Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 114: 112 Rescue


Gu Shenliu hugged her tightly, their bodies were tightly fitted, sweat intertwined, all the emotions in my heart could not help but want to release.

After being separated for a few days, maybe neither of them has to be with each other, but they always feel that a certain corner of their hearts is empty, and they only feel complete when they come back.

Gu Shenliu hugged her and couldn't help but want to confirm that she was really under him.


"Um… "


"Um… "

Gu Shenliu didn't speak any more, he only used his actions to show that he was together.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Yu got up, she stepped on the stall and felt sore all over her body. Then she remembered that Gu Shenliu seemed to be back.

There was the sound of the gas stove igniting in the kitchen, Jiang Yu walked over, leaned against the door, and smiled brightly: "Mr. Gu is back?"

Gu Shenliu looked at her sideways, Jiang Yu was wearing his gray cotton T, her lower body was empty, she was wearing nothing, only her big white legs were leaning against the door frame. Her long hair was casually scattered on one side, making her very lazy and charming.

It's a leprechaun!

Gu Shenliu only felt the heat in his lower body, he finally managed to hold it back, and after returning to his senses, he curled his lips and said:

"The beautiful wife is at home, who wants to travel far?"

Jiang Yu smiled. She has lived two lifetimes, and finally understands why people say that home tastes like home.

This kind of life is really worth looking forward to!

But... Jiang Yu looked at Gu Shenliu's dark circles, shook his head and said, "Without me, I haven't slept well recently?"

Gu Shenliu came over, stretched out one arm, and hooked her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and said, "How could I sleep well without you?"

"You know that's not what I said, the noise in your ears still doesn't improve after leaving me?" Jiang Yu asked.

"Yeah!" Gu Shenliu didn't want to talk more, and walked into the living room.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "That's great! It seems that I can be a queen all my life! If you don't agree, I'll stay away from you!"

"Yes!" Gu Shenliu said helplessly, "You are the biggest in this life!"

Both laughed.

In the afternoon, Jiang Tao quit her job and accompanied Gu Shenliu to Gu's house to take care of her mother. Although Gu's mother had three sons, they were very busy. Jiang Tao was afraid that the old couple would be lonely, so she often took time to go back to talk with them.

In fact, she really wanted to be nice to her relatives, but it's a pity that her original parents were like that.

In the afternoon, Yu Hong looked for Jiang Yu on WeChat, saying that Jiang Mingxuan's girlfriend had given birth to a son! Zhang Meifeng was so happy that she was having a wedding at home recently.

I don't know why, when Jiang Yu heard the news, she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Like the previous promotions, Jiangyaojia has always been in stock, and the stocking of tens of millions of payment made the buyer's goods sent to all parts of the country by express delivery that night.

After 3 days, almost all the goods were delivered to the buyers, and Jiangyao's store also began to receive various comments.

Many people express their affection for clothes. You must know that these days, the clothes in specialty stores are more and more difficult to please the little fairies who love beauty.

I usually go to the physical store, but I often don’t like the clothes inside. There are many bad sellers on Taobao. Once I meet a reliable Taobao seller, I will catch it. Needless to say, the design of Jiangyu’s family is especially small. , The quality is good, and it will not cut corners. For example, the skirts are made of sufficient materials, and they will never be like clothes that cost dozens of dollars. When you buy them home and wear them, you will feel that there is no two feet of cloth.

Jiang Yujia recently cooperated with the British Museum to launch a series of famous paintings, which made many beautiful oil paintings printed on clothes or made into various printing and dyeing. According to Jiangya Weibo, she also plans to cooperate with other museums to strive for more authorized.

Once such a thing is done, it will undoubtedly make buyers feel that JY's style is really high.

It is a shop that is different from other coquettish cheap goods.

Occasionally there are some bad reviews in the store, if the goods are not received or the wrong goods are sent, Jiang Tao will let the customer service try their best to solve them, and strive to make every customer satisfied.

Jiang Yu looked at the reviews, wanted to know the real thoughts of the customers, and wondered what the shortcomings of their own services were.

—Customer service Zou Xiaoyu's service is great! At 2 o'clock last night, I asked her a question, and she responded right away, which was very touching!

- Taro Yuanjia is a gold medal service! I took the wrong number and wanted to return it. The customer service didn't say anything to let me return it, and also took the initiative to bear the return shipping cost, which made me feel embarrassed! No, I placed a few more orders at Jiang Yu's home.

- The clothes are great! After wearing it, you will become a little fairy!

- Great, the beauty cream works well!

—I got smarter, this time I placed the order in three batches, and I got three beauty creams as a giveaway, hahaha!

—Fuck me, I won’t talk about the clothes, the quality of Taro Yuan’s family has always been good, let’s talk about this beauty cream! Why only use it once

- The beauty cream is awesome! No wonder the lady circle is so sought after.

Jiang Yu laughed, she never expected that there are many praises for beauty cream in the evaluation of clothes.

- For the beauty cream's ease of use, be sure to give it a good review!

—Damn it, this is my first time shopping here, what is this gift? How is it so useful? It really has skin beautifying effect.

When Jiang Tao announced on the Internet that the beauty cream was his own investment project, there was an uproar in the circle of celebrities and ladies in Shencheng. Everyone knows that beauty cream is very easy to use, but a bottle is hard to find. These women love beauty the most. , tried every means to get a few bottles and continued to use it, but I didn't expect that the beauty cream was actually a brand invested by Jiangyao.

After that, many people asked their families to go to Gu's house to find Gu's mother's beauty cream.

Therefore, Jiang Yu took hundreds of boxes of specially packaged beauty cream to Gu's mother.

Nowadays, the whole Weibo environment is not as good as it used to be, and Weibo has also been popularized by platforms such as WeChat. Jiang Yu thought that she could not focus all her attention on Weibo, and should also expand other sales channels.

Jiang Tao asked Jiang Peifen and other people from the promotion department to recommend beauty cream and acne-removing white powder in places such as Xiaohongshu, Douban 8 Group, and Tianya Fashion Section, and also asked the promotion department to spend money to promote several well-known WeChat accounts. , especially the public accounts with high attention and more conscience like Xinxing, this kind of promotion has made Jiangyu's beauty cream popular before it sells, giving everyone an impression that a bottle of this thing is hard to find, buy it to earn!

Under such circumstances, Huajianji's Tmall mall was officially launched. Jiang Tao chose a good day and planned to put the beauty cream on the shelves.

At the same time, Professor Zhou informed the students in the class that the young designer competition that had been shelved before will be re-held, and several selected students in the class will go to the school to go through the formalities and prepare to bring their own works in more than a month. To participate in the competition, Jiang Yu went to the school to go through the formalities, and it took two or three hours to confirm all the information such as the registration form and clothing design drawings.

She walked out of the administrative building and was about to walk towards the school gate when she saw a girl suddenly running out from the side.

She glanced at Jiang Yu, then lowered her head and said shyly:

"Sister, hello, I'm Pan Lingling from the sophomore Department of Economics and Management. I used your beauty cream and I think it works very well. I know the beauty cream is not on the market yet, I wonder if you can sell me a box first. use?"

Jiang Yu glanced at her, then smiled lightly after a while: "Okay, I'll get you a box."

"Really?" Pan Lingling was very excited. She glanced at Jiang Yu, then dodged her eyes again, and turned away unconfidently, "Thank you, Senior Sister! I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity in the future!"

"You're serious, it's just a bottle of beauty cream."

Jiang Yu smiled, "Then you have to go to our company with me."

"Okay!" After Pan Lingling finished speaking, she took a taxi behind Jiang Yu to the company.

The two chatted a few words along the way. Jiang Tao knew that Pan Lingling was from the next province. She came to Shencheng to go to university. She was a fellow of Jiang Tao. On the management system.

"It turns out that you are the real scholar!" Jiang Yu praised with a smile.

Pan Lingling lowered her head and blushed. She said embarrassedly, "I'm like this, what can I do if I don't study? No one wants me to get married in the future."

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, patted her shoulder, and didn't say much, only said:

"Sometimes life may be tough, but we have to live on."

Pan Lingling lowered her head, and after a while she said "um", a tear dripped onto the schoolbag on her lap.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then felt that his comforting words were a little pale. Sometimes you are not someone else, and you cannot experience the pain of others. If you say too much, it will appear false. After thinking about it, Jiang Yu said with a smile:

"You, don't be too entangled! In fact, it's just a small problem, a bottle of beauty cream is enough to change you!"

"Really?" Pan Lingling asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" While speaking, the car stopped on Huajian Road, Jiang Yu walked to the company, passed by the door of Mu Ran's store, but saw that the door was full of people.

Mu Ran moved the store to Japan and opened it for 3 months. Later, Ye Fang went to study abroad. She followed Ye Fang to move the store to the United States and opened it for half a year. She came back recently. No, all the diners came.

Jiang Yu entered the company and took out a box of beauty cream from the drawer. This was what she was going to send to Aunt Yu Hong. It was different from the one sold by 599 on the market. Good ingredients are specially provided for free to the ladies circle, which is regarded as advertising.

Pan Lingling looked at the luxurious packaging in front of her and took it excitedly. "Thank you, senpai! Are there any restrictions on how to use this?"

Jiang Tao stood up with a smile, she took out her makeup case, opened it, and took out the beauty brush from the seventh floor.

"I'll try it out for you, you're optimistic about the technique, it's better to use concealer this way!"

After speaking, Jiang Yu stood in front of the mirror and applied makeup to Pan Lingling. After 5 minutes, the beauty cream on Pan Lingling's face was pushed away.

"Look in the mirror!"

Pan Lingling laughed dryly, her eyes dodged, and she said in confidence, "Forget it! I'd better go back and watch it later!"

She lowered her head and did not pick up the mirror for a long time.

Jiang Yu sighed in his heart, who said God is fair? Not at all. For example, God gave some people a good skin, but gave Pan Lingling a big test! Jiang Yu glanced at Pan Lingling's face and sighed!

That's right, Pan Lingling has white spots on her face that are difficult to cover. If Jiang Tao guessed correctly, it should be caused by vitiligo. Vitiligo is particularly difficult to treat and difficult to eradicate. Evenly, very ugly. Jiang Tao has applied makeup to a director in the entertainment industry before, and the vitiligo on his face is relatively serious. Although vitiligo can be covered by makeup techniques, after the average person has vitiligo, where can there be such a professional makeup technique to paint the same as ordinary people? Once the painting is not good, the spots on the face will obviously look weird, and it will be noticeable when you go out.

Jiang Yu persuaded again: "Take a look! See what you are not satisfied with, and I will help you fix it!"

Pan Lingling still lowered her head and didn't speak for a long while. When Jiang Yu looked down, she cried again. Pan Lingling was sobbing. She only found out that she had vitiligo after she went to college. The more serious it is, her face and private parts are very serious. She went to the hospital for treatment and it was not cured. In addition, her family was poor and she didn't have so much money to spend on her, which made her vitiligo more and more serious. of uncomfortable.

Her roommates and classmates began to alienate her and stopped borrowing anything from her. When she did laundry, no one else would do it. When she went to the cafeteria to eat, everyone avoided her surroundings. She knew that everyone was afraid of contagion, even if the doctor said This disease will not spread to others, and everyone is unwilling to be with her. She is only 20 years old! Life has just begun, and everyone else is in love and enjoying their youth, but she always feels that her life is over!

The boys in the class were secretly saying that she was disgusting, and that they couldn't eat when they saw her face!

Pan Lingling once thought of committing suicide, but did not have the courage to die.

Jiang Yu smiled: "Let's take a look! It's also good to give some feedback on my beauty cream!"

Pan Lingling was stunned for a moment. The beauty cream was not yet on the market, but Jiang Tao gave it to her ahead of time. She should give some feedback to Jiang Yu-senpai. Thinking of this, Pan Lingling raised her head unconfidently.

When she saw herself in the mirror, Pan Lingling froze for a moment, then she stroked her face in disbelief.

The girl in front of me...

She hadn't seen her for over two years! This face without vitiligo is so smooth, fair and healthy!

Pan Lingling couldn't help thinking that in the past, she was not satisfied with her appearance and always wanted to have plastic surgery in the future, but now she doesn't have so many extravagant hopes, she just wants to live like a normal person.

What the hospital could not do, Jiang Yu did. Although she did not cure her vitiligo, she made herself no different from ordinary people, allowing her to live a normal life.

Pan Lingling's tears flowed again.

"Senpai! Thank you so much! This is the money for beauty cream..."

"Take it!" Jiang Yu shook his hand and said with a smile, "When I give it to you! I don't even have a lot of money."

"How can this be possible! I'm already very grateful that you can give it to me in advance!" Pan Lingling was anxious and insisted on giving money.

"Take it!" Jiang Yu said with a smile: "Next time I come to buy it, just give me the money! Just treat it as a gift for you. From a school, it is fate to know you."

Pan Lingling touched her face and walked out of Jiang Tao's company door. She felt that she was very lucky today, not only because she got a free beauty cream, but also because of her face!

"Mr. Jiang!"

As soon as she left, everyone gathered around.

When Pan Lingling came, they noticed it. They didn't expect that the severe white spots on Pan Lingling's face could be covered up. This beauty cream is too awesome!

"She's changed so much! I almost didn't recognize her!" Several people were discussing.

"Well, the concealer of the beauty cream is still good! This lady's version has a 3D effect, and the effect is better." Jiang Yu sat down at the desk.

"My God! It's a live advertisement! President Jiang, why don't you spend some money to have her advertise, take a comparison picture or a video or something?"

Jiang Tao paused and said with a smile, "Forget it! Don't base your happiness on the pain of others."

The roommates had already come, and Pan Lingling entered the room. The others didn't care. Unexpectedly, the roommate Teng Hua, who lived opposite Pan Lingling, glanced at Pan Lingling, turned his face indifferently, and then turned back in surprise, with a shocked expression on his face. Look at Pan Lingling.

"Pan Lingling, is your face okay?"

This question caught the attention of others, and everyone looked at Pan Lingling.

Pan Lingling laughed dryly and said, "It's not good, I just wiped something to cover up the spots on my face."

Everyone was even more surprised. They had slept with Pan Lingling for 2 years. Naturally, they knew how serious the spots on Pan Lingling's face were. To be honest, it was not that they wanted to isolate Pan Lingling, but everyone had a mentality to protect themselves. It was like AIDS. , but everyone is afraid. Besides, Pan Lingling's spots are on her face, which is too unbeautiful. Everyone likes beautiful things. It's normal for everyone to feel uncomfortable when they see Pan Lingling.

It's just that such serious spots can be covered up

"What brand of foundation did you use?"

Pan Lingling smiled: "It's not foundation, it's beauty cream."

"Beauty Cream?" They are all Jiang Yu's alumni, and Jiang Yu is now very famous. Just imagine, the school tyrant from the same school is actually the heroine of the TV series she likes, how could she not pay attention? Therefore, everyone knows that Jiang Ya has invested in beauty cream. "Is the effect so good with just the beauty cream?"

"Well, yes! Sister Jiang Ya helped me put on the beauty cream." Pan Lingling smiled.

Everyone was even more shocked. Jiang Tao is now worth at least several hundred million. She doesn't like to be interviewed, and she doesn't have many opportunities to come to school. There are very few opportunities for everyone to meet her. Pan Lingling can actually catch up with Jiang Tao

For a while, the roommate's tone was a little sour: "Do you know Sister Jiang Ya?"

"It doesn't count, I just want to find her to buy a beauty cream. The senior said that the beauty cream is not on the market, but it can be sold to me in advance." Pan Lingling was grateful.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Pan Lingling. This person is quite capable. He could make Jiang Yu-senpai make an exception and left a good impression on Jiang Yu-senpai!

"Then, did Sister Jiangya say when the beauty cream will be released?"

"Come on, I didn't ask." Pan Lingling said concisely.

I don't know if it's because the face is no longer so ugly, but today my roommate went to the cafeteria to eat, and actually asked Pan Lingling to go with him.

Pan Lingling suddenly felt that even the air became fresher than before.

Pan Lingling thought about it and felt that she was really grateful to Jiang Yu for what she did, and she was already like this, and she was already prepared to not find a man and work hard to earn money for a lifetime. Besides, there was a genetic risk of vitiligo, so she would never do it. Let the children get this disease too.

Since this is the case, there is no need to worry. Jiang Yu has helped herself so much, and she should repay Jiang Yu.

So, after going back, Pan Lingling made a long Weibo:

"As an alumnus of Shen University, I really thank my sister @stylist Jiang Yu for sending me this box of beauty cream, so that I, a person troubled by vitiligo, can live in the sun like a normal person! You can see from the picture. At first, my vitiligo was very serious, and half of my face was covered with white spots, which made me want to commit suicide at one time, because of my timidity, I survived. I stopped the senior and asked the senior to sell me a bottle! I really did not expect the senior to agree and gave me a box for free! The second picture is the effect of my use, I am very grateful to the senior! I know that I will live in my life There is no possibility of getting married and falling in love, and I don’t want to have children and pass this disease on to my children, as long as I can act like a normal person, you made my dream come true, senpai!”

"President Jiang! Pan Lingling @you on the Internet!" Bei Xiaoxiao reminded.

Jiang Yu was taken aback, "Do you know Pan Lingling?"

"Definitely know her!" Bei Xiaoxiao said: "Her face is really eye-catching. We Shen University students basically know her, that is, you who don't know what's going on outside the window don't know."

Jiang Yu opened Weibo and read Pan Lingling's post.

She did not expect that Pan Lingling would volunteer to help her promote it.

Jiang Tao quickly reposted on Weibo and said, "It's my honor that Beauty Cream can help you little fairies! Making all girls more confident is the original purpose of my establishment of Huajianji and JY brands, and it is also my original purpose. The goal that I have been working hard for! I am very happy to help the school girl! Please be confident, the road in life is long, and the scenery is far more than one!"

As soon as Jiang Tao retweeted it, Pan Lingling, who had not been paid attention to before, suddenly gained many fans.

Netizens started to repost frantically because they were all frightened by Pan Lingling's comparison picture.

Is this more than beauty? It's just a face change! Everyone knows that beauty cream works well, but they don't know that it can be so good.

In one hour, 40,000 retweets and 30,000 comments are enough to show the level of attention this Weibo has received, and it also shows that everyone is shocked by the comparison picture! It is also a manifestation of the influence of Jiangya Weibo!

- Taro Ball, are you really not considering applying for the Nobel Prize

- This is simply an invention for the benefit of all mankind!

-sky! In the future, there is no need to use imported products to switch to domestic products!

- Awesome effect! Awesome!

At the same time, many people on Xiaohongshu received trial packs and wrote reviews of beauty creams. You must know that Xiaohongshu is a place dedicated to growing grass. Therefore, many people have been planted by these Weibo.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Tao smiled, she knew that it was time for the beauty cream to hit the shelves!

That night, Jiang Yu posted a Weibo:

"My dears, this is the final packaging picture of the beauty cream! The price of 599 yuan is really the lowest price I can think of. I can't help it. The skin care ingredients in the beauty cream are relatively expensive. I can guarantee that it is on the market. I can't find a good product! Of course, if you are afraid that you will not be able to use it well, you can buy a trial pack first. The trial pack can be used for a little more than ten times. The opening price is 59 yuan! By the way! Huajianji Tmall is open today! All 30% off beauty cream and acne set! That is to say, you can buy beauty cream for less than 420 today! Those who need it, try it! Link: 23WE#@2.”

-Depend on! Go grab it!

- Good card! Are many people robbing

- How crazy! I didn't have any of them when I took them, but as soon as I refreshed them, 10,000 pieces were sold!

- Everyone is crazy! In the past, there were people who insisted that the Jiangya family was created, only we know that this madness is true!

- Sales are so high! It seems that everyone is really looking forward to the beauty cream!

- No way, I was tried to plant grass, and I believe that Jiang Yu will not lie to us.

—It is quite expensive, but it does have a skin-nourishing effect. After I used up the previous trial size, my skin became better.

Jiang Tao smiled as she watched the rising sales on the screen, and smiled from her heart.

Thanks for their trust! She will definitely make better products to give back to everyone.

At noon, Gu Shenliu came to Jiang Yu's company with a lunch box.

The employees are going to blow up and are talking about:

"Gu Shenliu is also very good to President Jiang, right? Did President Jiang save the galaxy in his last life?"

"Life Winner!"

"More than the Milky Way? It's the entire universe!"

Over there, seeing Gu Shen flowing through Jiangmen, Jiang Yu said with a smile, "You sit down first, I'll post a Weibo for planting grass first."

Her planting machine cannot be interrupted, nor can she stop planting grass just because she sells cosmetics. After a long time, foundation will no longer trust her. Slowly, everyone will think that she is just an ordinary person who sells her own clothes and cosmetics. Internet celebrity.

And since she wears beauty cream, and the price of beauty cream is very high, once netizens wear beauty cream, their purses will inevitably be flat. Similarly, once she grows grass that is too expensive, everyone buys it for weeding. , If your wallet is flat, you will naturally hesitate whether you should buy a beauty cream, which will affect the sales of beauty cream.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ya found a slightly cheaper product and recommended:

"BCL's Clearlast Sunscreen Moisturizing Powder Powder, this product is a big hit in Japanese cosmeceuticals and is a typical open-air product! It has three functions of sunscreen, concealer, and moisturizing, and it's not shiny with a single touch! It's very easy to use! It's also powdery. It is more delicate and has a blingbling effect! The price is less than 100, and the price-performance ratio is really high! The yellow box is the most popular, suitable for the whiter sister, but the only disadvantage of this powder is that the whitest is not particularly white. Fairies with fair skin should choose carefully!"

Jiang Tao also comes with a real photo.

In fact, this powder is really good, the oil control effect is also good, it is the best for summer! Very natural!

- Just waiting for you to plant grass!

—My friend went to Japan and just asked her to bring it.

—I have it in my store, I need to search Taobao: Su Xiaoqi purchasing shop.

- I see someone recommending this one! It seems to be selling very well in Japan, less than 100 is really cost-effective!