Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 33: 031 Quantity


It has been a long time since she came to customize clothes for people, and Jiang Yu has even forgotten how she had a difficult start in her previous life.

The reason why she does not let go of this haute couture customer is because even for a big brand like Chanel, there are only two or three thousand people in the world who can afford haute couture clothes. A big name, every year Paris Fashion Week invites many celebrities and celebrities to join us. Do you think that celebrities are more famous than celebrities, and that is the first goal of major brands

Big mistake! Among those wealthy ladies, many of them only wear haute couture. According to the current market conditions, there is almost no haute couture lower than 200,000. Many people spend tens of millions a year on clothes. The goal of big brands is It is these rich women who kneel down and hope that these people will go to Paris Fashion Week, and they will make millions with just a few fingers, and most of the stars are just foils.

Jiang Tao packed up the tools to be used, and opened Weibo to reply to the fans' messages.

It was a blessing in disguise that Fu Ting wanted to sue her, not only did it not reduce her reputation, but instead increased her 1 million fans, and now her fans have 6 million, which surprised Jiang Yu!

At this moment, a fan who often left messages for her, @花多家的猫 said:

"Jiang Yu, I also follow the method you taught me to make up, but I always feel that the makeup I painted is dirty, and it feels like my face has not been washed. What's going on?"

Jiang Yu thought about it and replied, "Do you have more hairs and beards?"

@花多家的CAT quickly replied: "It seems yes, everyone calls me Sister Beard, but I really don't sell mutton!"

Jiang Yu then retweeted her Weibo and typed on the keyboard:

"After putting on makeup, I always feel that the makeup is dirty. This is because many people have a lot of hair. People who pay attention to appearance may choose freezing point hair removal, but this kind of hair removal method is painful and unbearable, and the price is also high. Very expensive, not a good choice. I recommend everyone to use SallyHansen beard bleach for small hair In the same way, it can improve the condition of dirty facial hair, this baby can also dye eyebrows, but you need to grasp the time to dye eyebrows, generally five minutes to dye brown, no need to dye transparent color."

- This is so timely, I was about to go to the beauty salon for hair removal.

- I said why I get dirty every time I put on makeup.

- Big, support you! You are the only clear stream in the internet celebrity world!

- I have already placed an order on Taobao. Great, this hair bleach is so cheap, it really is the price of cabbage!

After posting on Weibo, Jiang Yu went to wash up, and when she came back, she saw a bunch of people leaving messages under her Weibo, screaming in anger:

"Damn, this hair bleach is all out of stock on Taobao!"

"Yeah! I can't buy it!"

"There are also the highly recommended KIKO lipsticks. The sellers said that the stock of the 4 series and 9 series were instantly killed, and they also said that they don't know why. Recently, many Chinese like it, and the Italian side has been sold out by Chinese purchasing agents. ."

When Jiang Yu saw this comment, she couldn't help laughing and laughing. She didn't know that her influence was so great.

Su Xiaoqi is one of many small purchasing agents on Taobao, and purchasing meals on behalf of others is unpalatable now! If you sell it more expensive, people will go to buy fake products, you should sell it cheaper, and people suspect it is fake, Su Xiaoqi has a lot of hair, she has been selling SallyHansen hair bleach a few years ago, but because Taobao is cheap The competition and the high cost of purchasing on behalf of her made her selling for so many years without making any money.

Last time, she stocked up several boxes of SallyHansen hair bleach, thinking that summer is coming, there should be more people to remove hair, right? How much can I take the opportunity to make some money, who knows that she didn’t sell dozens of boxes in one summer, so she still has more than 200 boxes left to sell, and there are very few people who have consulted recently. It seems that Chinese girls still don’t care about facial cleanliness. of.

Su Xiaoqi is worried about more than 200 boxes of goods! Hey, when is this going to sell

What? Does a certain family sell a lot of sales on Taobao? Others don't know, but Su Xiaoqi knows that the sales of many businesses are now fake.

On this day, Su Xiaoqi brought a bowl of rice, and before she finished eating, she came to the computer and replied to the customer's Wangwang message.

Who knows, Wangwang, who didn't make a few sounds a day, suddenly started to sound like crazy.

At the same time, more than 20 people were inquiring, and all of them were links to hair bleaching agents.

How is this going? Happiness came too quickly, Su Xiaoqi couldn't hold it, she asked in disbelief:

"Do you all want beard bleach? Yes! It's in stock! There are more than 200 boxes!"

Soon, the sound of order transactions kept coming, and the stock was reduced at an extremely fast rate. After 10 minutes, she was worried that the SallyHansen hair bleaching agent that could not be sold was sold out in an instant!

Did the pie from the sky fall on her head

Su Xiaoqi was puzzled. After chasing after customers, she realized that these people were recommended by an Internet celebrity to buy.

Su Xiaoqi went to search Jiangya's Weibo and clicked Follow. She looked through all Jiangya's Weibo, only to find out that this is an atypical internet celebrity!

This girl looks very good, educated, kind, not worshipping money, not kitsch, and the things she recommends are not advertisements, but some relatively niche brands.

She went to Taobao to search, and found that all the brands recommended by Jiangya were sold out on Taobao.

Su Xiaoqi suddenly had a bold idea. Since the items recommended by Jiang Tao are so popular and the fans agree so highly, just 10 minutes after the Weibo post was released, she could sell out more than 200 boxes of stock, so can she just Selling the recommended brand of Jiangyao

Such as KIKO lipstick, beard bleach, sunscreen, Daiso whitening liquid...

Although these goods are not easy to get, it also shows that they are hot! Su Xiaoqi suddenly had a feeling—holding the thigh of the taro, there is meat to eat!

So, Su Xiaoqi hurriedly contacted friends who were in charge of purchasing abroad, and told them to stop purchasing those products from the past, change their thinking, and follow suit!

Jiang Tao naturally does not know these things.

After replying to a few comments, Jiang Yu took the sketchbook and went to the bedroom on the second floor. She lay on the bed and started to draw. She went to bed early at 10 o'clock to prepare for tomorrow's work.

Early the next morning, Jiang Tao took a taxi to the address given by Durres.

Half an hour later, Jiang Tao stood at the gate of the community, and at first glance, the villa area where the rich lived was in line with Jiang Tao's vision. The greening here is very similar to a forest oxygen bar.

She held the tool and rang the doorbell, and soon, the door opened automatically.

Gao Jing's face appeared in front of Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu was startled, but before he could react, he heard him shout:

"Oh! Junior girl! Are you here? Our senior is waiting for you!"

Jiang Tao frowned slightly, then realized that the customer surnamed Gu mentioned by Durres was Gu Shenliu.

The sound of footsteps coming downstairs, Jiang Yu looked up subconsciously, but bumped into a pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes.

It's Gu Shenliu!

Gu Shenliu seemed to be as surprised as she was, and after a while his expression was as usual, with a light expression on his face.

"Shenliu, junior is here!" Gao Jing shouted from the side.

Gu Shenliu said nothing and poured her a cup of tea.

Jiang Yu took a light sip, for fear that her lipstick would stick to other people's cups.

At this time, Gao Jing smiled and said: "Senior and junior girl, it's a good coincidence and fate! There should be endless topics for you to talk about? Then you talk, I'll go buy something..."

With such a clumsy excuse, even a blind man can see that Gao Jing and Durres collaborated to bring about what happened today.

A quiet room.

Gu Shenliu's mobile phone alert sound was amplified, he moved his finger, clicked it, and Gao Jing's message came:

"Enjoy it! Measure your clothes or something... sorry! I'm dirty!"

Gu Shenliu showed no smile, his face was obviously impatient, his mobile phone flicked slightly, and he simply and rudely replied three words:

"Wage increase!"

Looking up again, his face was still cold, Gu Shenliu pursed the corners of his mouth into an indifferent arc, tapped his fingers on the armrest, and then said in a low voice:

"You can just ignore Gao Jing."

"Huh?" Jiang Yu's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Gu Shenliu nodded his head: "He's a little abnormal here."

Jiang Yu smiled. She never imagined that a serious person like Gu Shenliu would still joke. She took a sip of tea and asked:

"So, do you really want to measure clothes today?"

"Indeed, I'm going to an important event next month."

"Then measure the size?"


Gu Shenliu got up from the sofa, and Jiang Yu realized that the other party was a head taller than him.

Looking around at Gu Shenliu's figure, Jiang Yu doesn't think that Gu Shenliu needs to buy so-called haute couture.

Jiang Tao measured him with a tape measure, but he couldn't tell. Gu Shenliu didn't look fat, and he was quite fit. Through a shirt, Jiang Tao could see the strength of the other party's muscles.

So, Gu Shenliu felt a cold hand messing around on him... Touch

Jiang Tao quickly measured her lower body, she bent over and half squatted on the ground, concentrating on it.

In the past life, these things were done by specialized masters. When she picked up the tape measure again, she suddenly felt that this posture was rather wretched.

Jiang Yu lowered his head to measure the length of Gu Shenliu's legs, and the tape measure went straight from Gu Shenliu's waist to his ankles.

Gu Shenliu's legs are much longer than the average male star, that's why, his figure gives people a good visual effect, plus he has a stylish figure, and he has a self-elongating effect, so he looks good when he wears it casually, yes A natural hanger.

But from the angle she couldn't see, Gu Shenliu raised the corners of his lips, revealing a meaningful smile.

In fact, the noise in his mind disappeared as soon as Jiang Tao approached. Hearing noise all the year round made his hearing extremely sensitive to other sounds. For example, when Jiang Tao measured the size of his lower body, it became The cramped breathing made him feel inexplicably good.

Her hand quickly came to his waist.

It was as if it was carrying an electric current, which made him feel numb when it touched him.

From Gu Shenliu's point of view, you can smell the sea salt perfume emanating from her body.

Soon, Jiang Tao looked up and added some details.

"I have already measured the size. Do you have a preference for fabrics, buttons, and shapes?" Jiang Yu looked up at him.

"Everything is fine." Gu Shen's words were concise.

Jiang Tao heard the words, thought for a moment, and then said: "scabal fabric, British suit fit, horn buttons?"

"You decide."

Jiang Tao nodded, wrote and drew on the sketchbook, and noted the use of horn buttons. In fact, in high-end suits, custom brands that pursue quality will choose buttons made of animal horns instead of resin buttons, which are of high quality. Symbolically, although this is time-consuming and labor-intensive, Jiang Ya thinks it is worth it.

She looked at Gu Shenliu again, and improved her design according to Gu Shenliu's body characteristics. After a while, she handed the design to Gu Shenliu:

"Look, if there is no problem, I will customize it according to this picture."

Gu Shenliu took the painting, a hint of surprise flashed in his heart.

Jiang Tao is more talented than she imagined. The design drawings drawn in a few strokes made her entire design appear on the paper. The image of a handsome and handsome man in a suit was sketched out. What really surprised Gu Shenliu was that he His eyes moved to the face of this model wearing a gentleman's hat. Although the brim of the hat covered his eyebrows, he couldn't see the exact appearance. A face only had the outline and mouth. Although it was only a few strokes, the corners of his lips were raised like a smile. Appearance, it is unexpectedly expressive.

She drew him.

It turned out that he was like this in her mind.

Gu Shenliu has no opinion. In fact, his whole mind is not on clothes, but it's a pity that the beauty doesn't know.

After the basic situation was communicated, Jiang Yu was about to get up and say goodbye, but suddenly it was dark in front of him, and the whole person almost fell over.

"Be careful!" Fortunately, Gu Shenliu supported her in time. He frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Low blood sugar?"

"Well, little problem, I'll go first."

"How did you get here?"

"Take a taxi."

"I see you off."

"Don't bother, I'll go back by myself."

"Don't object." Gu Shenliu glanced at her with a half-smiling smile, "It's not like the men from Shen University are not so gentlemanly."

Jiang Tao smiled and didn't object anymore. The car quickly disappeared into the road, and the two of them were speechless all the way. When they approached Jiang Tao's residence, Gu Shenliu suddenly said:

"I heard that Fu Ting is going to sue you, has the matter been resolved?"

Jiang Yu did not expect that he was paying attention to this matter, so he said:

"It's settled. She once asked me to delete Weibo, and said she wanted to give me money, but I refused."

Gu Shenliu nodded and said, "You are right. If someone who has just entered the industry is bought off so easily, it will make fans look down upon it."

"I think so too. Besides, there is always a bottom line to be a person." After speaking, Jiang Yu was really puzzled: "I just don't know who is helping me behind the scenes. After all, those things on the Internet are obviously the operation of the navy."

Gu Shenliu looked as usual:

"You think too much. Fu Ting does this because she is stingy with her feathers. With her fame and some negative news, it is estimated that she will be overdrawn."

"Yeah, that's why you can have more money but don't be greedy. If she solved the customer's problem well, she wouldn't be what she is today."

While talking, the car stopped at the entrance of Lvyuan Community, and Jiang Yu got out of the car with the toolbox.

The weather was fine and it was approaching noon.

The sun was dazzling, she couldn't help squinting and looked at Gu Shenliu in the driver's seat.

"Thank you, I'll give you a try when the clothes are ready."


Gu Shenliu quickly drove away.

Along the way, the buildings outside the window kept flashing, Gu Shenliu frowned, but his mind was empty. All his brain cells were on the woman just now, and the smell of sea salt seemed to linger on the tip of his nose. He touched a cigarette and took it out, sucked it hard, but the heat in his heart did not diminish at all.

He remembered the hand that was stroking on his body, and suddenly became a little irritable. Then he realized that he wanted to sleep and wanted to sleep with her. Although there was only one word difference, it was not so difficult to distinguish.

At the very least, the two of them were sitting opposite each other. He was so sleepy, but he didn't want to sleep at all. Every cell in his body was screaming—

sleep with her!