxi originally knelt on one knee at Yuan Zhan's feet, but now his feet are a little numb, so he got up and sat beside Yuan Zhan, looking up at him: "Tell me, do you know that these things take a long time?"

Yuan Zhan was not ready to explain it soon. He also suddenly felt how he could not have feelings for Yan Jingxi, but he just hadn't found a real breakthrough. After he figured it out, it would be fine. The world is a test of their feelings, so it's not so sad to think about it.

As long as they are still alive and well, as long as they are no longer affected by terrifying external forces, everyone is fine. Compared with those classmates who had been affected for a lifetime but didn't know it, it was the best situation for him to finally be able to reunite with Yan Jingxi.

They don't need to guess each other anymore, there is no resistance in front of them, and it can be said that all the "memory" resistance now has become so insignificant in the rest of their time together.

Does Yan Jingxi love him? The promise is yes.

Does he love Yan Jingxi? The promise is equally sure.

All the entanglements are only in the "memory" between them, just think that those are all a play, and after you figure it out, it's actually nothing, it's just that they played a customs clearance game, the process is not important. , the important thing is that the two protagonists finally broke through the layers of difficulties and came together.

In fact, what he has always cared about is that their world is a novel, and he is the protagonist.

It's not that hard to accept reality.

Yuan Zhan answered Yan Jingxi's question: "It's not long. Do you remember what Bai Yueguang said to me in the police station that day? I think he not only told me, but also told you." He habitually found a comfortable position beside Yan Jingxi to lie down, and rested his head on Yan Jingxi's thigh naturally, "His words are not false."

Yan Jingxi remembered what Bai Yueguang said to Yuan Zhan. They all regarded Bai Yueguang as a lunatic. Of course, they did not deny the existence of external forces.

He caught the gist of Yuan Zhan: "You mean Bai Yueguang didn't lie, did you?"

Now that the two of them have recognized each other, it is even more necessary to make everything clear, just as they used to discuss the value of a project, and it is also like talking about the changeable weather.

Yuan Zhan raised his head and could see Yan Jingxi Bi's initially thin chin: "Yes, I, do you remember when I started to change?"

Yan Jingxi: "from the time I mentioned divorce to you."

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Yes, before me, you can think that I am a dual personality, and the one who is with you who is not sober is my sub-personality. He did extreme things and almost caused the body to die, and then I came back."

Yan Jingxi inserted his fingertips into his hair: "does this have anything to do with what Bai Yueguang said?"

Yuan Zhan continued to draw the timeline with him: "Before we had a car accident in the last life and I came back in this life, that is, for more than 20 years in between, the real me did not live in this world, but in another world. When I came back, I knew that this was a novel world. At first, I regarded you all as characters in the novel, and I never felt a sense of substitution. It was not until you started to wake up and I began to receive the memories that belonged to us. I actually feel the same as you, which is why I dare not recognize you."

Yan Jingxi felt fortunate and a little tasteful: "You mean, during this period, you lived in another world for a while?" He didn't have his own participation in that period of life, and his mood was a little subtle.

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Yes."

Yan Jingxi: "That is to say, in that world you occasionally know that our world is a novel."

Yuan Zhan: "Yes, I haven't read the original book, but my identity in that world is that of a popular streamer. A game I played was adapted from this book, and I didn't think much about it at the time. , play whatever game is more popular.”

Yan Jingxi: "It turns out that in the eyes of people in other worlds, we are fictional characters. Is this the three- or four-dimensional space world that is often said? Each world has its differences, but it may be related, but independent existence."

Yuan Zhan nodded: "It's possible, I also thought about it, so I figured it out, this is the only way to explain these strange phenomena that are unscientific. I don't know where the white moonlight that traveled to our world came from, but he must have Like me who had no memory before, I was also an 'outsider'."

Yan Jingxi: "It's a really good description. Only 'outsiders' would be self-righteous and exaggerate the role and ability of the self."

It was the first time that Yuan Zhan spit out what was hidden in his heart.

"It's really comfortable to say it. You don't have to hide a secret anymore. As long as you say it, it won't be a secret anymore."

Yan Jingxi still has an inexhaustible affection for him: "I don't have to hide my secrets in front of me."

Yuan Zhan hugged his waist and buried his head on his chest: "Yes, it's no wonder that when I first saw you, I thought, hey, this man is so handsome, he meets my mate selection criteria everywhere, but Why is he so scumbag? How can my man be so scumbag, abandoning his original spouse, I thought, divorce is the best relief. After experiencing all this, I know that this 'very scumbag man' is actually the least scumbag Yes, he's mine."

Yan Jingxi was amused by his description: "Yes, you are only scumbag. You can't escape anyway. If you go to another world and come back, you will continue to be scumbag." Probably only they themselves know the sadness in the process .

Two people who clearly love each other, but unknowingly staged a farce of "deep sadomasochism" every day. It's interesting to think about it. It is estimated that these experiences will never be too boring for them to talk about in their entire lives.

Yuan Zhan asked Yan Jingxi in turn, "When did you recover your memory?"

Yan Jingxi told him: "I should be earlier than you. Not long after we divorced, I began to dream about our past in the form of a dream. At first, I thought I was sick, and went to a psychiatrist for diagnosis. Later, I began to dream about our past. Investigating Bai Yueguang, I found that things are more complicated than I thought. Among the people who investigated Bai Yueguang, not only me, but also Du Zhisen and you. I naturally don't want you to be involved in right and wrong, when Bai Yueguang starts to make noise , Du Zhisen and I were connected, and we were able to breathe. He also dreamed of everything in the future. It is estimated that without him, the Du Group may eventually become Bai Yueguang's bag, and his family can't keep a single one of his family. He didn't talk to me. I mentioned too many details, and I exchanged useful information, including my situation and yours. Then, we joined hands and started to pay attention to Bai Yueguang and make all preparations. During a meal with Bai Yueguang, I found that, He's weird, his external force is a silver medal, and he calls it the 'drama god'."

Yan Jingxi: "Comparing with what you said now, it shows that our world is really a novel in the eyes of others. Bai Yueguang knows the development trend of the plot, that is, the life course of each of us, and with the help of external forces, he put it together. The world is turning upside down."

Yuan Zhan: "That's right. However, at present, I don't know what caused the halo that Bai Yueguang had no longer worked. Is it because of my return or because of his memory loss?"

Yan Jingxi also shook his head: "We didn't figure it out either, we also got his silver medal, and it didn't have a special effect. Now it has been sent to those who want to study it, but there has been no result, it has always been gray Pupu's appearance has lost the luster that silver jewelry should have."

Yuan Zhan: "Could it be that the effect attached to the silver medal no longer works?" An idea flashed in his mind, but it was too fast, but he didn't catch it.

However, it doesn't matter now, Bai Yueguang has lost his support, and he has to pay the price he deserves for his actions.

Yan Jingxi: "It should be. There is one thing I care about."

Yuan Zhan rubbed his head in Yan Jingxi's arms: "What?"

Yan Jingxi: "I want to know what you have experienced during your life there?"

Yuan Zhan just wanted to say something, but he couldn't remember: "My experience is very ordinary. I was born in an ordinary family. When I was a child, I went to school in the south with my parents over there. After high school, I went to the north. Since then, I have taken root in the north. ,work and life."

Yan Jingxi sighed: "Then you must have many suitors. I really want to participate in your life there. Fortunately, you are doing well."

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Yes."

His memory of the world over there was actually a little fuzzy. He couldn't remember what his parents looked like in that world. He couldn't remember whether the boss of the first anchor company had a mole on the corner of his mouth.

It's so strange, why did his memory of that world begin to blur after a while

Well, what is wrong in the end, most of it is what he remembers, and what he doesn't remember is quite normal.

Yan Jingxi was gently rubbing his scalp, Yuan Zhan didn't think deeply.