Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 122: 120 grand opening show (1)


When the assistant told her that Jiang Ya was the national designer, Jiang Shan only thought that the assistant was joking. She was not the only one who thought so. Jiang Shan went to the Internet to see it, and everyone was shocked. Who would have thought that a 21-year-old girl , actually have this ability? Moreover, the people who do not show the mountains and the water, can actually hold this matter until now, just like no one, working and living normally, as if being a designer for the mother of the country, it is not a very great thing!

Jiang Shan's forehead sweated slightly, but fortunately, she didn't look down on Jiang Yu, and gave Jiang Yu the Buddha. Fortunately, she gave Jiang Yu a chance when Jiang Yu was not announced, and she sold the other person's favor! Such a big thing, this little girl is holding back like this! It seems that these seniors in the circle can't hold their breath.

She even had some understanding of why the mother of the country would use Jiang Ya as a designer, this little girl is not an ordinary person! It's amazing to have such a mind at such a young age! When he learned that Jiang Yu had refused the mother's request at the beginning, Jiang Shan felt that he had hit the jackpot this time, and that he was able to finalize the interview with Jiang Yu in advance!

Who would have thought that when I thought I had reached a dead end, there was a turning point, and this turning point was like winning a lottery! It can blow people away!

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Yu came, she greeted Jiang Yu, and when she saw Jiang Yu, Jiang Shan stepped forward with a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, seeing is better than seeing! You look prettier than you look in the photos!"

Jiang Shan's words are true, although flattery sounds good, but this kind of good talk must be mixed with truth and falsehood to be more likely to attract goodwill.

Jiang Yu smiled and said calmly: "Editor Jiang, I have heard Durres talk about you a long time ago, but I didn't expect to have the chance to meet for so long."

Durres is a photographer with some weight in the circle, and he knows these editors. The reason why Durres recommended Jiang Yu to "VQ" is also kind, after all, there are more established brands there.

Jiang Shan smiled, "Old Du! I haven't seen him for a long time, let's have a meal with the three of us another day."

"Okay, friends have to get together often to get warm."

The two laughed heartily. Even if this friend became a friend and entered the studio, today's photographer is also very famous in the circle. He has made many blockbusters. Considering Jiang Yu is still young, this time he gave The shape of the Jiangya design is dominated by flowers.

There are several groups of looks. The first group is Jiang Taro with pink roses in her mouth, her hair tied up, looking directly at the camera, and her eyes are empty.

Such an empty look makes people feel that Jiang Tao is looking at the camera and not looking at the camera. With her face, it gives people unlimited space for reverie, which is exactly what the photographer asked.

In the next look, Jiang Tao bares her back, only covers the front with a silk strap, and sits in a pile of petals.

Today's several looks are all the photographer's usual gorgeous style. Jiang Yu can't say she prefers or dislikes this style. She prefers more individuality. However, when the photographer lets Jiang Yu see it Only then did she realize that the photos were far better than she had imagined.

Although the theme is flowers, it is not sweet, but rather dark, with a strange sense of contradiction in it. It is both personal and sweet, making Jiang Taro a poppy flower with poison in its mouth.

After the filming, Jiang Yu was interviewed again to talk about the reasons for doing business, the source of inspiration, the clips of getting along with Gu Shenliu, and the experience before and after making clothes for the mother of the country.

Originally, the 2-page interview was targeted. After Jiang Shan saw the photos, he increased it to 4 pages abruptly. Of course, the cover must be Jiang Tao!

Before leaving, Jiang Yu handed Jiang Shan an invitation letter:

"Editor Jiang, my studio will open the day after tomorrow. If you are free, come to the show and give me some pointers!"

"Oh! You're polite, I can't talk about it, but everyone is a friend. I will definitely go to this show!" Jiang Shan laughed.

Jiang Tao nodded.

However, as soon as she left, Jiang Shan looked at the invitation letter in his hand and paused. From the invitation letter, the invitation letter was very high-end, with a black background with golden edges, and the guest's name was pasted with gold foil. It is designed with more care than many famous brand invitations. It can be seen that Jiang Tao has made a lot of money this time, but...

"Editor-in-chief, Jiang Tao's couture studio covers an area of 2,000 square meters, and the opening show has invited a lot of celebrities, which is no smaller than the Paris Fashion Week. You said that such a studio can be opened in China. Are you up?"

Jiang Shan shook his head, obviously not optimistic.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you optimistic? But Jiang Yu is the designer of the mother of the country..."

"She's famous now, but we Chinese people always recognize foreign products. It's better to buy high-end clothes that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. People might as well buy big brands like Valentino. You can see the brand of people's clothes, whether it is Dior, or Warren, or Chanel. The worst is a few popular designer brands. When someone asks you which brand you wear, you say it was designed by Jiangya. People in the circle will ask who Jiang Tao is? Foreigners naturally don’t know her either. You say, did the price of this dress drop in an instant? Leaving aside these things abroad, there are only a few designers recognized by celebrities in the entertainment industry. A red carpet outfit that has almost swept up several big actresses, what kind of frangipani shape, a dragon robe with a body, or a large Northeast padded jacket, after all, there are only a few designers, and the most powerful works are designed by a few people Going further, the public's acceptance is a circle. This circle has no boundaries. It is even more difficult for designers to grasp it well! The Chinese people's recognition of domestic products is also low. When I heard that Chinese designers designed , Everyone has no other idea, the first feeling is to drop the price! This is also because Jado, who invested in Jiangyao, insists on emphasizing its Italian origin, and has never made it public that he is the boss. "

"What?" The assistant is also an insider. She often watches various catwalk shows, and she will do it for the occasions when the editor-in-chief doesn't go. If nothing else, she thinks she knows the circle very well, but this sentence still makes me She was startled. "Jado is the brand of Jiangya?"

"Yes, not many people know about this, but she can still find out if she has the will. Look how smart she is, she knows what the Chinese want! But I don't understand why she is so confused this time, she opened her studio in Shencheng. Not in New York, Paris!"

"So, you mean, you're not optimistic about her haute couture studio?"

For the opening of a haute couture studio, it is a common practice in the industry to have a show. Not to mention haute couture, even if an expensive jewelry store opens, the opening ceremony can be turned into a show. The JY store of Jiang Tao is open, and it is not an ordinary person. Everyone, everyone Some are looking at her face, some are looking after Gu Shenliu and Gu Jia's face, but if this store can go on, it is not enough to rely on face alone.

"Anyway! It's really difficult for this store to open!"

Jiang Shan paused for a while, and Jiang Tao's calm and calm expression suddenly appeared in front of him. This little girl is not a mortal. She looked away again and again, enough to teach her a lesson, don't underestimate young people!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shan changed his words again: "Let's go and see it tomorrow!"

That night, Jiang Shan secretly posted a Weibo:

"Our "Women's Clothing" magazine is honored to invite Jiang Yu, a special designer for the mother of the country, as the cover of this month's magazine! The contact with Jiang Yu made me understand why the mother of the country chose her. This 21-year-old girl has an unlimited future! Want to know how Jiang Yu designed the clothes? Want to know how the mother of the country found her? Want to know what interesting things happened between her and Gu Shenliu? Stay tuned!"

Anna, who saw this Weibo, helped her fashionable sunglasses, gently lifted her red lips, and scolded, "bitch!"

However, after all, she herself despised Jiang Tao. She had been in this industry all her life, and she had never seen it before, but this little girl broke the record! Thinking that Jiang Yu had contacted her twice, but was rejected by her, Anna only felt that her bowels were green with regret!

In the next two days, Jiang Tao checked all the clothes used for the opening show, and let the models pass the show. In this big show, only a few Chinese models were used, and these Chinese models are well-known internationally. Yes, I have been on some famous shows, and the rest are foreign models. It is a little more troublesome for foreign models to communicate. Many people's English is even very common. Fortunately, Jiang Yu has been in the show for a long time in his previous life. Although there are many aspects of English Not great, but the fashion-related aspects are surprisingly good.

Under such circumstances, the opening of JY's Haute Couture Studio is finally here!

On this day, Jiang Yu got up at five o'clock. Gu Shenliu made the meal. The two of them were relatively silent. Before leaving, Gu Shenliu glanced at her, "Nervous?"

"It's not too nervous! It's just that my request to myself is that I can only succeed and not fail!"

"I'm not nervous at all." After Gu Shenliu finished speaking, he wiped his hands and said, "Bystander Qing, I have rehearsed many times in the past few days. I can see that this show will definitely cause a sensation!"


"Let's go!" Gu Shenliu knew that she didn't need her own comfort. A fashion designer can accommodate everything, but only in fashion, which cannot be compromised. Jiang Yu pursues perfection more than anyone else. Such a person , you can completely control this situation. "Let's go to the studio."

"Okay!" After half an hour's drive, they arrived at the most prosperous street in Shencheng. At the corner of the street shopping mall, the three-story store with almost 360-degree glass floor-to-ceiling windows was her store.

"You go to work first, I will help you take care of this place!"

"Okay!" Coming to the store, looking at the stage and lighting decorations in front of her, and imagining the effect of all this under the lights, Jiang Tao suddenly became confident. The stage was designed by her and Gu Shenliu together. It was also she who painted it and handed it over to a professional. Some people are preparing for a big show and like to outsource it to other teams, but Jiang Tao is a stubborn person, and she must do everything herself to feel appropriate. Her stubbornness is still reflected in even It was a mole on the model's face, and she had to change her makeup so that the mole wouldn't spoil the expressiveness of her outfit.

"Mr. Jiang, start your makeup?"

"Go first!"

Soon, the models took to the stage as required, and Jiang Tao watched and pointed until everyone was perfect.

Everything was ready, and in the afternoon, Jiang Yu began to let the makeup team do makeup on the models.

In international shows, most brands have their own makeup teams, some of which are tied to studios, but because Jiang Yu is confident about makeup and has held a lot of shows in his previous life, he did not seek foreign aid. , I just designed the look myself, what kind of makeup needs to be done for each outfit, and even the highlights of the highlights.

In terms of makeup and styling, the principle is "makeup and clothing, hair and makeup", but this is not the biggest challenge for makeup artists. The most difficult part is the makeup change after the model walks off the stage, which must be changed in a short time. Modifying the model's makeup to the desired look and completely changing the model's look can be extremely challenging for makeup artists.

Finally, the opening show began.

Jiang Shan took his assistant Coco out of the car. When she got out of the car, she was taken aback by the battle in front of her. If it wasn't for the JY sign hanging on the house number, she even thought it was the opening red carpet of which film festival. The red carpet is very long, there is a signed sign at the door, photographers from major magazines and media are taking pictures, and there is also a live broadcast of the Aiqiqi video website. That is to say, today's opening show It will be broadcast exclusively on the Aiqiqi platform.

Jiangshan's expression was shocked. The 2,000-square-meter storefront has all floor-to-ceiling glass windows. From the door, you can see the bright lights and all kinds of beautiful clothes. The floor-to-ceiling windows are not blocked. The stage, this all-white stage is very pure and clean, made of a circular arc, one layer after another, uneven, with a huge circular lamp overhead, which complements the shape of the stage.

"It has the style of Chanel's big show a few years ago." Jiang Shan said.

"Yeah, I remember that Lafayette likes this feeling, pursuing both tradition and fashion."

Jiang Shan was silent for a moment, with an unspeakable expression on her face, she nodded and said: "You are right, there are no too gorgeous ornaments that make people laugh, the feeling of all aspects of the stage is very simple, but this simple But it showed an unusual confidence, the kind of calmness that even a newcomer doesn't rush into, which is very similar to the feeling this little girl gave me."

"Yeah, if she makes the stage too fancy, she will inevitably be ridiculed in private by the people present, saying that she doesn't understand fashion and can't be on the stage. After all, people in this circle are all mean, and her performance is outstanding. It's her calm style." Coco echoed.

Jiang Shan squinted, "This girl makes me feel like an adult who can't go wrong! She's like Lafayette, always full of energy!"

Soon, Jiang Shan walked on the red carpet. Today, she wore a red floor-sweeping dress with a piece of cloth dragging on the shoulders of the dress. The length of the dress was the same as that of the dress. .

"Editor Jiang, how are you feeling now?"

Jiang Shan raised his lips and smiled: "Of course I am happy for Jiang Tao, I believe she will not disappoint us today!"

At this moment, several well-known fashion buyers in the circle also came, and several celebrities from the Suzhou generation also came. Jiangshan passed the red carpet and entered the room. Someone came to serve immediately. Jiangshan looked out the door, but She was shocked by this situation, and she knew that Jiang Yu's show was not small, and coupled with the reputation of the country's mother designer, there were naturally many people who gave her face, but I didn't expect that all these ladies would come.

Fashion shows are meant to promote brands. In fact, designers like the ladies who come to the show. Most of these ladies' wives are loyal fans of high-definition. When they are excited, they sign with a big hand. There are also many millions of orders, and these celebrities invited by Jiangya have one characteristic. They like to buy, buy and buy, and have high taste. At the same time, they have a little reputation on the Internet! If such a celebrity can place an order, it will inevitably bring income and topicality.

Someone came to lead them to their seats, and Jiang Shan sat down, only to realize that there were old acquaintances around.

"Dures? Su Ye? P Chen? Huahua?"

A few people laughed, and Duris hummed: "Xiao Shanshan, you're here too? It seems that my family's taro balls are not small, the fashion circle, entertainment circle, celebrity circle... Anyone who has a bit of status is invited. "

"It's a big deal."

Looking left and right, there is an illusion of time travel. What is the difference between this and the Paris Fashion Week not long ago? The presence of the scene is not small.

Under such circumstances, the opening show of JY's haute couture studio began.

The theme of the show is "Living Like a Dream".

The lights were turned on, and the very thin supermodels took to the stage. They stepped on high heels and were arrogant. If the models themselves are a kind of dazzling existence, then the clothes on their bodies are more dazzling than themselves.

These models are all dressed in black, with various black hair accessories on their heads, made into various hairstyles, makeup on their faces, and accessories on their bodies are all black.

Coco exclaimed: "It's really domineering! The name Floating Life Ruomeng is attractive enough!"

Life is like a dream, under the fine taste, the name is very amazing, coco can't help staring at the clothes on the model, but the model is walking too fast, she wants to see every piece, so that this dress has not yet After reading it, the dress comes up. The distance between these models is not small. They walk around the arc-shaped stage, like ladies who have traveled through a hundred years ago. The black dress makes them a kind of ascetic sexy , so that they shuttle between tradition and fashion, but there is no violation.

For example, the first model is wearing a Qing Dynasty court-style cloak, but this cloak is integrated into modern design, with a high neckline and black feathers at different angles, which has a strange sense of harmony, and the pair of flowerpot shoes under her feet. The high-heeled shoes of the shape have earned enough attention. At this moment, many people took pictures of the high-heeled shoes. Everyone knows that Jiang Yu has the technology to make high-heeled shoes. Women are comfortable to wear, but no one thought that she could design such eye-catching high heels.

Another example is the second model, with a water-sleeved long dress on the outside and a special girdle belt on the waist. This all-black dress makes the model have a cold and solemn temperament, but it also has a stunning beauty. Coco noticed the girdle of this model. This girdle is completely Chinese style, and the pattern on the front of the girdle is printed from bronze. The reason why coco knew about it was because it was written in detail in the on-site brochure. .

The lights changed, and this group of all black clothes was finished, and the black clothes were matched with the white stage, giving people a very advanced feeling.

Afterwards, the models stood in the middle of the stage. With the help of the music and drums, they abruptly ripped open their clothes, only to see that they were filled with colorful clothes that were different from black. These clothes included fairy dresses, water gauze dresses, and onepiece dresses. , the colors of the clothes inside are very bold, which is in sharp contrast with the all-black clothes outside, and it is also very different from the cold and solemn image of abstinence before. This is to show that modern women are an image outside, and they can come into contact with different people. , or at home, their hearts may be a completely different image.

Clothing is not only clothing, but also conveys a concept, just like the work "Blackboard" by Tomberley, an American abstract art master. If your child draws the painting, you may be shot to death, but the master's work is different. The transaction price of 449 million yuan makes this painting a classic in the sky-high price painting.

Once it is regarded as a classic, someone will interpret it, and the connotation in the painting will become taller, and the same is true of clothing. Your idea, expressed in clothing, can be recognized and the viewer can have an intuitive feeling. It's success, it's your job.

The next series is the abstract clothing work of hookah yarn.

This series made all the big names on the scene stare with bated breath and amazed for a long time.