Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 40: 038 Imitation goods


Jiang Tao quickly returned to the Green Garden Community. It was in the afternoon. Bei Xiaoxiao was looking at the design draft at home. When he saw Jiang Tao, he asked:

"Yuanyuan, where did you go last night? You don't reply when you send a message."

Jiang Yu thought of last night's Bei Xiao's novel and wanted to find out the person who drew the manuscript. For some reason, he didn't dare to tell her about the modeling for Gu Shenliu.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yu said, "I went to do some styling and stayed in a hotel near the crew."

"The crew? Taro balls, you've already styled the stars? It's amazing!" Bei Xiaoxiao sincerely praised.

Jiang Tao smiled and entered the room.

"I don't even know who to talk to when you're not here. When I saw the painting uploaded by Gu Shenliu last night, my heart was broken! Now this Weibo has been turned crazy by fans, and everyone is guessing who this woman is. Who!"

Jiang Yu responded with a guilty conscience, opened Weibo and saw that Gu Shenliu's Weibo had already been forwarded by 180,000 people and had 300,000 comments! The fans wailed in unison.

—I feel like I’ve lost my love, this is just a picture, I can’t imagine, what should I do if my family Shenliu announces the love? Should I just jump off the building

- I don't believe I don't believe it! You are all just guessing! I don't think it's possible to fall in love!

Jiang Yu almost had the illusion that she was Gu Shenliu's underground lover.

She was a little puzzled, not to mention it was fake, even if it was a real relationship, it was nothing special.

"Is the reaction from fans too big?"

"You don't understand!" Bei Xiaoxiao sighed, with an expression of brokenheartedness, and said, "Gu Shenliu is different from other celebrities, he has never had any rumors of a love affair, and therefore, all of a sudden, fans It's a little bit unbearable."

"Oh." Jiang Yu responded, closed Gu Shenliu's Weibo, and started replying to his Weibo messages.

Yesterday's Weibo introducing snake venom eye mask is very popular. Although this box of eye mask does not look cheap, a real good mask needs a cost. Now there are many kinds of masks on the market. Some women are greedy for cheap and like Buying from the supermarket, I think that there are a lot of essence in the domestic mask, which is a good thing. In fact, the lot of essence just proves that the mask is not good, because many manufacturers will add industrial gel to the mask, and the mask after adding it is very good. It is sticky and looks like a lot of essence, which gives fans the illusion that the mask is good. In fact, everyone who observes big-name masks will find that the more expensive the mask, the less the essence. It's dry, like there's no serum at all, and that's why.

Jiang Yu replied to everyone's questions, because of her Weibo, snake venom eye mask was noticed by many people, which caused out of stock on Taobao.

Jiang Yu suddenly felt that these brands should send her advertising fees on time.

Before I knew it, it was time for a new product. This time, with teamwork, I don't need Jiang Yu to worry about the new product. In the future, I don't need Jiang Yu to do the selection, new product, after-sales service, customer service... It's just a matter of coordinating.

"Are you ready for something new?"

"Of course!" Bei Xiaoxiao said confidently, "Just wait for the money!"

It was still fresh at 8 o'clock. When it was time for the update, Jiang Yu did not stay by the computer, but went to the bathroom to take a shower.

It was 8:30 by the time she came out, Jiang Tao wiped her hair and asked, "Is the baby sold out?"

Bei Xiaoxiao glanced at her, frowned and shook her head: "Not yet, I don't know what's going on, the baby is selling very well today, and even the flagship model that everyone is clamoring for, there are still more than 500 pieces left unfinished, In the past, they were all instant kills!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu was startled and opened Taobao in disbelief.

It's really not over! It's been half an hour, and none of the treasures are sold out.

What's going on here

Jiang Tao looked at the Taobao page in disbelief and thought about the reason. At this moment, the customer service Zou Xiaoyu suddenly opened the door and said urgently:

"Mr. Jiang, it's not good! Something big has happened!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yu frowned.

However, I saw Zou Xiaoyu came directly to Jiangya's computer, opened the search box and typed in the words "Jiangya same style", and soon, several identical babies popped up. These babies used pictures and clothes taken by Jiangyao. It also sells Jiang Yu's clothes, that is to say, Jiang Yu's clothes have already appeared imitation versions on Taobao.

In a counterfeiting country like China, it is quite normal to see imitations. Jiang Tao doesn't find it strange at all. In fact, since she posted the design drawings and clothing photos on Weibo in advance, she thought of such a day, saying: The design drawing is also a confidential thing. The reason why she is not afraid of being copied is because even if she does not display the design drawing, but the Taobao preview image, it will still have the same effect. If she really wants to make a fake version, she can only rely on one picture. It can be successful, which is why there are so many merchants on Taobao stealing pictures from Korean websites directly to China to make clothes.

Jiang Tao is not afraid of being copied. A brand has no proof that no one has copied it and has no attention. Now, her self-made brand is like a sapling, and it must be inseparable from the wind and rain in the growth process. In places like Taobao, plagiarism is hard to prevent , but fortunately, each issue of her baby can be sold out in half an hour, so that the loss is not big.

But if it is placed in the brand of the physical store, Jiang Tao will definitely not do this. The brand of the physical store is ready for clothes half a year or even a year in advance, and an order meeting is held in advance every time. In such a company, the design drawings The operation of the related company for a whole year, once the secret is leaked, it is fatal. It will not only bring losses to the company, but also make the opponent company make a lot of profits.

"Mr. Jiang, you have to say something! Several of our customer service staff are going to be mad when they see this situation! We worked so hard to photograph the clothes, and they copied it directly!" Zou Xiaoyu said anxiously.

Jiang Tao's expression remained unchanged, and he pondered for a moment before asking, "I remember that Taobao can directly complain about stealing pictures?"

"Yes, we have already complained, but we have to wait for Taobao to accept it. Maybe it will take two or three days. In these two or three days, this shop has sold a lot of treasures."

Jiang Tao didn't say anything when she heard the words. She clicked on the page with the number one sales. This one is selling the new model of Jiang Tao that just came out this issue, a black vertical coat. This dress is calf-length and looks very comfortable to wear. Temperament, very big, she designed it herself.

What makes people strange is that there are already 899 treasures sold by this shop that directly stole her pictures.

Should not be! Generally, such merchants wait for her baby to be shipped, and then take her clothes to imitate. It takes at least 23 weeks to come and go. Therefore, such imitation baby needs to be pre-sold. Compared with the spot of Taro, most people will definitely not choose pre-sale.

But this one is different. This merchant named "Shencheng Wholesale Mall" actually promises to deliver the goods within 3 days.

Jiang Yu noticed something was wrong, she logged in with Zou Xiaoyu's trumpet and clicked Wangwang to chat with the boss:

"Boss, your clothes are the same as Jiang Yu's?"

Sisi Rain: "It's the same, dear, the quality of my clothes is exactly the same as Jiangya's! If you don't believe me, you can buy both of them and buy shipping insurance. If they are the same, then you can buy Jiangya's clothes. Give it back!"

Jiang Tao frowned, this boss is actually quite "considerate"!

Zou's family drizzle: "Are you also in stock here? Everyone knows that Jiang Yu's clothes are designed by themselves. How can you be exactly the same as hers?"

Sisi Rain: "You don't care if it's the same, anyway, I can get it for you, so hurry up and buy it! This clothes sells very well, the important thing is that Jiangya sells 799, and I only sell 650 , it's nearly 150 yuan cheaper!"

Jiang Tao's brows furrowed even tighter. Clothes had to be designed and produced, so there was a risk of overstocking, as well as the workers' wages. The cost of one piece of her clothes was already very low.

Zou's family drizzle: "Can it be shipped tomorrow?"

Unexpectedly, the owner of the company said that it can be shipped.

"Taro balls, what can I do! No wonder the sales are so slow this time. There are already so many imitation goods, and their prices are lower. For more expensive clothes such as coats, many people will think, It’s great to be able to save more than 100 yuan, I never thought about it, the quality is different!”

Jiang Yu didn't say anything, and after a while, he suddenly said, "Xiaoyu, use your account to buy a piece of clothing and send it over here." After speaking, her expression became colder: "I want to see, where did his clothes come from! "

"Okay, President Jiang." Zou Xiaoyu quickly placed an order on his mobile phone, and the other party promised that the order would arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest.

At this time, there were already 3 baby products in Jiang Yu's store. Although it was slower than before, it gave her a little relief.

At this moment, Jiang Yu received a private message on Weibo.

"Sister Jiang Yu, are you there?"

"I'm here." Jiang Yu replied.

The little girl said excitedly: "Thank you sister for replying to me, it's like this, I really want to buy a piece of clothes from your house, but I'm very confused, I always feel that Double Eleven is coming soon, and there will definitely be discounts on Double Eleven, buy it now Not worth it!"

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the reason why the clothes in the store were not selling as well as before was not only because of imitation models, but also for another important reason—Double Eleven.

In recent years, because on the day of Double 11, most merchants will give a 35% discount, and merchants will also release the discount on Double 11 more than a month in advance. As a result, people who love online shopping have developed the habit of early shopping. It will add the items you want to buy to the shopping cart.

On the day of Double 11, they will use the alarm to set what they want to grab at 0:00, 1:00, and 2:00. Therefore, in the weeks before Double 11, everyone will curb their desire to shop so that they can shop at Buy on Double Eleven day and save money.

Even if it doesn't save money, everyone seems to think that buying in advance is a disadvantage.

Jiang Yu suddenly realized that he was a clothing company in his previous life, but he was not proficient in e-commerce.

After thinking for a while, she replied: "These models of mine will not be available again on Double Eleven. You also know the rules of my family. Each model is only available once, and it's gone when it's sold out. I suggest that you can buy it if you like it. After all, there is a backlog in the logistics of Double Eleven, and it takes a long time to receive the goods, or the same sentence - only the wrong ones are sold, and there are no wrong ones!"

After hearing this, the little girl no longer hesitated, she said:

"I think so too, then I'll place an order now and look forward to your Double Eleven discount!"

"Definitely!" Jiang Yu assured.

Soon, the little girl's id placed an order. Only then did Jiang Yu realize her mistake. She smiled and forwarded it to a new Weibo saying:

"Many people are wondering if there will be a discount on Double Eleven. I can tell you for sure - there will be a discount! But not these models! All the styles on Double Eleven are newly designed by me, so if you like it, don't hesitate to buy it early. Wear it! Otherwise, the baby of Double Eleven will not know when they will receive the goods!"

Xu is because of this Weibo, and suddenly the sound of "dong dong dong" came one after another, and people kept placing orders.

5 minutes later, when Jiang Yu opened Taobao's backstage, he saw that the "Baby for sale" column was already displayed as 0.

In other words, all the babies are off the shelf!

When Jiang Tao refreshed the page again, I saw that the artist had changed the picture and set the Taobao homepage as the preview of the next issue.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone still has the desire to buy, Jiang Tao released the selection map of the next issue on Weibo, and took the opportunity to bring the Taobao link. For a time, the traffic of Taobao stores reached a new high.

However, after the clothes were sold out, Jiang Yu's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. She stared at the prosperity of "Silly Rain", and she always felt a bad premonition.

This matter has troubled Jiang Yu for two days, so that Jiang Yu has been absent-minded in class these two days.

Two days later, Jiang Yu suddenly received a call from Bi Peijun: "Mr. Jiang, it's not good!"

Bi Peijun's voice was a little anxious.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yu asked quietly.

"Come back and have a look!"

There are not many classes this afternoon. I am taking an elective course. The teacher is playing advertisements related to majors for everyone to appreciate. Jiang Yu has seen these advertisements many times in her past life, so she asked Bei Xiaoxiao to help her watch them. She skipped class and returned. Visit the Green Garden Community.

Jiang Yu entered the company, but saw Bi Peijun walking over with a black coat:

"Mr. Jiang, look!"

Bi Peijun handed the clothes to Jiang Yu.

For a long time, Jiang Yu felt that no matter how good the imitations were, they could never compare to the genuine ones.

For example, brand-name bags, China's brand-name bags are very imitated, especially the bags like LV, which are already very similar, but they are only similar, and they are technically far away from the authentic ones.

Another example is sports shoes such as Nike and Adi. The imitation shoe technology in Putian, Fujian has reached its peak. Putian fake shoes can make rivals Adi and Nike join forces to fight fakes, which shows how crazy it is. The fake sneakers from Putian are difficult to distinguish from the genuine ones. Therefore, for a period of time, Alibaba’s foreign platforms were full of Chinese fakes. These fakes were bought by foreigners as genuine, but the fakes looked genuine. It's still not as comfortable as the original.

Therefore, when Jiang Yu first saw someone imitating her own clothes, she was not worried. She felt that the workmanship of her clothes was difficult for others to imitate. Besides, who could make clothes from waste regardless of the cost like her

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Yu touched this dress, his heart suddenly jumped.

The fabric and feel of this dress are exactly the same as the original!

Jiang Tao's complexion suddenly sank.