Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 113: 111 Good News


One for beauty, two for microdermabrasion, and three for face replacement

Jiang Yu pondered these words, only to think that the netizens are too talented! I have to say that Jiang Ya often looks at everyone's comments to find inspiration. Sometimes when fans say what kind of clothes they want, Jiang Ya will design them as appropriate.

She smiled and posted today's third Weibo:

"My dears, beauty cream is indeed a project I invested in! In fact, Jiang Ya has been developing cosmetics and skin care products, but it is not something that can be done in a day or two! Beauty cream is It took a research team for nearly 4 years to succeed. When this project came to me, I didn't have much confidence in the beauty cream, but then I rubbed some on my knees and found that the effect was really good! Really! Yes! I'm saying now that you may think I'm exaggerating, you'll know when you use it!"

The beauty cream is very famous, and everyone is talking about it. Which company did it come from? I didn't expect it to be a project invested by Jiangyao. Although everyone was puzzled, they thought that Jiangyao might exaggerate the effect for the sake of money. I think, many celebrities in Shanghai have recently praised the beauty cream, saying that the beauty cream is better than any foundation and powder cream, and the most amazing thing about this product is that it combines the effects of a variety of products, moisturizing, Nourishing, beautifying, concealing, brightening... It's an amazing base makeup product!

- Taro balls, I think the famous lady Ye Qian recommended it and said that it is very easy to use. I saw the comparison picture and found the effect to be amazing. So, is it really good

- Taro balls, is there a comparison picture

-I also want to see the comparison pictures and comparison videos, or you can directly broadcast the live broadcast to us

Jiang Yu smiled, she has rarely started live broadcasts recently! The main reason is that there is no such time. It takes at least two or three hours to start the live broadcast. In these two or three hours, she can draw a lot of design drawings.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yu posted another Weibo:

"Guys, I'm very busy today, so I can't broadcast a live broadcast for you, but I recorded a video last time, so let's show it to everyone."

There is a link on Weibo, and the accompanying picture is a comparison photo that fans are asking for.

It is to cut out the before and after comparison pictures of Jiangya employees and present them to everyone.

When they saw that the company employees who had acne, code words, and pigmentation on their faces turned into white and tender beauty after using them, everyone gasped in their hearts! This beauty cream is amazing!

But when they clicked into the video, they were shocked to realize that the beauty cream is far more useful than they thought. After all, pictures can be faked, but videos are not. From this uncut video, Zou Xiaoyu and other employees use it. Perfection Cream is really like a face changer! How can it be so amazing!

- This is really amazing! Taro balls, I want beauty cream!

-I need to! Everyone knows that the base makeup is a very important part. If a person has a good base makeup, the skin looks particularly flawless and transparent, and even without makeup, it will not be ugly!

— I have bad skin, a lot of pigmentation, and lasers are useless, I really want this.

- I don't want a trial pack, I want to buy it directly, is there a link

- I believe that taro balls are not the kind of people who have no conscience for the sake of money. You give the link directly and I will buy it!

- I have been with you for a year, and I know your personality very well. In fact, you don't need to send out trial clothes again, just release the baby directly, and we will buy it.

Jiang Yu was really moved by the unconditional trust of the fans. She secretly decided in her heart that after the beauty cream was released, she must send more things to the fans so that they can all enjoy the benefits.

Jiang Yu smiled and didn't speak. She was about to close Weibo when she saw Gu Shenliu suddenly reposting her big promotion Weibo:

"The wife earns money to support the family, and the husband is responsible..."

- Haha, my husband is in charge of being beautiful!

- Husband is responsible for keeping his wife cool in bed! In the future, Xiao Gu, Xiao Xiao Gu, and Xiao Gu Gu will all rely on me to create!

- The husband is responsible for helping his wife take beautiful photos, so that his wife's clothes can be sold well!

—To be honest, your photos are so good, I really want to buy any of them after seeing them!

Jiang Tao just wanted to laugh when she saw the comments.

Recently, netizens have blessed the two of them for their relationship, and the fans of the two are also very helpful, which makes Jiang Tao feel warm.

Under such circumstances, the anniversary promotion is really here!

Tmall homepage and Taobao homepage are hung with promotion pictures and preview pictures, and event discounts have also been posted. It is clearly written, what to grab at 0:00, what to grab at 1:00, what to grab at 2:00... What are the discounted products at what time? It's all written clearly!

Like last year's Double Eleven, Jiang Tao didn't go home and waited for the arrival of 12 o'clock.

This big promotion is extremely important, as it determines whether the 600 million sales plan this year can be completed.

"Mr. Jiang, have a cup of tea!" Zhong Xiaoping came in with a cup of tea.

In fact, she is more nervous than Jiang Ya, because she has studied with Jiang Ya for so long, and has always been Jiang Ya's assistant. She is usually instructed by Jiang Ya and learned a lot of things. This time, Jiang Ya gave it to Jiang Ya. She gave her a chance and let her try to design 5 pieces of clothes. After everyone voted and decided by Jiang Yu, one piece of clothes was selected and put on the shelves. This is the first time she has completed the design independently. If it is successful, Her designer dream is one step closer.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xiaoping stared nervously at the computer screen.

Jiang Yu glanced at her, Zhong Xiaoping was a pretty good girl, and she was also a diligent person, and she was willing to help her.

"Nervous?" Jiang Yu took a sip of tea.

"A bit." Zhong Xiaoping said honestly, "Mr. Jiang, will no one buy my clothes?"

"No, your design is not bad, you made Van Gogh's oil painting into embroidery, stabbed it on the transparent mesh suspender skirt, and put a long T-shirt inside. Although this design is not high-end, it is Fortunately, the color matching of Van Gogh's oil paintings is beautiful, and this style is also the type that girls like, and it should be able to sell well!"

Zhong Xiaoping was a little embarrassed by what he said, and said sternly: "Thanks to President Jiang for helping me to revise, the dress I designed is only in blue color. Yes, this was only approved by the design department."

"Have confidence in yourself!" Jiang Yu smiled: "Study hard! To tell you the truth, I have a plan in my heart. I plan to send a designer to go abroad for training every year, and the cost will be paid by me. Of course, there is no free lunch. , after coming back, we must sign a long-term contract with our company, but the treatment is definitely the best in the industry! I guess other colleagues in the design department will not want to go, you can grab this opportunity this year.”

When Zhong Xiaoping heard the words, he was stunned for a while, and after a while, his cheeks flushed with excitement.

Study abroad for further education? And is the company paying for it? Can she really get such a good opportunity? Can a non-professional person with low education like her really be a real designer

Just, why are other colleagues reluctant to go? After thinking about it for a while, Zhong Xiaoping realized that Jiangyao Company has a strong development momentum. Now they stay in the company, and when the company goes public in the future, they are all veterans, and they may also take some shares in the company. This is a great opportunity for them. Of course, these people are not far from giving up in vain. Besides, now that sales are on the rise, with Tmall, everyone has more room to play. Many people can earn 40,000 to 50,000 yuan a month in commission. Who is willing to give up such a high-paying job easily

However, for her Zhong Xiaoping, this is a great opportunity!

"Thank you, President Jiang, I will definitely work hard!"

12 o'clock finally came, Jiang Tao sat in front of the computer, watching the background.

dong dong dong...

One after another, the sound of transactions came from outside the door. Although it was far away, it was so quiet at night that the sound was very obvious.

Jiang Tao likes to listen to this thumping sound, which is like a symphony, beautiful and pleasant, playing in her ears, making her feel that her whole body is enveloped in a halo of happiness.

This is the halo of money.

Every dong dong sound means the transaction of an order, and every order means a high profit!

To put it simply, the sound is not the sound of dong dong, but the sound of money falling to the ground!

Of course Jiang taro likes it!

"Mr. Jiang..." Zheng Lan pushed the door excitedly and entered!

Jiang Tao looked up lazily and glanced at her. "Huh? You want to say good news?"

"Hmm!" Zheng Lan's eyes lit up with excitement, and she said excitedly: "The sales are very good! This is the report, you can take a look!"

Jiang Yu didn't reach out to pick it up, but said, "Tell me when it's over 100 million!"

"..." Zheng Lan cried and left.

Are bosses so cruel these days? A young girl can easily exceed 100 million yuan! Is it possible that it is not money if it is less than one hundred million

Woohoo! Boss bullies people!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Tao took care of all the things, instructed several responsible persons to handle the following things step by step, and left the company to go back to sleep.

It is not difficult for Taobao to promote all the work processes. As long as the baby is released in time, all departments will work step by step in the evening, and the delivery department will serve snacks, and there will be no major problems.

"Xiaoping, I'll go back first, and call me directly if you have anything."

"Okay! President Jiang, go back and have a good rest, you are exhausted during this time!" Zhong Xiaoping said and sent Jiang Tao out.

Jiang Yu was about to leave when he saw Zheng Lan running out and shouting excitedly:

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Yu glanced at her and asked lazily, "Good news?"

"Yes! Didn't you ask me to come to you for over 100 million yuan? I'm here to announce the good news to you! This is the sales report!"

Jiang Yu didn't reach out to pick it up. She stayed up all night, her head was dizzy, and her body was a little weak because of her irregular eating recently.

She was too lazy to pick it up, so she just said, "Put it on my table and tell me after 200 million!"

"..." Zheng Lan was so angry that she cried!

The boss is too much! ! Too much! ! ! Cry!

Jiang Yu slept until the afternoon, and when she woke up, she realized that a bunch of WeChat messages had been sent, and her mailbox was full of emails.

She clicked it open and checked the sales report one by one.

At this time, Zheng Lan's phone called.

"President Jiang!" Zheng Lan's tone was very excited! "I'm here again! Didn't you just ask me to come to you for over 200 million? I'm really happy, our Tmall sales have really exceeded 200 million!"

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment. To be honest, even she did not expect Tmall to achieve such performance.

Although last year's Double Eleven, store C achieved sales of 80 million yuan, but the unit price of winter clothes is high, and if you sell some casually, the numbers are very good. It is the same as Jado's first day of over 100 million yuan. Not surprised, the unit price of JY summer clothes is low, and they are sold at a low price of more than 30% off. There is no regular-priced item, and the highest is 20% off! Such discounts will undoubtedly reduce the unit price of customers. I did not expect that under such circumstances, JY's Tmall can actually sell over 200 million, and it is only 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Such performance is enough to shock its peers.

"It's really over 200 million?" Jiang Yu didn't come back to his senses for a while.

"Yeah! It's really 200 million! In this big promotion, the new products on the shelves are very popular. Everyone says that our design is unique but fashionable! Well done, the concept of JY designer brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone seems to think that it is worthwhile to spend a few hundred dollars to buy JY's design, and…”

Zheng Lan said with a smile: "I found out that the sales were so good this time because the photos taken by Mr. Gu contributed a lot! Because many fans came from Weibo and said that the photos taken by Gu Shenliu made them very eager to buy. The background of Ma Dai is also really good-looking. It is summer now, and many people want to go out to play. When they see this picture, they naturally want to buy it and wear it. No, it's crazy! And old fans know that JY is only one year. Once or twice, there is no limit, so I took the opportunity to buy it! Therefore, our success is caused by many reasons! It is the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

She was about to finish saying everything she wanted to say, and her analysis was eloquent. Jiang Yu smiled and said:

"Keep working hard! Tell everyone to work overtime! I will give out red envelopes and strive to do a good job in customer service and delivery! Be meticulous!"

"Yes!" Zheng Lan smiled and hung up the phone.

At 12 o'clock that night, all departments were responsible for reporting their work, and when the report was sent, Jiang Tao opened it.

Tmall daily sales of 250 million! C store daily sales of 120 million!

Looking at this number, Jiang Yu's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

She didn't have anyone to share with, and Gu Shenliu's phone couldn't get through. Xu was at work. Jiang Yu didn't go back to Jinghu Garden, but went to Xiangsong Garden, took out the key, and entered Gu Shenliu's door.

She was in a great mood. After walking around the house, she had nothing to do, so she went to the terrace to look at the night sky against Gu Shenliu's bazooka.

The night sky is full of stars. Although it is not as bright as the naked eye, it is somewhat gray, but it can be seen more realistically. The lunar surface of the moon is full of craters, which reminds Jiang Yu of the famous speculation that aliens live on the back of the moon.

She has always liked science fiction movies, and she has always been imagining what is in the universe. She even fantasized when she was young, is our earth an alien laboratory? Perhaps the vastness of the earth is just our own illusion, and aliens may be observing us with microscopes like bacteria at the moment.

However, these things are unsolvable.

Looking at the starry sky, Jiang Tao imagined the vastness of the universe, and suddenly felt his own insignificance.

Humans are just an insignificant existence in the universe! For the universe and time, her joys and sorrows are short-lived.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu's mood became calmer. The daily sales volume is 370 million. Even if it is discounted, the profit will be at least 100 million. Such a figure is very small in front of the universe!

Jiang Yu touched Gu Shenliu's bazooka and smiled meaningfully with his lips hooked.

Since these are all small goals, let her take 1 billion sales as the big goal. With the three brands of Jado, Huajianji and JY, the annual profit of the three brands will exceed 1 billion next year as the big goal, let's work hard!

Jiang Yu took a photo of Gu Shenliu and sent it over.

Over there, just after Gu Shenliu came out of the shower, Jiang Yu's WeChat message was sent. He clicked it and saw that the picture was his bazooka!

Gu Shenliu threw the towel away and replied, "Jiang Yu."


"look up."

Jiang Tao raised his head, put his hand on the bazooka, and there was a message from Gu Shenliu:

"Me and you, looking at the same night sky."

Jiang Tao raised his head and looked at the sky.

The sky is extraordinarily beautiful today.

At night, it is difficult to take a taxi here in Xiangsong Garden. After thinking about it, Jiang Yu slept directly in Xiangsong Garden.

In fact, although Jiang Tao likes villas, she doesn't like living in villas. First of all, there are many mosquitoes in the villa, which she can't bear. Second, the villa room is large and empty. A stranger I've never met.

Jiang Tao often thinks wildly, and is afraid of such a plot. He always feels that the walls of the villa are too short and thieves can easily come in. There was no news a few days ago that the thieves saw the crystal lamps in the villa were beautiful, so they went in with tools and gave the lights to others. Demolished!

Jiang Tao took a bath, locked the door and lay on the bed.

Because I was so tired, I soon fell asleep.

Between half-dreaming and half-awake, Jiang Yu only felt that something sticky was licking her, making her face wet, and the wet touch moved down her neck until it came to her chest.

Jiang Yu snorted, and then twisted uncomfortably, only then did she feel that a man was pressing on her.

Jiang Tao was half-dreaming and half-awake, only to feel that his soul was dissipated, and said in shock:


The other party didn't stop, the tongue circled around her chest, gentle, careful, with obvious flattery, and she was too familiar with this way, she had lived two lifetimes, and only had an intimate relationship with this man, Jiang Tao Now try:

"Gu Shenliu?"

Gu Shenliu snorted and said solemnly, "I don't even recognize my own man, I should beat him!"

After he finished speaking, he slapped Jiang Tao's butt.

Jiang Yu was stunned, "Why are you back? Aren't you promoting the movie?"

Gu Shenliu narrowed his eyes and said, "If you pay attention to my Weibo, you will know that I am doing publicity in Shencheng today!"


Someone who didn't pay attention to his husband was caught, Jiang Yu coughed and said, "Don't care about such details!"

It is said that Xiaobie wins the wedding. Gu Shenliu has been busy outside recently. After walking for so long, he only thinks about Jiang Yu day and night, but it is Jiang Yu. Judging from her reaction, she is heartless. In the same way, thinking of this, Gu Shenliu directly entered her body, and with punishment, rammed into her body again and again.

"Gu Shenliu, you..." Jiang Yu gritted his teeth uncomfortably.

This man really wanted her life!

After all, the body is familiar with him. At first, it was a little uncomfortable, but he accepted it quickly, and the thrill came suddenly, making Jiang Tao unable to prevent it and have no power to resist.

"Good! Call her husband!" Gu Shenliu licked her lips.

"Husband!" Jiang Yu's voice was muffled, obviously patient.