Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 141: 139 married


"My dears, the long-awaited Mengcheng app is finally on the market! It can be said that the original inspiration for this app came from you. Fairies all have a place to play, so I made it for you. Before the app was launched, you gave a lot of advice. I think that for now, the app almost meets everyone's expectations! Both Apple and Android can be downloaded, Tablet can also be used, I hope everyone can download and use it. From today, start sharing and planting grass! How do you say that sentence, today I am planted grass, tomorrow I will plant grass for others, hurt each other!"

- Coming to market so soon? OMG! I thought it would take a long time.

—Like a dream, I just mentioned it casually in the comments at that time, and the taro balls actually made the app.

- Use it! So cute, especially the orange icon with big eyes and long eyelashes, it's so cute. On my mobile page, this icon is the best looking! Noticed at a glance!

—The icon is really cute, the page is also good-looking, and the sense of use is good! Ahh! I feel like I can share hundreds of things, will I become a god on the Mengcheng app in the future

- Use it! Use it!

- Taro balls, you are amazing! I went to use it, it really suits us, I have just posted 4 babies, 12 likes, and 3 fans follow me, it feels quite fun.

Everyone finds unprecedented satisfaction in such an app.

The app developed by Jiangya has a bright spot, that is, it has a fan value system, that is, the more you comment, the more likes you have, the higher your fan value will be, and the color of the stars next to your avatar will change differently. As a person who shares, the more fans, the higher the level of the leader. It can be said that in this way, everyone can find fun in sharing.

- Can you still design the shape? Amazing!

—Ah! I have never known what hairstyle is suitable for me, but Mengcheng loaded me with one, and it really suits me! I want to cut.

- The styling design is really fun. It designed a retro red lip makeup for me. I tried it just now, and it really looks better than the previous dress.

Seeing everyone's praise, Jiang Tao gained unprecedented satisfaction. Originally, she hoped to make this app a place for fans to gather, play and share together, and find pure shopping fun.

- Taro balls, do you have anything to share? What is your account number

Jiang Yu smiled and replied: "My account is @stylist Jiang Yu, just like Weibo, you can find me as soon as you search. As the boss, of course I share it. I have shared more than 50 treasures in the past few days. You can go and see, everything from skin care to hairdressing!"

- Found you! OMG! The title of the mother of grass planters is not for nothing, I like everyone you plant!

-sky! It is still the taro that grows grass. I have never heard of many things, but it seems to be really effective.

Jiang Tao smiled and began to lower her head to plant grass again.

There are thousands of items in her cloakroom that can be grown. If you want to play the Mengcheng app, you must first become a hardcore player. If you want to know the shortcomings of Mengcheng, you can only know it after playing.

Therefore, a pregnant woman with a big belly started holding her mobile phone and planting grass like crazy.

The next day, Jiang Yu clicked on the background data and saw the Mengcheng app. On the day of its listing, the total downloads on all platforms reached 1 million! This statistic is amazing! Jiang Tao didn't even think of it.

When the team saw this, they shouted with joy. Everyone gave each other high fives and shared the good news with each other.

Chen Sihuan is an ordinary white-collar worker in the capital. Although her name is a bit sloppy, especially after "Song of the Five Rings" came out, people always laughed at her and asked, "Sihuan, where is your brother Wuhuan?"

Others nicknamed her "Overpass". Compared with this nickname, Chen Sihuan prefers the name "tetracycline", which sounds more elegant.

One day, Chen Sihuan saw an advertisement on the subway.

Meng orange? what ad is this

Originally, Chen Sihuan didn't like to download such strange apps. Her mobile phone page is very clean. Basically, it is the software that comes with Apple's mobile phone, as well as Taobao Meituan and Mengcheng? Is this software fun? The big orange on the advertisement looks so cute, Chen Sihuan did not resist the temptation, download it and take a look.

I couldn't hold back that night and kept watching people grow grass, from skin care products to make-up to sports, to sports cars, using everything! Chen Sihuan's eyes were blurred, and he stayed up until 2 am.

The next morning, she got up for work, and when she arrived at the office, a colleague asked:

"Tetracycline, why are your dark circles so deep?"

Chen Sihuan sighed: "Don't mention it, I found an interesting app, and my eyes almost went blind. I saw it at 2:00 in the morning last night! Do I have heavy dark circles? I saw a person planting a black eye mask last night. Do I want to buy it and try it?"

"What app makes you so fascinated?" The colleague snorted disdainfully: "Young people really have poor quality. I never play this kind of app. I feel like a waste of traffic and a waste of time."

"Sister, download and play! I'll download it for you! It's fun!"

After half an hour.

Colleague: "Damn it! It turns out that the eye cream I have been using has a very heavy silicon feel, and it turns out that I use too much mask glue! It turns out that the external application of collagen is useless! It turns out that if my black donkey feces are useless, if the whitening essence is useless, Should I go for a whitening shot? Ouch! Everyone is doing facial lifts? There are so many fake hyaluronic acid? Oh my god!

Chen Sihuan laughed helplessly: "Sister, start working!"

"Don't pull me, I want to play for a while. I will go abroad to play in a few days. Now there are many kinds of grass, and then I can buy more things!"

What about a waste of time and traffic

Seeing that they were all playing, the female colleagues in the office were collectively planted grass, and everyone went to download Mengcheng. For this purpose, when they had lunch, they chatted about the things in Mengcheng.

Really fun!

After planting grass to others, they consulted themselves, and they kindly responded.

There are more than 100 items worthy of planting in this collection, which seems to have the satisfaction of the whole world.

Unknowingly, the Mengcheng app suddenly rose to become a favorite app for fashionable women, and the number of Mengcheng shares jumped from the initial 20,000 to 1 million! And they are all shared by real netizens. It can be said that if you want anything, you can search for the use evaluation in Mengcheng.

Girls develop a habit unconsciously. Before buying something, they habitually search on Mengcheng.

This is of course a good thing for Jiang Ya.

Under such circumstances, more and more people realized the commercial value of Jiangyao, and many bigwigs even threw olive branches to her and wanted to take her to pretend to force her to fly! Her reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the business of JY's high-end stores is getting more and more popular. Under the marketing plan formulated by Alex, JY's attitude has always been high, and sometimes the threshold for borrowing dresses is even higher than that of luxury goods. , Unconsciously, JY has left such an impression on everyone - a high-profile, big-name custom store.

Coupled with Jiang Yu's strict control of JY, JY's reputation has always been good.

Before I knew it, in November, Jiang Yu’s belly was bigger than before. It’s strange to say that after 4 months of pregnancy, my belly seems to be blowing a ball, getting bigger every day, but it’s still fine. Slightly loose clothes, still can't see pregnancy.

Jiang Yu went to school recently, and the teachers took good care of her. They were afraid that she would go to the toilet during class, so they came to take care of her:

"Jiang Yu, if you want to go to the toilet, go to the toilet, and tell the teacher if you feel uncomfortable!"

Jiang Tao smiled and thanked the teachers.

On the campus of Shenyang University, pregnant women are like pandas. Although college students can get pregnant and have children, almost no one will do so in college. Therefore, anyone who gets married and becomes pregnant will be discussed by everyone, let alone Jiang Taro is a celebrity.

"Taro balls! Recently, many people asked me about your situation and sent you a lot of supplements." Bei Xiaoxiao.

"Supplements?" Jiang Tao looked at the honey, chai eggs, and pigeon eggs in front of him, crying and laughing: "Who gave it?"

"Second year's junior, it is said that you are a fan of your sister, I will definitely hand it over to you!" Bei Xiaoxiao also smiled.

The students all have a pure heart. When everyone saw a pregnant woman, not only did they feel strange, but they couldn't help but want to take care of such a giant panda. Therefore, no matter where Jiang Tao went, someone gave her a seat and bought breakfast and delivered hot water. , This kind of special treatment made her really embarrassed.

The classmates in the class also often sign in for Jiang Yu, so that she will not come if she does not come to class.

Jiang Tao was surprised by their change, but Bei Xiaoxiao knew the inside story, she hummed:

"Can I be nice to you? Don't look at it, how much glory you have brought to Shenda University, and how much glory you have brought to our current Costume Academy! I heard them say that this year's Costume Academy, especially Your classmates are very popular in the job market. Many bosses say that being classmates with such a powerful person as Jiang Tao is definitely not bad! Therefore, they are very easy to find jobs, even if they have no conscience, they must be right Hello, let's talk about it..."

Bei Xiaoxiao sighed: "You have tolerated them enough, and you haven't investigated the past. If they don't know what's wrong, they're not human!"

Jiang Tao smiled, she entered the society early, and when she looked back at the childish struggles between her classmates, she just thought it was ridiculous.

"At the end of this semester, everyone will go their separate ways next semester. I will only come back when I have my defense and take a graduation photo at the end! It doesn't matter if I get along well or not."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he pondered again: "I don't know what Gu Shenliu has been busy with recently, he always comes home very late."

"Ah?" Bei Xiaoxiao scratched her head and looked away: "I heard that Gu recently took on a new job, so I might be busy with work!"

However, what Jiang Tao couldn't bear was that that night, Gu Shenliu didn't say a word and didn't return overnight.

After sleeping until dawn, Jiang Yu looked at the flat bed next to her and frowned and looked out the window.

She felt that she had to tame her husband and set some rules for Gu Shenliu.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the door.

Is Gu Shenliu back

Jiang Yu frowned and walked over barefoot.

She opened the door.

"Surprise!" Bei's small voice came, and she smiled brightly, like a peach blossom. "Jiangyu! Congratulations on your marriage!"


"My big taro balls! Congratulations on your marriage!" Su Ye said.

There were many people Jiang Tao knew at the door, and there were more than 20 people in the count. However, without exception, these people were all meticulously dressed. The men wore suits and ties, and the women wore lavender tube top dresses.

Su Ye, Bei Xiaoxiao, and Jian Si all wore such clothes.

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment, such uniform clothes seem to be standard for certain occasions.


"Wait!" Jiang Yu just woke up, touched her soft half-long hair, and felt that her always bright brain was not enough. This morning, she just woke up and saw so many people congratulating her on her marriage as soon as she opened the door. ,but…

"Who said I was going to get married?" Jiang Yu was puzzled, suspecting that this group of people made a mistake.

Su Ye smiled and handed a handkerchief. The handkerchief was bound in pink. The Wizard of Oz-style floral pattern was distributed on the four equal sides of the handkerchief. In the middle were carefully designed special characters that read:

"All the luxury goods in the world are inferior to you, my luxury woman! Please put on your wedding dress and come to the following place to attend your wedding."

A calm person like Jiang Yu was so shocked that he could put down the eggs in his mouth after reading this sentence.

So, is it really her wedding today? Jiang Yu was as confused as the first day of rebirth.

That is to say, Gu Shenliu didn't go home on purpose recently, didn't fulfill the obligations of husband and wife, which made her feel abnormal. It was even more extreme the night before, so she didn't go home at all, just to give her a surprise and make her feel really surprised!

Jiang Yu laughed, fearing that Gu Shenliu knew that people like her were not easy to deceive. If the drama was not done well, she would easily know that Gu Shenliu was preparing for the wedding, so there would be no sense of expectation.

"Okay, Taro Ball! Hurry up and put on your wedding dress!" Bei Xiaoxiao and Su Ye carried the wedding dress over.

Seeing this wedding dress, Jiang Yu was stunned again, because this wedding dress was designed by herself!

Before, the haute couture store received an order, saying that an international student studying abroad was going back to China to hold a wedding, and there was no time to come back in advance to measure the size, so she asked her to design a wedding dress, and the size was given to her directly. The other party communicated, and the other party said that all styles were acceptable, and asked her to design her favorite wedding dress and Chinese toast dress according to her own preferences.

Jiang Tao didn't think much about it, anyway, a wedding dress costs hundreds of thousands, and a high-quality toast dress costs 100,000. This girl ordered 4 pieces of clothes, which is not a small amount, so that she can wear a perfect wedding dress. After getting married, Jiang Yu personally went out to make it for this lady.

All she has to do is to make the design well and let the people below make it out by hand.

This wedding dress is exactly what she imagined. There is no exaggerated fluffy yarn, no exaggerated fishtail tail, on the contrary, the appearance is simple and elegant, yet feminine, with embroidered lace on the front to outline a slim silhouette, and the back The lace pattern fits her curves well, and the hollowed out lace pattern is very sexy. From the outside, this wedding dress looks elegant and generous, but the sexy nakedness makes people unable to take their eyes off.

But Jiang Tao really didn't expect that he would really wear it to a wedding!

"Yuanyuan, hurry up and put on your makeup! Your team's makeup artist is here, you don't have to do anything today, just enjoy it obediently!" Su Ye urged with a smile.

Up to now, Jiang Yu had to accept it with a smile.

Although I felt like I didn't do anything, it was like a fake marriage.

But Gu Shenliu seemed to have arranged everything, and nothing was left out, as he said.

Check in with your bags and go straight to the wedding! And the place where he got married was also in his bedroom. He did not follow the custom, saying that he could not meet 3 days before the wedding, and he wanted Jiang Yu to go to Jinghu Garden to get married.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao smiled and sat down in front of the makeup mirror.