Wealthy Heir

Chapter 139: Fiberhome Group


At this time, Luo Wanqiong thought the more things happened to the company, and it was unlikely that it was because of Li Nan.

"No, my dad said, the previous time to get out of the crisis, it is very likely that the Jinding Chamber of Commerce was doing it! Therefore, it should have nothing to do with that dick." Luo Wanqiong suddenly remembered this.

"Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce?" Du Shan was startled.

"I heard you mention this Jinding Chamber of Commerce before, but didn't you say that your dad always wanted to join the Jinding Chamber of Commerce, but he didn't succeed at all? How can they do it for your dad now?" Du Shan was puzzled.

"This... My dad said that he re-applied a few days ago, maybe this time it was approved. That's why the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce will take action..." Luo Wanqiong said, obviously lacking confidence.

"What is'possible'?" Du Shan was relatively sensible, and immediately felt that this possibility was too unreliable to avoid.

"Otherwise, you can call your dad to confirm it now. See if the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce is really doing it?" Du Shan felt that it was really necessary to verify.

"This... Okay." Luo Wanqiong hesitated, and finally called Dad Luo Jianzhang again.

"Wanqiong, I'm busy now, what's the matter with you?" on the other side of the phone. Luo Jianzhang is obviously still busy dealing with Fiberhome Group.

"Um, Dad, didn't you say that your application has been approved by the Jinding Chamber of Commerce. Now that this kind of thing has happened to our company, can you apply for assistance to the Jinding Chamber of Commerce?" Luo Wanqiong clicked on the side. Asked indifferently.

But who knows, when Luo Wanqiong said so, Luo Jianzhang suddenly sighed over there.

"Oh, don't mention it, I have called Jinding Chamber of Commerce just now."

"Oh, what did they say?" Luo Wanqiong asked hurriedly.

"They said that my application for membership was not passed at all!" Luo Jianzhang looked very frustrated.

"What?!" Luo Wanqiong was stunned, "In other words, the previous time, it wasn't the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce that was making the shot, was it?"

"I'm not even a member of the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce. Of course they can't do it for me." Luo Jianzhang said helplessly.

At this moment, Luo Wanqiong was speechless.

"How about it, isn't it the Golden Summit Chamber of Commerce?" Du Shan asked directly after hanging up the phone.

"Yes, my dad said that his application for membership simply failed."

"So, there is only one possibility now." Du Shan didn't seem to be too surprised.

"Will it really be that guy? But how is it possible in such a short time..." Luo Wanqiong couldn't accept this fact until now.

She knew very well that to be able to catch the Fiberhome Group by surprise in such a short period of time, the energy required was absolutely terrifying.

Luo Wanqiong didn't believe that Si Li Nan, that stinky cock, really had such a great energy.

But now Du Shan is already 100% sure of the person who shot behind. It is definitely Li Nan!

"Wan Qiong, there are some things that I don't have to tell you right now, but what I can tell you now is that this Li Nan is definitely more powerful than you think!"

"Really?" Luo Wanqiong was stunned, "Do you think he might still be willing to help me now?"

"This..." Du Shan was speechless.

She had originally arranged a good opportunity for Luo Wanqiong, but now Luo Wanqiong has messed up her life.

And Li Nan had already said in person just now, even if Luo Wanqiong dies in front of him next time, he won't help her anymore.

"I don't know, I only know that if you really want to get your family out of the crisis, Li Nan may be your only hope now..." Du Shan sighed.

Luo Wanqiong was dumb, this time. She finally realized that she seemed to have done something wrong.

After leaving the Four Seasons Restaurant, Luo Wanqiong went directly to Dad's company.

At this time, the entrance of the Roche Group building.

A fleet of dozens of luxury cars. Stopped directly in front of the building, and in the middle of the convoy was a black Lincoln.

The Lincoln car door opened, and a tall middle-aged man got out of the car.

The man is wearing a high-end black woolen trench coat. There is also a Cuban cigar in his mouth, with a square face and tiger eyes, giving people a very domineering feeling.

This man is no one else but the chairman of Fiberhome Group. Xiang Fenghuo!

Originally, the Roche Group was nothing more than a company they were acquiring now, and it was far behind their Fiberhome Group in terms of scale.

This kind of goal. There is no need for Xiang Fenghuo to visit the door in person.

But today, what happened to the Fiberhome Group in the stock market attracted Xiang Fenghuo's attention to the Roche Group.

After analysis by Fiberhome Group's internal professional financial team. I came to a conclusion, that is, the earlier action against the stocks of the Fiberhome Group was a typical "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao" type of trading operation.

The other party's purpose doesn't seem to be to really attack Fiberhome Group. It is more like drawing the capital chain of the Fiberhome Group from the bottom of the tank, so as to free some targets targeted by the Fiberhome Group from the crisis.

After analyzing the data of the internal professional team of the Fiberhome Group, there are three target companies that will benefit from the experience of the Fiberhome Group today. Among these three companies, the most likely one is the Roche Group!

Of course, this is just a theoretical analysis of the professional team. Can't really be sure.

Therefore, now, Xiang Fenghuo will come personally, he is here to explore the reality of the Luo Group!

Xiang Fenghuo raised his head and glanced at the Roche Group building, a sneered sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, smoked a cigar, and then walked directly into the building.

"Who are you, parking is not allowed in front of the building. Also, ours is a smoke-free building, and smoking is not allowed inside the building..." The security captain of the Roche Group brought seven or eight security team members toward Xiang Xiang. The flames greeted him.

However, the security captain hadn't finished this sentence. But only heard a muffled sound.

A bodyguard next to Xiang Fenghuo kicked out directly, and the security captain was kicked out directly.

"Captain!" The security guards were all surprised. They didn't expect that these people would dare to act directly on their ground.

"If you don't want to die. Get away from me!" The bodyguard snorted coldly. At the same time, a dozen bodyguards stood up directly.

These bodyguards are tall and tall, all exuding extremely powerful aura. The look of wickedness is obviously not comparable to the ordinary security guards of the Roche Group.

The Roche Group's security measures were all taken aback by the other party's momentum, and each of them did not dare to stop them any more.

At this time, Xiang Fenghuo didn't even look at the security guards. Surrounded by a dozen bodyguards, smoking a cigar in his mouth, he walked directly into Luo Jianzhang's exclusive president elevator.

The elevator went all the way up and soon came to the top floor.

At this time, in the president's office, more than a dozen company executives were still reporting to Luo Jianzhang the progress report of the company's acquisition. Luo Jianzhang felt disappointed as he listened.

And at this time. The door of the president's office was directly pushed open brutally.

Then, a dozen bodyguards surrounded Xiang Fenghuo and walked in directly.

"Xiang... Xiang Fenghuo?!"

"Isn't this the chairman of Fiberhome Group? Why did he come?!"

Those executives naturally recognized Xiang Fenghuo at a glance. There was a lot of discussion.

Luo Jianzhang frowned when he saw Xiang Fenghuo come in person.

"Okay, let me go out for the fuck, I'll talk to you Mr. Luo, there are some things to talk about alone!" Xiang Fenghuo did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and directly issued an order to the executives.

"This..." The executives all looked at Luo Jianzhang.

"Well, you all go out first." Luo Jianzhang said in a deep voice.

Those executives all left now.

"Xiang Dong, I don't know what you can do if you visit the humble house?" Luo Jianzhang said with a gloomy expression. (End of this chapter)