We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 29: I decided to help you


The accident came so quickly, Yuan Zhan added fuel to the side with the mood of watching the play.

Bai Yueguang, who has always felt that Yan Jingxi is his own, and who still loves him deeply, never felt that Yuan Zhanqi was his opponent. They didn't love each other at all. They would divorce if they were late. What he has to deal with now is the possibility of competing with him for Yan Jingxi in the future. rival.

In a sense, the thoughts of Peng Liya and Bai Yueguang coincidentally.

Bai Yueguang's face showed slight dissatisfaction with Yan Jingxi, and he complained in his heart that his face was always hooking up with others, today's this, tomorrow's that, in those days, because of these troubles, he never had much affection for the other party and could not develop love. .

But now it's different. He disappeared for many years, only Yan Jingxi has been thinking about him, looking for his whereabouts, he was moved to a mess, seeing his sincerity, seeing his tenderness, seeing his desperateness, seeing his Insist, he will definitely seize the opportunity this time, and no one can take away his Yan Jingxi from him.

Bai Yueguang and Peng Liya looked at each other and smiled.

This smile means that everything is silent.

In front of Yan Jingxi, both of them tried hard to hide their inner desires, at least they couldn't show it on the bright side.

Yuan Zhan followed the trend and said, "Jingxi, go do your own work. Sister Liya came to find me originally. It's fine if I and Bai are here."

They are in the same department anyway.

Yan Jingxi did have something to do, and separated from Yuan Zhan and the three in the elevator. As soon as he disappeared in front of the three of them, Yuan Zhan didn't want to disturb the fight between Peng Liya and Bai Yueguang. He very politely invited Peng Liya to his empty and deserted office and asked Bai Yueguang to make tea or coffee for her.

Yuan Zhan looked at his watch anxiously: "Sister Liya, there is an impromptu meeting that I need to attend. Can you sit in my office for a while? I'll be back soon."

Of course, Peng Liya was happy that Yuan Zhanqi was not there, and the other party had a good attitude and let him go easily.

Since she heard the new information yesterday, she no longer takes Yuan Zhanqi's eyes for divorce from Yan Jingxi. Now he is more curious about what type of person Bai Yueguang is and what methods can be used to completely blow him away from Yan Jingxi.

It was really challenging to watch Bai Yueguang, who was busy for her, come in with coffee.

Yuan Zhan originally wanted to find an excuse to leave at will, to create a chance for Peng Liya and Bai Yueguang to get along alone, but he didn't expect an email notification from his mobile phone that there was a high-level meeting in the company at ten o'clock, and he needed to participate.

Probably because he returned to the department these days, the new products have received a good response, and now other senior executives of the company have also noticed his game live broadcast department, Yuan Zhan has also begun to enter the eyes of other senior executives of the company, and his identity as Mrs. Yan must also be expressed. It is a fact that Yuan Zhan is still Yan Jingxi's legal spouse, despite the rumors of their discordant marriage life.

The meeting place is on the thirty-eighth floor, and there are still fifteen minutes before the meeting time.

Yuan Zhan took his most important laptop away and went directly to the conference room.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Assistant Chen debugging the projector, fiddling with the computer, and playing PPT.

There was a young girl next to Assistant Chen, probably from the Administration Department, who helped with debugging. After there was no problem, Assistant Chen thanked the little girl and was about to leave when he saw Yuan Zhan standing at the door.

Assistant Chen was a little surprised: "Mr. Yuan."

Every time Assistant Chen saw Yuan Zhanqi, he felt that the other party had changed from the inside to the outside. President Yan asked him to investigate his condition. In his opinion, the medical record seemed to be forged, and it was seriously inconsistent with his own performance.

"Well, can I go in?" Mr. Yuan nodded, without the mocking face in front of Yan Jingxi, the domineering aura in front of Bai Yueguang, and the gentleness in front of Peng Liya. Now he has a unique indifference. It seemed that none of that had anything to do with him.

Assistant Chen said hurriedly, "Yes."

Yuan Zhan looked at the rows of seats and didn't know where to sit. After all, neither the original owner nor he had attended the company's high-level meeting: "Where do I sit?"

Assistant Chen told him where Yan Jingxi would sit: "General Manager Yan usually sits here." He pointed to the main seat with the clearest view.

Yuan Zhan nodded and arbitrarily took a lower position below to generate income based on his department's performance, which should be the last.

He also shouldn't be a high-profile person. He came to the meeting just to avoid the limelight. By the way, he came to observe the content of the meeting process of a large company, as if he was training himself in advance.

How to be a good leader.

Yuan Zhan sat leisurely in the back row and played with his mobile phone. People came in one after another in the conference room, and everyone showed up five minutes before the meeting, which shows how much their boss hates people who are not punctual.

Yan Jingxi has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, has strong self-control, has always been strict with himself, and has a resolute style of work.

The people who came in for the meeting were all high-level executives, and they were curious about the new face Yuan Zhan, but they were more self-control.

Yan Jingxi entered the conference room in the last three minutes, and when he looked up, he saw a smiling face with a pair of peach eyes staring at him.

Glancing at Yuan Zhan, Yan Jingxi remembered that this meeting was held with the senior management of all departments, and Yuan Zhanqi was of course among them. In the past, when he did not come to the company, the deputy general manager Liu held it on his behalf. Now that he is here, it is naturally him. Come here, no problem.

The meeting went well, Yan Jingxi just came to listen and give some advice, he didn't need to preside over it.

Yuan Zhan also listened carefully. He was different from playing games lazily and crooked on the chair yesterday. Yan Jingxi gave Yuan Zhan a little snack and carefully observed his every move.

When Yan Jingxi was observing Yuan Zhan, Yuan Zhan was also observing Yan Jingxi who was in the meeting. He immediately noticed that the other party was staring at him out of the corner of the eye. He deliberately placed three signature pens on the table flat and arranged in a "concave" shape. , He also deliberately guided Yan Jingxi to look at the three signature pens with his fingertips, which made the latter feel very uncomfortable throughout the meeting.

At the end of the one-and-a-half hour meeting, Yan Jingxi sent Yuan Zhan a WeChat message in advance, asking him to come to his office, and Yuan Zhan happily attended the appointment.

Nothing has changed in Yan Jingxi's office.

He hadn't come up for several days, Yuan Zhan found a comfortable seat and sat down, with Erlang's legs raised.

"What do you ask me to do? I'm very busy." Yuan Zhan asked Yan Jingxi.

"Is it because Peng Liya came here?" Yan Jingxi was a little expressionless, he didn't know what to show in front of Yuan Zhan.

"Yeah." Yuan Zhan admitted frankly that he wanted to know the result of the battle between Peng Liya and Bai Yueguang right now, but he didn't know who was better and could occupy the winning point, he rolled his eyes, "Don't you want to accompany you? Peng Liya for lunch?"

Yan Jingxi replied in seconds: "No, I'll just ask." He quickly changed the subject, "By the way, I'll make an appointment with the doctor for a physical examination tomorrow afternoon. You can go with me, or exercise equipment according to the examination results."

"Yeah." It must be Yan Jingxi looking for a better psychiatrist for him. He wants to re-examine him for depression, or he wants to help him treat it, so as to pave the way for a smooth divorce. "If it's all right, I'll go down to eat. I'm hungry."

Yan Jingxi made an appointment with Guan Shuyu at noon, so he didn't get involved with Peng Liya and Yuan Zhanqi, although he cared a little about Yuan Zhanqi's attitude towards Peng Liya: "Go ahead."

Just as he was about to say something, Yuan Zhan got up and quickly closed the door and left, as if he didn't want to stay for a second.

Yan Jingxi: "You have a lot of lunch..." Eat something.

Just how impatient he is to see Peng Liya, what's wrong with that woman, who pretends to act all day, he can see that the other party's appearance is different, and it is clear that he has been destroying the relationship between him and Yuan Zhanqi.

No, the relationship between him and Yuan Zhanqi is already very bad without destroying it.

Emotional matters are the most annoying.

When Yan Jingxi hadn't figured out whether Yuan Zhanqi had a special fondness for Peng Liya, Yuan Zhan had already learned about Bai Yueguang and Peng Liya's relationship in the company for more than an hour through Vice President Liu.

Of course, Vice President Liu did not know the love-hate entanglement that would arise between Bai Yueguang and Peng Liya.

It is not without reason that Yuan Zhan made him the spy. Vice President Liu loves to gossip, and there is a beautiful woman in his office. Can he not be curious? He must take a second look. After Yuan Zhan told him the identity of the other party, he naturally did not dare to neglect. According to Yuan Zhan's instructions, Bai Yueguang must personally serve Peng Liya.

It was learned from Vice President Liu that Peng Liya was quite able to do what Yan Jingxi and Yuan Zhan saw.

For a while, let Bai Yueguang change the cold coffee for her, then let Bai Yueguang pour boiled water for him, and then change to ice water or warm water, and make Bai Yueguang around.

Bai Yueguang is naturally angry. He has lost a large part of his memory, and his endurance is still limited to a year before he graduated from college. In that memory, he has not yet learned many social survival skills, let alone observing appearances. .

Peng Liya made it clear that she was bullying Bai Yueguang and taking his anger out.

But Bai Yueguang is the protagonist, and in a fit of rage, he used his taunting skills to Peng Liya.

Bai Yueguang squinted at Peng Liya angrily: "What's the point of Miss Peng commanding me? You are also miserable. You are rushing to pick up Jingxi, and no one wants you, hehe."

Peng Liya was not annoyed either, but her mouth became mean when she faced Bai Yueguang: "Oh, unlike some people, they didn't stick to others, and went directly to the original partner to be a little assistant, this is the real thing. Shameless. I am, at best, a suitor, and you, rushing to Yuan Zhanqi and asking him to divorce Jingxi, this is the style of Xiaosan, tsk, people are not very good looking, but their tactics are quite powerful. "

Bai Yueguang was scolded until his face turned into a pig's liver, and his feet jumped with anger, but when he thought of something, he immediately became complacent: "Anyway, Jingxi can't like you, so let me tell you a secret, he will meet Yuan Zhanqi after he divorces. marry me."

Getting the real news from Bai Yueguang's mouth, Peng Liya didn't have much expression on her face, she sneered: "Oh, have you heard Yan Jingxi tell you personally?"

Bai Yueguang's face was slightly stiff. With Yan Jingxi's character, he would not easily say things that he was not sure about, but Bai Yueguang didn't want his momentum to be compared by a woman, so he straightened his chest: "Why, don't believe? I don't believe you. Go and ask Jingxi."

Forgive her not to dare.

Bai Yueguang can be said to be very skillful in dealing with rivals in love.

Originally, Peng Liya's low-spiritedness was not enough. It was an established fact that Yan Jingxi didn't like her, and Bai Yueguang was Yan Jingxi's predecessor. Now that Bai Yueguang mocked herself, the courage she had held up was shriveled.

However, Bai Yueguang dared to rely on Yan Jingxi's color to be so arrogant, and she would not make him feel better.

Since she can't get Yan Jingxi, Bai Yueguang insults herself verbally and offends her, she won't let him succeed!

In the final analysis, Peng Liya still has little emotional experience, and her upbringing as a lady makes her unable to say anything worse, and now it is the limit.

The two tore their faces and fought like a fight. In the end, Bai Yueguang, who was more experienced in subconsciously fighting rivals for many years, won. Yuan Zhan walked with wind when he saw him, like a big proud cock, strutting high.

Yuan Zhan returned to the office and saw Peng Liya suffocatingly poured coffee and put the mug on the table.

She raised her eyes and stared at Yuan Zhan, and looked at Yuan Zhan with an unprecedented serious attitude: "I decided to help you get Yan Jingxi, and I can't cheap that Bai Yueguang."

Yuan Zhan: …