Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 127: 125 out of stock


Jiang Yu immediately posted on Weibo:

"My dears, the first magazine interview I accepted as a designer was dedicated to "Women's Wear" magazine. Today, the magazine with me as the cover will be on the shelves. I hope you will support me! What?!"

The pictures are matched with real photos of magazines sent by Jiangshan.

- Damn, this cover is so beautiful! Prosperous beauty! On Yan, I am blessed to you.

—A face with no flaws, no wonder Gu Shenliu chose you!

- Taro balls, you are so beautiful! It's sexy and pure, sitting in a pile of flowers, I feel like I'm being teased by you.

- Is it an exclusive interview with "Women's Wear"? Great for my taro balls.

—Yuanyuan, I went to Shencheng to play today, and I went to the JY Gaoding store to see it. It was really dreamy. You are my goal. I will study hard, try to get into a good university, and be as successful as you are. people.

-I'll go downstairs to buy it. I didn't buy the last "Wei Wei".

-I'll go as well!

Almost instantly, there are tens of thousands of fans clamoring to buy magazines, Jiang Tao smiled, and the support rate seems to be much better than "Wei Wei".

At the same time, Gu Shenliu walked to the newsstand at the entrance of the community, it was still Uncle Feng, saw Gu Shenliu, smiled and asked:

"Xiao Gu, what are you buying this time?"

"Women's Dress"

"There are some! I thought all of you men like to watch "Men's Clothing". This issue of "Women's Clothing" is selling well. No, after entering so many, there is only one copy left! It's strange!" Uncle Feng babbled.

Gu Shenliu's lips moved slightly, he paid the money, and took the book directly.

On the cover, Jiang Yu was pulling a silk bed sheet, the silk barely covered her front, revealing her clean back, which made people imagine.

Sitting among the brightly colored flowers, she has a splendid face, but her complexion is unusually cold, her eyes are empty, making people feel difficult to approach, but this coldness against the background of her face gives people a fatal attraction, just like that The poisonous poppy flower, I looked at it for a while and wanted to approach it, but I couldn't stop it after getting it.

is addicting!

"Oh! Don't tell me I haven't noticed it yet!" Uncle Feng pushed his reading glasses and looked at the magazine cover for a while, "This little girl seems to be your little friend?"


"No wonder!" Uncle Feng smiled like a chrysanthemum. "You rarely come here to buy magazines. You buy them while you're running. I mean, it's because of your girlfriend!"

Gu Shenliu smiled lightly, did not speak any more, and went home with the magazine.

At that moment, when Gu Shenliu came from the door, Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you cooking in the kitchen?"

"Go out and buy something."

Jiang Tao glanced at his hand curiously, took the magazine and saw a charming face. This photo was much better than she imagined. The photographer is indeed a professional, and the angle is captured. It's very good. Although Jiang Tao doesn't have a glamorous expression on his face, it makes people feel that he can't help but be seduced by her.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I'm pretty good at shooting magazines."

Gu Shenliu snorted and said:

"It's not bad, it's just that the clothes are a little less worn. Look at the sheet you grabbed, it's about to fall off, and people can't help but want to rush up and lift the sheet to see what's going on."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the spatula and didn't seem to care, but he said, "You're a mother, pay attention to your image!"

Jiang Yu laughed, glanced at him, and said, "I said Mr. Gu, if you're jealous, just say it!"

After speaking, Jiang Yu took out a bag of quick-frozen dumplings from the refrigerator and said:

"I changed my mind, let's have dumplings for lunch today."


"Exactly, so you don't have to dip in vinegar!"

"… "

Early the next morning, Jiang Yu and Gu Shenliu went to a private hospital for an obstetric examination together. Many celebrities came here when they were pregnant. The doctor gave her a series of examinations and finally took a film.

"It's been 9 weeks +2, remember to add folic acid!"

Having said that, he gave Jiang Ya a few boxes of imported folic acid and multivitamins.

Jiang Yu looked at the film in disbelief. On the black film, there was a long nucleus. He couldn't see anything, only knew that there was a child there.

"Doctor, when is my due date?"

The doctor reached out and calculated, and said, "According to your cycle, you may be delayed, it should be in the middle of May."

The two new parents walked out of the hospital with mixed feelings.

Although nothing can be seen on the film, which is very different from the film that Jiang Yu imagined that can see the baby's facial features, but knowing that there is indeed a child in the belly, I am sure that I am pregnant and want to be a mother, this feeling can only be experienced by myself Just known.

Gu Shenliu also felt amazing, "Humans are as amazing as the universe. Two people can create a life. This life is in your belly for ten months, and in the end it will become a human like us."

"It's amazing that a little thing the size of a sesame can develop into a child with five senses, hands and feet."

The two were sighing, chatting and chatting, and the conversation turned out to be developing outside the universe.

At noon they went to Gu's mother's place for dinner. Gu's mother watched the film and laughed from ear to ear:

"Ouch! Watching the film is a long strip, it should be a boy!"

Jiang Yu's complexion remained unchanged, "The doctor said that he can't see it for the time being."

"I can't tell, but based on experience, all three of my sons are in this shape." Gu's mother was so happy that she shouted that she wanted to cook soup for Jiang Tao to nourish her body.

As soon as she left, Jiang Yu secretly asked Gu Shenliu, "Does Auntie like boys more?"

"No." Gu Shenliu turned on the TV.

"Then do you think my stomach is a boy or a girl?" Jiang Yu glanced at Gu Shenliu.


Jiang Yu was a little displeased. Hearing this, Gu Shenliu seemed to have a tendency to prefer sons to daughters, which was not a good sign.

She asked tentatively, "Why? How do you know it's not a girl?"

Gu Shenliu snorted coldly, stared at the TV, and said, "Do you think girls are so easy to give birth?" Pointing to the direction of the kitchen: "My mother has three sons in a row, why do you think that? Don't you just want a daughter? Is it? Our entire Gu family has a son for the first time, and you can't run away."

It turned out that it was not patriarchal, Jiang Yu was a little discouraged after hearing this, "I also plan to have a daughter, I will wear mother-daughter clothes with me, I will also buy a mother-in-law bag to use with my daughter, and I will go shopping together."

"I think so too." Gu Shenliu said, "Then what can we do? The son will do it too! We can't put him back."

After eating, Gu's mother smiled and said to Jiang Yu: "Yuanyuan, you can give our old Gu family a fight!"

Done! Jiang Yu wondered if Gu's mother would let her have a son to pass on incense to the Gu family.

Unexpectedly, Mother Gu said with snot and tears: "You also know that Mother Gu suffers a life without a daughter, and all three are born! Your aunt laughed at me, saying that my life was bitter, and that we took care of the family. Yang is prosperous and yin is declining, there is no daughter's life in this life! You must give the Gu family a chance! Give birth to a girl, I promise! A girl will inherit the family business like a boy in the future!"

"… "

Jiang Yu swallowed her saliva, she never expected that she was worried that she would have no status after giving birth to a daughter, but who knows, it is boys who are more discriminated against.

She smiled dryly: "Auntie, boys and girls are the same."

"It's not the same!" Aunt Gu cried, "Girls are soft and cute, and boys will only be angry with you when they grow up! I won't tell you any more, look at the three I raised, what's the use? !"

The three Gu brothers who were named by her stopped eating for a while, and then continued to eat with their heads down and expressionless.

"What's the use of what you said!" Gu's mother roared again: "I won't tell you anything, I don't usually make a phone call to go home to do things, and I can't share with them if I have gossip. I never go shopping with me to buy things. I hate to buy, buy, buy! So taro balls, listen to me, you must have a daughter, so that you can enjoy happiness when you are old!"

Jiang Yu also likes girls herself, so she comforted her mother: "It's okay, we can have a second child if we don't have one."

Gu's mother's heart warmed when she said this.

She was serious, as if explaining a major event, and solemnly patted Jiang Yu's hand: "In short! The Gu family depends on you!"

"..." Alexander has wood!

That night, Jiang Yu went back to take a look, but saw that there were 120,000 comments on Weibo posted this morning.

She was stunned, what happened? Usually, a Weibo post rarely gets more than 100,000 comments. Right now, the content of this Weibo is not very explosive. Why are there so many people

Jiang Yu opened it and saw that the fans were about to fry.

- I went to buy it and didn't buy it!

—Yeah, both my mother’s community and my grandmother’s community went to see it, and the newsstands said they were all sold out.

- I am miserable. I asked my cousin's brother to go to their 18th-tier small county town to see it, and they all said that they were sold out. They also said that many people in big cities called people from small town towns to buy on behalf of others, which made it impossible to buy this magazine anywhere. arrive.

- Why is this! Is it too little printed! @Editor Jiangshan, may I ask what happened to your magazine? Why are there so few prints, why can't you buy them? Do you look down on our taro, and think that my taro balls are low in coffee? Otherwise, why are they out of stock everywhere? Last time, "Wei Wei" was still available for online shopping, but what about this time? unacceptable!

—The cover of this magazine is very beautiful, and the interview with Taro Ball is also very attentive. I heard that the mother of the country asked her to design clothes. This is the first time in history that the details have been exposed. I really want to buy it! But I really can't buy it, I cried to death! Can you ask the magazine, what's going on

-Cry to death! I really want this magazine, I want to buy it and take it home.

—I want it too. The person who bought it said that Taro Balls also talked about the details of getting along with Gu Shenliu in the interview. I want to buy it!

- The chance of additional printing is very small, right? Manga magazines in Japan often add prints, which is rarely done in our country.

- Hope to add more prints. @Editor Jiangshan Likes: 45333

Jiang Tao laughed, and she felt relieved. She thought it was something big. It turned out that it was because the magazine could not be bought. So are what the fans said true? Could it be that there are too few prints? After all, she is a small coffee among the guests of "Women's Clothing".

Who knows, WeChat suddenly sounded, Jiang Yu picked it up and took a look.

Jiang Shan: "Yuanyuan, the speculation on the Internet is not true, and I am wronged! In fact, the print volume of this magazine is the largest ever! Who knew it would be sold out! Now it is out of stock everywhere, fans Take turns calling the magazine to complain, saying that we discriminate against you and look down on you, but there is really no such thing! But don’t worry, the magazine is now urgently reprinted! After it is printed, it will be put into the market again.”

Jiang Yu smiled back: "Fans can't buy impatient, don't take it to heart, I apologize to you for my fans."

"Oh, you are too polite! They are so supportive, I want to thank you, thank them!"

Jiang Shan is still happy after all. These days, magazines are hard to sell, and it is no longer the grand occasion of the year. Now magazines are said to be a disadvantaged group. Every year, dozens of issues of Shencheng go bankrupt. Under such circumstances , The women's clothing magazine has tripled its print volume, but it's still not enough to sell! According to the current market demand, at least 10 times more printing is required!

She knew in her heart that all this was not because of her ability as the editor-in-chief, but because of Jiang Tao! Jiang Tao brought the magazine on fire.

In the end, the magazine held an emergency meeting to discuss and urgently print an additional 1.5 million copies! Such a huge sales volume, such an increase in printing volume, let alone "Women's Wear", is unique in the history of Chinese magazines. When "Reader's Digest" was at its peak 10 years ago, the annual sales volume was only 10 million copies. , but how can the current situation be compared with the past? Moreover, the unit price of "Women's Clothing" is expensive. The first batch printed nearly 500,000 copies, but unexpectedly, so many more copies were printed. The leaders were so happy that they said that Jiangshan would choose people, but they were able to pull it. The designer used by the mother of the country will make the cover! Great work!

At the same time, when I heard that "Women's Clothing" had increased by 1.5 million copies, Anna's face was heavy and heavy, and the air pressure in the office was so low that several editors dared not speak.

Everyone knows that Anna personally pushed Jiang Yu out. She has been eager to find the mother of the country to design an exclusive interview. For this reason, she looked down on Jiang Yu and said unpleasant things, but who knew that Jiang Yu would not say anything. , Now, the opponent's "Women's Clothing" actually sells so many! This kind of sales is definitely the magazine with the most monthly sales today, and it will definitely overwhelm "VQ". Thinking of this, Anna's teeth itch with hatred. Once fans buy the magazine and find that "Women's Clothing" looks good, they may be converted. As a loyal customer of the magazine, this may also drive the sales of subsequent issues of the magazine. If Jiangshan can do more, improve quality and retain fans, it is very likely that "Women's Wear" will overtake "VQ", which is not what Anna is happy to see .

As the editor-in-chief, the sales of the magazine are not good. How can she continue to stay

I heard that she is unhappy, the country is so cool, and even walking is windy. Recently, she has often bowed to the photo of Jiang Yu three times and nine times, oops! People who have worked with Jiang Ya say that Jiang Ya is very prosperous, and what he does is popular. It seems that this is indeed the case now.

Soon, all 1.5 million copies of the magazine were added to the market.

On the same day, because of Jiang Shan's request, Jiang Yu posted another Weibo, and she smiled and said:

"In the past few days, many people have been clamoring for magazines, and I have also helped you win. Now "Women's Wear" magazine has printed an additional 1.5 million copies, ensuring that every sales channel has stocks, but don't blame me for not reminding you, you need to buy You have to hurry up, otherwise you can't buy it and come to me and cry, Jiang Tao will ignore people!"

- Ooooooooo! I listen to what the taro balls say, and I'll buy it now! This cover is absolutely gorgeous!

—Although it wasn’t made by Durres, I still like it.

—I have already bought it. You have a lot of words in your interview with Taro Ball. I like them very much. I have underlined the ones I like, and I will read them often in the future.

- It turns out that you rejected the mother of the country in the first place, mother! What a guts! Also, I took good care of the contrast and cuteness, but I didn't expect you to be secretly in love with Shen Da.

—Miss Taro Yuan, have you taken the wedding photos? When will the wedding photos be released

Jiang Yu replied: "I'm planning to shoot it, and I'll announce it to you when it's finished."

- Come on! I can not wait anymore!

- I hope you can shoot a little more special, not so uninspired, I feel that every time the stars get married, I think it's boring.

- I believe that the taste of Jiangyao, the real is the best!

Jiang Tao smiled, why does she think her fans have good taste just like her