Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 118: 116 solved


Zhang Meifeng was dumbfounded, she couldn't recover from the screen for a long time, how could it be possible! She clearly observed just now that there is no one in this room! But now... no one is good! Can there be a mobile phone and a live broadcast! Jiang Taro is cheating! It's a joke! It was intentional to piss her off! How dare she do this to her!

Zhang Meifeng was trembling with anger, she pointed at Jiang Yu and scolded:

"You are so despicable! You treat your mother like this! Are you still human? What if you broadcast live? I am your mother, and you should listen to what I say!"

- The taro balls are big, so parents don't want it! Get them out now!

- I am acquainted! There are still such parents!

- I feel sorry for the taro balls! Kick it out! We will never say anything to you.

Jiang Yu looked at Zhang Meifeng and Jiang Daquan coldly. It wasn't a last resort. She definitely didn't want to make her private life public, and she didn't want to be seen as a joke. She really wanted to keep it private, but Zhang Meifeng was a ticking time bomb. This The bomb was going to explode one day. Zhang Meifeng thought she could hold her and took this as a handle, but how could she be held by anyone? She just doesn't want this name, she doesn't want this benefit, she doesn't want to be threatened, she doesn't want to be the Virgin Voldemort, and she won't be sucked up by this group of blood-sucking leeches! Simply make it public! No matter whether she is talking, insulting, or puzzled, she doesn't care about these false names! At most, it will save the fish from dying and the net will be broken.

These guys can't get enough! If this hidden danger is not lifted, she will not want to be safe in the future! Long pain is worse than short pain! That's all she can do.

Now that the trouble broke out, Jiang Yu's goal has been achieved. She simply didn't say a word, let Zhang Meifeng make a fuss and roll around, Zhang Meifeng refused to leave, Jiang Yu pushed them out the door, locked the door, she and Gu Shen Went to the Chanson Garden.

Zhang Meifeng stood at the back, watching Jiang Tao ride away in the ten million sports car, and Jiang Da looked at each other.

Zhang Meifeng returned to the hotel in defeat. Jiang Jie saw her, frowned and asked, "Mom, why are you back? I saw the online video, and now netizens are scolding Jiang Yu, why didn't you take the opportunity to live in her house?"

Zhang Meifeng glanced at her, but said nothing, Jiang Daquan sighed and said:

"Jiang Tao is live!"

"Live?" Jiang Mingxuan asked back, "What do you mean? What is she doing live?"

Zhang Meifeng had an unhappy expression on her face, and she said after a while, "I just broadcast the words my dad and I said to netizens!"

"What did you say?" Everyone was shocked. If Zhang Meifeng's words were known, would it still be worth it

"It's what you asked for, let Mingxuan be the general manager to manage the company, let Jiang Yu give Mingxuan 20 million, and Jiang Jie Jianglan 5 million! That's all!"

Jiang Jie and Zhao Chenglei's faces sank, Zhang Meifeng said all these words, how could netizens still be on their side

"Mom, why do you speak regardless of the occasion!" Jiang Jie blamed.

"That's right, Mom! Why don't you use your brain?" Jiang Lan was also angry.

Who are you angry with? This is nothing else! If Zhang Meifeng can do this, they will have nothing to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of their lives! You must know that in the countryside of a small county, they can earn at most one or two thousand a month, but the house price in the county is not low, approaching six thousand, how much can they earn in a lifetime? What is the achievement? But now it's different, the chance of a pie in the sky is right in front of him, as long as Zhang Meifeng can handle the taro, they can be rich! Able to be the best! Can buy a villa in the county to buy a facade! If you are short of money in the future, you can always ask Jiang Yu for it!

But Zhang Meifeng is so stupid! Stupid enough to let all netizens know about this!

"How do I know she's live streaming? I thought it was just us! Then Gu Shenliu also came, and when I saw him, I asked for 20 million betrothal gifts! It was all broadcast live! You said, how can I talk to him? The media sued and asked Jiang Ya to give money!"

This made everyone look sad.

"What can I do?" Wenwen was about to cry, she said angrily: "If she really doesn't give me a penny, how can Mingxuan and I get married! Mingxuan has spent all the money, and my mother will definitely not allow it. I will marry Ming Xuan!"

As soon as the matter involved the only golden grandson of the Jiang family, Zhang Meifeng became anxious. "Okay, I'll find a way!"

At this time, Jiang Lan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Mom, why don't we do this..."

Jiang Yu knew that they would make trouble again, so when he went back, he simply posted the video of the last time he went home for the new year and posted it online. On the video, Zhang Meifeng rolled her eyes and bluntly said that her daughter could not want it. Jiang Yu married Zhang Zhi, a fool, and signed a letter of severing the mother-daughter relationship on the spot, saying that she would never find Jiang Yu again.

Jiang Yu didn't say anything else, she has strong self-esteem, and it is one thing to do things, but she never wants to incite everyone to discuss and pay attention to her private affairs. .

As soon as this video went out, the Internet completely exploded! Jiang Tao's private affairs are breaking news. Everyone watches Zhang Meifeng like a TV series, and regards Jiang Tao as a cash cow, not recognizing his daughter but only money. Such a person has refreshed the three views of netizens and made everyone gather at Jiang Tao's. Weibo, I wanted to see how she responded, but Jiang Yu didn't say a word, and directly started a live broadcast to let everyone see Zhang Meifeng's true face, and then posted this video, netizens watched the video and exploded. This video is very strong The sense of substitution, especially the girls, when they saw Zhang Meifeng say those words, they all trembled with anger.

-Taro! If I were you, I would really be able to cut these superb products with a knife!

- I feel sorry for you! My taro balls! Don't say anything else, I went to your store to place an order for more than 1,000 yuan, and I support you!

- I will give you a reward of 1000 for Jiang Taro's article, not to mention, I will buy you some fruit to calm down your mood.

-My taro balls! It's really not worth it for you. I hope this will not arouse the dissatisfaction of the Gu family or affect your marriage.

- Just doing this for 100,000 yuan? I can't believe it!

Who knows, at this moment, mother Gu saw this video, she was so angry that she trembled, pointed to the video and said to Dad Gu:

"Husband! How can there be such parents in the world! My own child can't be hurt, and it's a daughter, and such a delicate girl doesn't hurt! Go and take care of it! Do you think this person has something wrong with his brain? "

"..." Dad Gu put down the business magazine, which was the page where Jiang Yu was interviewed. He hummed: "Meimei! It's not right to prioritize sons over women, and it's not right to prioritize women over men. What's wrong with my son? You don't think so. Come on, one with a handle, one with a stinky boy! I think the children are very good! Don't be prejudiced like Zhang Meifeng!"

Gu's mother was still so angry that she immediately posted on Weibo: "@Stylist Jiangyu your mother doesn't love you, it's okay, in the future, when you marry into our Gu family, Gu's mother will come to love you, and it happens that I don't have a daughter, so you can give it to Gu's mother. Be a girl!"

- Gu Mama can't do this, she's a daughter-in-law! I was made into a brother and sister love by you!

- Haha, Mommy Gu is so warm! It is said that the wealthy mother-in-law are fierce

- Gu Mama is so good! We will give you the taro balls!

-Hey, I used to disapprove of Jiang Yu marrying Gu Shenliu, but now I look at it and think it's pretty good. Gu's mother is so loving, she can finally warm Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu smiled when she saw Gu's mother's Weibo, and forwarded it back: "Although I am not your daughter, I will definitely be filial to you."

"Drink a cup of warm milk!" Gu Shenliu brought a cup of milk to Jiang Yu.

"Thank you." Jiang Yu frowned, "I don't think they will give up."

After all, it is Jiang Yu's family. Gu Shenliu can't talk too much, otherwise it will only appear that he is very narrow-minded as a man. Besides, he can't get in on the bickering between women, but he has a principle that no one You can't bully Jiang Yu, if Jiang Yu is not happy, no one should be happy!

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Yu pondered: "I have evidence to refute her, just because I'm afraid that the media's wind direction will be difficult to control, and I'm also afraid that a few gossip accounts on Weibo will get involved." After a pause, he added: "Really No, buy navy troops to lead the trend, as long as you master the media, you will have the first opportunity."

Gu Shenliu snorted and took out a folder from the drawer and handed it to Jiang Yu. "have a look!"

Jiang Yu opened it, and the more she looked, the more surprised she became. She couldn't believe it, "All these gossip accounts on Weibo belong to your studio?"

Gu Shenliu said solemnly: "When Weibo was first established, our studio was operating resources in this area, and now we control many gossip accounts, and many big V are also trumpets of our company's people, and others I can't guarantee it, it's still easy to control the trend of Weibo!"

Jiang Yu was taken aback, and suddenly smiled and said, "Then may I ask Mr. Gu, as a studio artist, am I eligible to use the company's resources?"

"Artists may not be able to enjoy it!" Gu Shenliu possessed himself, kissed her milky lips, and hummed, "But as Mrs. Gu, you must be qualified!"

Jiang Yu smiled and kissed him back.

The next morning, Jiang Yu went to the company early. Who knows, just as she walked to the door of the company, she saw Zhang Meifeng lying at the door of the company. No matter which employee came over, she would cry and cry:

"Everyone, come and see! Jiang Tao doesn't even recognize her own mother! This kind of person should be shot! She lives in a mansion, eats well and dresses well, and makes her own mother poor to live on the street! You say, there is such a thing as A wolf-hearted person?"

The employees who came and went were frightened and rushed to the company.

When Zhang Meifeng sees one being caught, she always has to cry and scolded Jiang Tao before giving up. It was working hours, and the employees were embarrassed to death when they saw this scene. He is very generous and can do this to his own employees. It is conceivable that he must be good to his family. They do not believe that Jiang Yu is such a person.

"I saw the live broadcast last night!" Zou Xiaoyu frowned and said, "Auntie, I said, don't ruin President Jiang's reputation again! Everyone knows that you sold Mr. Jiang when he was a child, and later you sold her for 100,000 yuan. A dowry gift, I want to sell her to a fool to be a wife! Do you know that your behavior is illegal? If you don’t leave, our company can only call the police!”

"Call the police?" In Zhang Meifeng's imagination, Jiang Yu never dared to make a big issue. She was the one who could call the police. She had to call the police and let the police arrest Jiang Yu! "You report it! I'll see who the police will arrest!"

She simply blocked the door, not allowing anyone to enter the company.

Jiang Yu got out of the car and saw a group of people surrounding the door of the company from a distance. She walked over with a blank face and saw Zhang Meifeng lying on the ground with her hair scattered and her clothes torn with many holes, looking like a beggar.

Zhang Meifeng looked proud, hum! She doesn't believe that Jiang Yu is shameless, she is dressed like this, Jiang Yu can still treat her as air!

"President Jiang!" Everyone shouted.

Jiang Yu nodded, looked at Zhang Meifeng on the ground, and said coldly, "Stand up!"

Zhang Meifeng was stunned for a moment, then said: "I won't stand! If you want me to go, give me the money first!"

Right at this moment, a bunch of reporters ran over. Zhang Meifeng saw it and waved to them quickly, and said happily:

"Reporter, I'm here! Come on! See how my daughter treats me!"

The reporters all gathered around and frantically took pictures of her. Zhang Meifeng cried: "You reporters must help me write well! Write all the evil deeds of Jiang Yu! Expose Jiang Yu's true face! Let everyone know about this person. What a virtue!"

The reporters gave Zhang Meifeng a complicated look.

They wanted the headlines to be good, but they have all seen the live video of Jiang Tao, and this piece of Meifeng is too hard to describe! How can this kind of superlatives still exist after the founding of the country? If they dare to distort the facts, let alone Jiang Yu, then Gu Shenliu will be the first to forgive them! Besides, now is not the time, no one dared to question when a report was published. These days, netizens often broke the news on the Internet. If they dared to write false news, they would definitely be sprayed to death by netizens. If the matter is big, they don’t want to work. !

"Zhang Meifeng, are you Jiang Yu's mother?"

"That's right! I'm her mother! But she doesn't support me! Write it down quickly and let the netizens scold her!" Zhang Meifeng said anxiously.

Just when he thought that the reporter would be upset for him, he heard the reporter ask, "I heard that you sold her when Jiang Yu was a child?"

"Ka?" That's not the point...

"You also want Jiang Yu, who is in college, to drop out of college and marry a fool in the village for the sake of 100,000 betrothal gifts and a wife for your son?"

"Karr?" That's not the point... Are you mistaken! You are here to criticize Jiang Tao! Take her and shoot her!

"I also heard from netizens that you asked Gu Shenliu for 20 million betrothal gifts? Are you loving your daughter or selling your daughter?"

"Karma?" 20 million only! Gu Shenliu is so rich, is it more than 2000? Not much!

"Oh! By the way! You actually asked Jiang Yu to adopt his house to your grandson? How did you think of such a thing?"

"Karma?" Isn't that what it should be? The grandson is the Jiang family! It has a handle! It is the only seedling of the Jiang family! My daughter is a loser, how can she live in such a nice house? To die!

"Ms. Zhang, can you tell me why you did these things? I think netizens must be very curious and tell your story!"


For a time, all the reporters gathered around and asked similar questions. Zhang Meifeng was in a hurry, lying on the ground and dodging.

"No! It's not like that! I sold her to let her live a good life!" Zhang Meifeng looked for a reason.

Journalists are not vegetarians, they are the mouthpieces of the people. "Then why don't you sell your son and let him have a good life?"

"Ka?" Zhang Meifeng was confused, and said quickly, "How can my son sell it! My son is the only seedling of the Jiang family!"

"That is to say, my daughter is worthless, so should I sell it?" the female reporter asked in displeasure.

Zhang Meifeng couldn't say anything about this group of people, and she was about to cry right now.

"I didn't call you here to ask you these questions! Jiang Yu kicked me out of my house yesterday, you should report it!"

The female reporter hummed: "Ms. Zhang, I saw yesterday's live broadcast. It was Jiang Tao's kindness to kick you out of the house. Many netizens want to kick you out of Shencheng! By the way, I advise you not to stay in Jiangyao Company. the door."

"Why?" Zhang Meifeng said angrily, "Who dares to drive me out?"

The female reporter had a weird expression, "Don't you know that yesterday you said those words of preference for sons and daughters on the live broadcast, which aroused the indignation of netizens! Now, almost all female netizens on the Internet have formed an alliance, saying that they want to crusade the best relatives and friends for Jiang Yu! Yes! Drive you away, if they receive news that you are stuck here, they will definitely come over, and then you will be in trouble!"

"Humph! Do you think I'm scared?" Zhang Meifeng raised her chest and looked confident.

At this moment, someone shouted, "Why are there so many people running over there? They are still holding banners!"

Jiang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked over with everyone.

Ordinary people pull the banner to ask for wages and oppose injustice, but this is the first time Jiang Tao saw someone write on the banner:

"Zhang Meifeng is rolling!"

"Down with Zhang Meifeng! Down with the vice of patriarchal women! Severely punish the best stepmother!"

"Don't cry, Jiang Yu, we are all Jiang family tonight!"

"Jiangyu is strong! You still have us!"

Jiang Taro: "… "

There were a large number of people, about 70 or 80 people. Some of these people were holding a basket of eggs, some had cabbage leaves, and some were holding paint buckets. They were aggressive and angry, and the leader shouted. He said, "Down with Zhang Meifeng! Down with Zhang Meifeng!"

Zhang Meifeng was frightened, who are these people? Why does everyone seem to want her life!

At this time, the leader grabbed the egg far away and threw it over.

Slam, the egg smashed on the ground, and then, the cabbage leaf also flew over. By coincidence, an egg hit Zhang Meifeng's head, making her head covered with egg liquid, and the golden yolk flowed down her eyes. .

Zhang Meifeng was so frightened that she ran in the opposite direction! He also shouted, "Killed! Killed!" After speaking, he ran away.

Jiang Yu really didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Originally, if there were no netizens, she planned to find a group of people to cooperate with her in acting and scare Zhang Meifeng's family. Who knows that even the actors' money will be saved.

"Jiang Yu, don't be afraid! We will all stand by your side!"

"Yes, Jiang Yu, we believe in you! It's Zhang Meifeng who is too much! It's been too easy for you to live these years!"

"Yuanyuan! Which mother can sell her daughter and marry you to a fool? We are really distressed! If Zhang Meifeng comes again in the future, tell us, and we will clean her up for you!"

"That's right! Taro balls! Don't give her a penny of your money! Donate it to beggars and thank you. You will only increase her appetite! It's not worth it!"

"Repaying grievance with virtue, why repay virtue! You have done your best to her! Don't be afraid, we are all your strong backing!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yu smiled, her fans! How cute!

Almost instantly, there was overwhelming news of Zhang Meifeng's abuse of Jiang Yu. Zhang Meifeng became the target of everyone's shouting and beating. If she didn't wear a hat when she went out, she would be thrown to death by rotten eggs in an instant! In the middle of the night, there were people knocking on the door and shouting! She no longer dared to stay in Shencheng, she was busy packing things with her children and returning home!

Who knows, when I go back and look at it, the villagers have long known from the news about her troubles, and they all scolded her for having no conscience, saying that she had a problem with her brain, that she was blinded by lard, and only thought about her son every day My daughter doesn't even recognize her! For a while, no one in the village spoke to them. Zhang Meifeng couldn't get any favors everywhere, so she slipped home in despair, the door was closed, and she didn't dare to leave.

The debtor heard that they were back, so they stopped at her door and arrested Jiang Mingxuan. Jiang Jie and Jiang Lan saw this and ran away without looking back. Zhang Meifeng had no choice but to cry all day long. , However, people who want debts are not as easy to fool as Jiang Yu, and he said, either repay the money or let Jiang Mingxuan die!

How could Zhang Meifeng be willing to let Jiang Mingxuan really die? There was no other way, she had no choice but to sue Jiang Ya to court and ask Jiang Ya to give money.

For this kind of thing, Jiang Yu was already prepared. She asked the legal team to represent her with full authority. The legal team assured her that it would do its best to make Zhang Meifeng not get a penny, but if he could get it, according to the law, the maintenance obligation is at most one month. out a few hundred dollars.

Jiang Yu shook her hand, saying that she was not interested in this kind of thing, and she could give five hundred for the money! There really can't be more! But this trouble must be completely solved!

After that, Jiang Yu received news that Jiang Mingxuan was being forced to pay debts every day. It didn't take long for him to bear this kind of life. In the middle of the night, without leaving a word, he packed up the package and ran away with Wenwen with the child. , and also kidnapped Zhang Meifeng's 20,000 yuan deposit! After that, he didn't answer the phone and didn't bring back a letter, leaving Zhang Meifeng and Jiang Daquan at home.

However, what does this have to do with her? After Jiang Yu heard the news, she didn't react at all, she just lowered her head and continued to work.

When the beauty cream was launched, Jiang Tao asked Jiansi to make a lot of samples for everyone. These samples are not samples of beauty cream, but various samples of lipstick, eye shadow, blush, lotion, etc... They are all flowers The items to be launched below the set.

These single products have won a good reputation, especially the makeup, which has continued the good reputation of the beauty cream, and is outstanding in everything.

Jiang Ya also participated in the research and development of these makeup products, and also provided many skin care product formulas for Jiansi.

As a stylist, in her last life, she developed a lot of formulas, and sometimes she would tinker with products herself. Many celebrities like to ask her about it. Before she died in her last life, she had plans to develop makeup products. If she can do it in time, she will die. If she can develop the brand of Huajianji in this life, it can be regarded as her wish.

Jiang Yu opened Weibo, and saw that there was already a riot on Weibo. However, these days, she specifically does not watch news or TV, and only leaves everything to Gu Shenliu to operate it. The gossip media account is not a vegetarian. In a few days, Jiang Yu has become a "reality Fan Shengmei", "a little cabbage in the world", "poor white-haired girl", and a poor little girl who everyone wants to pamper. Her fortune and entrepreneurship History has become a history of struggle for life so as not to be sold to fools! The reason why she studied hard was because she didn't want to go back to the countryside and be controlled by Zhang Meifeng for a lifetime! In short, under the guidance of some soft articles, netizens are distressed and support Jiang Yu's approach! Also let Jiang Yu and Gu Shenliu live well and welcome the new life!

Jiang Yu smiled, but she didn't respond a word.

Instead, I want to pick up this page.

Zhang Meifeng's family is just a stranger to her. If it wasn't for Gu Nianyuan, she would ignore them. Now this is the best outcome. If the court orders her to pay child support, she is willing to pay child support every month. Giving Zhang Meifeng a few hundred dollars is considered filial piety for the original body.

After that, the neighbor who posted the video was besieged by netizens, and everyone called him a holy man! Say he is nosy! Said he wanted to be popular and crazy! The neighbor's eldest brother had no choice but to delete Weibo in a sullen manner. Later, netizens picked up his real name, and he was fired from the company for this!

Life must go on.

Jiang Yu flipped through Weibo and continued to plant grass.

School is about to start, and it's still very hot. Many fans asked about eyeliner and said that when they went out with makeup, they often fainted in less than 3 hours! Let Jiang Yu recommend a cost-effective waterproof eyeliner for them.

Jiang Yu thought about it, found a cheap eyeliner from the makeup table, took a picture and posted it:

"LB fresh cream eyeliner, this eyeliner is very waterproof and anti-smudge. It is a popular model of Japan's E Awards. Its performance definitely beats the KISSME eyeliner, which is also famous in Japan. The most important thing is that it is very affordable! It suits you. The price/performance ratio should not be too high, and it can be done for dozens of dollars, I think it is already very good.”

- Touch the taro balls! Be happy, look at the eyeliner, and plan to buy it!

- I need eyeliner. I find that I am very good at choosing other things, but I often don't know what to use with eyeliner.

—Kissme, I’m dizzy when I use it! This should be better, right

- What a cabbage! Only a few dozen dollars! I have already bought it! Hope it works.

—Adding to the shopping cart for settlement is the best affirmation for Jiang Taro!

Although Zhang Meifeng's incident is not a good thing, it is undeniable that it still brings a lot of attention to Jiang Tao. She is entrusted with the operation of Shenliu Studio, and almost all netizens support her, which also makes her Weibo fans rise directly to 49.3 million, approaching the 50 million mark!

Looking at the comments of netizens, she smiled and replied: "Followers will reach 50 million immediately! If I exceed 50 million, I will do a lottery!"

- The local tyrant is here again!