Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 13: 012 Plants


Bei Xiaoxiao felt incomprehensible about Jiang Yu's rejection of Gao Jing. Jiang Yu couldn't tell her the truth. Could it be that she had to tell her that she had seen too many dirty things in the entertainment industry in her past life, so she had no interest in the entertainment industry at all

After ignoring this little episode, Jiang Yu finally finished filming all the clothes after a tiring day.

She had been exposed to the sun all day with makeup on, and returned home at night with a burning pain on her face.

Although she is still a young girl, 20 years old is already the age when she needs to take good care of her skin. Besides, makeup is also very harmful to the skin. Therefore, after she removed her makeup, she opened the courier and took out the Su Mi 37 bubbles she just bought. Facial mask.

This mask is a pressing type. She squeezed the mask on her face. After a few seconds, the mask began to bubble, and the bubbles became more and more until the face was covered with bubbles. This process is very interesting. Taro has been observing Bubbles. She has used this mask many times in her previous life, and it has always been amazing. No wonder Koreans like this brand so much.

After using the bubble mask, the skin after washing is very refreshed and will not be a burden to her youthful skin.

After she finished the cleansing mask, Jiang Taro took out the hyaluronic acid she just bought from Japan Taiyo Company, put it in the toner, mixed it with a certain method and rubbed it on the skin in a certain way. After rubbing a layer of toner , the subsequent lotions and creams are better applied and the moisturizing effect is longer.

Of course, Jiang Tao did not forget to take pictures during use, and posted these two things on the Internet along with their self-portrait pictures.

Especially the hyaluronic acid of the Sun Society, which is very cost-effective and very suitable for young girls.

Not long after she shared it, she saw several loyal fans screaming.

- Are you planting grass again? isn't it? Do you still think we are not poor enough

- I'm going to eat dirt this month!

- isn't it? I am a poor student, I can afford this hyaluronic acid, but the mask is a little expensive.

- Ouch! Bloggers, put on new clothes, right? I'm still waiting to buy it!

- I also asked for clothes. I think the clothes you wear look good. I feel that you can take pictures better than those professional models.

—Yeah, the blogger's clothing expression ability is very good, the clothes make people want to follow, have the desire to buy, and feel that the blogger can match well.

Jiang Yu smiled and closed Weibo. After she made the skin, she quickly turned on the computer to upload pictures, because the size of the pictures was very large, and the uploading process was very slow. In addition, she had to edit the data of some clothes. The whole process was very complicated and complicated. .

Jiang Taro was not ready until midnight.

The next morning, Jiang Yu continued to edit the baby page, but it took a whole day because her broken computer was very stuck. After she completely edited this baby, it was already night.

"Tao Yuan, when are you going to upload the baby?" Bei Xiaoxiao asked.

"Upload it now, but wait until 8:00 p.m. and then release the pictures for everyone to preview."

"Sale at eight o'clock in the evening? Why?"

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Because there are more people on Weibo at 8 o'clock in the evening, everyone will go home for dinner and have nothing to do. Isn't it suitable to swipe Weibo to place an order to see Taobao?"

"How treacherous!"

"… "

"I see! First preview and then sell, then there must be a lot of people who want it. Everyone is worried that they won't be able to grab it, and it will cause looting. Rare things are expensive. When your treasures are taken off the shelves one after another, it will be delayed. The people who start it panic, for fear that they won't be able to buy it, and this will make everyone buy more frantically, right?"

Jiang Yu didn't answer, just ignored her.

"Hey, taro balls, when you come back, first tell me if you are..."

Jiang Tao smiled and turned on the computer, selected all the babies, and clicked one button to upload.

According to the settings, it is not yet available for purchase, and the rush can only be opened after 8 o'clock, so the page shows that there is still 3:39:44 before the opening time.

In this way, her batch of more than 30 types of babies has been uploaded to the store.

After the upload was successful, Jiang Tao selected a few particularly good pictures, edited them into Weibo and sent a Weibo:

"Babys, many people have been urging me to update, and the second batch of babies has finally been uploaded. This batch is not much, it will be sold out, and no more orders will be added! Baby link: 2#KNSZoo, welcome to poke! "

Jiang Yu tried to keep her tone less serious, so that her 35-year-old soul was more in line with the style of young people.

At the moment of Weibo's release, the traffic of Taobao's backstage surged suddenly.

The amount of traffic is terrifying, and everyone flocks here, looking at each baby one by one, choosing one by one, comparing them repeatedly, adding the suitable baby to the shopping cart, just waiting for the 8 o'clock in the evening to grab it.

—Jiang Yu, I added 2 pieces of your clothes to the shopping cart, I hope I can buy them.

- I also added a few more, saying that my favorite is the black hooded sweater.

- It seems to be very popular, it won't be the same as last time, let's take it off the shelves in seconds!

—Looks like I'll have to set the alarm to grab it.

Jiang Yu did not forget to reply to the message to comfort everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, there are more than 1,000 pieces of clothes at least, and I can definitely grab them! My family is not so popular."

- Hehehe.

-Ha ha.

-Ha ha.

Finally, it's 8 o'clock.

Jiang Yu was looking at the time on the phone, but he hadn't taken his eyes off the screen of the phone. In just a moment, he heard the sound of "ding" and "ding" coming from the computer, which is the success of the order. the sound of.

In 3 seconds, Jiang Tao swiped the background and stood up in shock.

5000 people have already placed orders!

"So fast?" Bei Xiaoxiao was really surprised. She stared at her big round eyes and asked, "Tao Yuan, 5,000 people in 3 seconds! Did we set a record?"

"How can records be so easy to create, there are many people who are better than us!" Jiang Yu smiled, "You, think too much! We are very good, but there is still a long way to go."

At this moment, the pleasant "ding ding" sound kept ringing, and more and more people placed orders.

However, people who are regrettable, there are a few treasures that everyone likes. They were taken off the shelves in just over 10 seconds. Many people didn't grab them. They went to Jiang Yu's Weibo and cried and told her to put more on it. They were all rejected by Jiang Yu.

- I didn't buy it, so sad!

—Yeah, this feeling is so uncomfortable, I have already tried very hard to grab it, but I just came back after going to the toilet, and when I look at it again, it is all over!

- It's so cruel, I feel like I won't love it anymore!

More and more styles have been taken off the shelves, but because some styles are slightly ordinary, the selling speed is not as good as those of the popular ones, so that by the next day, there are still more than 20,000 clothes in the whole store that are not sold.

And Boss Jiang has learned to be smart this time. He has been following Jiang Yu's Weibo, and every time Jiang Yu has any news, he will watch it as soon as possible.

No, after Jiangya released the baby, he kept refreshing Jiangya's Taobao shop, but he never imagined that it was only a few seconds after 8 o'clock. After he killed a mosquito on his thigh, he looked up, Nima. , the world has changed.

What about those clothes? Gone? Gone? What? Not enough to sell? Is this mocking him? You must know that a week ago he was still worried about this batch of goods, and he planned to commit suicide to apologize.

But Jiang Yu just casually wears and pats it, and posts it on Weibo, so many fans buy it

OMG! Is this the legendary internet celebrity? He heard that the girlfriend of the son of the richest man earns more than 100 million yuan a year. He didn't believe it at first. Now, looking at it, this Internet celebrity selling clothes is really amazing! It's no wonder that some online celebrity homemade shops on Weibo have opened up to the Golden Crown. It's really not easy!

"Wife wife..." Boss Jiang waved excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Boss Jiang's wife came over.

"Quick! Quick! Get your clothes ready, Jiang Tao will definitely be coming over soon for us to deliver."

"What? How much did you sell for this time?"

"I don't know how many, I just know that many treasures have been taken off the shelves!" After speaking, Jiang Chao stood up excitedly, "No, I'll call Jiang Yu now."

This time, Jiangyao ordered a gift box in advance. The words "Jiangtao Studio" were printed on the gift box, and Jiangyao's Weibo and WeChat accounts were also printed. Although Jiangyao currently does not focus on marketing WeChat, but more It's always good to add some friends.

Jiang Yu and Bei Xiaoxiao went directly to the factory with the computer.

This time, the two went for a taxi with riches.

The next step is to deliver the goods nervously. Because of the preparations, Jiang Chao asked dozens of workers to help this time. The number of people is more powerful, and the speed of delivery has also increased a lot. It can barely guarantee the order of the day, and the next day will definitely be available. Ship.

Jiang Tao also selected a few honest and patient little girls from the workers to serve as customer service and answer customers' questions for her.

So, the order was delivered at the same time. On the fourth day, this batch of more than 50,000 items, more than 30 styles, were all sold out.

When all the treasures in the store were marked with the words "sold out", Jiang Yu was quite emotional.

Although this achievement is not worth mentioning at all for many big stores, it is the first step on her road to success.

Jiang Ya looked at the sky.

She wasn't quite sure what to do next, but years of life experience told her—

Start at your feet and go far.

The morning sun shone on Jiang Yu's head. After staying up all night and finally delivering the goods, she raised her head and looked at the sunlight in this world, only to feel that God really favored her.

She is grateful.

At this time, Gu Shenliu was also standing in the yard, staring at the sun on the horizon, speechless.

Day after day, he can see the sun several hundred days a year. Except for rainy, snowy and cloudy days, the sun does not appear, and he sees the sun every other day.

Such a sun is obviously very warm, but it can also make people desperate.

At this moment, Bei Xiaoxiao suddenly ran out of the room holding the computer, and she shouted:

"Taro balls, crazy! Crazy! Your Taobao reputation has been upgraded!"