Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 54: 052 Explosion


Jiang Yu scratched his chin with a pen, but couldn't hear clearly, and asked, "Big cake? What big cake?"

The girl slapped her thigh and said anxiously, "I'm a twist cake!"

"… "

Jiang Tao looked at the girl in front of her in surprise. The girl was wearing round gold-rimmed glasses, her face was very fair, she was tall and thin, and had long legs. She belonged to the type with a very clean appearance.

"Twisted flatbread?" Jiang Yu glanced at her badge and said in surprise, "You also belong to Shenda?"

"Yeah!" Twisted Cake Hehe smiled: "I'm the junior sister of Gu Shenliu and Jiang Yuda! I'm also from the Costume Institute, but I'm in the second grade, and I'm still a waste!"

Only then did Jiang Yu react, she couldn't believe it, she always thought it was too coincidental!

At the beginning, Fang Huai wanted to find a professional screenwriter to write, but Jiang Yu felt that the brain hole of a professional screenwriter might not be as great as that of the author. Moreover, since he could only make online dramas, it would be better for the author to play well and really attract young people.

She had previously communicated with Mahua Dabing about the script on the Internet. From Mahua Dabing's conversation, Jiang Yu speculated that the other party was not very old, but she did not expect that the other party was in the same school as her, and it was also in the same hospital, you know All the students of Shen University's School of Clothing are in the same building. Thinking that he is likely to pass by Twisted Flatbread, but he has never known that this person is the author, Jiang Tao feels that the world is very strange.

"Really you?"

"Of course! Sister Jiang Yu, you are my idol! In fact, I wanted to talk to you face to face for a long time, but you were busy on Double Eleven before. I was afraid to disturb you, so I dared to find you, and I happened to be here today. I'm doing my homework, and I'll say hello when I meet you."

From the twist of the twist, Jiang Yu could feel that the other party was a big lala, and she smiled:

"What idol! You are my idol!"

"Ah? Senpai, stop laughing at me."

"I'm serious." Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I've been chasing the novels you wrote. I've already finished reading 'The Concubine's Entertainment Circle', and I'm also chasing the modern version of your new book Reborn."

"Really?" Twisted cake blushed, "I just wrote it blindly, don't tell others that I wrote it!"

"Why?" Jiang Yu was puzzled.

"You haven't written a novel, you don't understand. How can you say such a thing, it's very shameful! In case my classmates saw it, I went to Jinjiang to read and found that I actually wrote H, oh my god! I can't imagine the way they look at me, Besides, I've also written Danmei, I've written Lily, and I've written about Mary Su's president in the second issue of middle school. In short... it's hard to say! Don't expose my pseudonym!"

Jiang Tao shook his head and smiled.

"Then let's talk about the script. I have read your script, but I talked to Fang Huai the other day, and the fashion element needs to be added more."

"no problem."

Jiang Tao took another look at the twist pie, and said with a smile:

"I said how do you know so much jargon in the script you wrote, and you are very skilled in a lot of costume design knowledge. So you are a design student yourself."

The twist cake scratched his head. "I'm a scumbag, and I can't compare to Senior Sister."

"It's good enough! Don't belittle yourself!" Jiang Yu said, and said seriously: "What I want is that everyone in the play has a very delicate shape, and the pictures are beautiful and fashionable, just like "The Queen Wearing Prada", when After so many years, it’s still a classic. I hope that our play will have a good reputation and a good plot. In this way, it will be good for me, and it will also be good for your worth. Once this play is popular, your other books will be It sold very well."

"Thank you, senpai."

Twisted flatbread began to get serious. In recent years, many of Jinjiang's novels have been sold for film and television copyrights and made into TV series, but those are the only ones that are popular. Most of the dramas ended up being criticized. There are not as many fans as there are great gods, and the copyright price is not as high as that of great gods, but even if it is a little transparent, she hopes that she can do it to the end.

She knows that for a writer like her, it is very rare to have the opportunity to make a movie, and it is even more difficult to do it well.

Jiang Taro has a smile on his face and a gentle tone:

"In this play, I will invent a makeup look for the heroine. I hope that the heroine will draw this makeup look, which can be reflected in the script, and finally shine in the entertainment circle and cause a sensation."

Twisted flatbread kept nodding:

"I think this plot is pretty good, or let's write it like this. When the heroine came, although she was used to being a concubine, she was very good at acting, but her makeup was the kind that was popular a thousand years ago. She wore this makeup. When I went to the crew, everyone was startled, and the director scolded me for a while. The heroine was very angry. After I went back, I learned to watch videos on the Internet. Finally, I got the hang of it and knew the modern popular makeup. Said, "You haven't seen the makeup that my mother invented when she charmed the emperor thousands of years ago! A group of ignorant future people!" In the end, this makeup went viral on Weibo and became popular all over the country."

Jiang Yu was fascinated, and to be honest, it was a wonderful thing to discuss the plot of a novel with the author of the post.

"Very good! Anyway, I hope the fashion element can be carried through the whole play."

Ma Hua Dabing glanced at Jiang Tao and asked cautiously, "Sister, have you ever thought about taking on this drama yourself?"

"Huh?" Jiang Yu looked up at her. "Fang Huai told you?"

"Fang Huai? What? The director also wants you to play?" Ma Hua Dabing was surprised.

Jiang Yu smiled: "He mentioned it, but I haven't agreed."

"Oh! Senior Sister!" Twist Dabing suddenly grabbed Jiang Yu's arm and said coquettishly, "Sister Senior, just go and act! You may not know, when I was writing scripts and novels, what was in my mind was thinking about it. It's your image! It can be said that my heroine is tailor-made for you. If you are a beautiful concubine, or an 18th-line girl who breaks into the entertainment industry and becomes an actress, you don't think the heroine's road to fame is very similar to yours. Like? Look again, the heroine has long legs and three-dimensional features, isn't she just a copy of you!"

Jiang Tao was startled, never expected that there would be such a stubble.


"Of course it's true! As long as you agree to act, senior, I will definitely adapt the script, and then write the heroine a little more soothing and flirting, so that the script will be broadcast, and all female fans will want to enter your harem."

Jiang Yu laughed and said nothing, and said after a while, "You young people..."

"Then are you going to act?"

If Jiang Yu had some concerns before, then after being with Gu Shenliu, all Jiang Yu's concerns were dispelled. Now she can ask Gu Shenliu about things she doesn't understand, and she can ask him for advice on things she doesn't know how to act.

Jiang Yu was so entangled by her that she couldn't stand it, and begged for mercy again and again: "Act! Can't I act?"

Not long after the twisted cake left, Fang Huai knew that Jiang Yu had agreed to take on the role. He was so happy that he asked Jiang Yu to send him the makeup and makeup photos of the heroine made by the computer.

Therefore, Jiang Yu started to be busy with filming, and at the same time, he had to wait for the reply from the young fashion designer competition.

At the end of November, after a heavy rain, the temperature dropped significantly. Gu Shenliu didn't sleep all night. After dawn, he came back from running and was about to wash up, but his eyes fell on the luna facial cleanser placed on the table.

The small cleansing device is very cute, pink, and it doesn't match him at all. Gu Shenliu was stunned for a moment, then picked up the cleansing device and used it.

The effect of cleaning the skin is really good. After washing, I feel that the skin is much cleaner. Looking at himself in the mirror, Gu Shenliu can't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Why does he always have the illusion of being touched by her when he uses Luna

Suddenly the doorbell rang, Gu Shenliu opened the door, but saw Jiang Yu standing at the door.

"Morning." Wearing a black double-breasted trench coat, carrying a LOEWE blue color-blocking bag, and wearing short boots, Jiang Ya stood at the door. She hooked her lips and smiled: "Mr. Gu, can you come in?"

"This can't be done!" Gu Shenliu stood at the door with his legs crossed, with a smile in his tone: "My girlfriend will be here soon. If you come in, it will be bad if you are misunderstood."

"Your girlfriend is as beautiful as me?" Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows.

"A lot more beautiful than you." The corners of Gu Shen's mouth rose.

"Where is more beautiful than me?"

Gu Shenliu pulled Jiang Yu and closed the door after entering, then he put Jiang Yu behind the door with his hand, and he was quite involved in the play, kissing and saying:

"My girlfriend's lips are more beautiful than yours, but I think you look a bit like her, let me identify it."

After finishing speaking, a domineering kiss fell on Jiang Yu's lips, and her warm tongue quickly attacked the city. Jiang Yu only felt her body temperature rise, and she suddenly became hot. She whispered, and couldn't help but let out a groan, Gu Shenliu was warm The breath of her was entangled in her neck, making Jiang Yu unable to escape, and could only be imprisoned in his arm.

After a long while, Gu Shenliu tasted the sweetness before letting go of her. He lowered his head and looked at her blurred eyes with satisfaction.

"Yes, when we kiss, I just know that the way I open my mouth is the same as my girlfriend."

"Go away!" Jiang Yu waved his hand, pushed him away and went into the house.

She put down her bag, thought about filming, and said, "I want to hear your opinion on something."

"Huh?" Gu Shenliu poured her a cup of coffee.

Jiang Yu thought about it for a while, but still looked at him calmly, with bright eyes and a serious tone: "I want to film!"

"Filming?" Gu Shenliu didn't seem surprised, "Okay, what type of film do you want? I'll contact you."

"No, I have invested in a drama, which may be arranged into a web drama, and I am also doing the costume styling." Jiang Yu pondered: "I just don't know anything about filming, and I don't know if short-term training can help me get started."

"Don't be nervous." Gu Shenliu said, "It's not difficult to film, so you should sign with Gao Jing, and I will let Gao Jing arrange for you for other professional matters."

Jiang Yu thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

At this moment, the door opened and Gao Jing pushed in.

Seeing Jiang Yu, Gao Jing wondered: "Little Junior Sister, come to let Shenliu try on clothes again?"

Jiang Tao smiled and didn't answer.

Gu Shenliu took a sip of coffee and said solemnly, "Gao Jing, my girlfriend wants to enter the entertainment industry, you can arrange it."

"Your girlfriend?" Gao Jing was severely beaten and subconsciously frowned: "Who? Who?"

Gu Shen moved, the back of his hand raised high, and then Gao Jing saw his hand fall on Jiang Yu's shoulder, and then hooked Jiang Yu into his arms, and Jiang Yu fell on his shoulder.

"… "


Gao Jing was expressionless.

Yes, handsome men and beautiful women are a good match! However, who will tell him, when did these two get together

"Damn it! When did it happen!" Gao Jing exclaimed in shock.

"On the day of the last recording of the show." Jiang Yu explained kindly.

"No, Lao Gu, you are too boring! Don't tell me when you are together."

Gu Shenliu glanced at him, "Who are you blaming!"

Gao Jing choked.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Gao Jing, I want to enter the showbiz."

Gao Jing turned to be happy, clapped his hands, and said happily, "That's great! Little Junior Sister, I've already said that you are especially suited to be an actor, but if you want to gain popularity, you have to hype it up. Don't make it public." Gao Jing turned around in the same place, and quickly said: "You can sign directly at Gu Shenliu's studio! Counted as an artist in the studio, Shenliu will bring you into the circle in the future. If there is a good project, I will bring you."

Jiang Yu smiled lightly: "As you arrange."

"That's great!" Gao Jing laughed out loud: "I never thought that Gao Jing would be able to sign a second artist in this life! God's eyes open! I finally have to ask Gu Shenliu!"

Gu Shenliu glanced at him coldly, then turned to Jiang Yu, pointing to his head.

Jiang Tao laughed, but the two laughed silently

Jiang Yu returned home from Gu Shenliu, looked at the beauty equipment he had recently purchased, and began to toss.

In this life, she is only 20 years old, and she is still young. Although she often stays up late, she has the foundation, so she does not pay special attention to maintenance. However, when Jiang Tao in her previous life was old, she was very addicted to maintenance. She even prepared several kinds of them herself. Beauty cream, the effect is very good, the actors in the circle like to use it. In addition, she also likes to study beauty equipment. At that time, Jiangya loved to try everything, so now she has a lot of experience to share with fans.

Especially beauty equipment.

In this era, many people are willing to buy expensive skin care products, but they are reluctant to buy beauty equipment. However, technology has changed the skin. No matter how expensive skin care products are, it is useless if the face is not clean and the skin cannot absorb it. Use a face wash like Luna.

After washing your face, use a beauty instrument to introduce it, so that the skin care products can be absorbed better.

The original body's skin is not particularly white, but Jiang Yu is a person who pursues white skin. She feels that only if her skin is whiter, she can go on vacation and get tanned unscrupulously in the future. Therefore, she purchased equipment such as large row lamps to help whitening.

Jiang Tao placed all the instruments, took a photo, and posted it online.

I also used a long Weibo to post a very detailed evaluation of beauty equipment:

"Beauty equipment evaluation:

Cleaning class:

1. ForeoLuna2 is very mild, clean and easy to hold. The disadvantage is that the cleaning power is slightly weaker, but it is enough for daily use.

2. Clarisonicmia2 has a strong cleaning power. Use with caution on sensitive skin. The brush head needs to be changed every 3 months, and the later investment will be larger.

3. The refa face wash brush uses the famous Kumano bristles, which do not hurt the skin, gentle but clean, and worth buying.

4. The Panasonic EHSC50 facial cleanser has a black technology that can foam, which is very suitable for using facial cleansers containing amino acids, such as the cost-effective Fulifangsi facial cleanser.

In general, luna is more cost-effective and recommended.

Ultrasound class:

1. Hitachi N4000: Basically do not pick cosmetics, it has a cleaning effect, the effect of introducing skin care products is very good, the freezing effect is also better than yaman, and it focuses on basic skin care.

2. yaman10T: It has many functions, including ems lifting, moisturizing import, cleaning, and cool freezing, but the freezing effect is not as good as that of Hitachi. Although there are many functions, not all of them are needed. If you need more basic functions, you can choose Hitachi. If you need a lifting effect, you can choose Yaman.

In comparison, similar refa and golden rods, although they are very hot, need to be used in conjunction with massage cream, which is very troublesome and has little effect, and is easy to idle.

LED category: It represents the large row lamp of the product. It is a highly praised product. It has very good whitening and pore shrinking effects. It has many functions and can replenish water, moisturizing and whitening. ! The only downside is that it is expensive!


1. Panasonic face steamer SA96, the water mist is very fine, very easy to use, and has a makeup remover mode, which is recommended for fans who often make up.

2. Panasonic steam eye mask SW50 is very effective in relieving dry eyes. It is suitable for people with myopia and overuse of eyes. It helps to relieve myopia and help sleep!

Summary: Laziness and beauty cannot coexist. If you want to be beautiful, you cannot be lazy. "

You must know that Jiang Yu has not posted a Weibo post for comprehensive evaluation for a long time. Although she often recommends some small things, how can I put it, the response is still not as good as the comprehensive evaluation post.

In Jiang Yu's post, she also wrote about a dozen other beauty products, and the entire evaluation post wrote more than 20 beauty instruments.

After this Weibo was posted, all the fans jumped out.

- Big, you haven't posted a review for a long time! This is so timely! I'm debating whether to buy a Yaman or a Hitachi.

- rely on me! I want to buy luna too, yaman also want to buy it, and I want to buy the big row lamp, but my wallet doesn't support it!

- The large row of lights is expensive, but the effect is really good!

- The large row of lights is really a good deal! It's expensive, but it's worth it when you buy it!

—I have all these instruments, la la la! It's really easy to use. Taro Ball is very pertinent. My refa has been idle. Now I basically use big lights and yaman. Sometimes I use Panasonic to steam my face, and I also use eye masks.

Jiang Yu replied one by one.

- Big, I'm only 20 years old, which one do you think I should buy

Jiang Yu replied: "You are so young, just pay attention to cleaning, Luna!"

- Big, I'm 30 years old, which one do you think I should buy

Jiang Tao: "You can choose between yaman and Hitachi, and we also recommend the large row of lights."

In fact, many beauty devices have been very popular, but not so popular. After all, beauty devices are relatively expensive and are only suitable for a small number of people, but I didn’t expect that as soon as the very comprehensive evaluation post of Jiang Tao came out, all beauty and skin care accounts reposted it. .

Many daigou also forwarded it one after another, saying: "I have all the recommended ones in my family, and I can help you shop!"

Even Zou Xiaoyu, the customer service customer, came to ask tangled after reading this evaluation post:

"Mr. Jiang! I've been planted by you. I like this big row of lights! But it's really expensive! Can you post less about planting in the future?"

"No!" Jiang Yu chuckled and said to the customer service staff, "Do it well! One person will be rewarded with one at the end of the year!"

Several guests were stunned for a moment, and then burst into frenzied shouts.

"Mr. Jiang, we love you!"

By December, the sequelae of Double Eleven were lifted, all orders were confirmed to be received, and all money was received. Orders with problems should be refunded, reissued and reissued, and after-sales problems were all recruited. The after-sales customer service has been handled perfectly, and Jiang Tao's Taobao store is running in an orderly manner as before.

After getting the money, Jiang Tao paid all the arrears and calculated the profit. Although the sales of 80 million yuan on Double Eleven sounded great, because her pricing was not high, the profit was not large. There is only a profit of more than 10 million yuan, which is very low even among Taobao merchants.

However, at the same time, Jiang Taro also gained a lot of affirmation.

Many fans commented:

"Tao Yuan is big, I am your loyal fan now. Among the goods received on Double Eleven this time, only yours has the best quality."

"I thought it was expensive at first, but I thought it was worth it. The quality is so good, right?"

"The shape of the clothes is very good, it is worthy of being designed by a famous designer!"

"Yes, the fabric is very comfortable to wear. At first, I wanted to buy imitation models, but I held back. It seems that my decision was the right one."

The list of the lottery prizes that Jiang Tao reposted on the Internet has long been announced. After that batch of goods was sent out, many people took the clothes for free and felt that the quality was very good, so they also started to buy clothes from Taobao stores.

They have also become loyal fans of Jiangya's family, and because they took the clothes for free, many people felt embarrassed, so they consciously went to Jiangya's store to spend more money.

"I won the lottery on Weibo, and I got the clothes sent by Jiang Yuda, and I was instantly popular. Thank you Jiang Yuda, your clothes are really beautiful."

At this moment, Jiang Yu was really relieved.

It seems that the policy she adopted before was the right one. Through the popularity of Su Yezhuang and the publicity of "Wei Wei", as well as the release of the winning Weibo, she created momentum for her online store. It seems that she invested a lot, including spending 80 Thousands of prize draws have been called idiots by many people, but from the perspective of returns, everything is worth it.

Although the deposit of more than ten million yuan is not much, it also makes Jiang Yu's waist really straighten up.

At this moment, Bi Peijun came over from the next door. She was excited and blushing. She stared at Jiang Yu for a while, and suddenly said with a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, good news!"

"Huh?" Jiang Yu stood up.

Bi Peijun said with a smile: "Look at Taobao!"

Jiang Tao opened the Taobao store in doubt, but saw that the shiny blue crown on the homepage was followed by 3 crowns, that is to say...

"Four crowns?" Jiang Tao was shocked. Originally, her goal for herself was three crowns by the end of the year, but she did not expect that Double Eleven would directly make her four crowns!

"Congratulations to President Jiang!" Bi Peijun and Yourong Yan.

Jiang Tao's eyes were a little wet, and she said with emotion, "God treats me well."

Bi Peijun chuckled and shook his head: "No, everything is due to your hard work! There is no such thing as success in this world for no reason."

Jiang Yu smiled and looked out the window. Although she doesn't have much money now, the Taobao store is also an intangible asset. After all, as long as she can keep designing, she can rely on this Taobao store to generate benefits for herself.

Jiang Yu asked: "How is the registration of the brand and company going?"

"It's okay, I asked a specialized agency to do it. The company should be down soon, but the brand registration will be slower."


Just then, the official Weibo account of "Star Wardrobe" posted a Weibo that wrote:

"She is Su Ye's best friend, and her skills stunned both Gu Shenliu and Su Ye. Come and see the most amazing makeup technique in history, which is comparable to changing your head! After reading it, I just want to give it to @stylist Jiangyu-sama Kneel down! Is this still alone? Please take my knee!"

This Weibo is accompanied by several moving pictures, all of which are clips from the show.

There are amateur guests appearing, Jiang taro styling, revealing the results, and the audience is stunned...

When netizens saw the comparison pictures of Yaya before and after the transformation, the audience was stunned.