Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 46: 044 Big promotion


Gu Shenliu: "Who said I have an overindulgent face?"

Jiang Yu: "I."

"Come on, give me a chance to overindulge!"

"Go aside."

"Cooperation, if you don't practice, how can you meet the expectations of the fans Shijijirou?"

After reading this Weibo, Jiang Tao frowned slightly, schoolgirl? Even when we met, I didn't see him called like that, but now it's close.

However, what happened to Gu Shenliu? When the two met, it was obvious that he didn't talk much, and he didn't show her enthusiasm or closeness, but he always made some misunderstood words. She couldn't speak clearly, but he didn't say anything.

This mode...

The wind blew and wrinkled a pool of spring water.

In layman's terms - run away when you're done!

This man has never expressed anything to her, but he didn't know her, so he forwarded it directly, which made people think, Jiang Yu only thought that the other party must be a master level, because of this, Gu Shenliu himself was magnanimous, but She kept guessing in her mind.

Throwing the ball to her is really insidious!

Jiang Yu hated her teeth for a while, she really wanted to call and ask Gu Shenliu what he meant.

Soon after, Jiang Ya regained her composure, picked up a cup of coffee from the side, and smiled faintly.

If Gu Shenliu is really interested in her and intends to run away after she's finished, then she just needs to stay where she is.

Because he will always come back again.

Furthermore, in the world of mature women, love can only take a back seat.

At this moment, what she considers most is the vital benefits that Gu Shenliu's forwarding brings to her.

At this time, when Bei Xiaoxiao saw Weibo, she jumped up, hugged Jiang Yu, and wiped her neck:

"Yuanyuan, tell the truth! Do you have any relationship with Gu Shenliu?"

Jiang Yu took a sip of coffee, glanced at Bei Xiaoxiao, and said softly:

"No, just ordinary seniors and juniors. Am I helping Gu Shenliu make clothes? I guess he is also helping me."

Bei Xiaoxiao stared at Jiang Tao for a long time, and seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, she said:

"Yuan Yuan, don't let you be with me, I'm doing it for your own good too!"

"Huh?" Jiang Yu was really strange.

Bei Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Don't you know? According to the unanimous analysis of fans, I think I am very strong in that aspect! Hey, legends of Jianghu, I am looking after this night... tsk tsk! I won't say more, Anyway, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it!"

After speaking, Bei Xiaoxiao also shook her head and patted Jiang Yu's shoulder, her round face full of seriousness:

"You little body..."

Jiang Yu was struck by the thunder, and quickly said: "Okay! Just help me forward a Weibo! You guys are too imaginative!"

When Jiang Yu opens his Weibo again, the world has changed...

That unpopular lottery Weibo has been forwarded more than 50,000 times.

Only then did the power of the prize be revealed. With Gu Shenliu's assurance, everyone realized that these 1,000 pieces of clothes were not like a joke, that is to say, it was true

Then play big! With 1000 pieces of clothes, the winning rate is not very high! Even if it's not to the point where everyone has a share, but use the trumpet a few more times, there will always be a time to win!

Everyone retweeted.

After that, Du Leis, Zeng Yanan, Su Ye, these celebrities helped to forward it, making Weibo more and more retweeted.

In addition, Jiang Tao stipulates that winners must forward @three friends, these people who were @ are also alarmed, everyone spreads word of mouth, and they all forward to Weibo, resulting in the number of Weibo retweets that night actually exceeded. 100,000!

Jiang Tao's eyes are straight

At the same time, a post also appeared on Shenda's forum:

"Have you all been following Weibo? Sister Jiang Yu from our Fashion College posted a Weibo lottery draw, and even big names like Gu Shenliu reposted it. Has anyone come to 818?"

-what? Sister Jiang Tao needs to be forwarded? I'm going to help!

-I'll go as well! Jiang Ya-senpai is my idol!

-Shin-sama is here to help!

For a while, students from Shen University, regardless of whether they knew them or not, came to help Jiang Yu repost, which led to Jiang Yu's Weibo almost being retweeted.

Jiang Yu was flattered, she didn't expect everyone to treat her so well.

Because Weibo was retweeted like crazy, Weibo's stock price soared that day, and even Sina executives paid attention to it.

Of course, Jiang Tao's Double Eleven event has also received great attention.

"Mr. Jiang, it's amazing! The retweets have exceeded 120,000!" said customer service Miao Miao.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Okay, let everyone go to the conference room for a meeting!"

After everyone gathered and Bi Peijun finished speaking, Jiang Yu smiled and said to everyone:

"Double 11 is coming soon. I hope everyone can stick to their posts and make our store's first double 11 well done! All employees will work overtime together tomorrow! Of course, the red envelopes are indispensable for everyone!"

After hearing this, everyone was excited. Everyone knew that Jiang Yu was not a stingy person, but he had to work hard for the company and his own red envelopes.

In such a tense atmosphere, Double Eleven is here.

The arrival of 12 o'clock means that this year's Double Eleven promotion event is coming. Last year's Double Eleven turnover was 120.7 billion, and half of the sales came from the first half of the day, especially before dawn. This is because on Double Eleven, 12:00 is the time when merchants have the most discounts.

Therefore, in the middle of the night, Jiang Yu not only had no sleepiness, but became more and more energetic. She didn't go to class today, asked the teacher for leave, and returned to the Green Garden Community with Bei Xiaoxiao to focus on Double Eleven. The teacher knew about her. She was also surprised that even Gu Shenliu reposted her Weibo. Under such circumstances, the teacher did not embarrass her.

The discount in Jiangyao store is divided into several waves. One wave is between 12:00 and 1:00. All the treasures in her store are half price, which is also the lowest discount today. After that, the discounts are getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, as long as you really want to Customers who buy will come to rush to shoot at 12 o'clock, so today's sales can be seen from the transaction data at 12 o'clock.

Arrived at 12:00.

Dong Dong Dong... The sound of the deal kept coming, and all the employees were staying up all night staring at the computer screen.

"Mr. Jiang, it's too stuck! Many people inquired, but I couldn't order it here." Customer service Miao Miao said.

Jiang Yu said calmly: "We will send messages on our official blog and WeChat public account, so don't worry!"

According to previous experience, after 12 o'clock, it is normal to be unable to open the link and make payment.

- I can't pay, big!

- Great, I can't pay for it!

- Big, you won't be robbed, will you? I can't pay in the background.

Many people leave messages to Jiang Ya.

At 1:00 a.m., Alibaba's official Weibo also released news, saying that in one hour, the total turnover of Double Eleven exceeded 20 billion!

20 billion! How much of the money was taken away by Jiang Tao

At 1:00 am, Taobao's background operations were much faster, not as stuck as it was at the beginning.

Bei Xiaoxiao stared at the backstage, and suddenly a data was refreshed. She excitedly looked at the turnover of the camera and shouted in disbelief:

"Taro balls! 20 million! Today's turnover has exceeded 20 million!"

Jiang Yu walked over silently, stared at the amount on the computer screen, and counted it silently.

Immediately, she suppressed her excitement and said, "It's really over 20 million!"

"Yes! 20 million! Let's pass 20 million!" Bei Xiaoxiao shouted frantically in the company.

Hearing this news, everyone jumped up excitedly, in such an environment, all the joy is real! Jiang Yu watched the background data keep refreshing and scrolling, she knew very well that her own era had come!

In the end, on this day, Alibaba's total turnover exceeded 150 billion, and the Jiangyao store was also brilliant!

Unlimited sale of 30 pieces of clothing, 5 mystery pieces for the finale, 5 pieces of encore before 12 o'clock!

Give back to those old fans who are still sticking to it

As a result, everyone was very enthusiastic. Although the main down jackets and coats sold for over a thousand pieces, they also sold thousands of pieces, and Su Ye's same style of clothes sold more than 20,000 pieces! In other words, this piece of clothing alone contributed more than 20 million turnover to Jiang Taro!

In the end, Jiangya's store achieved a turnover of more than 80 million!

This is something Jiang Yu has never thought of! She even thought about her virtue and ability to make everyone support her like this!

From the analysis of Taobao's background traffic, many people got it from Jiang Yu's lucky draw Weibo.

In other words, although she spent nearly 800,000 to prepare the gift lottery, she got far more than that!

"Taro balls! Congratulations!" Bei Xiaoxiao hugged the taro balls and cried: "It's great! 80 million! This is something I've never thought about in my life, and you actually achieved it so quickly!"

Jiang Tao patted her and smiled slightly:

"It's really worthless, but it's only 80 million. Uniqlo broke through 100 million in less than 2 minutes. We have 80 million all day, isn't it too unpromising?"

"You are powerful enough, and I want to jump off the wall!"

For some reason, Jiang Yu suddenly wanted to share this good news with others at this moment. She picked up the phone and paused again. At this time, I'm afraid everyone is asleep, right

She took out her mobile phone, called Gu Shenliu's number, and stopped after thinking about it.

At this moment, Gu Shenliu 121 sent a WeChat message: "How's the record on Double Eleven?"

Jiang Tao smiled:

"Just when I was about to share it with others, your WeChat message was sent. It's not bad, with a turnover of 80 million. I hope the refund rate will be less in the later period."

Although there are many transactions on Double Eleven, there are also many refunds. It can be said that many customers are attracted by discounts, but they make impulse purchases and control their brains rationally after the popularity subsides. Some people choose to refund, so the after-sales service of Double Eleven is also very important.

Gu Shenliu 121: "Congratulations, good result."

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank your idol Gu Shenliu." Jiang Yu smiled with a smile on his brows: "If he hadn't helped to forward Weibo, it probably wouldn't have caused such a big sensation."

Across the phone screen, Gu Shenliu let out a dull laugh because of this sentence.

He came to the balcony of the hotel room and looked at the whole city with a glass of red wine.

The lights of thousands of houses have nothing to do with him. Even alcohol is not destined to make him relax. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"I'm in a good mood today, would you like a drink?" Jiang Yu's WeChat message suddenly came.

Gu Shenliu 121: "Sorry, I'm already asleep."

Going to bed really early, Jiang Yu answered the phone with a smile, and was about to go back and ship the goods with the employees, when the phone rang again.

Gu Shenliu's low voice sounded: "Are you asleep?"

Under the light, Jiang Yu's eyes were very bright. She came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the lights outside the window, and said:

"Not yet, the senior hasn't slept yet?"

"Just after the show, let's have supper together?" The deep voice was like a fine musical instrument, plucking in her ear.

Jiang Yu paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Senior, please invite me to dinner, why not go?"