Weapon Master

Chapter 132: Thirty days, some reflections!


"Weapon Master" was released on August 24th, so it has been almost thirty days.

Thirty days, three hundred thousand words!

This was almost unimaginable before. Before writing "Weapon Master", I also wrote three novels with more than 2 million words. The one before "Weapon Master", "The Great Yin Yang Manual", has 2.4 million words. , it took twenty months to finish, and on average, it was about 120,000 words a month.

From this we can see how difficult it is for Duyou to publish 300,000 words a month.

If someone asked me to update 300,000 words a month when I was writing "The Great Yin Yang Sutra", my first reaction would be absolutely impossible.

But in this "Weapon Master", Duyou did it!

Looking back now, even Duyou himself can hardly believe that 300,000 words were updated this month, an average of 10,000 words a day!

However, for friends who follow serial novels, let alone 10,000 words, even 20,000 words a day is not enough.

Du You completely understands everyone’s desire to see the subsequent plot. After all, Du You is not only the author, but also a reader like everyone else. When he was enjoying the reading, it suddenly disappeared. I really wanted to grab the author. Force him to write out the rest of the plot!

So when I saw everyone’s comments in the book circle urging me to update, although I was a little helpless, I was more happy. Urging me to update also means everyone’s recognition of the “Weapon Master” and Duyou’s recognition.

As long as there are more updates, Duyou will definitely update more and not let everyone down.

You may not know much about the author's situation when coding. If you have something to do during the day, it is normal to get up at four or five in the morning to code or go to bed at two or three in the evening. If you want to go out, you have to take a notebook with you. On the train Continue to code to avoid interruption.

If you are not satisfied with the written plot, you have to completely overthrow it, or revise it over and over again. At the end of the day, it will be good if you can write two to three thousand words.

Therefore, if sometimes the update is a little slow, please forgive me, don’t be anxious, and continue to support Duyou and “Weapon Master”.

Thirty days later, "Weapon Master" has more than 72,000 fans, more than 4,000 posts in the book circle, and more than 2,000 monthly votes this month.

All of this relies on everyone's support. Without everyone, there would be no "Weapon Master" today.

Especially during the character collection activities these days, everyone is very enthusiastic and has come up with many wonderful character settings. Some characters have already appeared in the book, and some characters have just been sorted out.

Thank you very much for everyone's participation and support, especially friends such as "Little One Chong" and "Qing Qian" who helped reply to posts in the book circle and select characters. As we all know, it is really not easy to reply to posts on mobile phones. I often reply to the bottom and then accidentally click to exit, and then I have to start over again and scroll down continuously. Once or twice is fine, five or six times. , I really want to vomit blood.

So sometimes the reply is not very timely, so please forgive me.

I accidentally wrote so much, so I won’t go into details~.

Three hundred thousand words, for a long fantasy novel, is just the beginning. I hope that Weapon Master can always accompany you in the future. Hmm, finally, I would also like to ask for a monthly pass. If you still have a monthly pass, give it to the weapon master.

Updates are so slow, how dare you ask for a monthly ticket

Do any of your friends think so

Okay... I won't dare next time... However, I still have to ask for a monthly pass this time. ~

Tips: The Weapon Master mobile game of the same name has been launched. The first charge will give you a dragon-slaying knife. You can search and download it in major application markets. You can also join the Weapon Master exchange group: 223468108 and download it in the group file. (To be continued)