Wealthy Heir

Chapter 24: watch cars


After school in the afternoon, Li Nan Wang Fatty and the others stopped two taxis and prepared to rush to the North Ring Road, where almost all the 4S shops in Longcheng were concentrated.

Because there are five people with sannyasin, you still need to take two cars to go there.

"The three of you can sit in the front car, and I will take Li Nan in the back car." Before getting into the car, Sangya began to play tricks again and stood beside Li Nan.

But after what happened last time, Li Nan didn't know what Sangya was making. If she sat in a car alone with her, she might not be sure what she would do to herself in the car.

Although Sangya has a hot body, Li Nan is also looking forward to it, but it is because of Wang Fatty. Of course he can't do this.

"Well, let me take a car with Shao Chen and Han Hui. Fatty, you can take a car with Sangya." Li Nan intends to give Fatty Wang a chance.

"What. I..." Sonya didn't want to be with Fatty Wang at all.

But Fatty Wang was very happy.

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Li Nan! Hahaha..." Fatty Wang finally got the chance to be alone with Sanya, of course he was too happy.

Seeing Fatty Wang's happy look, Sangya stomped her feet with anger.

Li Nan didn't care about this, so he got into the car with Shao Chen and Han Hui.

"Sannyas. Let's get in the car too." Fatty Wang finished speaking, and opened the car door for Sannyas very gentlemanly, with a smile on her chubby face.

"You are so fat, so sit back by yourself!"

After Sangya said, she opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in directly.

In Sangya's view, it was because this fat man was caught in the middle that Li Nan avoided herself like this. Naturally, the more she looked at the other party, the more angry she became.

Fatty Wang looked embarrassed, smirked and sat down in the back row by himself.

Fifty minutes later, Li Nan and the others arrived at Beihuan.

Looking at the 4S stores of various brands, everyone is a little fascinated.

You know, given their economic conditions, these 4S stores are completely unattainable places for them, and they don't dare to enter. Now, they finally have a chance to try.

"Which one are we going to see?" Han Hui asked.

"Li Nan, please tell me first, what is your budget, so I can recommend it to you?" Shao Chen asked.

"This... I think a car worth five to six hundred thousand yuan should be about the same?" Li Nan didn't have much contact with cars before. In his opinion, ordinary cars should be at this price.

"Five... Five or six hundred thousand?!" Shao Chen's mouth twitched.

Fatty Wang and Han Hui both had their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

Sangya's eyes were even brighter with excitement. It seems that her judgment is correct. Li Nan really has a lot of money in her hands!

Sangya secretly decided in her heart that she must increase her offensive, and she must make a fortune from Li Nan!

At this time, Li Nan's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Xue Ting.

"Hey, I'm outside with my classmates. Anything?" Li Nan asked.

"That's it, Master Nan, in order to take care of you, the family specially opened an office here in Longcheng. Now the office needs to purchase a batch of new cars and I am responsible for it. I don't know if Master Nan has any favorite models , I will purchase for you." Xue Ting asked.

"No way, such a coincidence?" Li Nan smiled bitterly.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Xue Ting was curious.

Li Nan immediately told him that he was planning to buy a car in Beihuan.

After hearing that, Xue Ting was also very surprised, "So, it's really a coincidence. Or should I go and find Master Nan now?"

"Forget it, it would be too eye-catching if you come over, I'll take a look at it myself." You must know that Xue Ting is the best beauty who once made the whole Longcheng University a sensation. If she is allowed to come, Li Nan really won't Know how to explain to Shao Chen and the others.

"Right. How many cars do you need to purchase? I happen to be here. Maybe I can help you look at it." Li Nan asked again.

"In terms of quantity, it is fifty. As for the grade, about 300,000 will do." Xue Ting replied.

"Well, that's all right, I'll go and see first."

Subsequently. Li Nan hung up the phone.

"Li Nan, what's the matter?" Shao Chen asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's a company that I work part-time. It just happens to be buying a car too. If you know I'm here, let me take a look."

Everyone didn't say much.

Subsequently, under the recommendation of Shao Chen. Everyone came to the door of a 4S shop.

They are no strangers to this brand, Li Nan, and it is considered one of the most high-end brands under BBA.

To be honest, the first time I entered this high-end car 4S shop, several people were a little nervous.

"Do we need to wear a shoe cover or something. Don't make people's floor dirty?" Fatty Wang asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Puff ha ha ha..." Fatty Wang's words were heard by several sales staff in the lobby, which immediately caused a burst of laughter.

During the period, people could still hear people whispering "mountain cannon" and "earth turtle".

Sonya only felt that it was too embarrassing to come out with this fat man.

Just this kind of guy with no knowledge. I even wanted to pursue myself, and when I thought of this sannyasin, I felt sick.

It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat!

Shao Chen was also a little embarrassed, coughing dryly, and whispered: "It's not necessary."

Heard this. Fatty Wang was relieved.

In fact, Li Nan didn't think Fatty Wang's words were ridiculous at all, because he used to be like this too.

For poor people like them. Life is a little more careful. They dare not go to those high-end specialty stores to try on clothes, because they are afraid that they will not be able to buy them. They also have to be careful when they eat in such high-end and luxurious places, because they are afraid of accidentally breaking them. Can't afford to pay for something, or behave inappropriately for others to look down upon.

It's not that they are born like this, it is the stretched money in their pockets that makes them have to live cautiously.

This shop is not small in scale. Seven or eight different models of new cars are displayed in the spacious and bright hall.

Everyone was very excited to watch, Fatty Wang was also very excited, and kept yelling.

"Damn it. The paint on this car is so shiny!"

"I'll go, this car is a leather seat, so high-end!"

Li Nan is like Fatty Wang, a man. There is a natural love for things like cars.

Moreover, Li Nan bought a car for the first time, and of course he was a little excited.

However, from beginning to end, there was no salesperson to provide Li Nan with any reception. The only salesperson was just following them. They didn't provide them with any model introduction. It didn't seem to be selling, but it seemed to be monitoring them more.

The salesman named Shi Kang was also very speechless at the moment.

The few guys in front of me, at first glance, they know that they are poor students with little knowledge, and they can't even see a brand-name clothes on their bodies. How can people like this be able to afford a car in their shop? , At most, it's just a car addiction.

If it wasn't for Shi Kang's rotation, he wouldn't be in the mood to receive these poor dicks, he was simply wasting his time.

"Excuse me, does this car have a parallel assist function?" Shao Chen asked, pointing to the car in front of him.

"You can watch it yourself." Shi Kang said coldly.

"Then what's the maximum torque?" Shao Chen asked again.

"Not very clear." Shi Kang looked at the ceiling and replied sullenly.

"You... what's the matter with you. Aren't you a salesman, don't you even know this?" Shao Chen was furious with the other's attitude.

Shi Kang sneered, "I'm sorry, I'm not very proficient in business. I just don't know the questions you asked."

"You..." Shao Chen was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Seeing this attitude of sales, Li Nan also frowned.

Just then, a voice suddenly rang from the door.

"I'm going, isn't this the person from the Diaosi dormitory, is it such a coincidence?"

Li Nan and the others turned around to see that it was Zhang Hu and Yang Xiaoli and the others.

After seeing Chu Jun’s luxury car yesterday, Zhang Hu was very jealous. After returning home, he begged his father to buy a car for himself. He finally got 200,000 yuan and came here today. Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked in, I saw Li Nan and the others. (End of this chapter)