We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 17: Female matchmaking is not easy


If Yan Jingxi knew that his cousin had such an idea, he would be so angry that he would be thrown into the sea.

The day before yesterday, it was agreed that Peng Cheng would take him to play in Xiamen today. Yuan Zhan packed up the mobile phone, ID card, wallet and other things that he wanted to bring, and went out with a small bag. Expensive and tasteful, with a good eye.

After a night's rest, my hands are not as painful as yesterday, and they are slowly recovering.

With Peng Cheng there, Yuan Zhan is not afraid of people who are not in command.

Xia City is a place near the sea. Although it is big, there are not many buildings that can be seen. With his current situation, he can only walk around and have a look. There are really few things to play.

Peng Cheng suggested that they could take the cable car and overlook the whole Xiamen city.

Yuan Zhan couldn't help chuckling when he saw his beautiful and agile eyes flickering: "Okay, let's go then."

Yan Jingxi's younger cousin is not as simple as it looks on the surface, and Yuan Zhan can still find his abnormality.

The view from the cable car is connected to a botanical garden, and many tourists go to the botanical garden.

On non-Saturdays and Sundays, there are not as many people in the Botanical Garden at the cable car. After buying the tickets, Yuan Zhan and Peng Cheng can go directly to the cable car entrance 100 meters away.

The two of them just walked to the entrance. A beautiful woman in a long sky blue dress was standing upright with a brand-name handbag. The beauty's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Peng Orange's. Teethless, good tutoring, dignified sitting posture, gentle and courteous, with an attitude that is not far or near, must be the school flower in school, attended a prestigious school, must have outstanding grades, or have drunk foreign ink abroad.

Peng Cheng scratched his head embarrassedly and was struggling with how to speak. Yuan Zhan smiled with interest: "Peng Cheng, don't you want to introduce this beautiful lady?"

With Yuan Zhan's steps, Peng Cheng grumbled and said, "She is my cousin, Peng Liya."

Yuan Zhan took the initiative to say hello: "Miss Peng, hello."

Peng Liya was generous and smiled at him: "Hello, let's go up and see the scenery together?"

Yuan Zhan raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Why not, it's my honor to walk with beautiful women."

Peng Liya looked at her cousin: "Just look at the scenery by yourself."

Peng Orange waved to them: "Well, you don't need to worry about me."

Brother Yuan and cousin are not like rivals in love at all, but rather like he is a matchmaker, the two of them are sneaking out for a date.

Shaking his head, Peng Cheng watched as the two got on the same cable car one after the other, then just found a cable car and enjoyed the scenery of Xia City, where he had lived for nearly 20 years.

It is not the first time that Yuan Zhan has sat alone with a woman. He usually has a female partner when he attends events. His relationship with women is not bad. After attending the event, both parties will keep in touch, and some girls who are more active will confess to him. It's a pity that he likes men, so he can only apologize to them, and he will give them a small gift afterwards. If they can be friends, they will continue to be friends.

He respects women, and Yuan Zhan maintains a good demeanor in front of women.

Peng Liya is the first woman he contacts in the new world. In addition to Peng Cheng's cousin, her identity in this world is also one of the obstacles to Bai Yueguang's attack on Yan Jingxi. Zhan only knew one sentence of introduction, and he didn't have the extra information, otherwise he wouldn't have slapped Peng Cheng's words intentionally or unintentionally on the way here.

It was Peng Liya who spoke first.

Peng Liya: "I hope Mr. Yuan doesn't mind about today's abrupt incident."

Taking advance as retreat, Peng Liya is really not easy to deal with.

Yuan Zhan didn't treat Peng Liya as a rival in love, and he was open-minded. When he divorced Yan Jingxi, he didn't care whether his next marriage partner was a man or a woman.

Yuan Zhan is also unwilling to make enemies for himself, which is not good for him. Facing Peng Liya who has not yet sent a hostile signal, he is also polite.

"No, I can understand Miss Peng." Yuan Zhan took a deep breath of the mountain air.

Peng Liya didn't expect Yuan Zhanqi to have this side. They all said that he was weak and incompetent, and he couldn't even grasp the man he got. Now he looks like "I'm very happy", "I don't mind that you are my rival in love", and "I respect you beautiful woman" Frankly, it was completely different from what she had inquired about.

Could it be that what Peng Cheng said last night was true

The relationship between Yan Jingxi and Yuan Zhanqi is actually very stable, and there is no divorce at all

But her friends really knew that they were going to divorce, and whose words were true.

Last night, she was vacillating between two different answers and couldn't make a decision, so she decided to meet Yuan Zhanqi.

If a person's marriage relationship is not harmonious, his mental state is bound to be bad, and he can find out 60-70% of it.

However, she is not sure now.

This man's mental state is surprisingly good, he is in good spirits, and he is polite to people. He doesn't show any expression that does not fit a man in front of her. As far as she knows, Yuan Zhanqi has known that she likes Yan Jingxi for several years.

It is precisely this kind of invisible person who is the worst to deal with.

Both sides are testing each other to see who is better.

Peng Liya found her voice: "Oh? Is it because Mr. Yuan thinks from the same angle as women?" She said it euphemistically, but in fact, she was insinuating that Yuan Zhanqi married Yan Jingxi and married herself as a woman.

Yuan Zhan did not accept her trick: "Of course, although I am not a feminist, I also respect women."

Peng Liya thought to herself that Yuan Zhanqi didn't know if it was intentional or if she really didn't understand her words, but it didn't matter. If you didn't understand it euphemistically, then be more straightforward, and their chat would get better.

Peng Liya asked with a smile, "Then Mr. Yuan has a good heart. Let's chat casually. What are you usually busy with?"

Yuan Zhan said truthfully: "I used to be idle at home, but recently I work in the company." He was not afraid of Peng Liya's question. No matter how much she asked, she would not get the slightest benefit in this man-man relationship game.

He knew that Peng Liya was testing his relationship with Yan Jingxi. If it was so easy to be tested, how could he accomplish his task.

Peng Liya covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Then Mr. Yan has no opinion on your idle home?"

Yuan Zhan smiled as a matter of course: "We will discuss whether Miss Peng is going to get married? It seems that she is more interested in married life."

Peng Liya smoothed her hair that was ruffled by the wind: "My family thinks I'm a little old and I have the idea of getting married, so I asked someone who came here, hoping to get some inspiration and advice from it."

Yuan Zhan: "Do you think Miss Peng has a husband in mind?"

Peng Liya: "There are candidates, but I don't know if they can see me."

Yuan Zhan teased: "Miss Peng is so excellent, gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable, and reasonable, which man would refuse, if I was unmarried, I would also want to pursue Miss Peng." He stared directly at Peng Liya.

Peng Liya was surprised by Yuan Zhan's words: "Uh, but don't you like men?"

Yuan Zhan smiled heartily: "So I said if, just kidding."

It's not that Peng Liya can't make jokes, it's just that she regards Hearty as a rival in love from beginning to end, and she will be frightened if she suddenly starts chasing after her. Can't be called.

A joke broke the embarrassment between the two, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than before.

Yuan Zhan didn't care, Peng Liya was tense from beginning to end, she almost didn't ask when Yuan Zhan divorced Yan Jingxi, and finally didn't ask because Yuan Zhan was too cunning, she didn't understand what stage of their relationship was at all .

In fact, Yuan Zhan really wanted to introduce Bai Yueguang to Peng Liya, and their tit for tat was suitable for the development of the original text.

The next chat was rambling. Yuan Zhan, incarnated as a friend of women, gave Peng Liya some beauty advice, and told her the beauty tips that he usually heard from female friends. The relationship between people has actually gotten a lot closer.

tit for tat, that doesn't exist.

In front of Peng Liya, Yuan Zhan acted like a perfect gentleman, talking freely, making Peng Liya laugh several times.

Peng Cheng, who came down at the back, was about to die of boredom. Finally, when he saw someone familiar to the two, he immediately jumped over.

Peng Orange is straight: "Sister Ya, you look very happy!" As soon as he said it, he knew it was going to be bad. He forgot the purpose of his cousin's approach to Brother Yuan.

But Peng Liya said to Peng Cheng in a good mood: "I'll treat you at noon and take you to eat delicious food."

Peng Orange is puzzled: "Didn't you say some time ago that you want to lose weight and not eat at noon?"

Peng Liya: "As long as you talk a lot, it only takes us 40 minutes to get to the restaurant by car. Brother Yuan is coming to Xiamen. I will try my best to bring some local specialties to the landlord."

Peng Orange: "Then I'll have a good time."

Peng Liya nodded: "Of course."

Yuan Zhan doesn't care. Except for the two of them to test each other at the beginning, he guides the topic at other times, and releases goodwill at the right time. Peng Liya fell into the trap he set without knowing it, and now Peng Orange sees him. The saliva is about to dry up.

Taking advantage of the time when Peng Liya went to the bathroom to wash her hands, Peng Orange asked Yuan Zhan quietly, "Brother Yuan, how did you manage my sister, she didn't show off against you?"

Yuan Zhan flipped over his palm boredly, glanced at him inexplicably, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Peng Orange: "I said my sister likes Brother Jing, shouldn't she hate you?"

Yuan Zhan only gave Peng Orange a look that you experienced: "You don't understand the world of adults."

It looks like he has a good relationship with Peng Liya? No, Peng Liya just wanted to use him.

When she knew that it was impossible to know directly from Yuan Zhan whether his relationship with Yan Jingxi was broken, she changed the way of attack, wouldn't it be easier to know the progress of their relationship after becoming friends with Yuan Zhan

Miss Peng's purpose is still very clear. She has liked Yan Jingxi for nearly four years, so how could she choose to give up because of Yuan Zhan's few words.

On the bright side, it's hello, I'm hello, everyone, but in reality, the waves are surging.

How can a heroine with a plot be simple.