Wealthy Heir

Chapter 134: Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce


Seeing that it was her dad's call, Luo Wanqiong suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, thinking that it might be the situation of the family company that is getting worse.

With such worry, Luo Wanqiong still answered the phone.

"Hey, Dad..."

"Wanqiong, I can tell you the good news that the company's crisis has been resolved!" Before Luo Wanqiong could speak, Luo Jianzhang's very excited voice came over there.

"What? Is this true?!" Luo Wanqiong was surprised.

"When did this happen, why did it suddenly get rid of it?" You know, when my dad called Luo Wanqiong yesterday, he was still extremely melancholy, as if he was about to be overwhelmed. Unexpectedly, in less than a day, the situation would suddenly undergo such a big reversal, which made Luo Wanqiong a little bit unbelievable.

"Well, this is actually what happened just now. It was the news that the eyeliner we bought from the Fiberhome Group told us!" Luo Jianzhang's voice still couldn't help being excited.

Since the Fiberhome Group started to take action against the Roche Group, Luo Jianzhang has bought a line of his own from the Fiberhome Group to observe every move of the Fiberhome Group.

Just now, that eyeliner told Luo Jianzhang. A few minutes ago, the stock market of Fiberhome Group suddenly experienced violent movements, and the entire stock line fell off a cliff!

They extremely suspect that there is a certain force behind the trader, and they want to attack the Fiberhome Group. Moreover, this force is definitely the kind of huge existence beyond imagination!

After all, the ability to pull down the stocks of the otherwise calm Fiberhome Group to this level in just a few minutes will definitely not be an ordinary existence!

The stock movement this time immediately attracted the extreme attention of the top management of Fiberhome Group.

The chairman of the Fiberhome Group immediately announced that it would immediately stop all the current acquisition projects of the Fiberhome Group, and use all the energy to deal with the hidden power!

According to the return of the eyeliner, it probably means that the Fiberhome Group is already unable to protect itself, so there is no time to target a small Roche Group.

The crisis of the Roche Group can now be declared lifted!

At this time, Luo Jianzhang was too happy, because he knew that his daughter was always worried about their family and company and was still running around asking for help. Therefore, after Luo Jianzhang hung up the eyeliner phone, he immediately called. Called and told Luo Wanqiong the good news.

After listening to Dad's words, Luo Wanqiong couldn't believe it, because all this happened really strange.

Originally, their Roche Group seemed to be unable to sustain it, but they just happened to encounter a crisis in the Fiberhome Group, and their crisis was solved by itself.

"It's really great!" Luo Wanqiong was excited, "It seems that our family is really lucky!"

"Lucky?" Luo Jianzhang couldn't help but smile, "Malls have always been cruel. But luck has never been said so."

Luo Wanqiong couldn't help frowning slightly, "Dad, you mean that the Fiberhome Group's crisis this time is not a coincidence, but someone deliberately behind it?"

"It should be like this, but I'm still not sure what the sacred energy is." Luo Jianzhang is also a little uncertain. The reason why he thinks so is entirely because of his intuition in business for many years.

"By the way, Wanqiong, haven't you been rushing around begging for help for company affairs recently? How about, do you have anything to look forward to? By the way, didn't you say that you found a boyfriend? Kind of energy?" Luo Jianzhang asked.

"He Yang?" Luo Wanqiong was taken aback, and even directly denied, "Although his family is still a little capable. Compared with giants like Fiberhome Group, it is completely insignificant, so it will definitely not be him!"

"Oh. Besides that He Yang, are there other possibilities?" Luo Jianzhang felt that he really had to find out this person who helped them behind.

If this kind of existence can make good friends, it will definitely be a great thing for their little Roche Group!

"This..." Luo Wanqiong fell into deep thought.

Since something happened to the company at home. She did ask many friends for help, and many of the wealthy children claimed to help ask their own homes, but Luo Wanqiong was still very clear about the number of catties in their homes.

Luo Wanqiong never felt that. Those people's families have this ability to help themselves.

Even He Yang, among these people, the energy in the family is already considered the greatest. Even he doesn't have this ability, let alone other people.

"Is it possible..." Luo Wanqiong suddenly thought of a possibility, but she immediately denied it.

"How about, Wanqiong. Did you think of someone?!" Dad Luo Jianzhang asked nervously.

"Oh, no, no," Luo Wanqiong hurriedly denied.

In fact, Luo Wanqiong did think of a possibility just now, that is Li Nan!

only. As a result, Luo Wanqiong didn't really believe that Li Nan was really capable of helping herself from beginning to end. In her eyes, Li Nan was nothing but a stinky dick. As for getting to know Zheng Ruiming, it was just a coincidence.

And secondly, Luo Wanqiong just told Li Nan about the family affairs.

From Li Nan, I know the crisis of my family. Up to now, a total of more than twenty minutes have passed.

In such a short period of time, even if Li Nan is able to help himself, he may not even have enough time to communicate with him.

After all, the other party is the Fiberhome Group. If it could level the powerful Fiberhome Group in more than 20 minutes, what a terrifying background and strength would be needed.

Luo Wanqiong certainly didn't think that person would be Li Nan. She didn't even think that there would really be people with such a terrifying ability in this world!

Therefore, Luo Wanqiong has completely denied the possibility of Li Nan!

Luo Jianzhang was also a little disappointed when he heard that his daughter didn't have much eyebrow.

"If it wasn't for the people on your side to exert effort. There is only one possibility..." Luo Jianzhang thought of something.

"Dad, you mean... Jinding Chamber of Commerce?" Luo Wanqiong was suddenly startled.

"Yes, I think about it now, I'm afraid this is the only possibility!"

The Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce is the alliance of chambers of commerce with the most powerful assets that Luo Jianzhang can come into contact with.

The power of the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce is mainly in Dragon City. Shanghai, Shanghai, Hangzhou and several nearby provinces and cities include many successful businessmen and many powerful company groups.

It can be said. The Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce is considered to be the most powerful existence around Dragon City.

In Luo Jianzhang's cognition, only the existence of the Jinding Chamber of Commerce can bring the Fiberhome Group to this level.

"But dad, didn't you say that you made several requests to join the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce before, but the results were unsuccessful?" Luo Wanqiong reminded.

Because the Jinding Chamber of Commerce is relatively strong, not all people can join it, even a merchant like Luo Jianzhang who has achieved little in the market, wants to join it. It's not that simple.

"That's right, but I re-applied to join last week, I think. This time my application is likely to have been passed!" Luo Jianzhang looked very proud.

"Oh, dad, why are you so sure?" Luo Wanqiong was a little surprised.

"I thought I was writing about the hostile takeover by Fiberhome Group in the application. Now, Fiberhome Group has just been blocked by a huge force. If it weren't for the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce, how could there be such a thing in this world? What about coincidence?” Luo Jianzhang seems to have already identified this matter.

"That's it! It seems that you can't go wrong this time!" Luo Wanqiong was also convinced.

"Dad, I didn't expect you to join the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce and help us through the difficulties of the Roche Group. You are really amazing!" Luo Wanqiong exclaimed.

Luo Jianzhang is also somewhat complacent after being praised by Luo Wanqiong.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that all of this had nothing to do with Luo Jianzhang, or with any Jinding Chamber of Commerce.

All of this is actually from the handwriting of Li Nan who was instantly denied by Luo Wanqiong and identified as a stinky cock by her! (End of this chapter)