Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 135: 133 heavy


As Gu Shenliu expected, the team was really unprofessional. The app was developed by a few college students in their spare time. The college students had good ideas, but unfortunately the technology was not at home, and the user experience of the app was not very good, and they were incapable of it. Improvements have made this app unstoppable. There used to be many customers who were interested in this app, but there was no response after trying it out. This time, I heard that a company is willing to negotiate with them, but the method is acquisition. Agreed without thinking! Anyway, it didn't cost a lot of money. Everyone made it with pocket money. Now that you can sell it, you don't need to make money. Of course, it's very good! Besides, they can't run this app with their abilities. It's too difficult to fire up an app now, and it's not something that people like them can play.

Gu Shen sent people to negotiate the price with them, and the negotiation went well.

At the same time, Jiang Yu went to school to attend classes.

Before you know it, the day starts to get cold. After a rain, the cool morning breeze blows on the bare skin, as if the coolness penetrates through the pores little by little, so you can't ignore it.

The scenery of the campus is also dyed with autumn colors, and even the sun has a clear autumn meaning.

Jiang Yu went to class with the book in her arms. She just walked into the classroom, but saw all the teachers in the class came. They stood on the edge of the blackboard and said with a smile:

"Classmates, let's applaud Jiang Tao together!"

The thunderous applause sounded, and every classmate had a smile on their face. Jiang Yu could feel that the smile was sincere.

She bowed to everyone. "thank you all!"

"Jiang Yu, you finally lived up to your trust and won glory for our college and even the entire school!" Professor Zhou sighed.

Before Jiang Yu made clothes for the mother of the country, he did not praise her in front of the school, but behaved very lightly, but this time she only won the first place in a small competition, and he was so happy for her.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Professor Zhou, thank you for your guidance. If it wasn't for the training of the teachers, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

Although the teachers all know that Jiang Ya rarely comes to school, the success of Jiang Ya has nothing to do with them. They even say that Jiang Ya's level is far higher than them. It can be seen that a student who has achieved such a high level of achievement is so humble, the teachers I am happy in my heart, not because I am wearing a high hat, but because such a person can go further.

"Principal!" the head teacher shouted.

Principal Wen walked in with a smile, and he looked at Jiang Yu with a smile: "Jiang Yu, you have won glory for the school! These days, the school has been interviewed by more than a dozen media every day! You have helped the school a lot and established A positive image of the school!"

Principal Wen can predict that this year Shenda will become a school where candidates are vying to sign up.

Jiang Tao smiled and said, "Thanks to the school for training."

"You are talented! Your deconstructionist costume is really classic! I have asked your teacher to give us a detailed analysis of the beauty of your costume, explain it in pictures and text, and post it on the bulletin board, so that everyone can I can understand your work!" Principal Wen's face was bright, obviously really excited.

Jiang Tao smiled: "My little achievement is not worth exaggerating."

"Hey! It's not exaggeration, but I hope to use you as a positive example to inspire students from Shen University to work hard!" Principal Wen said.

"Okay!" Jiang Yu was helpless. According to her temperament, she was unwilling to be too showy.

"The other students who participated in the competition also performed very well!" Principal Wen looked at the students below and said with a smile, "I am very impressed by your students this year, and everyone who participated in the competition performed very well. , I am proud of you! This year is your last year in school, I hope you will continue to work hard! Win glory for the school and yourself!"

Applause broke out, and all the students seemed to be agitated.

Yes! They are about to graduate and go into society, and they are no longer students in the ivory tower.

In fact, when they saw Jiang Ya winning the championship on TV, most of the students were very uncomfortable. No one liked the feeling of losing. Jiang Ya sat in the same classroom with them, but Jiang Ya was already so strong, but they I didn't do anything at all. Thinking of this, most of the students looked at Yao Yiyi complainingly. All the good students in the class and Jiang Yu's department joined JY to help. Now JY is already a very popular job-hunting company. JY The salary is good, the employees are young, the corporate environment is good, and everyone wants to join. However, before Yao Yiyi bullied Jiangyao, they didn't stand up. If it weren't for Yao Yiyi, maybe they could join Jiangyao Company to help now and get a high salary commission. The people are them.

How could they not complain!

Of course, they don't understand their minds.

At this time, Principal Wen smiled again and said, "The students will commend you for winning this competition, and there will also be a bonus."

Jiang Yu thought about it and said, "I accept the commendation, and the bonus will be reserved for the helpful classmates!"

Principal Wen was stunned for a moment, and smiled more sincerely. It is a very valuable quality for a person to be willing to help others when he is rich.

"Your mother-in-law was so happy last night that she shouted that she was going to find you, or I and your father-in-law should persuade her not to disturb the two of you. She just didn't go there. If you are free today, you have to go back and see Look at her, I see she's so excited she doesn't know who to tell!"


However, what Principal Wen said was normal, but it surprised all the teachers and students.

Principal Wen knew Jiang Yu's mother-in-law? right! How could they forget that Jiang Yu's mother-in-law was Gu Shenliu's mother, and the Gu family and the Wen family were family friends, so it was right for them to know each other! only…

The students were even more unhappy. Jiang Tao went too fast. When they were busy looking for jobs, she was worth hundreds of millions, had a company with strong assets, and knew the principal. She was no longer something they could catch up with. .

These days, all the media are chasing Jiang Yu, and their interest in Jiang Yu is even more than that of Gu Shenliu, because all the media have found that as long as there is news about Jiang Yu, it will be good to click, and her attention is even higher than that of Gu Shenliu. still high! Why? Because when Jiang Taro appeared, the media could take pictures like crazy, and take her beautiful photos. Fans like to see her. Besides, she is a fashion designer, and the clothes she wears can easily arouse fans’ crazy pursuit. It also specifically analyzes Jiangya's private servers, that is to say, interviewing Jiangya means controlling the traffic.

More importantly, Jiang Ya did not accept any interviews after winning the designer competition! How can this make them reconciled

They have a lot of questions to ask, okay

Finally, Jiang Yu left the school and was caught by Zhuo Yi.

Zhuo Yi is well-known in the entertainment industry. He is a paparazzi and has always followed him. However, the negative news of Gu Shenliu and Jiang Yu has not been photographed for so long. No, Zhuo Yi simply let the paparazzi take pictures clearly, anyway. It's all traffic, don't do it for nothing!

"Jiang Yu, what are you planning to marry with Gu Shenliu?" Jiang Yu just walked out of the school gate, and a person rushed out. She was startled, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Zhuo Yi wearing a hat.

Jiang Yu laughed. Although he had never dealt with this person directly, he had always heard of it.

"Aren't you a paparazzi? Is it really good to be so open and upright?"

Zhuo Yi smiled: "We paparazzi also need to bask in the sun, standing in the sun, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Jiang Yu thought for a moment, and said, "Should it be soon? Gu Shenliu has been preparing. He asked me to check in with my bag and bring someone to the wedding."

Abuse the dog! Abuse the dog! Even Zhuo Yi, a single dog for ten thousand years, feels sore teeth!

"You don't know the date of the wedding?"

Jiang Tao shook his head.

It was just after school time. Many students were not used to seeing Jiang Yu being interviewed. They just wanted not to be photographed. After all, many media interviewed students on the road recently, and they asked:

"Do you know Jiang Yu? What's your impression of her?"

Of course, the classmates won't drag Senior Sister Jiangyao back, and now they say Jiangya people are beautiful! Scholar! Everyone loves her or something.

"Didn't Gu Shenliu tell you the date?" Zhuo Yi asked.

"No, you can either ask him yourself!" Jiang Yu said.

Zhuo Yi choked. "Your family Gu Shenliu is too difficult to follow. You lose 99 times a hundred times, and the remaining one is blocked when you go to the toilet! It's not easy for us paparazzi!"

"..." Jiang Yu laughed: "Or I ask him to invite you to dinner another day, and have a good chat?"

"Don't stop! No need!" Zhuo Yi coughed: "Are you happy to win the competition?"

"Definitely!" Jiang Yu smiled: "You will be happy too, won't you?"

"Netizens are saying that Bo Manrou is your rival in love. Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Yu was really surprised this time. Her character is like this. She doesn't offend others if they don't offend her. But if you want to talk about rivals in love, she doesn't have this word in her dictionary, why? She thinks that flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Gu Shenliu is really affectionate with thin man, she would have kicked Gu Shenliu long ago, but as long as Gu Shenliu ignores it and lets the girl be unrequited, then It's not like underestimating the enemy, and in this regard, she has the most basic trust in Gu Shenliu.

Jiang Yu laughed, and said with obvious surprise: "Rivals in love? You are too exaggerated! Bo Manrou is Mrs. Gu's goddaughter, and she is also the godsister of the three sons of the Gu family!"

She specially emphasized the three sons, which well cleared Gu Shenliu's suspicion.

"Is that so?" Although Zhuo Yi heard it, he didn't expect that Bo Manrou was Mrs. Gu's goddaughter, not the godsister Gu Shenliu recognized.

"Yeah, if you don't believe me, go ask Mrs. Gu. In fact, the day before the competition, Manrou was still eating at Gu's house. We met at the dinner table and had a good chat. Manrou's people are also very nice, and she even went to my store. I bought a piece of clothes, which is to support my business, you say, if our relationship is not good, can we do this?" Jiang Yu looked sincere.

Zhuo a Spartan.


What Jiang Yu said is the truth, it just depends on how you understand it. Besides, the two of them really don't matter, she is not a lie.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

"..." What if he could find out

Zhuo Yi chatted with Jiang Yu a few words, and the chat was quite pleasant. After some words, he suddenly said:

"Actually, I have very interesting news here. I wonder if you are interested?"


Zhuo Yi stared at her with a smile but not a smile: "I don't believe this news, otherwise I would have exposed the matter long ago!"

Jiang Tao's expression remained the same, but her brows twitched: "Is this related to me and Gu Shenliu?"

"Smart!" Zhuo Yi admired her more and more and understood more and more why Gu Shenliu fell in love with such a girl.

"you say!"

Zhuo Yidao: "I can tell you, but you also know that there is no free lunch in our industry. If I solve a problem for you, should you exchange the same breaking news?"

Jiang Yu thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay! I really have breaking news, but it depends on whether your news is worth my exchange."

Zhuo Yi confidently took out a stack of documents from the snakeskin bag and handed it to her: "See for yourself!"

Jiang Tao took a look and her expression suddenly became solemn.