Wedding Pet

Chapter 6: You dare to do it too


He Mingyu took off his suit jacket and got under the quilt as well.

Wen Hanxi tugged at the side of the quilt, "I'm tired, no—"

He Mingyu took her into his arms, stroked her head, "Good boy, sleep."

Wen Hanxi buried herself in front of him, her breath filled with the scent of mint, she struggled for a moment, and was hugged even tighter in the next second, accompanied by a strong heartbeat, she heard him say: "Huh? Don't want to sleep? How about we do something else?"

"Sleep." Wen Hanxi said.

She was like a child being disciplined by a teacher, she didn't dare to move at all, and slowly closed her eyes while maintaining a posture.

He Mingyu heard the sound of even breathing, and the movement of touching her head was much softer, and the brows were full of tenderness.

His girl is still so obedient and stubborn, the same as when we first met.

He Mingyu's cell phone rang, he glanced at it and hung up, and waited for the person in his arms to fall asleep completely before lifting the quilt and getting up.

Before going out, he raised the temperature by two degrees, tucked her quilt again, and stared at her for at least five minutes before slowly leaving.

After taking two steps, he turned back, because Wen Hanxi's feet accidentally slipped out of the quilt. He was afraid of freezing her, so he came back and stuffed them back uneasy. When he arrived at the appointed tea restaurant, he was already half an hour late.

"You're late!" Sun Bin pointed to his watch and said, "I've been waiting for you for half an hour."

He Mingyu opened the chair and sat down, without a trace of apology on his face, "I was busy just now."

"What are you busy doing?" Sun Bin asked casually.

"Coax my wife to sleep." He Mingyu replied.

"..." Sun Bin didn't even know what to say about him, man, heh.

He Yuming didn't come here to drink tea with Sun Bin to reminisce about the past, he had something to say: "Can you take care of that Liu Yu?"

"What if I say I can't?" Sun Bin asked back.

"It's changed." He Mingyu said.

When Sun Bin heard that the speech was really like the boss, he hurriedly expressed his opinion, "I talked to him just now, and he also realized his mistake."

"If there is a next time..." He Mingyu didn't finish.

"Substitute directly!" Sun Bin declared.

"No, I made him unable to survive in the entertainment industry."

"..." Sun Bin knew that He Mingyu had this strength, so he comforted him, "Don't worry, it's just this one time, it's not an example."

He Mingyu picked up the teacup and lowered his head to sip the tea, nodded: "It's delicious."

Sun Bin picked it up and took a sip. After finishing the drink, he asked, "Why do you let her enter the entertainment industry when you protect her so much?"

"She wants to come in."

"Then why don't you support her yourself?"

"She has to rely on herself." There was still a little helplessness in the words.

Sun Bin raised his eyebrows, "You have today too." You deserve it.

Walking out of the tea restaurant, it was raining outside. Sun Bin came by taxi and wanted to hitch a ride back to the hotel, "Let's go together."

He Mingyu refused without thinking, "I have something to do."

"Huh? What are you doing?" What could happen if it was raining.

"Buy a cake." He Mingyu said, "For Xixi."

Sun Bin was fed a ton of dog food, "He Mingyu, have you never seen a woman?"

"I've seen it before." He Mingyu opened the door and said before entering the car, "I've never seen such a beautiful one."

Sun Bin: "..."

He Mingyu's way of slaughtering dogs was very sharp, and Sun Bin had goosebumps all over his body. Just as he was about to say a few more words, the car had already driven away.

He cursed at the car.

Meng Xi glanced at the rearview mirror, "Mr. He, the matter is settled."

He Mingyu grimaced and let out a "huh".

Meng Xi: "Mr. He, we're going to the hotel too, why don't you take Director Sun with you?"

He Mingyu: "Let him soak in the rain so he can wake up better."

Meng Xi understood, Mr. He was venting his anger on behalf of his wife, who made Director Sun not think well of her.

Wen Hanxi was woken up by Fanxiang, she opened her eyes and touched her stomach, she was very hungry.

He Mingyu walked over with a smile, "Are you awake? Come have breakfast."

Wen Hanxi was stunned when she saw him, and it took a long time to react, "... why are you here?"

"You forgot?" He Mingyu sat beside her, "Come to sleep with you."

Wen Hanxi remembered that he broke in when she was taking a shower last night, hugged her to the bed, and patted her back to coax her to sleep.

Back pat

Put her to sleep

She was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly: "Isn't the company in a hurry? Why are you still here?"

"Sister Xi, He always waited for you to wake up and go together." Xiaotao walked over to remind her, "Sister, don't you also want to go back to Pingcheng today?"

Wen Hanxi remembered that she had an advertisement today, so she took out her mobile phone from under the pillow and checked the time. It was 7:30 in the morning, and she set the shooting time at 9:00, how could she make it back in time.

While lifting the quilt, he said, "Xiao Tao, why didn't you call me earlier?"

She's going to be late.

"Sister Xi, I..." Xiaotao wanted to say, but Mr. He refused.

"I didn't ask Xiaotao to call you." He Mingyu took the slippers and put them under her feet, "You are too tired and need to rest."

Wen Hanxi stood up, "I have an advertisement today."

He Mingyu: "I know."

"I know you haven't called me yet, I'm going to be late."

"I won't be late." He Mingyu smiled, "I promise."

Xiaotao whispered, "Sister Xi, Mr. He has already prepared the helicopter, we can go back to Pingcheng anytime."

Not only will you not be late, you may be able to arrive early.

Wen Hanxi paused: "Helicopter?"

He Mingyu nodded, her eyes were full of love.

In front of her, he never hides it.

Wen Hanxi felt a little embarrassed when he looked at her, she said "Oh" softly, and went to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and washing her face was finished quickly, and when she was putting on makeup, He Mingyu had already picked out clothes for her.

Wen Hanxi: "Xiao Tao, get me some clothes."

Xiaotao didn't come, but He Mingyu came, holding a pink dress that he personally chose.

Wen Hanxi looked at him through the mirror, her hands shook and her eyebrows were crooked.

He Mingyu put the skirt on the bed, walked to her side, put his hand on her shoulder, turned her body, took the eyebrow pencil in her hand, and half bent down, "I'll do it."

One stroke at a time, it seems that what is depicted is not his eyebrows, but his heart.

Xiaotao came over to deliver her mobile phone, and when she saw this, she covered her mouth and chuckled, ah, is this really Mr. He

Also too tender.

He Mingyu's tenderness was only given to one person, and she was all in the dark pupils. If others dared to make her angry, he would be the first to show no mercy.

Xiaotao got drunk.

Wen Hanxi was dumbfounded.

She took his wrist, "Myself."

He Mingyu nodded, "Okay."

The eyebrow pencil was warmed by He Mingyu's grip, and when it fell into Wen Hanxi's hands, her fingers trembled subconsciously.

She said to herself: Hold on tight, don't panic.

Called to remind, Wen Hanxi calmed down, finished the painting quickly, and ate a small piece of cake during breakfast, which was said to be bought by He Mingyu specially.

Xiaotao blinked and moved her lips: "Sister Xi, Mr. He is so kind."

Wen Hanxi: "..."

Not daring to delay too long, I drove to the airport after dinner.

It was the first time I took a helicopter, and I was inevitably a little nervous. When I was at a loss, someone took her hand, and He Mingyu held her hand, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

This sentence brought Wen Hanxi's memory back to the third meeting, when Wen's father pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and scolded her in front of outsiders.

Said she had no tutor, said she was unseemly, said she would never be wanted in this life.

Wen Hanxi clenched her fists and replied, "It's the son's fault for not teaching the father. I don't have a tutor. It's not your fault!"

Father Wen felt ashamed and tried to hit her, but He Mingyu stepped forward and said four words to her, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Sister Xi, wake up." Wen Hanxi was woken up by Xiaotao, "Sister Xi, we're in Pingcheng."

Wen Hanxi opened her eyes and looked, "Where's He Mingyu?"

Xiaotao pouted, "I'm on the phone."

Wen Hanxi followed her gaze. On the empty runway, the man's figure was tall and straight, his hair was blown away by the wind, it was a little less sharp and more gentle.

The moment their eyes met, she saw the smile in his eyes.

Wen Hanxi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked away, "Go, go down."

Xiaotao got off the plane with her suitcase in the back.

They arrived at the studio at 8:50, ten minutes earlier than expected. The director greeted her with a smile and took the initiative to talk to her about the shooting content.

In Wen Hanxi's eyes, there is no distinction between big and small endorsements, as long as it is work, she will go all out. Whether it's a show or an endorsement.

The director likes people who are serious about their work, and when filming, they sometimes boast: "Not bad, very good, perfect."

There were fans of Wen Hanxi on the shooting site. During the intermission, she came over to ask for an autographed photo. She was always worried that Wen Hanxi would not give it. Who knows that the goddess sister is super gentle, and the words on the autograph photo are super beautiful.

The moment she got the autographed photo, she pinched her face hard, really? Not dreaming? !

She posted the photo to the fan group and cheered: "I shook hands with the goddess sister, and the goddess sister signed a photo for me. I love my sister!"

In a word, the fan base is boiling.

Someone took a screenshot of the chat content and moved it to Chaohua. Fans celebrate the Chinese New Year, and the girls they like are always so positive. Xi fans are so happy!

This Weibo was later reposted, and Wen Hanxi successfully circled a small group of passerby fans, and the total number of fans broke six figures.

Filming endorsements is as hard as filming dramas, especially for someone like Wen Hanxi who is serious about his work, he often has to film two or three times to pass his level.

While comforting the little girl for being serious, the director lamented that there are not many such stubborn people in the current entertainment industry.

But it’s better to be persistent, at least the things you shoot can be seen by people.

Wen Hanxi took a whole day to shoot what others could finish filming in half a day. When the work was over, the director stretched out his hand, "I hope we will have another chance to work together next time."

Wen Hanxi shook back politely, "Yes."

The director took the initiative to add a WeChat to facilitate future contact. Wen Hanxi responded with a smile, and scanned the QR code to add it. At first, he thought this was another so-and-so who was lying on the list.

Unexpectedly, this is not lying down, but active.

Wen Hanxi returned to the Shenghai mansion after filming, before taking a bath, the phone rang first, and Ruan Ning babbled: "Wen Hanxi, you little heartless, how long have I been back, and you didn't even say to come and see me."

"I'm busy with work." Wen Hanxi took off her socks, walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and sat on the edge of the bathtub, "How is it going? How's it going for more than half a month?"

"What a fart." Ruan Ning swears, "Every day I deal with the man introduced by the old man, I'm going to be autistic."

"How many people have you met?" Wen Hanxi asked casually.

After a long pause over there, he said, "Three every day."

"Where did Uncle Ruan get this talent?" Wen Hanxi didn't know that there were so many unmarried young men around.

"Are you interested?" Ruan Ning smiled, "If you are interested, I will give it to you."

"Don't." Wen Hanxi put his hands in the water and slid gently, "I'm not that lucky."

"You look down on these blessings." Ruan Ning teased, "That's right, with He Mingyu, who else can you fall in love with?"

Wen Hanxi rolled her eyes, "We are not the kind of relationship you think."

"Yes, you are cohabiting roommates." Ruan Ning said again, "I heard that you were wronged, and I don't want a list of hundreds of millions, so I flew to see your cohabiting roommate."

"Hey, why do you think I don't have such a caring roommate?" Ruan Ning sighed softly in order to express regret.

Ruan Ning's words are not nonsense, she heard it from others. During the day, someone was looking for his father, and that man was the manager of the He Group. Regardless.

A list of hundreds of millions, if you say no, you don't want it.

"A list of hundreds of millions?" Wen Hanxi said, "Is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true." Ruan Ning said, "He Mingyu is really..."


"The most qualified cohabitation roommate."


Coincidentally, the bathroom door opened, and the most qualified roommate came back.

Wen Hanxi stared at him.

Ruan Ning didn't know what happened here, and kept talking, "Hey, everyone says that He Mingyu is noble, has he always been like this? Can he do it?"

"No, no, no—"

Wen Hanxi recovered after being silent for a few seconds, and cut off Ruan Ning's phone call. She looked at He Mingyu, trying to find a hole in the ground to get in.

He Mingyu walked in, stood in front of her, raised her chin, "So you guys have been talking about me all the time."


He Mingyu bent down and put his hands on the bathtub, just circling her, "I also have a question to ask you."

"What?" Wen Hanxi said.

"Do you think I can do it or not?" He Mingyu asked.


Wen Hanxi swallowed, leaning back involuntarily, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" He Mingyu nodded, "Then I was wrong."


"It means that I didn't do it well." He Mingyu said seriously, "Then I have to change."

Wen Hanxi was a little dazed at the moment, not knowing what he was going to do, she backed away and fell into the bathtub.

The water splashed all over He Mingyu's body, and he couldn't take another high-tailored suit, so he said, "Let's wash it together."

"No—" Wen Hanxi only said one word, her mouth was gagged, and her arms were pulled up just as she was about to push back.

He Mingyu's eyes swept from top to bottom, she was weak and charming in the water, fascinated him so much that his heart beat faster, he just wanted to pick this proud lotus regardless.

He Mingyu was a little anxious, as if he was looking for a breakthrough, or he was in urgent need of something to show.

Wen Hanxi was dizzy, and flopped about in the water, as if she touched something.

He Mingyu's complexion changed, and he stopped, his forehead pressed against hers, and his Adam's apple rolled, "You really dare to do it."