We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 64: Everyone loves pickled fish [Countdown to Divorce 6 days]


Today is Sunday, and the training courses of several anchors newly recruited by Yuan Zhan will not be suspended due to weekends. Even Jiang Hui, who is still being reused, will follow him to the company to work overtime.

In a large company like Tiandi Group, there are many people who come to the company to work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. Many leaders like to arrange meetings or team building activities on weekends. Yan Jingxi likes to hold meetings on weekends, but usually when time is tight. Under normal circumstances, he will not occupy other people's rest time. Proper rest is conducive to enhancing employees' sense of belonging. Under his leadership, the company's employees resign The rate is decreasing year by year.

In the afternoon, Jiang Jun calculated and talked to Yuan Zhan, who was free, and reported to him the progress of his work.

"Mr. Yuan, if you want to hurry, I can call the designer of the decoration company right away to discuss with you."

"Okay, as much as he wants."

"I asked in the morning, if I make an appointment now, I can arrive within half an hour, and the other party happens to be nearby."

"Okay, then ask him to meet in half an hour."

Half an hour later, the designer of the decoration company showed up on time. When he came in, he was sweating and panting. It looked like he might have a heat stroke every minute.

After he had calmed down, the designer took out the computer and the plan book. Yuan Zhan looked at him very hard, and ran around carrying these documents on a hot day.

"Okay, can you give me a few options?"

"Okay, Mr. Yuan, I have seen the office drawings that Miss Jiang gave me, and I have also inspected the office on the spot. These three plans are recommended to you..."

The first one is rigorous, prudent, and condensed, with relatively conservative styling. Each office is square and upright, with well-chosen materials, emphasizing the nobility of corporate culture. Yuan Zhan thought, this is not suitable for his style, but more suitable for Yan Jingxi.

The second is the smooth shape, which requires a lot of use of lines. Through the application of light and shadow, the lighting and color changes can be created in a small space, so that users can find a spiritual collision, which is young and fashionable without losing demeanor.

The third is eclectic, using a lot of geometric patterns as design elements, strong contrast between light and dark, and a lot of new decoration materials. In the strong visual effect, the technological characteristics of the company are at a glance.

Yuan Zhan decided to choose the third plan. They belong to the new and new human beings. They are at the forefront of network technology and lead the trend. Naturally, they hope that the company's culture will be as bright as their products.

The company culture is closely related to the company's products, and that's it, it doesn't change.

Yuan Zhan works decisively, but the premise of making a quick decision is mainly that Jiang Hui showed him the relevant cases of the designer before he came. Relatively speaking, it is more suitable for his eyes, and there is almost no need to talk about it. West settled.

Anyone who encounters such a customer will sigh in their hearts of good luck.

Jiang Hui himself was relieved. This designer was recommended by his second brother. She used her own connections to solve the problem for the leader. I don't know if it was good or bad.

The second brother said that the network is also a kind of a person's strength.

In fact, as long as Jiang Hui doesn't do anything, Yuan Zhan will not give up using her. After all, she is still very handy. She is quite efficient in her work, which is more in line with Yuan Zhan's employment standards, but the forces behind her are a little troublesome.

In the afternoon, Yan Jingxi ran directly to Yuan Zhan's office like a vagrant with nothing to do.

As soon as I sat down and saw the office decoration plan placed on the table, I was not only confused: "Are you going to decorate this floor of the office?"

Yuan Zhan raised his head from the desktop and took off the headphones on his head: "What?"

Yan Jingxi shook the decoration plan in his hand: "This, the office decoration plan."

Yuan Zhan proposed his future plan to Yan Jingxi: "Oh, you said this, it's not here, it's my new office location, and I'm going to move the company out." Yan Jingxi will know sooner or later. the difference.

Yan Jingxi couldn't understand: "The company is going to move? Why?" He felt that the group was fine.

Yuan Zhan said calmly: "The company belongs to me, it does not belong to Tiandi Group. It is normal to move out, and my anchor platform does not match the business of Tiandi Group, and the atmosphere between employees is not the same. I need What I want is a more free and open working environment for employees, and Tiandi Group cannot give me such a platform."

To put it bluntly, sometimes they need employees to let themselves go in order to create higher value. Tiandi Group does not have such a working atmosphere, and old-fashioned large enterprises will have problems of one kind or another.

Yan Jingxi recalled Yuan Zhan's course in the morning, and it really did not conform to their company's development plan and long-standing corporate culture. Even if it was to change, it would take a long time. Yuan Zhan would not wait, he had his own way to go.

After thinking about it and understanding what Yuan Zhan meant, Yan Jingxi had a headache: "Where is the new site? I don't even know when you found it."

Yuan Zhan just smiled and didn't mention: "Just look for it like that. In the future, if you have the opportunity, you can come to my office and experience a new type of office that is different from yours."

Yan Jingxi's chest tightened slightly: "Yes, yes." He knew what it meant in the future, and their future meant divorce.

The training class ended at 4:00 pm. Yuan Zhan deliberately asked the teacher to arrange the courses not too closely, giving them some time to digest and absorb.

Not long after Yan Jingxi stayed in Yuan Zhan's office, the two were about to leave the company. Yuan Zhan also asked Jiang Hui to leave work earlier, so he still had to relax on Sunday.

Jiang Hui said that he loves his job, and it doesn't matter.

Yuan Zhan smiled and said nothing. It's a good thing that young people are motivated.

The two left the company together, but Yuan Zhan didn't want to go home: "How about we go for a drive? Every day is two o'clock and one line, so boring."

Yan Jingxi agreed with him: "Alright, go to the West Sea, right? You can have a meal there and come back in the evening."

Yuan Zhan looked at his royal blue sports car: "No problem, I'll drive."

Yan Jingxi gave the driving position to Yuan Zhan: "Be careful yourself."

Yuan Zhan was full of confidence: "I know." He now cherishes his life more than anyone else, to a degree that none of them can understand.

There is navigation on the car. When others go back to the city, they go out of the city. The road conditions are not bad, and there is no major congestion.

Xihai is an old city near the suburbs. In recent years, the government has consciously protected the old houses left by the predecessors, and it has gradually become a commercial and tourist area. However, Yan Jingxi and Yuan Zhan are just for a ride, compared to the urban area. , the traffic and people flow here are relatively less.

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at a fishing village hidden near the mountains.

The fishing village they went to is surrounded by mountains, almost built in the middle of the mountain, which is poetic and picturesque.

Yuan Zhan pretended to test Yan Jingxi intentionally or unintentionally: "Have you brought Bai Yueguang here before?"

Yan Jingxi said: "No, this is a charity dinner before. An old man told me that the people who come here for leisure and health are some seniors who have retreated to the second line, and there is a nursing home further ahead. not qualified."



"what is that."

"The nursing home has a background, and the dean sees people accept it. He is not a snobby, but some old people in the family have done too many wrong things in the past, and they are not forgiven by others. ."

"Then the dean is quite principled."

"If I have the opportunity to introduce you to me, he is my good teacher and friend, and he will definitely like you very much."

"Why do you see it, and it's based on your intuition?"


"I believe in you." Yuan Zhan really believed, and believed in the super accurate intuition of the novel president, decathlon, of course, including intuition.

Believed by Yuan Zhan, the haze in Yan Jingxi's heart was swept away.

Drive the car to the parking lot. The security work in the fishing village is quite good. The parking metering method is the most convenient payment method nowadays. Scan WeChat or Jifubao.

Really convenient.

The air in the mountain stream is different from that in the urban area. The heat outside is still scorching hot. Standing under the sun for ten minutes, the whole person is like a roasted shrimp. If you sprinkle some salt and pepper on yourself, you may be able to put your mouth down.

The breeze was blowing, and the hem of the man's clothes was naughty. Yuan Zhan sighed: "If you live in a place like this every day, you will be happy."

Yan Jingxi nodded: "Well. By the way, we can fish for ourselves later, and let the kitchen make pickled fish in the evening. Their pickled pickled vegetables are very tasty. Pickled fish is made uniformly, and guests are not allowed to choose this or that. Even the spiciness is only one level, you can eat it spicy.”

"Of course, pickled cabbage fish is my favorite." Thinking of his allergies, he emphasized, "I'm fine with fish, and I won't be allergic."

Yan Jingxi laughed at him: "But why suddenly don't remember that I can't eat shrimp?" In fact, he just mentioned it casually.

When he mentioned this, Yuan Zhan would start to make excuses, his expression moved slightly, and the actor went online: "It's probably because you took me out for the first time. It doesn't count when you eat crabs in Xia City. There are other people." Others It is self-evident who he is, and he chose not to mention the name of Peng Liya, who has "hidden shadow".

As soon as the atmosphere goes towards the emotional direction, Yan Jingxi's inner drama will also be launched, and Yuan Zhan will open the topic at the right time.

"Come on, I can't wait to catch a five-pound fish."

"That's not enough for us. Pickled cabbage is really delicious."

"I think I'm drooling, why don't we go back and ask the boss if we want to go back and make it ourselves?"

"The boss's sauerkraut is not for sale."

"It's a bit of a pit, but it's a good way to make money."

The two walked while chatting. Yan Jingxi had made a reservation in advance. As soon as they arrived, the manager came forward to serve them and took them to the pond to fish.

The fishing village has a good scenery. The owner specially planted fruit trees in the village. Although they sweated during the exercise, they felt very comfortable when the wind blew, and there was no strong sticky feeling.

However, just as the two were in high spirits preparing to fish with their nets, they saw two acquaintances.

"President Yan, President Yuan, are you here to eat pickled fish too?" The person who came was Du Zhisen, who had only shown his face in front of Yuan Zhan once. There was another acquaintance beside him, singer Qi Youlin.

Yuan Zhan thought that the original novel should be renamed - Bai Yueguang's fiancé likes to eat pickled fish.

Just thinking about it, Qi Youlin suddenly said: "Ah, master!"

Yan Jingxi and Du Zhisen were both puzzled until Yuan Zhan coughed and smiled slightly: "What kind of expert am I, you're welcome."

You don't look polite at all.