Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 62: 060 votes


Judging from the video, Gu Shenliu and Jiang Yu really match up!

The two of them just stood there and didn't move, they could make everyone lick the screen, and their appearance was simply unbelievable!

Therefore, on the barrage of the video, fans are calling:

"I'm here to lick the screen, my looks are enough to hold up the whole drama!"

"I said how did Gu Shenliu come to play this kind of play? It turned out to be made by Gu Shenliu's studio. Seeing that there are many newcomers here, I guess this play is also for bringing newcomers? I'm good at it!"

"Although the official said that this drama is probably just an online drama, but it doesn't matter, I will definitely watch it for their members! After all, I really like this theme, Jiang Tao feels so aggressive in the drama! So domineering! Su's face!"

"Oh my God! Jiang Tao is an inspirational story in the entertainment industry!"

"This is the most fashionable drama ever! Every look is textbook! Make Auntie Sweeper a red carpet girl, Jiang Ya, you are awesome!"

"According to this level, I don't lose the price of filming TV dramas at all!"

Although this video was cut urgently, the production is very rough, and there are not many shots, but everyone bought it unexpectedly.

A few days later, the number of views on the video has reached 50 million, and this is only on Aiqiqi's video website.

Jiang Yu, who had been worried that the play would not sell, finally felt relieved.

With this amount of clicks, at least it won't lose money, and it won't cause Gu Shenliu's worth to drop in price!

The scandal of Baoyang has brought a lot of popularity to Jiangya. You must know that netizens are interested in this kind of negative news. After reading the post, many people who don't know Jiangya follow Jiangya's Weibo, trying to figure it out.

Later, it was proved that all this was just an oolong. As soon as the TV series video was released, everyone knew that this matter was really a misunderstanding!

At the same time, Gu Shenliu Studio sued the layer owner who defamed in the post on behalf of Jiang Ya.

By this time, everyone with discernment will know that this is fake.

Unexpectedly, the black fans who transferred from the post became die-hard fans after watching the video!

They knelt down and licked the screen: "Jiang Yu's comic legs are so beautiful! Jiang Yu's shape is so beautiful! Jiang Yu's people set up a good attack! And Gu Shenliu has a good sense of CP!"

In this way, the heat brought by the scandal, by accident, made Jiang Tao's Weibo fans jump to 13 million!

Seeing this number, Jiang Taro couldn't help laughing and laughing, and he and Bei Xiaoxiao had a hot pot to celebrate that night!

At this moment, Xiaokui, a staff member of Aiqiqi, contacted Jiang Yu from Weibo:

"Jiang Tao, hello, we are interested in buying this drama from Aiqiqi Video Website and would like to discuss it with you in detail."

Because the crew was so amateur, Ai Qiqi's staff didn't know who to look for, so they could only come to Jiang Yu in the end.

Hearing this, Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment: "But the filming has just started!"

"Yes, but we can talk slowly. We watched the video and thought it was very good. The pictures, costumes, and actors are not at the level of ordinary online dramas. Even, the production level is higher than "Star You"! You said, in terms of the number of hits on our website, it's not a big problem for this drama to be popular!"

"… "

Jiang Yu smiled and typed on the keyboard: "Or wait for the drama to come out and then talk about it? In this way, you can also look at the quality before making a decision!"

"We have asked our superiors, and the superiors meant special affairs. If it was an ordinary web drama, we would definitely not dare to be so arbitrary, but with Gu Shenliu joining in, it would be different. You must know that Gu Shenliu is among female audiences. It is very appealing, and female audiences prefer to watch TV. In the past, according to our experience, popular TV dramas were all about female costume legends. Such TV dramas can make female audiences feel immersed. Like the protagonist, through hard work, success, and finally become an outstanding industry elite, and although your play is not an ancient costume, it is also an inspirational story of the heroine in the entertainment industry, we think it is great!"

The staff continued: "Look, it is almost impossible for your play to pass the trial. You have also appeared in the "Celebrity Wardrobe" that we love Qiqi before, and it was a pleasure to work with our staff, so, Will the new play still be broadcast on our Love Qiqi video website?"

Jiang Yu smiled, thinking of Gu Shenliu's explanation, and said, "I'll let a professional talk to you!"

"Okay! Great, you must consider our video site!"

At this moment, several other video websites came to find Jiangyao, and Jiangyao threw them to professional people to discuss.

And she also gave instructions to the staff: "Talk about it! Talk to a high price!"

Under such circumstances, Zeng Yanan found Jiang Yu on the Internet.

The two had not been in touch for a while, and Zeng Yanan said as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Jiangyu! I saw your web drama, and the costumes in the web drama are very tasteful! Did you design them all by yourself?"

Jiang Yu smiled back: "Part of it was designed by my classmates, but the costumes of all the actors in this play are from my studio."

"Amazing! I'll make an appointment with you first, and when the online drama is released, I'll make a column for you! I will explain the costumes in your drama."

Jiang Tao knows that such an approach is a win-win for each other. Zeng Yanan's magazine needs popularity, and she also needs magazines to promote it. You must know that people who love magazines love beauty, and they are also her potential customers.

But the face still has to be given. "Thank you Sister Zeng for taking care of me. When my drama is finished, the first thing I will do is to find you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Zeng Yanan smiled. After a while, he suddenly said, "By the way, why don't you pay attention to the online vote?"

"Vote?" Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, but didn't respond for a while, "What vote?"

"you do not know?"

Zeng Yanan burst into laughter, and the Internet has been scolded all over the world, and Jiang Tao doesn't know anything!

She quickly sent a link to Jiang Yu.

"Our magazine holds this kind of poll at the end of each year, and the theme is different every year. This year's theme is 'the face you want to be the most now NO.1' There are many options for voting, most of which are supermodels, Internet celebrities, Celebrities, originally you were filming now, and you should have been assigned to the star column, but the competition for stars is big. In order to take care of you, my sister will assign you to the Internet celebrity column. At that time, the first place in the three columns will be PK, and finally Choose the most beautiful face!"

"The most beautiful face?" Hearing this title, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I'd better forget it. It's enough for the audience to vote for this kind of thing."

"Don't! Our competition is relatively fair. In the past year, a star team asked the navy to vote for this title, and was found out. In the end, it made it ugly and became the laughing stock of the industry. Therefore, in recent years, no one dared to swipe votes. This competition The word of mouth is good, I suggest you fight for it. If you win the first place, it will be a good reputation. You can use this name to hype in the future! In this way, your reputation will be even more famous! Today is the end of the semi-finals. It's been a day, so hurry up and promote it!"

"Okay, I'll go take a look!"

Jiang Yu clicked on this competition, but saw that the competition was really frenetic. The top few in the star column already had hundreds of thousands of votes, and she was actually third in the Internet celebrity column.

She clicked into other people's Weibo and took a look. Sure enough, other people reposted the voting link on Weibo every day for fans to vote. On the other hand, she saw nothing on Weibo.

Jiang Yu laughed and thought about it, she forwarded the voting link and said:

"Although I feel a little embarrassed by this title, since it is a competition, please also like my friends to vote for me!"

Xu is because of Jiang Tao's recent popularity, the effect of forwarding is really remarkable. That night, Jiang Tao's ranking rushed to the second place.

- Big, your face is beautiful, your facial features are deep, and you are also very popular with the audience. I really think you are the most beautiful face.

- I've been voting for taro balls!

—You and Qiu Shuzhen are both goddesses in my heart, you are tied for the first place!

Jiang Yu couldn't help but smile when he saw this ranking.

She is a hundred thousand votes less than the first place! The game is about to end, it should be impossible to counterattack!

Although not the first, the second place is already a very good ranking.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu became bearish. She closed the voting page and began to reply to netizens' comments.

Just then, a netizen said:

"Jiangyu, I have left you a message many times. I have oily-combination skin and it is easy to take off my makeup. I especially hope you can recommend some cost-effective and easy-to-use loose powders for me!"

Loose powder? Speaking of which, Jiang Ya really has many brands that she would like to recommend to her.

For example, Givenchy four-grid loose powder and so on, but the price is a little worse, if you want to talk about the price, it has to be pepper!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu smiled lightly, took a bottle from the dressing table, opened the beauty camera, took pictures, and posted:

"Many people have asked me about loose powder. Speaking of loose powder, I have a lot of secrets, but when it comes to cost-effectiveness, this one is undoubtedly the best! RCMAnocolorpowder loose powder, which looks like a pepper shaker, was once used by my roommate as pepper powder and almost spilled. In the instant noodles, this loose powder is very good for oil control, the bottle is very large, and it is super affordable! It is good for makeup setting, the matte surface is clean, and the powder is very delicate! I like to use this for other people's makeup! I recommend it to everyone!"

- Do you like instant noodles too

- rely on me! This really looks like pepper! Is it really useful

- I heard people say this, it's super affordable, but it's true. It only sells for dozens of dollars in the United States. A big bottle can last for a long time. The student party loves it.

—Is the humanoid lawn planter back in the arena

Looking at the comments of netizens, Jiang Tao smiled, this world is really wonderful, people from all over the world gather together and treat each other very gently.

Don't underestimate women! Don't underestimate 13 million fans!

Su Xiaoqi wants to tell everyone that because of Jiang Tao's recommendation, she had more than 100 bottles in the store instantly, and she has asked her foreign relatives to buy 2,000 bottles back!

Su Xiaoqi, who has a daily turnover of more than 10,000 yuan by making the same type of Jiang taro, now eats pancakes with 4 eggs.

Now, she sticks the hard photo of Jiang Tao on the bedside, alongside the God of Wealth.

She worships and kowtows three times a day! Thank you Jiang Yu for bringing her fortune!

Early the next morning, Jiang Ya lay in bed and started thinking about today's itinerary.

I've been really busy recently, so busy that she read a book on time management, with the intention of making the time better allocated and utilized!

However, nothing is enough! Time is still not enough.

At the end of the year, she can't wait to be like Sun Wukong, pulling out a few hairs and blowing them out to deal with all kinds of things.

First of all, she wants to film. Although she asked the school for leave, the teacher acquiesced that she did not have to come to class as long as she got the top three in the exam, but it is not easy to get the top three in the final exam, so Jiang Tao recently Reading exams every day.

Secondly, by the end of the year, the Taobao store is finishing the finishing work. Although the purchasing power of customers is not as good as before after Double Eleven, according to the customer service, the store they stayed in in previous years will have a wave of sales by the end of the year, because many people want to buy clothes for the New Year. .

The sun shines through the white tulle curtains, making Jiang Ya sleepless.

She chose the tulle curtains specially for herself. The purpose was to stay in bed and get up to work every day at dawn.

Jiang Tao habitually turned on the computer and posted on Weibo.

Well, she suddenly remembered that yesterday's voting had stopped. To be honest, although she didn't value this competition, but she didn't win the first place, she always felt ashamed of Zeng Yanan's support.

Jiang Tao opens the voting link for the contest.

Well, the number of votes for the first place in the Internet celebrity group is really high, with 330,000 votes! Only tens of thousands of votes less than the first place in the star group, and sure enough, the first place in the Internet celebrity group is...

Seeing the name of the first place, Jiang Yu was startled.

She thought she had read it wrong, and confirmed it again and again, until at the end, she realized with a face full of confusion - she won the first place!

how can that be possible? When I watched it last night, it was obviously 100,000 votes worse than the first place! How could it suddenly counterattack in just a few hours

If she hadn't rested early last night, she would have even thought she had swiped tickets.

"Jiangyu! Congratulations!" Zeng Yanan also saw the result and left a message: "That's great!"

"Sister Zeng, how did I get the first place? It was obviously the second place last night!"

"Jiang Yu, don't you know?"

Seeing that her reaction didn't seem like a pretense, Zeng Yanan couldn't help laughing. She sighed in her heart. She only felt that Jiang Yu's life was very good. He was very smart in big things, but confused in small things. To the first place, but she doesn't care at all, she can easily win the first place.

Is this life

Zeng Yanan shook his head and smiled: "You don't know yet? Last night, the Gu family all forwarded it to you!"

Jiang Taro: "… "

what the hell