Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 18: 017 Unpacking


The manager pointed at the woman very enthusiastically and smiled:

"You are Miss Kong Jiayu! I remember you!"


"Long time no see." The manager smiled sincerely.

The reason why the manager remembered this woman was because this woman was the first customer in her career. She was in her twenties at the time. She graduated from college and came to Kavan to be a waiter and received this woman named Kong Jiayu.

And the reason why she remembered it so clearly was because that day was Kong Jiayu's birthday. Zhou Fan, Kong Jiayu's boyfriend, came to the store and asked the manager to accompany him in a play.

At that time, Zhou Fan brought Kong Jiayu to the store, Kong Jiayu fell in love with this neverfull at a glance, because this bag was her dreambag, and she liked it very much. Seeing this, Zhou Fan asked the manager to take the bag to Kong Jiayu, who planned to buy it himself after trying the back.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Fan swiped the card with a smile and said that it was a birthday present for her.

Kong Jiayu was a little surprised.

She couldn't put it down and opened the zipper of the inner bag and the small bag, but when she opened it, she saw a red square box in the bag. Kong Jiayu opened the box woodenly, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a ring inside.

It turned out that Zhou Fan came early and asked the manager, who was still a waiter at the time, to cooperate with him. He pretended not to know anything and proposed to his girlfriend. After that, the manager pushed out the cake and roses together, and all the clerks celebrated Kong Jiayu's birthday. .

This is so impressive that the manager will soon think of Kong Jiayu when he sees her.

The manager was stunned for a moment and pulled away from her memory. She looked at Kong Jiayu in disbelief. She had not seen him for many years. Kong Jiayu had not changed much, but his facial features were more distinct and his temperament became more mature.

Kong Jiayu nodded with a smile, lowered his head and carried his LV bag to the counter, and pulled out an old receipt from his wallet.

During the whole process, Jiang Yu kept staring at her. For some reason, although Kong Jiayu smiled the whole time, Jiang Yu just felt that this woman had a strange sense of heaviness when she laughed. This heavy weight made her look like an old cow who was evacuated. .

Jiang Yu subconsciously turned his attention to the bag that the woman took out. It is the entry-level neverfull of LV. This bag is large and simple, has no zipper, and is relatively cheap. It can be said that it is the first choice for many people to buy LV.

Kong Jiayu smoothed the crumpled invoice, handed it to the manager, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect you to remember me. This is the invoice for the bag. I want to ask if the cleaning service for the bag can be provided here."

The manager was stunned for a moment, and without receiving the invoice, he took the bag and turned it around. Only then did he realize that there was a brown stain more than ten centimeters long on the front of the bag.

Jiang Tao frowned slightly when he saw the stain. The stain had been soaked into the bag for a long time, causing the bag to change color. There were also stains on the strap of the bag. At first glance, the bag was very dirty, not to mention the bag was still dirty There are some shades of teeth marks.

Jiang Tao seldom sees such severely damaged bags. Although the main fabric of LV's presbyopia is canvas and PVC, not genuine leather, the quality of its products is very good, especially the presbyopic models, which will not be damaged after many years of use. , Many young people will buy this packaging book, and mothers will also buy it as a mummy bag. This bag is very load-bearing and not easy to break. When people wash it, they will also wash the discolored shoulder straps. Now, although lv is not expensive among luxury goods, a bag of this price cannot be used as a plastic bag, right

The manager obviously had the same idea as Jiang Yu, she glanced at Kong Jiayu and shook her head:

"Miss Kong, please forgive me. I think that even if you clean your bag, the mark will not be cleaned. Besides, the mark on your bag is very difficult to repair."

In order to better sell bags, Kavan has established a brand-name bag cleaning after-sales service, which can help customers clean simple stains and refurbish bags, but generally customers who buy luxury goods are well protected, and they will not be used for a few years. Wash once.

She didn't mean to shirk it, the fact was here.

Kong Jiayu understood it, and only said warmly:

"I know this. I asked a lot of professional shops and offered high prices, but they gave the same answer - this bag is not clean."

The manager was a little surprised, and went to clean a bag that was not particularly expensive at all costs...

When the manager thought about the past, she understood, she smiled and said:

"Is it because this bag has a special meaning for Miss Kong? I can understand your feelings. After all, this bag was used by Mr. Zhou to propose to you, and it is natural for you to cherish it, but... IMHO, this bag is really difficult. Clean it up, because the stain has changed the color of the bag, you have to pay a lot of money for cleaning and repairing, why don't you use the money to buy a new bag and keep this bag at home?"

Manager gives advice.

Who knows, when Kong Jiayu heard this, he insisted a little excitedly:

"No, I must clean up this bag, I hope this bag can be with me all the time!"

Kong Jiayu's mood changes were too obvious, everyone noticed something was wrong with her, and the manager couldn't help but ask:

"Miss Kong, can I ask why? Is it just because this is a gift from Mr. Zhou?"

Kong Jiayu lowered his head and choked after a long while: "To tell you the truth, my husband passed away two years ago..."

After hearing this, the manager was stunned for a while before she recovered. She was a little surprised and tried her best to keep her question from being presumptuous:

"Death? Mr. Zhou he... "

Kong Jiayu lowered her head and tried her best to raise the corners of her mouth, trying to make her look calmer, she said:

"After he proposed to me, we quickly got the license to get married, and I also had a child 2 months after the marriage. Who knew that when I was 4 months pregnant, Zhou Fan was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma, and a few years later, Zhou Fan has been cooperating with the doctor for treatment. He is optimistic, but he can't let go of me and the child. He has been fighting the disease for more than 2 years.

"At that time, after Zhou Fan's chemotherapy, I took some Chinese medicine for him to adjust. Once, the dog at home overturned the Chinese medicine, so that the medicine was soaked in the bag, and the dog kept biting the bag and stepped on the bag. I had to take care of Zhou Fan because of my pregnancy, so I didn't care about it. After Zhou Fan left, I realized that the bag was no longer able to be carried. But this bag is special to me. Meaning, I hope I can keep this bag, carry it every day, and let it stay with me all the time…”

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Finally, the manager said, "Miss Kong, this bag is really not clean, and our workers here are not capable of repairing it."

"Then there is no other way?" Kong Jiayu asked with tears in his eyes.

The manager shook his head silently. "no… "

"Who said no?"

Jiang Yu, who had been standing by the side, suddenly opened her mouth. She smiled and picked up the bag in front of her, and said to the manager:

"Manager, there is actually another way to meet Miss Kong's demands."

"What did you say!" The manager pulled Jiang Yu, frowned and said anxiously: "Jiang Yu, what are you talking about? You don't understand, we really don't have such a level here."

After the manager finished speaking, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After working here for so long, she has already learned how not to cause trouble for herself. This package is very important to the guests, and the requirements of the guests are also high. Without this ability, she would not take this thankless job at all, Jiang Tao This is because of his fame, I don't know that the sky is high, right? He even dared to say that he could meet Miss Kong's requirements, he was really pushy!

The manager's thoughts were written on her face, Jiang Yu laughed softly in her heart when she saw this, she did things by fate, and Miss Kong's affairs made her really want to help each other.

"Miss Kong." Jiang Yu picked up the bag with a smile, "This bag is broken, it has been bitten by dogs many times, and many places have not only tooth marks but also become hairy, and there are also stains such as traditional Chinese medicine. If you want to repair it If it works, it’s probably not realistic, unless Miss Kong doesn’t mind seeing you carry a patched bag, but…”

"But what?" Kong Jiayu pulled Jiang Yu anxiously, and urged, "But what? Little girl, don't say anything."

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Since Miss Kong just wants to be able to miss Mr. Zhou, and this bag is impossible to repair, I suggest that Miss Kong disassemble this bag and make accessories such as pendants, so that you can use it at any time. These pendants, keep Mr. Zhou's love for you by your side at any time, and take them out to watch at any time."

Kong Jiayu was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect things to develop like this, she asked suspiciously, "Pendant?"

"Yeah..." Jiang Yu pointed to the bag and said, "This bag has a large area and is good for accessories. You can make keychains, car keychains, pendants, toys, etc. With the quality of lv, these accessories are suitable for It will not be broken for many years, and can be made into many pieces, so that you can save it and use it slowly, and use the other when one is broken. In fact, I suggest you make it into a pendant, after all, no matter how the bag will be broken, it will be If it is damaged, can you guarantee that this bag can be used when you are old? Or if something is lost in this bag, wouldn’t you feel more distressed? But making it into an accessory is different.”

I have to say that Jiang Yu's words were too tempting, and Kong Jiayu was instantly tempted.

Yes, the bag may be lost or damaged, but if it is made into an accessory, you can make a lot of them and keep them for later use.

"Then can you do it here?"

The manager was stunned, she was about to say that she couldn't do it, but she heard Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Yes!"

"Jiang Yu, you..." The manager wanted to stop her.

It's not that she looks down on Jiang Yu, but it's really hard to do this. Jiang Yu represents Ka Fan. If you don't do it well, it will only bring shame to Ka Fan.

Of course Jiang Yu knew what she was thinking. She smiled and said, "Manager, don't worry, leave it to me! I won't embarrass Kavan!"

When Kong Jiayu heard the words, he immediately said happily, "Then can you help me now?"

In fact, Jiang Tao still has one thing to do, but she really can't refuse a woman who misses her deceased husband with tears. Thinking of this, she nodded with a smile:

"Yes! But I need some time."

"It's okay, I can wait!"

"I have one more request..."

After getting the approval of Kong Jiayu, Jiang Yu planned to record the whole process of her unpacking. She asked Bei Xiaoxiao to take pictures of herself and the bag, and described the reason for the unpacking and making it into accessories in words. All this was posted on Weibo, and posted on Weibo:

"Unpacking begins!"

As a result, those loyal fans who were waiting for Jiang Yu to post on Weibo wailed with excitement.

- God has a new work again!

—What a poignant love story, I cried when I saw it, I really wanted to comfort Miss Kong, and, Taro Yuan, you are really good! Hope you can help Miss Kong make beautiful accessories!

- OMG! I also have a bag that I don't use, and it seems that I want to use it as an accessory!

-look forward to!

Seeing these messages, Jiang Tao smiled. She fetched professional tools and started unpacking.