Wedding Pet

Chapter 7: restraint


When Wen Hanxi was frightened and bounced off, he accidentally hit him again, and He Mingyu gasped, "It's really going to die."

Wen Hanxi was at a loss to see him frowning in discomfort, "...Is it really bad?"

"Why don't you try it?" He Mingyu didn't wait for her to speak, and tried it out personally. Wen Hanxi wanted to scream but felt a little embarrassed, so she could only pinch his shoulder in the end.

He Mingyu was afraid of hurting her fingers, so he stretched out his arms in cooperation, "Pinch this."

Wen Hanxi pinched it without thinking.

He Mingyu clasped the back of her neck and leaned into her ear, "Brother, can you?"

Wen Hanxi hooked her toes and said in her heart: Yes, it is true.

The wind blows outside the window, and the rhododendrons in the yard sway with the wind, undulating, advancing and retreating for a while.

When it swayed to the highest point, the strength of the wind suddenly increased, the weak branches and leaves trembled, and there was a faint sound mixed with the sound of the wind.

The wind is small, and the branches and leaves slowly unfold, flattening bit by bit.

The wind came again, and the branches and leaves could not bear the strong wind and swayed again.

The sound grew louder and louder, blending with the sound in the bathroom.

The wind stopped, everything returned to calm, and the green branches and leaves seemed to have been washed.

Burning eyes.

Wrapped in the quilt, Wen Hanxi received a call from Xiaotao: "Sister Xi, there is a call from the crew, there is your scene at five o'clock in the morning."

Wen Hanxi coughed lightly: "Well, come pick me up tomorrow morning."

"Sister, why is your voice hoarse?" Xiao Tao worried, "Did you catch a cold?"

I don't have a cold, it's because I yelled for too long and my voice became hoarse. You can't tell Xiaotao directly about this, Wen Hanxi pursed her lips, "I don't have a cold, it's just that my throat feels uncomfortable."

"Could it be that the food at night is not enough?" Wen Hanxi has an old throat disease, Xiao Tao knew it on the first day of work, she was afraid of nothing else but the recurrence of the old disease, she looked anxious, "Sister, why don't we go to the hospital? "

This matter may be big or small, but we still need to pay more attention to it.

"No need." Wen Hanxi refused, "It's nothing serious."

"The voice is so hoarse, why is it not a big deal." Xiaotao began to harass people, "Sister Xi, why don't you go and have a look? Huh?"

Wen Hanxi was tortured to no avail by her, so she could only tell the truth, "I didn't catch a cold, and it had nothing to do with the food, it just happened after shouting for too long."

"Didn't you yell in the studio today?" Xiaotao asked the torture deep in her soul.

"Well, I didn't yell in the studio." Wen Hanxi paused, "I yelled at home."

at home

Xiaotao was also quick to get the hang of it, she smiled and said, "Sister, you are talking to Mr. He..."

"Okay, it's getting late, go to sleep." Wen Hanxi urged, "Come pick me up early tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Hanxi came in with three WeChat messages.

Xiaotao: Sister, take it easy, I have to film tomorrow.

Xiaotao: Sis, let’s drink some chrysanthemum tea and get rid of the heat.

Xiaotao: Sister, you and Mr. He are really in love.

I don't know if Xiao Tao discussed it with Ruan Ning, but just after she finished posting here, Ruan Ning's WeChat came.

Ruan Ning: Why did you hang up the phone while talking

Ruan Ning: I'll call you again, why don't you answer

Ruan Ning: Could it be that He Mingyu is also there

Wen Hanxi rubbed the center of her brows, looked up at the bathroom, and replied: Well, he is here.

Ruan Ning: He heard it all

Wen Hanxi: I heard it.

Ruan Ning: What's the reaction


He personally proved his strength.

This cannot be said to Ruan Ning.

Wen Hanxi skipped this question and answered the question she asked when the two talked on the phone.

Wen Hanxi: You may have misunderstood him.

Ruan Ning:

Wen Hanxi: He is very good.

Ruan Ning: ...

Ruan Ning: Are you showing off your married life to me

Wen Hanxi: I want to tell you, I'm tired, go to sleep.

Ruan Ning couldn't let her sleep, and clamored for her to tell what He Mingyu could do.

Wen Hanxi simply sent a voice, the content was nothing, but the voice sounded like a broken gong.

Ruan Ning:!

Ruan Ning: How long have you been doing this? Why is your voice so loud

Wen Hanxi: ...

Seeing He Mingyu coming out of the bathroom, Wen Hanxi quit WeChat, wrapped in a quilt and hid him far away.

Seeing this, He Mingyu smiled, knowing that she was a little complacent just now, she even put a quilt in her arms, and took the initiative to admit her mistake.

"I'll pay attention next time."

Wen Hanxi didn't speak.

"You won't be allowed to bark for so long."

"..." Wen Hanxi kicked him twice, "I want to drink water."

He Mingyu got up and poured her a glass of warm water, and waited for her to drink it. Thinking of her throat, he got up and poured another glass, watched her drink it, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Lifting the quilt and pulling over her legs, she massaged her skillfully.

Wen Hanxi fell asleep quickly, and fell asleep soon after.

He Mingyu stopped, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and was about to lie down when the phone rang.

Sun Bin: Tomorrow there will be Wen Hanxi's scene, remember to send me the person early!

He Mingyu: What time

Sun Bin: Five o'clock.

He Mingyu: Good.

He sent Meng Xi a WeChat message.

—Arrange the plane and fly to City A at four o'clock tomorrow.

Meng Xi replied in seconds: Yes.

Wen Hanxi turned over in her sleep. She always felt that the pillow in her arms was different from the previous one. It was hard and a little uncomfortable. She adjusted her sleeping position, put her arms around the pillow, and continued to sleep.

The pillow is not only hard, but the temperature is quite high, and it seems that I can feel the heartbeat.


Wen Hanxi opened her eyes, and a glance fell into the eyes of the person in front of her. She looked at him, and then looked around. She was...

On the plane? !

Wen Hanxi sat up and confirmed again that she was indeed on the plane.

He Mingyu spoke first, "I'm awake, it's not time yet, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"Where is this going?" Wen Hanxi asked with trembling eyelashes.

"City A." He Mingyu said, "Don't you have a scene to shoot at five o'clock today?"

"You are..."

"Send you to the set."

Xiaotao rubbed her eyes, walked over while yawning, "Sister Xi, are you awake?"

Wen Hanxi realized that her legs were still resting on He Mingyu's body, and hurriedly backed away, "Well, I'm awake."

Xiaotao asked, "Do you want some water?"

Wen Hanxi shook her head, then nodded again.

Xiaotao brought two glasses of warm water, one from Wen Hanxi, and one from He Mingyu. He Mingyu was not around at the moment, so she put down the water, sat on the other side of Wen Hanxi, and said mysteriously, "Sister Xi, how much is Mr. He worth? How many planes are there?"

It's no wonder Xiaotao was so surprised, it was really beyond imagination.

Wen Hanxi just woke up and didn't react, "What kind of fight?"

Xiao Tao pouted, "Didn't you notice that the plane is different from the previous one?"

Xiaotao aside, Wen Hanxi really didn't notice that this one is indeed different from the previous one, this one is more luxurious and bigger, it also has a bar and a screening room.

"Sister, it's the first time for me to take such a rough plane."

Wen Hanxi lowered her head and sipped her saliva, reminding her, "Calm down."

Xiaotao frowned and said, "Sister, He must be your lucky star."

Wen Hanxi admits this point, after being with He Mingyu, things seem to go much smoother.

Just as she was about to say something, He Mingyu came over and told them to go to City A immediately.

Xiaotao pushed Wen Hanxi down, wanting her to express.

Wen Hanxi didn't express her gratitude to He Mingyu on WeChat until she got to the crew.

In fact, He Mingyu didn't want her thanks, he just wanted to...

Forget it, she needs time, he understands.

He conveniently transferred the money to Wen Hanxi, 1314.

Wen Hanxi:

He Mingyu: Please have breakfast with the crew.

Wen Hanxi was busy with makeup and didn't return, and she didn't have any special feelings about that number, she just thought his mind was in a twitch.

I didn't eat breakfast, so I drank morning tea.

The whole crew said, "Thank you, Sister Xi."

Wen Hanxi smiled: "You're welcome."

Liu Yu came with milk tea, "Thank you, Mr. Wen."

Wen Hanxi replied politely: "Mr. Liu is polite."

While drinking milk tea, Liu Yu took out his mobile phone and shared a short video. Wen Hanxi slightly raised her lips after watching it.

Everyone chatted together, but no one noticed this side. Liu Yu said: "I'm sorry about the NG incident last time. I was not feeling well that day, and Teacher Wen got caught in the rain several times. I'm sorry."

"It's all over." Wen Hanxi said, "As long as Teacher Liu doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore."

"No." Liu Yu said.

Liu Yu took the initiative to admit his mistake and make peace, and Wen Hanxi walked down the steps. After all, he still had to cooperate, so it's not good to be too stiff.

Sun Bin sent He Mingyu a photo of them shaking hands and making peace, hoping to hear praise.

He Mingyu:

He Mingyu: Let him relax.

Sun Bin: I can't stand shaking hands, so what if it's a kiss scene

He Mingyu: And the kiss scene

Sun Bin: Not yet.

President He Mingyu declared: There will be no more in the future.

Sun Bin gave his assistant Xiaofeng a wink, Xiaofeng stood up and clapped his hands: "Start work, start work."

The following scenes were filmed very smoothly, and there was no NG ten times. Wen Hanxi and Liu Yu also cooperated very well.

Sun Bin sat in front of the camera and nodded frequently. If the acting skills of these two are not bad, as long as they raise a few points, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Especially Wen Hanxi, her eyes are agile, and she enters the scene quickly. One second she was outside the scene, and the next second she has already entered the scene. The role interpretation is also very good.

Sun Bin is very optimistic about her.

Next year's web drama event may have unexpected gains.

he thinks.

"Crack." Sun Bin yelled to stop, "Everyone take a break."

Xiaotao ran over with a water glass, "Sister, drink water quickly."

Her sister Xi's voice must be protected.

Wen Hanxi took the water glass and took a big gulp, handed the water glass to her, and changed her mobile phone.

Xiaotao reminded: "Sister, Mr. He sent you a message."

Wen Hanxi nodded, "Got it."

She went to a place where no one was around and turned on her phone, and He Mingyu sent two WeChat messages.

—How did you confiscate the red envelope

— How is your throat

These two wechat messages were sent at 7:00 in the morning, and now it is 3:00 pm, eight hours have passed since the wechat was sent.

Wen Hanxi didn't reply to the first one, only the second one.

-much better.

Ruan Ning feels sad because she hasn't seen her for a long time, so she bombards her on WeChat from time to time.

—You little heartless, gone again? !

—I am heartbroken because of you, but you are better off with someone else.

Ruan Ning forwarded back the still photo that Xiaotao had sent her.

Wen Hanxi and Liu Ning watched affectionately.

Miss Ruan threw the photo out, feeling still upset, and sent three more in a row.

— Ask for stickers.

— Ask for a kiss.

— Ask for a hug.

Wen Hanxi's temples twitched twice, picking up the one behind her and returning it to her.

— Stick to kiss and hug.

— Be good, it’s time for a blind date, hurry up and meet your little brothers.

Ruan Ning shut himself up at that end and didn't return.

When the next scene started, Wen Hanxi locked the screen and handed the phone to Xiaotao.

This day's scene didn't finish filming until eight o'clock at night. If the weather hadn't changed suddenly, according to Sun Bin's intention, the latter scene would have been filmed as well.

But no one can say for sure about the weather, thunder comes, followed by rain.

One autumn rain and one cold, the rain hit the branches and leaves, and the temperature of City A dropped.

Wen Hanxi was too tired today, didn't eat dinner, fell asleep on the bed after taking a shower, the phone screen lit up in the middle of the night, and WeChat came in.

Before the owner could look at it, the phone screen went dark again.

Wen Hanxi fell into a deep sleep this time, woke up and checked the time on her phone, it was six o'clock in the morning, the rain was still falling outside, and water splashed on the glass windows.

Two WeChat messages were on the screen, one was sent last night and the other was sent in the early morning.

He Mingyu: The temperature in City A has cooled down, so I put on a quilt when I go to bed at night.

He Mingyu: I went to France on a business trip, and I went to visit the class after I came back.

Just as Wen Hanxi was about to put down her phone, another one came in.

He Mingyu: Here we are.

Wen Hanxi looked through the chat records of the two of them, it seems that since the day they got married, he would report their whereabouts.

No one asked.


Wen Hanxi raised the corners of her lips inexplicably, pressed her fingers on the screen, and replied: Well, be careful.

He Mingyu probably didn't expect her to reply, so he made a video call in surprise.

Wen Hanxi sat up, tidied up her pajamas, connected to the video, and the opening words were a little rusty, "What's the matter?"

"Yes, yes." At the other end of the video is He Mingyu's Qingjun face, with raised eyebrows and a smile.

"What's up?"

"I want to see you."

"..." Wen Hanxi pursed her lips, "And then?"

"It's beautiful." He Mingyu said.


In fact, He Mingyu only has a three-minute break, and there will be a meeting later. It is expected that there will be a meeting all day today.

Meng Xi has never been in a relationship before. He didn't know that love can make people like this. He reminded: "Mr. He, a meeting."

What He Mingyu left for Wen Hanxi was a gentle, affectionate and smiling face.

For the high-level managers in the meeting room, it was a face that was frozen to death, as if the wind from the North Pole had been brought over.

Meng Xixin said: Sure enough, Mr. He still loves his wife the most.

Wen Hanxi looked at the man's face frozen on the screen, not knowing whether it was infected by his smile or something else, the smile on his face also increased.

Xiaotao entered the room with the key card, and saw Wen Hanxi smiling at the phone, she asked, "Sister Xi, is there anything happy?"

Wen Hanxi raised her eyes, "What?"

Xiaotao stretched out her hand and made a grin gesture, "You seem to be in a good mood, smiling so happily."

Wen Hanxi put away her smile and put her phone on the pillow, "How can there be anything happy?"

Xiaotao wanted to explain it, but seeing Wen Hanxi's unwillingness to admit it, she changed her mind and said, "Sister Xi, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Millet porridge."

Millet porridge nourishes the stomach, Wen Hanxi has a bad stomach.

"Okay, I'll let them bring it."

After a simple breakfast, Wen Hanxi and Xiaotao went to the crew. Today there are five scenes to be filmed, all of which are indoors, three in the classroom and two in the restaurant.

The three scenes of the classroom were filmed very smoothly. After filming in the morning, the scene of the restaurant was filmed in the afternoon. After the first scene was filmed, something happened in the middle of the second scene.

Dining room lights fell and hit people.

Someone posted this incident on the Internet, and Xi fans were very worried because they didn't know the truth, and prayed for her sister's safety.

The post fermented very quickly, and He Mingyu, who was in France not long ago, also knew about it. He didn't care about resting, so he rushed back overnight, and the moment he saw Wen Hanxi, he hugged her tightly in his arms.

Wen Hanxi was about to be strangled to death, so she pushed.

He Mingyu cupped her cheeks and looked around.

Wen Hanxi felt pain, "It hurts."

He Mingyu stopped, took a deep breath against the tip of her nose, and tore off her clothes while she was in a daze.

Wen Hanxi protected her: "He Mingyu, what are you doing?"

He Mingyu said, "... check."