Wealthy Heir

Chapter 111: I have more money than the richest man in Malaysia


Just now this lady had noticed Li Nan and the others, especially Shao Xiaotao, who was surrounded by stars holding the moon.

I have to admit that the little girl in front of me is really pretty, she is just a beauty.

But because of this, the lady was jealous of her.

Looking at Shao Xiaotao, who was dressed in cheap clothes but looked like a little princess, and then looked at herself in front of her. She was dressed in a famous brand, but she was still a daughter who could not support the wall. The lady's heart was imbalanced.

At this moment, the lady has a very uncomfortable thought in her heart, our family is much richer than you. Why is my daughter not as pretty as you!

The lady is not happy, and she does not want to make others happy!

Because the two tables are next to each other, the lady's words naturally fell to Li Nan and Shao Xiaotao's ears.

For a time. The atmosphere on the table was extremely embarrassing.

Shao Chen and Du Shan looked ugly.

Li Nan also frowned, and was annoyed in his heart, really wishing to stand up and yell at the lady.

And my sister Shao Xiaotao. At this moment, there was also an extremely aggrieved expression on his face, and the crystal clear tears swirled in his eyes, and they would fall down at any time.

Shao Xiaotao couldn’t understand why she would be humiliated by other strangers when she had a meal outside. The conditions in her family and Li Nan’s family were not very good, but what could be done? They didn’t do any harm to the world. But why do some people think they are inferior to others

Everyone is a good friend and lives in this world peacefully together. Isn't it good

Shao Xiaotao really can't figure it out, is this the world of adults...

Seeing Shao Xiaotao's tearful eyes, Li Nan felt distressed.

"Xiao Tao, in fact, sometimes you don't need to take other people's words too seriously, because in fact, the more adults usually show off, it means that he actually lacks something." Li Nan said with a smile.

Li Nan's words were not so small, of course, they were deliberately told to the lady.

Sure enough, the lady was ashamed and annoyed after hearing this, her face flushed with anger.

But Li Nan didn't mention the name or surname. Even if she was angry, she couldn't make a mistake, otherwise she would be a counter-attack.

"Really?" Shao Xiaotao blinked her eyes when she heard Li Nan's words, her face full of curiosity.

"Of course, you didn't see that your fat brother has lost a few catties in the Moments all day. In fact, he is still so fat now."

"Puff haha, really, haha..." Shao Xiaotao was immediately amused by Li Nan's words.

Fatty Wang cast a long look at Li Nan, obviously to blame Li Nan for kicking him, but he was still happy to make Xiao Tao happy by sacrificing himself.

"Well, anyway, our little peach is not like Fatty Wang. We won't get fat no matter how we eat it, so let's eat more today." Seeing Shao Xiaotao laugh, Li Nan said along the way.

"But, doesn't Li Nan need to spend a lot of money..." Shao Xiaotao's face showed an expression of unbearableness again.

Li Nan smiled slightly, "Why, didn't your brother tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Shao Xiaotao was curious.

"Tell you that I accidentally made a fortune recently. After your brother Li Nan, you will be considered a rich man!" Li Nan was very proud, and of course it was to comfort Shao Xiaotao.

"Really? How rich is it? Is there a horse head rich?" Shao Xiaotao widened Shui Lingling's eyes and asked curiously.

"Well, almost." Li Nan looked smug.

The so-called Forbes rich list simply has too many limitations. If what his grandfather said is true, then their Chen family is definitely much richer than the richest man in Ma!

Li Nan's words are not bragging. But as soon as he said this, the lady next to her laughed straight out of her mouth.

"The young people nowadays are really ignorant, hahaha..."

The lady's words were obviously making fun of Li Nan.

Li Nan didn't care. Instead, he looked at Shao Xiaotao and said seriously: "Why, don't you believe it?"

"I believe it! Of course I believe Brother Li Nan!" Shao Xiaotao has always believed in Li Nan's words.

"Okay, then I'll go buy you some more food. How about six family buckets, right?"

"Really, Brother Li Nan, you are so good, I want to eat, I want to eat!" Shao Xiaotao was so excited that she was about to jump.

Hear what Li Nan said. Even the fat girl shined right now.

"Mom, they are not very poor, why can they afford to eat the whole family bucket? I want to eat the whole family bucket too. I want to eat too!" The fat girl began to splatter.

"Baby, you've already eaten three burgers, how can you eat so much, how about we eat again next time?"

"No, no. They eat everything they don't have money. I will eat, I will eat!!" The fat girl was about to cry with a big grin.

"You child!" The lady was very angry.

At this time, McDonald's store door opened. A dozen figures walked in.

Among these people, there are five or six men. They are dressed in slightly worn muddy clothes and look like migrant workers. The others are their wives and children.

These people are indeed construction workers on nearby construction sites, and they all belong to the same village in their hometown.

Today, their wives took advantage of the bus in the city. So he brought his children to visit them.

Because it is the reunion of relatives and the fact that children are a rare process, it is inevitably a bit lively.

"This is McDonald's? I always heard people say before, and I didn't have time to come in and have a look." A man said cheerfully.

"Isn't it just fried chicken? What else can I eat?" The other man was puzzled.

"These kids clamored for McDonald's on their way here, what can be done." A woman also said helplessly.

"Father, we just want to eat McDonald's!" a child shouted.

"That is, many of our classmates have eaten it. Even though we haven't eaten it, we want to try it too!"

"Yeah, dad, just buy us something to eat!"

The children looked at their parents expectantly.

"Good. Eat if you want, I'll buy it for you!" The man couldn't match the enthusiasm of the children, and finally let go.



"Finally I can eat McDonald's!"

Several children were very excited.

"Little girl, what a burger. How much is one?" the man asked when he came to the counter.

"This is a Big Mac burger, 23 yuan each!"

"Huh? 23? This is too expensive, right!" the man exclaimed.

He worked hard for a day and only cost more than one hundred yuan, and he could not get five yuan for a meal. But this burger costs 23, which is more expensive than his meal a day!

"Then... what about that?"

"This is Angus thick beef bacon fort, 32 yuan each!"

"What about that?"

"Oh, that's a wheat fun chicken box, 79 yuan a piece!"

The man asked several questions one after another, but each of them exceeded his expectations. The family ate a meal, at least one or two hundred yuan was gone, and he was completely for nothing this day!

"Forget it, don't eat it, a Roujiamo on our construction site only costs three yuan, he actually costs more than 30 here. Why not go to our construction site to eat a Roujiamo is a good deal!"

Upon hearing this, several children were crying and crying.

"Father, didn't you say you want to invite us to eat!"

"That is, we are going to eat McDonald's!"

"The other classmates have eaten. We want to eat too, oh oh oh..."

The children all burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, the men and their wives were also a little at a loss.

If possible, which parents do not want to meet the children's requirements, but a meal will eat up their day's wages, especially when they point to the wages to pay the children's tuition and honor the elderly, which makes them a little bit reluctant .

At this moment, the lady looked at the migrant workers with contempt.

"These country folks are only worthy of some meatballs! It's really annoying to come here to make a lot of noise if you can't afford it!" the lady snorted coldly.

"That is, talking in public is forbidden, don't you country folks understand?! It's really unqualified!" The fat girl on the side also yelled impatiently at the few migrant workers at the moment. (End of this chapter)