Wedding Pet

Chapter 5: Vinegar (fix)


He Mingyu bit her fingertips to punish her for not paying attention.

Wen Hanxi is ticklish, casual touches always make her tremble, she leans back, "Don't make trouble."

He Mingyu stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, stroked her hair, and took the opportunity to smell the fragrance on her cheek.

"Being on the set is no better than being at home. You have to take care of yourself."

Wen Hanxi let out a soft "um" and looked out of the window.

A full moon hung in the night sky, big and round.

He Mingyu followed her eyes and squeezed her fingers, "How long will this scene take?"

"More than three months." Wen Hanxi replied.

"Okay, I'll come to visit the class during the Mid-Autumn Festival, tell me what you want." He Mingyu said.

Wen Hanxi moved his eyes from the full moon to his face, and asked the question in his heart: "Why didn't you want me that night?"

He Mingyu fell into deep thought, and said after a long time, "Reluctance?"

Wen Hanxi: "Then why are you willing now?"

He Mingyu: "I want to hurt you."


The phone vibrated twice, Wen Hanxi woke up, touched the phone and looked at the screen, it showed the time at 3:30 in the morning, and the message was from He Mingyu.

—I'm home, I miss you.

Wen Hanxi put her hand on her forehead, looked at the position beside her with trembling eyelashes, what time did he leave? It seemed to be twelve o'clock. After he finished saying "I want to hurt you", Mengxi called and said that there was an emergency in the company and he needed to go back to deal with it.

When she left, she was still a little bit reluctant, and told her to eat on time and pay attention to rest.

Seeing his appearance, Wen Hanxi almost believed what Ruan Ning said.

—He Mingyu really loves you.

her and him

How can there be any love

Wen Hanxi replied: Good.

When she replied to He Mingyu's WeChat, she was always succinct, able to explain in one word, and never sent too much.

He Mingyu: Tomorrow the temperature will drop in City A, remember to wear more.

Wen Hanxi: Got it.

She turned off the phone screen, turned over and continued to sleep. There are still several scenes to be filmed tomorrow, so she has no time to think about it here.

This opportunity to be the heroine is rare, and she must seize it.

"Sister Xi, sister Xi," Xiaotao slammed on the door, "It's seven o'clock, it's time to get up."

Wen Hanxi opened her eyelids, the dazzling sunlight came in, she instinctively squinted, "Come in."

Xiaotao opened the door and came in, looking at the messy clothes on the ground, she looked surprised, "Sister, are you a thief?"

"Well, let's go in." Wen Hanxi lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Where's the thief?" Xiao Tao opened her eyes and looked.

"Run away." Wen Hanxi went to the bathroom.

Seeing a red mark on the back of her neck, Xiaotao immediately understood, approached quietly, grabbed the door frame and asked, "Sister, did Mr. He come last night?"

Wen Hanxi nodded: "Well, here we come."

Xiao Tao had an expression on her face, "Sister, Mr. He really loves you."

Wen Hanxi leaned back and poked her head out, "Don't talk nonsense."

Xiaotao doesn't care, she is now a Yuxi CP fan, no matter what Wen Hanxi says, she feels that the CP she is drinking is real.

Mr. He just likes Wen Hanxi.

I still like the kind I like very much.

Wen Hanxi knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression, and when she came out with a towel, she tapped her forehead, "Little girl, don't dream, it's dawn."

Xiaotao didn't argue with her, remembering that she was still carrying her breakfast, she turned around and put it on the coffee table, "Sister, eat quickly, you have a show at eight o'clock."

Wen Hanxi handed the towel to Xiaotao, bent down and sat down, "By the way, there's nothing to do online, right?"

"No." Xiaotao took out her phone, "Oh, yes, yes."


"You and Mr. Liu's post about CP speculation was suddenly suppressed." Xiaotao opened Weibo for her to read.

Wen Hanxi bit the egg and looked at it, it was true.

"Sister, do you think this was done by Sister Su?" Xiaotao said, "Sister Su sent me a lot of WeChat messages last night, asking about your marriage, and then I told her that your marriage partner is Mr. You have changed, tell me to take good care of you, even if you have a few hairs."

What Xiaotao said is not exaggerating, these are Su Wan's original words. Su Wan couldn't get through to Wen Hanxi, so she called Xiaotao again and told her to take good care of Wen Hanxi.

Wen Hanxi bit off half of an egg and drank it with rice soup, "No matter who did it, it's a good thing anyway."

After Xiaotao finished talking, she remembered another thing, "Sister Xi, the advertiser has called, and the endorsement shoot is scheduled for tomorrow."

Wen Hanxi nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to Director Sun later."

Sun Bin didn't make things difficult for her, he gave her a day off and asked her to go and come back quickly tomorrow. Wen Hanxi is very grateful, today's filming is more serious than ever.

Seeing this, Liu Yu raised his eyebrows and walked forward with the summer tea prepared by his assistant, "Teacher Wen, drink some."

Wen Hanxi raised her lips and pointed to Xiaotao behind, "My assistant has it."

Liu Yu pushed the cup forward, "Mr. Wen, I made this secretly."

Wen Hanxi glanced at it, "Thank you, Mr. Liu, I'm not used to the secret recipe, you drink it."

The refusal was gentle.

Liu Yu sometimes has no eyesight, "Mr. Wen, do you misunderstand me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wen Hanxi pretended to be confused while pretending to understand.

"It's about firing CP." Liu Yu said while observing her expression, "I don't know about it. Besides, everyone does it like this. Didn't Mr. Wen just accept the endorsement? In terms of purchasing power, it's still worth it." CP fans are strong, Mr. Wen doesn’t want the products he endorses to sell well?”

The reason why Liu Yu is chattering here is that he believes that the popularity of Yuxi's CP fans is reduced by Wen Hanxi. Although he promised Sun Bin not to do so, he just agreed, but he didn't think about really suppressing the popularity.

After listening for a long time, Wen Hanxi finally understood the meaning of what he said. He came to remind her that if she wanted to make a big sale, Yuxi must have CP.

To be honest, Wen Hanxi really hates this kind of self-righteous person. It is obvious that you have ambitions, but you still have to pretend to be innocent.

Bai Lian is not as white as him.

She smiled, "Thank you Teacher Liu for reminding me."

"Everyone says Mr. Wen is smart, and it seems to be true." Liu Yu moved the cup forward an inch, "Ms. Wen, please."

"Stomach hurts, I really can't drink tea." Wen Hanxi didn't care how gloomy his face was, and waved at Xiaotao.

Xiaotao came over and greeted with a smile, "Hello, Teacher Liu."

Liu Yu nodded and left with a dark face.

Xiaotao handed the water glass to Wen Hanxi, pouted, "Sister, I have some news for you."

Wen Hanxi took a sip of water, "Bad news?"

"Well," Xiaotao said, "it's bad, don't be angry when you see it."

The news just broke out, Xiaotao was afraid of affecting Wen Hanxi's filming, so she waited until she had a rest before saying it.

"What bad news?" Wen Hanxi asked.

"It's about Mr. He," Xiaotao handed her the phone. "It was revealed on the Internet that Mr. He and Zhou Meiying took the same flight back to Pingcheng last night, and today they took the same flight to Qingcheng..."

One thing is a coincidence, and two things add up to be a fact.

After the video was exposed, the post immediately rushed to the second place in the hot search list, and everyone speculated that Zhou Meiying was He Mingyu's mysterious girlfriend.

Zhou Meiyingfang didn't react since the incident happened, but some Yingfans were happy. What kind of skill is falling in love with the actor group CP, their sister Ying is really good, and her boyfriend is a diamond level.

The proud Yingfan danced to Yuxi CP Chaohua, and danced there for a long time, and then went to Wen Hanxi's support club Chaohua, where she continued to dance.

—Wen Hanxi, aren’t you amazing? Didn't you snatch our sister Ying's endorsement? When our sister Ying becomes the proprietress of the He Group, one finger can crush you to death!

—Fucky, this slap in the face is so cool!

—Wen Hanxi, I wish you stay in your next life.

Zhou Meiying happily watched the post continue to ferment, and dreamed of being the wife of the CEO. If she could marry He Mingyu, she would have no worries in her life.

She turned her head to look at him, "Mr. He, hello."

He Mingyu didn't even look at her, and looked down at the newspaper.

Zhou Meiying was not discouraged at all, "Mr. He, thank you for the last party."

He Mingyu raised his head, "Thank me for what?"

Zhou Meiying smiled shyly, "Thank you for your help."

He Mingyu thought for a while, closed the newspaper, "I remember when you fell, I walked away."

"..." Zhou Meiying was embarrassed and wanted to find a crack to slip in. She brushed up the hair on her temples, "Mr. He really likes to joke."

"Are you kidding me? That's because you don't understand me." He Mingyu's eyes didn't feel warm at all, "If you offend me, you will never have a good time in your life."

Zhou Meiying: "..."

He Mingyu gave a look, and Meng Xi knew what it meant. He walked over and said, "Mr. He has already changed the cabin for you."

He Mingyu opened the seat belt, got up and left.

Zhou Meiying was left there gnashing her teeth, unwilling to explain to the assistant behind her, "Remove the trending search."

"Sister Ying, we spent a lot of money on this hot search." The assistant said with a smile, "I haven't stayed for an hour yet."

"Didn't you hear He Mingyu's words?" Zhou Meiying rubbed her fingers, "Withdraw!"

Purchasing trending searches requires money, and similarly canceling trending searches also requires money. Zhou Meiying spent nearly one million yuan internally and externally. She really lost her wife and lost her army.

Pissed off personally.

Xiao Tao was flipping through her phone, "Hey, sister Xi, the post is gone."

She looked again, and the trending search was gone.

And that's not all, follow Zhou Meiying's studio to respond.

—A coincidence, just a friend.

It's all right now, the fans are not jumping around anymore, how arrogant they were just now, how aggrieved they are now, how could it be a coincidence

How can we only be friends

Is this BE

Xi fans are not as arrogant as Ying fans. After seeing the content of the post, they only celebrate in their own homes. Someone left a message on Wen Hanxi's official blog.

—I hope my sister will focus on her career, and we can still be popular without relying on men!

Wen Hanxi used the small account to browse Chaochao, and when she saw the fan's message, she specially used the large account to reply: OK.

Xi Fen was flopped, jumped up happily, and sent a series of emoticons, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Wen Hanxi quit Weibo, Xiaotao brought lunch, and the two chatted while eating. During the conversation, the phone beeped, and someone sent Wen Hanxi a WeChat message.

He Mingyu: Angry

Wen Hanxi stared at the phone screen without answering.

He Mingyu sent another one.

Which do you like

Two pieces of jewellery, one earrings and one necklace, cost a fortune.

Wen Hanxi: Are you apologizing

He Mingyu: I just saw it and wanted to buy it for you.

Wen Hanxi: I don't need it.

He Mingyu: Then what do you need

He hoped to hear a satisfactory answer.

Wen Hanxi: No.

Meng Xi was reporting the progress of the work, and seeing He Mingyu's face darkened, he knew who it was related to without guessing.

Except for his wife, there is no one else who can make Mr. He care about them.

Wen Hanxi waited for a long time for He Mingyu's reply.

He Mingyu: Will you ever be jealous for me

Wen Hanxi didn't know how to answer for a while, and mostly turned a blind eye to questions that she didn't want to answer.

Put down the phone and continue eating.

"Sister Xi, Mr. He sent the news, right?" Xiaotao held her chopsticks in her mouth, "Mr. He came here to apologize to you on purpose?"

"No." Wen Hanxi said, "He specially gave me vinegar."

"..." Xiaotao didn't respond, no matter what, the CP she was drinking must be real.

There were more scenes in the afternoon than in the morning, and there was also a rain scene. I don’t know if Liu Yu did it on purpose. When the key point was NG, Wen Hanxi went back and forth in the heavy rain for ten times, and finally passed the eleventh time. .

When Sun Bin filmed the back, he turned into Bao Gong's face. If Wen Hanxi hadn't repeatedly said that she was fine, he would not have filmed this scene.

It is also because of Wen Hanxi's persistence that Sun Bin's view of her has changed. In the past, she only thought that she was like a vase, but she was just good-looking. Looking at it now, she has very good acting skills and a down-to-earth personality. She is a good seed.

Sometimes people change in an instant. From this moment on, in Sun Bin's eyes, Wen Hanxi is no longer just He Mingyu's wife, but an actor, an excellent actor who is willing to hone her acting skills.

The entertainment industry lacks such talents.

He even thought that if he had the chance, he would cooperate with her.

Wen Hanxi didn't know Sun Bin's thoughts, she was full of thoughts that she had to work hard, and she had to make the show well.

Sun Bin shouted: "Pass!"

Wen Hanxi's eyes were red, she touched the artificial rain on her face, "Director Sun has worked hard."

Sun Bin greeted Xiaotao, "Put a blanket on her quickly."

Xiaotao put the blanket on Wen Hanxi's body, with a distressed expression on her face, "Sister Xi, are you okay?"

Wen Hanxi nodded, "It's okay."

Sun Bin said, "Go take a hot bath, or you'll catch a cold."

Wen Hanxi nodded and left with Xiaotao.

Sun Bin took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat: Investor.

The investor replied immediately: What's wrong

Sun Bin: I can add roles at will, right

Investor: Of course.

Sun Bin: OK, add a few scenes for your daughter-in-law.

Investor He Mingyu: It's okay to add drama, don't let her be wronged.

Sun Bin couldn't guarantee this, he rubbed the tip of his nose: I just got it.

Wen Hanxi returned to the room, did nothing, took a hot bath first, the water in the bathtub is automatically constant temperature, no matter how long you soak, the temperature will not drop.

Wen Hanxi closed her eyes while soaking, and felt someone pulling her in a daze, and then she was wrapped in a bath towel, and she left the bathtub.

The perfume on the person who hugged her was very familiar, refreshing mint scent, she remembered that only one person used it.

"He Mingyu, is that you?"

He Mingyu didn't care whether the seven-figure high-end suit could be worn after being exposed to water, so he pecked her on the lips, "It's me."

"Why are you here?" Wen Hanxi opened her eyelids.

He Mingyu put her on the bed, pulled the quilt over her body, "Sleep with you."