Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 58: 056 Purchasing


If you are looking for an ordinary navy studio, then, after Jado is popularized, it will be difficult not to be attacked by the studio. Many Internet celebrities will break out hype news after they become famous, causing netizens to be disgusted. This is mostly the reason.

Jado has her shares, but Jiang Tao doesn't intend to let others know. From the perspective of fashion bloggers, it is more convincing, easy to operate, and not easy to arouse the disgust of fans.

For this reason, Jiang Tao specially asked Gao Jing to find the navy organization under Gu Shenliu Studio.

- Big, tell me what brand this bag is

- This bag is beautiful! I have been planted again, will it be particularly expensive? If it's too expensive, I'll eat dirt again!

There are tens of thousands of people asking about the brand of the bag in the comments, but Jiang Yu just didn’t come forward to say that, people are like this, the more difficult it is to get things, the more they want. Everyone went to find out, but they didn't find out.

Their hearts are getting more and more itchy, and the more itchy they are, the more they need someone to stop itching.

But Jiang Yu's Weibo was calm, but it seemed like he couldn't see the comments of netizens at all.

—Is it a bag designed by yourself? Will it be new? I really want it!

The next day, Jiang Tao released another matching picture. In this matching picture, Jiang Tao is still as usual, wearing seemingly simple but well-designed clothes, showing long legs, looking clean and neat, carrying a Similar to the celine piggy bag, this bag is very small. It stands to reason that such a bag should not be suitable for Jiang Yu's height, but with Jiang Yu's collocation, this bag is very suitable.

Just simply slanting it on the body makes people feel that there is an indescribable temperament.

Under the guidance of the water army, all the fans below the comment looked away from Jiang Yu's clothes, and instead paid attention to Jiang Yu's bag.

Because they found that although the bag of Jiang Taoback is not a big brand, it makes them mistakenly think it is a big brand, that is to say, this bag has a design sense and aura that is definitely not inferior to the big brand! Furthermore, judging from the pictures, the quality of this bag seems to be pretty good. Jiang Tao carries these bags to class, eats in the cafeteria, and goes shopping in the city. They are all very beautiful. The temperament will not lose to those who carry Hermes on the side.

Of course, they didn't admit that this was because Jiang Tao had a good temperament. They always felt that they, like Jiang Tao, would be very good-looking and temperamental if they carried this bag on their backs.

Because most of the fans are working class, or students.

Everyone said in their hearts:

"It would be better if this bag was cheaper. Don't be as expensive as a big brand. If you can get it for less than 3,000, I will definitely buy it!"

Jiang Peifen is a celebrity in the fashion section of Tianya. She often carries pictures of online celebrities and bloggers' outfits on the Internet, especially the street photos of foreign beauty bloggers. Since Jiangya became popular, she has rarely moved abroad. , because she found that Jiang Yu's outfits are not inferior to those of bloggers at all. On the contrary, Jiang Yu's clothes are very special and have a sense of design, and they never bump into shirts.

At first, Jiang Peifen didn't understand why, until it was revealed that Jiang Yu was a student of the Fashion Design Institute of Shenda, and Jiang Peifen realized that she was a professional fashion designer herself! No wonder!

After Jiang Yu opened a store, Jiang Peifen bought a dress and a pair of jeans from the store with the mentality of trying it out. She had no hope for the quality, but unexpectedly, the quality of these clothes was particularly good, even if they were thrown into the washing machine, It never deforms and is very durable. What's even better is that these clothes have a sense of design. After wearing them, colleagues always ask her where they bought them.

Jiang Peifen kindly told the website to his colleagues: "It's this online celebrity shop, you can go and see for yourself."

Colleagues opened the website to take a look, but asked inexplicably:

"Peifen, are you sure it's this store? All the URLs you gave me can't be opened."

"I can't open it either!"

"You said it's taken off the shelf?"

Until then, Jiang Peifen didn't know that Jiangyao's store was limited to purchases, and there were more monks and less meat! Jiang Tao, who has millions of Tiezhong fans, is not enough to stuff his teeth every time he wears that little clothes!

Jiang Peifen suddenly felt a sense of pride in her heart. She snatched the clothes of Jiang Yu's family, which proved that her vision was very good.

From then on, when Jiang Peifen was walking on the street and was approached and asked where to buy clothes, she would never tell them again that she had her own thoughts, and she didn't want someone to wear the same clothes as her, and she didn't want her The store in the heart is known by others.

One day, Jiang Peifen looked online and found that Jiang Yu had posted a matching picture. She took a fancy to the bucket bag stitched together in smog blue. Jiang Peifen wanted this kind of bag recently, so she hurriedly asked:

"Yuanyuan, where did you buy this bag?"

However, she couldn't wait for Jiang Yu's reply. No, this is not Jiang Yu's style. Although Jiang Yu is popular, she is very educated and polite. In the past, she would answer the questions asked by netizens, but this time it has been 2 days and no movement at all.

The next day, Jiang Tao posted another matching picture, and there was a bag on the picture.

The netizens were completely blown up, and even Jiang Peifen would cry up to the sky!

After all, I haven't bought the bag from yesterday, but I'm looking at this bag today...

OMG! looks great! I really want it!

Jiang Peifen couldn't sit still. She posted a post on Tianya and went to the fashion forum of Jinjiang website for help:

"Please identify, what brand is this bag?"

Jiang Peifen released two matching pictures of Jiang Taro.

"I especially like these two buns of Jiang Tao, let's not talk about human flesh, let's make a bun this time? Ask me, which brand is this bag?"

As soon as these two posts came out, many netizens responded because of the recent popularity of Jiang Tao.

- Jiang Tao has a matching map again? This bag is good, big brand.

- It looks familiar, but I don't know what brand it is.

—I'm about to close Jiang Yu's Weibo, is the landlord still paying attention? What a cow! If I keep paying attention, I'm almost a card slave! Pay off your debt every month!

Jiang Peifen's ID Tianya Xiaojiangjiang is one of the most popular celebrities in Tianya fashion. He has published many well-known posts. Many Taobao sellers also rely on Tianya Xiaojiangjiang's moving pictures to choose clothes and take them to factories to make editions. Sell it on Taobao.

Of course, Taobao purchasing agents prefer Xiaojiangjiang, because Tianya Xiaojiangjiang's recommendation often makes them full of money.

On this day, Tianya Xiaojiangjiang posted another post. Taobao purchasing agents saw a lot of people wanting this bag. They sensed a business opportunity and quickly asked their foreign friends to find this bag.

However, you can't find it in France! Can't find it in UK! America can't find it!

What are you doing, this blogger named Jiang Yu, which country is this package from

At this moment, a student studying in Italy replied weakly in the post:

"I remember that it seems to be an Italian brand called Jado. There is a flagship store of this brand near our university town. It is an old Italian brand, and the route it takes is mature. To be honest, I never liked this brand before. But now, looking at Jiang Yu’s back, I suddenly feel that this brand is quite fashionable.”

Seeing this, Jiang Peifen quickly replied: "Jado? Is this brand expensive?"

The international student replied: "It's not particularly expensive, the most expensive one is about RMB 2,000, and the ordinary bag is more than 1,000, but the locals still recognize this brand. It is said that the leather of this house is very good, and it has been used for several years. The back is not bad, and many of the bags are handmade by the master.”

"Such a cow?"

At this moment, many "informers" suddenly came to the Internet. They popularized Jado. Under their introduction, netizens were moved by the story behind Jado.

It is said that many years ago, an Italian girl came to China to collect wind, but fell in love with a Chinese guy.

It was a dark and windy night for a month. In pursuit of love, the Chinese guy resolutely went to Italy. However, the woman's family did not agree that the girl should marry a Chinese. For love, the girl decided to elope with the Chinese guy. In the well-known Italian town, people started from scratch and made a fortune in leather goods. This is more than 60 years. After a woman died, a man named after her deceased wife Jado and established this luggage brand.

The original text of this story has more than 3,000 words in total, and it was written in great detail, even the details of the elopement were written, so that netizens could not help crying after reading it.

And Jia Xing, who often goes over the wall to surf the Internet, blinked his eyes after reading the whole story, his face covered in circles.

Shrimp? elopement? When did this happen? How could he not know such a poignant love story

Jiaxing asked Jiang Yu, "Jiang Yu, why are there such strange stories circulating on the Internet?"

"Is it strange?" Jiang Yu shrugged with an innocent face: "I just made up a beautiful legend for Jado based on the story you gave me. Why, isn't it touching? I think this story is well written, you know. This tweet has written a lot of soft articles, which are very classic."

Jia Xing blinked, unable to keep up with her rhythm: "Why make up such a legend for Jado?"

"Brand culture needs, look at LV, Chanel, these brands, which one doesn't have a touching back story?"

Jia Xing suddenly felt stupid and naive: "Aren't those stories true?"

"It depends on what you think, I'm eating an apple now, which is a very common thing, but after writing a soft article, it became that when my inspiration was exhausted, a big red and attractive apple fell on the In my head, I was instantly inspired to create very famous XXX products in no time!"

"… "

"In short, you just need to prepare a few main products according to my requirements! By the way, I have designed a few bags, and I will send you the detailed pictures later, and you can let the manufacturer start making them."


Just the next day, Jia Xing routinely went to Jado's flagship store to hold a morning meeting with several store managers. Who knows, just as he walked to the door of the store, he saw that the entrance of Jado's specialty store was full of people, and most of them were Chinese people.

Jiaxing was startled and asked the store manager:

"What's the matter? Is it a student parade?"

In 2015, there was a student demonstration in Italy against education reform. At that time, the door of his store was like this, and there were people everywhere.

The store manager was also in a hurry and said, "Isn't it? I haven't heard the wind. It's a parade, so there's no need to focus on the door of our store!"

"Go and ask what's going on?"

Hearing the words, the store manager ran away to ask what was going on. After a while, the store manager walked back dumbfounded, unable to believe the truth:

"Boss! It's not good!"

"What's the matter? It's a parade?" Jiaxing felt nervous. Every time there was a parade, the business of the store would be affected.

"No!" the store manager shouted excitedly: "They are here to buy things! Purchasing! Purchasing in China!"


At this time, the door opened, and all the Chinese purchasing agents rushed into the Jado store like a flood, as if Jado's items cost no money, as if the items in front of them were not bags but toys, as if they couldn't buy them, they would lose a lot! Everyone bought frantically. They looked for the style and said directly to the waiter:

"Is this bag still available? I want 30!"

"I want 50!"

"Do you have this one? No? Why don't you have anything in your house!"

After a moment of effort, several bags in the store were all emptied. Seeing the empty store, Jiaxing could not laugh or cry!

Chinese people's purchasing power is too strong! Where is this shopping? It's just a robbery!

Jiaxing noticed that most of the styles that everyone purchased on behalf of the people were from Jiang Taro, and he hurriedly said to all the dissatisfied purchasing agents:

"Don't worry, everyone! There is still stock in the warehouse!"

"Warehouse?" The store manager was about to cry: "Boss, the goods in the warehouse have long been sold out!"

"Sold out? I asked the factory to order 2000 bags urgently..."

"It's all here! It's been taken out a long time ago! As for the other inventory, it's been divided up by several other stores! In other words, our warehouse is empty!"

Just then, an Italian native walked into Jado. She looked around at the empty counter, dumbfounded, and asked the manager in disbelief: "What's wrong? Your house is going to close down? Why is there nothing! I I'm also going to buy a few for my relatives abroad."

After the store manager's explanation, the Italians still didn't believe it and said after a while:

"Awful Chinese!"

Because there were no bags to sell, Jiaxing was so anxious that he went to the factory every day to urge orders!

He was anxious over there, and the same in China, because Jiang Yu seemed to have just seen everyone's comments at this time. She smiled and forwarded the previous Weibo, leaving a message:

"It seems that many fans like this bag. In fact, the bag I am carrying is not a luxury item. It's just an Italian brand. It was introduced to me by my Italian friend! The brand name is Jado. If you like it, you can buy it on your behalf. Look!"

— Huh, Jado? I already knew, buy? Sorry, can't buy it!

- Taro balls, this bag has already been popular, and your response is too slow, right? I also looked for a purchasing agent and said that it was sold out in Italy.

- The purchasing agent said that it would take 1 month to send it, and it was all out of stock!

After a while, Su Ye suddenly posted a Weibo. In the picture, she and Jiang Yu were shopping together.

"It's really fun to go shopping with my girlfriends! Eat, drink and have fun! You can't miss the same! By the way, this brand recommended by my good sister is also very easy to carry!"

Netizens were stunned for a moment, the bag Su Ye is carrying is so stylish! Also Jado's

But isn't this brand known as the favorite of Italian aunts? How can there be such a young and fashionable style

At the same time, Taobao's major purchasing agents have uploaded pictures of Su Ye's same bag, and they have also photographed many new Jado bags on Taobao.

All fans were surprised to find out.

Jado's new bag looks so good!

That's right! The package designed by Jiangya is fully listed!