Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 103: 101 Vacation


"Vacation?" Jiang Yu made no secret of his surprise.

She glanced outside the glass door, and saw that the company's employees were looking at it from time to time, with gossip expressions on their faces.

The relationship between her and Gu Shenliu has not been made public. Except for Zou Xiaoyu who vaguely know about it, everyone else just heard about it and guessed it. Although there are rumors about the two people on the Internet, but because the online drama is being broadcast, most Fans only thought that the two were hyping the news when they saw the news. In addition to the relationship between brothers and sisters, Jiang Yu signed a contract with Gu Shenliu's studio. It is normal for the two to communicate more frequently. Therefore, so far, there has been no stone hammer saying that the two socialize.

Jiang Tao glanced at them, and the employees immediately lowered their heads and began to look at them secretly.

"Where to go on vacation?" Jiang Tao thought that it should be a day trip to the suburbs or surrounding cities. After all, with their current popularity, the scenic spot cannot be visited, and they can only go to some private villas with few people.

"Maldives!" Gu Shenliu said solemnly.

"Madai?" Jiang Yu's surprise was beyond words, such a sudden decision was more of a surprise than a surprise.

There is nothing special about vacationing in the Maldives! With her current income and savings, going to Antarctica is a matter of minutes. She also went to Maldives for vacation in her previous life. The scenery there is very good, and the hotels on each island are good. She went to Hong Kong Li Island at that time, and ate at the iconic underwater restaurant. Although it was not as amazing as she imagined, and the color of the sea water was turbid, she looked at the crowd while eating. The fish was swimming around, and she was still in a good mood. Jiang Tao had always had a good impression of Madai, and she agreed with both hands when she asked her to go there for vacation.

It's just... so suddenly! Just leave? Or go to places like Madai! Jiang Yu subconsciously felt that Gu Shenliu was joking.

"Shen Liu, this is not funny..."

Gu Shenliu stared at her expressionlessly, his eyes narrowed slightly with a faint smile.

"You think I'm joking? It's just a vacation, it's not a big deal!"

Jiang Tao frowned slightly, "It's nothing to go on vacation, but I haven't packed anything... People prepare for vacation months in advance, but look at me... "

"People prepare in advance to buy clothes and sunscreen and other daily necessities in advance. You don't need any of these! You have at least a few thousand clothes in your wardrobe, and at least a thousand daily necessities in your dressing table! You only need sunscreen. There are more than 50 bottles, what do you want to buy?" Gu Shenliu's voice was low, without a trace of ups and downs: "As for the swimsuit, flotation pad, jellyfish suit, flippers, underwater cameras, etc., I'm all ready! Hotel! Air tickets are also arranged, you don't need to worry about being with me! Just grab your notebook and sketchbook and go to the airport with me!"

After hearing this, Jiang Yu was sure that he was not joking!

Vacation... Depends! want to go! Now that it has been arranged, there is absolutely no reason not to go. As for work... Go away! Gotta make way for a vacation!

Jiang Yu immediately smiled and said, "ok! Wait for me to explain the staff!"

"Give you ten minutes!" Gu Shenliu turned and left.

As soon as he left, the professor's phone was connected again, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou!"

She has always called her teacher, which seems to make her seem closer. Professor Zhou also likes her to be called that way.

Zhou Cunguang squeezed his moustache and hummed, "You stinky girl! Have you done anything bad lately without telling the teacher?"

Jiang Yu was startled and smiled: "Teacher, I'm so obedient, how can I do bad things?"

When people get older, they always like the younger generation to be closer to themselves. Zhou Cunguang heard Jiang Yu say this and hurriedly said: "How did I hear that the mother of the country called you to make clothes, but you rejected it?"

Jiang Yu's face remained the same, only a smile was on the corner of her mouth. Teacher Zhou's call today was obviously because of this incident, she guessed it before answering the phone.

Zhou Cunguang said again: "Jiang Yu, I hope you can accept this challenge!"

Maybe it is Zhou Cunguang himself, maybe he will make the same choice as Jiang Yu. After all, he does not like to be busy and does not like to be disturbed by people's attention. Once he becomes the designer of the mother of the country, I am afraid that there will be no personal space in the future. Now that she's an actor and filmed a web drama, there are no such troubles. Besides, after all, she is her own student. Zhou Cunguang knows that acceptance is a good choice for her.

"Being a designer of the motherland is not easy."

"Huh?" Jiang Tao is puzzled. With so many designers in the country, if the mother of the country finds someone else, everyone should agree. The other designers are created by the entire team, so it's not easy.

Zhou Cunguang said with a smile: "Our country is different from foreign countries. For example, the mother of the country visited M country today and met with the first lady of M country. With the character and aesthetics of the first lady of M country, it is very likely that Verawang will be asked to design the dress, Wang Weiwei. This is a celebrity, and he has absolute right to speak in the design of dresses. He is a well-known figure in the world. If such a person goes out and dresses up a little bit, I am afraid that the first lady will look very good, but What about our country? Chinese netizens can’t accept the dress of the tube top dress, and the mother of the country does not like that kind of character. Moreover, to make clothes for the mother of the country, it must be integrated into the traditional Chinese design! This will limit the designer’s play, just imagine, There are not many famous designers in our country. How many can you compare to Wang Weiwei? It sounds ugly, maybe there is none! If you want to show the fashion and style of Chinese women, then the degree to be grasped by this design is very delicate!"

Jiang Tao listened carefully.

Zhou Canguang continued: "Although you are young, I have paid attention to the homework you handed in this semester, and you are quite popular! You design, and I will check it for you! So, don't be afraid! Believe in yourself!"

Jiang Yu could feel that Zhou Cunguang was really good for her, she smiled and thanked her for this kindness.

"If you didn't call me, I was just about to tell you! I just called the mother of the state, and I accepted the challenge! I also hope to make a good design and not discredit you!"

Zhou Cunguang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was defeated by this girl!

He dared to say it for a long time, this girl has already agreed

"Haha!" Zhou Cunguang burst out laughing and said again and again, "You kid! Like me!"

No matter what, Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. With Zhou Cunguang taking care of her, she felt that the steel scale was completely put down in her heart.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu opened her phone and glanced at it. It had been 8 minutes, and there were 2 minutes left. She smiled and called to Zhong Xiaoping:

"Help me pack the clothes for the next few episodes! I'll take them abroad to take pictures!"

"What?" The news was too sudden, and Zhong Xiaoping was stunned for a moment before asking, "Filming abroad? Have you made an appointment with Durres?"

"No, I'm going to Madai on vacation, and by the way, I have finished shooting the clothes for the first anniversary sale. The weather in Madai is clear, the water is clear and the sand is young, so it's very suitable for shooting clothes!"

When Zhong Xiaoping saw Jiang Yu packing up his computer, he realized that the boss really planned to go on vacation. "Then who helped you shoot?"

Jiang Tao smiled but did not answer.

Who else? Mr. Gu, the free photography master, don't need to be white!

Gu Shenliu glanced at Jiang Yu's suitcase, frowning slightly, "What did you bring? Two big suitcases?"

"The clothes to be photographed in the big promotion!" Jiang Yu blinked: "Mr. Gu, I may trouble you to help me by the way."

"… "

"Mr. Gu is so good at taking pictures, so please help me take pictures of the clothes and keep them for our big promotion!"

"..." Gu Shenchuu smiled, what about the vacation? Jiang Tao must be a workaholic, right

"Have our tips been changed?" Jiang Yu asked after getting on the plane.

"Bring some small denominations of dollars and pay with visa for the rest, don't worry."

Jiang Tao closed her eyes, her spirit suddenly relaxed, watching the plane rise to the clouds and the dazzling sunlight coming from the sky, she realized that she was really going on vacation.

It's such a good feeling, someone has arranged everything for you, and you don't have to worry about it, someone will lead you forward.

Fortunately, she was afraid that she would use a passport for work, so she had done it a long time ago, otherwise, there would be no such trip!

After a seven-hour flight, Jiang Ya stood on the land of Madai.

Tall coconut trees, exotic flowers and plants on the roadside, and heat waves are coming...

All of them remind Jiang Ya - this is the Maldives!

Compared with the heat in the tropics, the heat in Shencheng is still insignificant. However, although the tropics are hot, it does not make people feel uncomfortable, unlike Shencheng, which is always sultry.

When the sea breeze blew, people from the hotel came to pick up the plane. Because it was late, they had to spend the night in Male before going to the island.

The two washed and rested, and directly ordered the guest room to deliver the meal. After eating, Jiang Yu stood on one foot in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gu Shenliu came over from behind, hugged her and smiled, "Exercise?"

"Huh?" Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow.

Gu Shenliu said meaningfully: "This kind of thing, don't bother you, I'll help you..."

Rarely relaxed, Jiang Yu only felt that she was completely released from the spirit to the body. She backhanded the host, Gu Shenliu, and kissed him on the lips. The lips brushed against his beard, and it was very itchy.

Gu Shenliu kissed her abruptly, put his hands under the T-shirt, and touched her softness. The strangeness of this real touch made both of them fall in love. The kiss deepened and the tongues danced together. The two of them could only hear each other's gasps, until the clothes came off and the feeling of touching their skin seemed to satisfy their hunger and thirst.

Gu Shenliu turned off the light, spread a bath towel on the ground, and held Jiang Tao against the floor-to-ceiling window.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is a faint sea view. From the angle of Jiangya, you can see the narrow streets not far away. The streets of Male are really narrow. It is said that the widest street can only accommodate two cars running side by side, but that’s how it is. However, there are still many cars on the road.

This real scene made Jiang Tao inexplicably scared. A place like the floor-to-ceiling window would not be seen by anyone, right

But she had to admit that the more under such circumstances, the more exciting it was.

"Will anyone see it?"

"No!" Gu Shenliu's lips curled up, "This kind of glass, you can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside."

"How do you know?" Jiang Yu was puzzled.

"I saw it when I checked in." After Gu Shenliu finished speaking, he focused on unbuttoning Jiang Tao.

Jiang Yu was taken aback, "Don't you think that you want to do it in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows since then?"

Gu Shenliu remained silent, and a fine kiss swept across Jiang Yu's neck, leaving a shuddering pleasure.

"Hey, Gu Shenliu, I'm talking, you..."

The following words were swallowed up by passion, leaving only a vague cry

After breakfast, Gu Shenliu packed everything and took Jiang Yu to check out, until the hotel car came to pick him up, looking at the logo on the hotel car, Jiang Yu asked in confusion:

"The name of this hotel looks familiar! ChevalBlanc? Seems like you've seen it somewhere."

Xiao Hei carried his luggage into the car, and Gu Shenliu said, "A hotel under the LVMH group."

"LVMH?" Jiang Yu just remembered that in her previous life, she had thought about choosing this hotel when she went on vacation, but she had no money at that time, and the hotel was expensive, so she gave up and chose Hong Kong Lidao instead.

The White Horse Manor Hotel is a hotel owned by LV and Hennessy. At first, the Chinese like to call it "LV Hotel".

The plane took off, and Jiang Ya flew up from the water to overlook the island of Madai. As everyone said, it was like a string of pearls scattered in the Indian Ocean. The blue ocean was surrounded by islands surrounded by green water, and you could still see the islands. The white beach skirt is really beautiful!

After 40 minutes, Shuifei stopped and the White Horse Manor Hotel arrived.