We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 46: Unexpired love [Countdown to Divorce 14 days]


Whenever people face the sea, they always become open-minded, their minds can be infinitely empty, and they don’t have to think about too many things, or don’t think about anything.

And now, for Yuan Zhan and Yan Jingxi, the sea is terrifying, and in front of them, it represents death.

The bottom of the sea was calm but suffocating. Yuan Zhan felt that his body was sinking all the time, his chest was squeezed by the endless sea water, and the pain spread throughout his body. He wanted to go upstream, but he couldn't lift his hands. Vision also became more and more blurred.

His feet dragged him towards the abyss as if he was hung with heavy chains. Yuan Zhan took his last breath and lifted his fingertips with no strength at all.

At this moment, no matter what the reason is that makes the body want to end its life, he is unwilling and does not agree with it.

He can't die!

Suddenly, a hand touched his wrist and pulled him up hard. Yuan Zhan came back rationally.

Back at the sea, Yuan Zhan's sanity also returned, and he could control his body freely.

He just stood on the rock just now, just wanted to scare Yan Jingxi, but he didn't really want to commit suicide, but if he didn't notice, the original owner suddenly took over his body and gradually pushed his consciousness away. The scene of committing suicide by jumping into the sea exceeded Yuan Zhan's expectations.

The appearance of the original owner thwarted his plans.

Back on the coast, Yuan Zhan, who had drank a lot of seawater, was dizzy and dizzy. He spit out the seawater swallowed by the original owner. His mouth was full of salty smell, which made him very disgusting. Can't lift it up.

The throat was sore, and the tears came out.

Yan Jingxi's face was ashen, and the water droplets on his hair kept dripping down at him. His whole body was still shaking. He didn't know if he was angry or anxious. He wanted to scold Yuan Zhanqi. Give up his life, after so many years, don't you know that he can't like him at all

But when the words came to his mouth, he heard his coughing sound, and watched him resting his hands in the sand. It was so painful that he couldn't utter a word.

He is wrong, he should not marry Yuan Zhanqi.

His eyes were sore and itchy when they got wet with sea water.

When he went down to rescue people just now, he was extremely nervous. The water under the sea was turbid, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He just dived down from where Yuan Zhanqi jumped. Fortunately, he really saw his figure. When his hands were lifted up weakly, he struggled to swim over and held it tightly. He knew that if he missed, Yuan Zhanqi would disappear forever. Even if he was found again, it would be just a cold body, and he didn't want to see it. Nor imagine.

Fortunately, Yuan Zhanqi was fine.

When I brought Yuan Zhan back to the beach just now, Yan Jingxi was also tired, but he was much better than Yuan Zhan, at least he didn't choke on the water.

He walked to Yuan Zhan who was slumped on the beach without moving his toes. No matter what he said, now is not the time to say: "I'll help you go back."

Life was at stake. Yuan Zhan listened to him and didn't want to talk or move. He was very tired physically and mentally.

Yan Jingxi set up Yuan Zhan and walked back. Halfway through, Yuan Zhan tilted his head and fell on top of him. Yan Jingxi had no choice but to carry him back to the villa, followed by first aid and doctor calls.

Fortunately, I live in a seaside villa. Various accidents often happen on the surrounding public beaches. There is a hospital next to it. The ambulance and the doctor came quickly. After the examination, it was found that Yuan Zhan was only dehydrated, and was too tired to cause him to pass out. , no big problem.

No big problem, just drink plenty of water and get some rest.

Before leaving, the doctor also instructed Yan Jingxi to let them play, but don't soak in the water for too long, and pay attention to safety.

Yan Jingxi, who had a deep understanding, nodded and replied with a sullen face.

He was careless, knowing Yuan Zhanqi's situation and agreeing to his request to play at the beach.

In fact, he was also very happy when he was playing outside during the day.

Yuan Zhanqi was still sleeping, and Yan Jingxi sat on the side and looked at his face. It had never been clearer than it is now. His face was deeply imprinted in Yan Jingxi's mind, and there were word-for-word accusations on the boulder.

He didn't know that what he did would cause such a huge blow to Yuan Zhanqi. If he knew in advance, even if the company needed the help of the Yuan family, he would not choose to marry him.

Before getting married, he had never met a person who liked Yuan Zhanqi without turning back.

The people who come and go around him are not interested in his appearance or his family background. He doesn't know how many people really like him, including Yuan Zhanqi. Maybe he has only Bai Yueguang in his eyes, and he never takes it seriously. Look.

The back of Yuan Zhanqi's pale hand was resting on the quilt, and Yan Jingxi gently held his cool hand and put it into the quilt.

The phone was right next to him. He picked it up to check the time, and accidentally turned on the camera function. The photo he took in front of the temple today jumped into view. It was the photo that the old lady said was like a kiss.

In the photo, Yuan Zhanqi is looking at him with his beautiful eyes, focusing on his love, but he can't see clearly from his point of view. He is trying to hide his love, but his eyes can't deceive people. Yan Jingxi can see his love in the photo. Deep and forbearance, the nose becomes more and more sour.

Yan Jingxi took a deep breath and set the photo as Yuan Zhan's caller ID avatar in the future.

Just after finishing the operation, put away the phone, Yan Jingxi walked out of the room, went to the Diandian Hotel, and ordered a patient package.

After he left, the man on the bed opened his eyes, and there was no wavering in his wise eyes.

Yuan Zhan fell asleep, and he dreamed of the original owner.

He asked the original owner why he wanted to destroy his plan.

The original owner squeaked, looked at the powerful Yuan Zhan without saying a word for a long time, and then wept silently.

Yuan Zhan hated that iron could not become steel, and said after a while, "I see.

After a while, Yuan Zhan woke up, just as Yan Jingxi turned around.

Yuan Zhan actually also had a headache. He originally used a step-by-step method to attack Yan Jingxi, and wanted to use the jump into the sea to test whether Yan Jingxi's feelings for him were deep or shallow. As a result, the original owner came out and made trouble, but he did not try to find Yan Jingxi, but he felt a stupid original owner by Yan Jingxi. Confess to him absolutely, and I don't know if I can stab Yan Jingxi's sore tendon.

According to Yuan Zhan's plan, the process was not so intense. He took the path of slowly piercing, not a sharp stab, and it wouldn't hurt much at all.

Later, I will test Yan Jingxi's emotions before re-planning. However, it is undeniable that after Yan Jingxi jumped into the sea, Yuan Zhan could indeed be sure that he had developed feelings for him, otherwise the original owner would not have jumped out suddenly.

To clarify his thoughts, Yuan Zhan put away the indifference on Yan Jingxi's face before he came in again, and replaced it with a sentimental and pretending to be strong. His acting skills have been perfected in the past half month. Not to be considered.

The two looked at each other, Yuan Zhan leaned on the head of the bed and lowered his head to play with his fingers, and Yan Jingxi came towards him.

"I ordered porridge, and the doctor said that you are a little weak, you can't eat too stimulating food, just take it easy."

Yuan Zhan's mood is not too high: "Oh, it doesn't matter, and I have no appetite. I want to take a bath."

Although Yan Jingxi changed him into pajamas, the stench of seawater still smelled all over his body. When he thought of all kinds of unknown objects in the seawater, he felt uncomfortable.

When he slept, Yuan Zhan had recovered a lot of strength. He was still a young man after all, and he had not lost the money completely. For nearly half a month, he was eating and drinking, and his life was fairly healthy, much better than when the original owner used it.

After taking a comfortable bath, Yuan Zhan's whole body was almost back to normal. He deliberately brushed his teeth for a few minutes, rinsing out the smell in his mouth, leaving only the cool minty smell of toothpaste.

When he came out, Yan Jingxi had already placed their dinner on the dining room and was waiting for Yuan Zhan to sit down.

Yuan Zhan is also welcome. The stamina consumed in the afternoon is the sum of his half month's total, so he has to eat a good meal, even though it's all light vegetables.

Yuan Zhan: "..." Don't you give me any meat

After receiving Yuan Zhan's accusing gaze, Yan Jingxi actually understood what he meant: "There is meat in the porridge."

Yuan Zhan, who recovered his strength: "It's really stingy."

Yan Jingxi, a stingy who told restaurants to put less meat: "… "

Although there was no meat, Yuan Zhan was finally full.

Arm muscles and calves began to pantothenic acid, and he slumped on the sofa and didn't want to move at all. This is his usual sitting position at home.

But tonight, Yuan Zhan still needs to pretend to be a weak person, and he still has to focus on the original owner's wishes.

Yuan Zhan's body is a little weak, but he still has his own momentum: "Tomorrow morning, you and I will watch the sunrise together."

Yan Jingxi thought that the normal Yuan Zhanqi was more cute: "Okay." When will his illness be completely cured.

A night without a word, and some people have a sleepless night.

At five o'clock in the morning, Yan Jingxi and Yuan Zhan were sitting on the stone in front of their villa, looking to the east and looking forward to the sunrise.

Last night, the sea breeze was howling, and the sun umbrella was blown away. There were bottles and jars all over the beach, as if it had been ravaged by a big hand.

Before the sun rose, Yuan Zhan found a transparent plastic drift bottle with a note on the ground, he picked it up and handed it to Yan Jingxi.

Yuan Zhan: "Look at what's written on the note inside?"

Yan Jingxi was also a little curious, he opened the bottle cap and took out the note.

The two of them squatted on the ground and read the note.

Yan Jingxi read: "I hope to be with Ali for a long time and never be separated."


If Yuan Zhan was drinking water at the moment, he would probably spray it on Yan Jingxi's face.

There is something wrong with this world, why can they even find a drift bottle related to Bai Yueguang in other cities

Yan Jingxi didn't know that "Ali" was another name for Bai Yueguang, so he stuffed the tissue back and threw it into the sea, letting the sea take it away.

The sun began to slowly rise from the sea level.

Yuan Zhan watched the sunrise for the first time, and so did Yan Jingxi.

When the sun showed its round face, Yuan Zhan opened his arms towards Yan Jingxi and smiled slightly: "The last hug."

Yan Jingxi was stunned. He thought that after what happened yesterday, Yuan Zhanqi would ask him for something else.

He didn't move, but Yuan Zhan took the initiative to hug him, put his hands on his shoulders, and said softly, "Yan Jingxi, goodbye, see you."

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

Yuan Zhan embraced his pure first love for the original owner, and embraced his lost youth and memories.

When Yuan Zhan pulled away, Yan Jingxi stayed in place.

The sky was already bright, but Yuan Zhan's smile was very beautiful, but Yan Jingxi felt overwhelmed.

It was completely different from what he imagined.

It wasn't until Yuan Zhan walked to the fence that Yan Jingxi turned around and hurriedly asked him, "Why did you say those words to me yesterday, did you give up on me?" He knew that he couldn't keep it, and this was their ending.

Yuan Zhan pinched off a rhododendron that stretched over the fence with his fingers, turned his back to him, and said, "No one can go back to yesterday, love, has an expiration date, and it will expire."

Yan Jingxi clenched his fists, he pinched his palms red, and said, "Bless you."

Yuan Zhan waved his hand dashingly behind his back.

In response to this result, Yan Jingxi thought that he should be happy, but he only felt sad, and his heart was empty, like a leaking house with cracks everywhere.

His first marriage turned into an overdue love.