Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 39: 037 Hook up


Being disturbed by this, when Jiang Tao entered the room again, the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

Gu Shenliu swept his brows lightly, looked at her for a moment, and finally left in silence.

Everyone left, Jiang Yu couldn't help sighing while sitting in the dressing room. Maybe it was because he hadn't done styling for a long time and gave birth to his hands, which made Gu Shenliu unhappy just now? From the look on his face, he seems to be holding back his emotions. Could it be that there is something uncomfortable? Otherwise he's not the type to get angry easily.

Jiang Tao wasn't sure and sat bored, so he took out his phone and flipped through WeChat.

After a while, his eyes fell on Gu Shenliu 121's account.

After thinking about it, she typed, "Are you there?"

Over there, Gu Shenliu just took out his mobile phone when he saw her letter. He asked others to start filming first, went to the bathroom by himself, and replied:

"Yes, are you worried?"

"You know this as well?"

Jiang Yu was a little surprised, but Gu Shenliu 121 was a good chat partner. It was not difficult to talk to him, and the other party always knew what he wanted to say. Once the chat starts, it is easy to continue, she said:

"You said, if a man suddenly loses his temper inexplicably, what is the reason?"

"If you don't tell the story, it's hard for me to judge."

After thinking about it, Jiang Yu simply told what happened. "You said, did I hurt him?"

Gu Shenliu 121 quickly replied: "Are you sure it's not because you're so beautiful that he got emotional and caused a chain reaction?"

"Not really."


Jiang Yu thought for a while, and said, "How do I say it, didn't I tell you last time? He has an overindulgent face, the position and character of the dark circles under his eyes, it seems that he has frequent intercourse, such a person I'm used to seeing women, and I don't think I'll provoke his reaction."

Gu Shenliu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he saw this sentence!

It turned out that the reason why she said he had an overindulgent face was because of his dark circles? Gu Shenliu couldn't help but smile bitterly, although he was used to the days of not being able to sleep all year round, but leaving some dark circles under his eyes was the lightest mark, but he didn't expect to cause her misunderstanding.

In fact, at the beginning of his debut, some fans said that he looked like a person with kidney deficiency.

Kidney deficiency? Gu Shenliu sneered, in some things, he always does not talk!

After thinking for a moment, Gu Shenliu replied:

"Why not? You're a stylist's hand touching him. If he's interested in you, it's easy to react."

Jiang Yu was even more confused by this statement. "You're just guessing."

"Trust me, I know men better than you!"

Jiang Yu put away her phone and stopped worrying about this little problem. She was a little confused, so she simply took out the painting book and started to paint. Just after painting a few clothes, she saw Su Ye walked in accompanied by her assistant.

Su Ye glanced at Jiang Ya's design draft and said with admiration, "You drew this?"


"Really talented!" Su Ye was a little surprised: "I didn't expect that there are still people who are serious about designing these days. Young people nowadays are impetuous and always like to copy the designs of big brands. I have seen the clothes you made and entered them. In your store, the clothes you design are very stylish, different from others, and it can be seen that you are seriously designing."

Jiang Yu raised his lips and smiled lightly: "I'm just doing what I should do, by the way, do you have something to do with me?"

Hearing this, Su Ye nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, I want to ask you to help me make a look."

"Styling?" Jiang Yu was really surprised.

In fact, with her current status in the fashion circle, it is impossible for actresses in the entertainment circle to look for her to do styling. After all, she still has no works that she can do. Generally speaking, well-known stylists often appear on shows, making albums, concert looks for stars, or have very good red carpet looks, but what about her? She has nothing and runs a Taobao shop. Although she helped Su Mang make red carpet outfits, it was only because Su Mang was unpopular, he was a newcomer, and there was no better choice. Otherwise, normal people would not take risks use hers.

Not to mention actresses like Su Ye.

Jiang Yu was very puzzled: "Why are you looking for me? With your status, as long as you wave your hand, many people will definitely be willing to help you cooperate."

Su Ye heard the words and smiled, but she was sincere and said very confidently:

"Those stylists in the entertainment industry do all those styles, and what I want is a style that can make the audience fall in love with me again, a point of publicity and hype, and an opportunity to turn over again! Look at it this way! Come on, ordinary looks are definitely not enough. I know all the famous stylists I've worked with, but they couldn't meet my requirements. I happened to see the red carpet look you made for Su Mang a few days ago, and I think it's pretty good. I want you to try it."

Only then did Jiang Yu understand what she meant.

Su Ye is a popular movie star and actress. She has always been popular with audiences, but her life is not good. There was a serious accident three years ago. The horse was injured, and the rib was broken by the horse, and her face was scratched by the stone on the ground during the process of rolling off the horse, causing a deep scratch on the left half of Su Ye's face.

For an actor, this was undoubtedly fatal, and Su Ye retired to recuperate because of this. Although the crew compensated her for some losses, what was the use for her? The film waits for no one. After half of the film she made, she changed the heroine and re-released it, but she repaired the scars on her face again and again, and fought against the proliferation again and again. For three years, although the scars on her face have The repair is not obvious, but three years can change a lot of things. Su Ye's reputation is not as good as before, and her exposure is not good. She has nothing to attract attention, except for the scars on her face.

Of course Su Ye was not reconciled to this sinking. With her relationship with Director Jiang, she finally won the opportunity to play against Gu Shenliu and played the female lead. She also wanted to make a comeback.

"What are you using this look for?"

"Next week, participate in "Base Camp"."

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment. "Base Camp" is the most popular variety show in China. Generally speaking, actors who can appear on this show will definitely cause heated discussions, but the theme of this episode of Su Ye's show is "The Fashion Competition in the Performing Arts Circle" ”, is to let the actors bring their own clothes to the show and exchange clothes with the guests who come with them.

Such a link is undoubtedly very eye-catching, and the audience loves it. If the stars can perform well in this link, they will definitely arouse the audience's goodwill.

More importantly, according to what Su Ye said, this episode will be broadcast ahead of schedule for unknown reasons. If there is no accident, it must be before Double Eleven, and the inner page manuscript that Jiang Tao is going to provide to "Wei Wei" will also be broadcast. Published before Double Eleven.

In this way, the double-sided attack can make a good promotion for her Taobao store in response to the upcoming Double Eleven.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu agreed, she nodded and said, "As long as you trust me, I will help you do it well!"

"I believe you!" Su Ye is very serious, "I'm already like this, what's there to be picky about? I just hope you can meet my requirements and help me fight a beautiful turnaround!"

"Understood!" Jiang Yu said, lost in thought

At noon, after Gu Shen's performance, Gao Jing handed it to him with water.

He glanced at Gu Shenliu, and then glanced at Jiang Yu who was waiting beside him. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong between the two of them.

How should I put it, these two don't talk much, it's like... the young couple are arguing.

Gao Jing's mind changed, and he suddenly said to Jiang Yu with a wicked smile:

"Junior girl, you look at me and patronize yourself. I never thought that I would call you over this Sunday. What if I delay your date with your boyfriend."

Jiang Yu smiled: "I don't have a boyfriend."

"No boyfriend? What a coincidence! Our family Shenliu doesn't have a girlfriend either!" After speaking, Gao Jing glanced at Gu Shenliu deliberately and said loudly, "Oh? Is that right! Shenliu?"

Gu Shenliu frowned and said, "Say less!"

Jiang Yu also said, "Stop joking."

"Oh! What's there to hide! I said Shenliu, what kind of girl do you like? Tell me, buddy, for reference." Gao Jing blinked his eyes.

Gu Shenliu's face was full of impatience, and he said in a deep voice, "Shut up!"

"Emma! Why do you keep telling me to shut up?" Gao Jing added, "Since you don't want to say what you like, how about our schoolgirls? Our schoolgirls are beautiful and talented. Do normal boys like this?"

Gao Jing was so entangled, Gu Shenliu had no choice but to whisper, "I'm afraid it is."

"That's it?"

Gao Jing turned to look at Jiang Yu again: "Junior Taro Yuan, you say, is someone like Shenliu in my family an ideal object for a woman?"

Jiang Tao couldn't avoid it, so he had to say, "That's it."

"That's it! How can you say that you two can admit it generously? You have to keep it secret."

Gao Jing suddenly laughed, of course he knew that Gu Shenliu could never have no feelings for Jiang Yu, although it seemed that Gu Shenliu was very indifferent to Jiang Yu, but with Gu Shenliu's temperament, if he met a girl he didn't like, It will only treat others as air. In comparison, Jiang Yu's presence should not be too strong!

Thinking of this, Gao Jing suddenly felt that he had a great responsibility. As a good buddy, of course he had to make good assists.

Gao Jing added, "Shen Liu, is a junior girl your type?"

Gu Shenliu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked up at him, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly:

"A few days ago, President Yang of the company called me and asked me to transfer you to be her assistant."

"What?" Gao Jing immediately became honest, made a gesture of pulling his mouth up, and never dared to say another word.

Gu Shenliu's studio is attached to Huayu Media. Yang is always the vice president of Huayu Media. He is a fat man who weighs 180 pounds. President Yang has been divorced for many years and has not been looking for another partner, but she doesn't know why, but she likes Gao Jing. , always trying to get Gao Jing to go to her side.

Of course, Gao Jing was afraid when he saw her, so hearing Gu Shenliu say this, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

In the end, Gao Jing left with a sad face.

When Gu Shenliu was empty, Jiang Tao made half of the suit for Gu Shenliu to try on.

I have to say that her size is just right, and there is almost nothing to modify. The best suit fabrics are worn on him and set off with him. Jiang Yu is very pleased to see this, and at least he didn't waste this good material.

Jiang Yu's hand slid from Gu Shenliu's back to his chest. Seeing that every inch of fabric was wrapped around his sturdy figure, she said softly:

"It's good, there's almost nothing to modify."

Just modify the lining at the armpits to be more comfortable.

Her hand tugged at the fabric around Gu Shenliu's waist, "Okay, take off your clothes, I'll go back and finish the rest!"

She was about to take off Gu Shenliu's clothes, but felt a pain in her wrist.

Gu Shenliu suddenly grabbed her hand.

Jiang Yu was stunned, and after a while he raised his head and looked at him.

At such a close distance, Jiang Yu looked into Gu Shenliu's eyes, only to feel that there was a different kind of emotion in his eyes, which he buried deep in his eyes, making her unable to understand.

She looked at it for a long time, until she felt her heart beating more than usual, and then she came back to her senses.

But Gu Shenliu's ears no longer had the sound of the train, so he naturally heard her heartbeat.

He pursed his cold lips tightly, but the lip line was slightly raised, with a gesture that seemed like a smile but not a smile. Jiang Yu looked at him for a moment, but saw that his originally waveless deep eyes were suddenly stained with a little smile.

"Are you mad at me?" Gu Shenliu's low and magnetic voice came.

"Who said that?" Jiang Yu said immediately.

However, these words were a bit cryptic. After thinking about it, she said softly, "No."

"It's true!"

Gu Shenliu seemed to enjoy such close contact, he grabbed her hand and she could only stick to him.

"Let go..."

Jiang Tao was a little uncomfortable, she could handle any crisis calmly, she was alone in her feelings, and she had no experience. To be honest, she is not afraid of feelings, she is just more serious, because she is serious, she doesn't seem to be suddenly enough.

However, Gu Shenliu not only didn't let go, but he pulled her to him with ease, and Jiang Yu seemed to be hugged by him.

Gu Shenliu looked down at her. "Don't be angry, I apologize to you."

The sudden apology made Jiang Yu, who had been somewhat resistant to her, stunned for a moment.

But he heard Gu Shenliu continue: "You know, men also have that many days a month..."

"What nonsense!" Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing, but this man would talk nonsense seriously.

In any case, with this commotion, the unpleasantness between the two of them has also dissipated.

At this moment, suddenly, the door was pushed open with a bang.

Gao Jing, who was standing at the door, watched this scene and was shocked. His brain capacity was too small to understand why. Why did the two people who said they didn't want them just hug him? Is this progress too fast

Is this the legendary righteousness

Soga! Gao Jing knew the routine of these two!

He looked up and saw that Gu Shenliu's face was very bad.

Gao Jing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had ruined the good thing of the Great Demon King.

He hurriedly covered his eyes and exclaimed, "Oh! I lost my contact lenses, eh? Why can't I see anything?"

After saying this, Jiang Yu felt a little uncomfortable. She took a step back, put on the unfinished suit, and said:

"I'll go first if I have nothing to do!"

Leaving Gu Shenliu in place, the corners of his mouth raised, his face happy.