Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 66: 064 Acne


In January, the weather is getting colder and colder. When I woke up in the morning, Jiang Ya made a cup of brown sugar water and brought it to the crew, planning to drink it when it was cold.

After filming, she deeply felt the difficulty of being an actor. Sometimes, for the sake of the plot, she had to wear very little clothes, or it was raining in the winter, so she jumped into the river to take a bath or something, and her joints were often frozen without feeling.

"Big taro balls!" Su Ye's language came over.

Jiang Yu smiled and replied, "What's wrong, Little Leaf?"

Su Ye wailed in pain:

"Jiang Yu, help! I'm going to attend an opening ceremony tomorrow. I have a few variety shows to be recorded in a few days, a new TV series is about to start filming, and I have to attend events, but I have acne on my face. I've been up for a long time, if it goes on like this, how can I go out tomorrow?"

After hearing this, Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Is it so serious?"

"It's more than that! It's like a rotten face. I can't find good skin all over my face. I can't cover it with a powder cover!"

After she finished speaking, Su Ye took a recent photo and saw that there were pimples all over her face, and many of them had whiteheads. There was really nothing good about her.

"Why is it so serious?" Jiang Yu frowned.

"I don't know either! I'm losing weight recently and taking diet pills. Do you think it has something to do with it?"

"Slimming pills?" Jiang Yu had a headache when she heard these three words. "Don't you know that you can't take diet pills after the movie? How can you be as deceitful as an underage girl?"

Su Ye knew that Jiang Yu cared about her, so she said, "I'm not looking for beauty? There are scenes with naked backs in my lower part. I don't want to find a substitute. I want to play by myself, so I want to lose weight and make my back line more beautiful."

"There are many ways to lose weight. You can exercise, dance, do yoga. Do you have to be so extreme?"

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, his brows were furrowed.

Su Ye could only mourn, and because of Jiang Yu's obscenity, she didn't dare to talk back at all.

As a stylist, Jiang Yu is used to seeing beauty-loving men and women. For those who love beauty, there are almost no people who do not lose weight.

Losing weight is a very common thing, I just don’t know how these people’s brains grow, and they always listen to some strange secret recipes. There were actresses in the entertainment circle in previous lives who ate weight loss bugs for beauty. Eat the fat in the body, you must know that the insects are easy to drill holes, and it is easy to get into other parts of the body, threatening life safety! Such a worm is also sold for a sky-high price of hundreds of thousands! In this way, there are still people who buy it, and a lot of them are bought.

Jiang Tao has also seen people inject urine to promote fat burning, and people who eat cotton and sew their mouths up with needles! In order to lose weight for the sake of beauty, these people do everything they can without considering the consequences.

Jiang Tao often wants to pry open the heads of these people to see what the structure is inside.

Of course, in reality, there are also many people who take diet pills, and there are weight-loss shops everywhere on the street. As everyone knows, these weight-loss methods must not be tried lightly.

"Well, you come to me first, and I'll take a look at your acne."

Su Ye knew that Jiangya often had strange skin care products here, some of which were researched by Jiangya herself. After hearing this, she said:

"Okay, I'll go to your place now."

Jiang Yu sent her the address.

Just as she was about to log out of WeChat, Jiang Yu inadvertently saw Gu Shenliu 121's account sitting quietly in the communication bar. She was stunned for a moment. She said that she had not contacted Gu Shenliu 121 for many days, but it was fine. Relationships never need to be maintained deliberately. There are only so many positions around each person, and it is normal for people to come and go.

Think about it, Jiang Yu put down the phone

When Su Ye came, Jiang Yu was filming. This scene was a scene between her and the actress who suppressed her in the film. Jiang Yu watched too many scenes, and she filmed it smoothly. It was smooth without NG. Finished the big game.

Hearty, Fang Huai couldn't help but applaud.

"Taro balls!" Su Ye greeted everyone.

"Leaves." Jiang Yu went to the side and rested.

"It's a good shot! I'm so excited! The slap in the face or something is very well done. I have a hunch that your play will be popular!" Su Ye put his arms around Jiang Yu's shoulder.

"Learn more from you." Jiang Yu smiled.

As soon as she looked up and saw Su Ye's outfit, she just couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Today, Su Ye is wearing a hat with tulle on all sides, covering her face, like a martial arts drama.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

"No way, if I let people see my face, that's fine? If I'm photographed by the paparazzi, I'll be on the news again."

The two went to the dressing room, Jiang Yu carefully looked at the acne on Su Ye's face, and then said:

"Your acne is all inflamed, and you have recently used a powder cover to make the acne heal more slowly."

"Then what should I do? I still have to work!" Su Ye heard the words and hugged Jiang Ya for help: "Yuan Yuan! You must save me!"

Jiang Tao smiled lightly and glanced at her. "Are you still taking diet pills?"

"If you don't eat it, you won't eat it if you kill it!"

Jiang Yu nodded Su Ye's head and lamented:

"You, don't you know that the main ingredients of diet pills are clenbuterol hydrochloride? That is, the legendary clenbuterol, and many even have T3 ingredients. These drugs can't be eaten indiscriminately. False propaganda, increasing the dose of the drug, this kind of drug can cause diarrhea, acne breakouts, gastrointestinal disorders in mild cases, arrhythmia in severe cases, thyroid problems, and even sudden death!"

"So scary?"

Su Ye was frightened. Although she always knew that diet pills could not be taken, she only thought that diet pills would hurt the stomach and cause diarrhea, and the weight loss effect would rebound easily. She never expected that there would be so many side effects.

"No!" After saying that, Jiang Yu removed the foundation on Su Ye's face, and applied Avène water to Su Ye to help her calm her skin. After that, she looked at Su Ye's face by the light, Said: "It's not difficult to deal with your face. I'll prescribe a few herbs later, you can ask the assistant to buy them, grind them into powder and bring them to me."


Soon, Jiang Yu wrote the documents to her. "Go!"

In the afternoon, Su Ye's assistant brought the ground medicinal materials, and Su Ye's manager also followed after hearing about it.

Seeing that Jiang Yu was going to use the medicinal materials on Su Ye's face, the agent was anxious and said:

"Su Ye, our doctors have seen a lot of them, and other doctors said that there is no way to do it, but to use nothing on the face, let them grow slowly on their own, and now you are messing around with things, I'm afraid it will get worse and worse. ."

After hearing this, Su Ye glanced at the agent and said, "Jiang Yu is my good sister, I trust her."

"Su Ye, face is not a trivial matter! I don't think doctors can solve it. If you look for Jiang Yu, what can she do?"

Su Ye saw that her words were ugly, so she couldn't help looking at Jiang Yu's face, and said anxiously:

"Yuanyuan, don't blame her, she is a straight person and can't hide her words!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu's face was the same as usual, and she couldn't see any displeasure. She still smiled lightly, "Have you discussed it? Is this medicine to be used or not to be used today?"

The agent was about to speak, but was stopped by Su Ye, who said, "Use! Taro balls, I believe you!"

"It can't be used!" The agent firmly disagreed, she frowned and looked at Jiang Yu, and said, "Jiang Yu, you are still young, some medicinals are useful on your skin, but it does not mean that my family Su Ye can use them, besides, these things are also Three no products, no certification, and no testing, if there is a problem with the use, who should I turn to?"

"Cheng Yu!" Su Ye said angrily, "Don't say it, I believe Jiang Yu!"

Hearing this, the agent's face was displeased, and the two stood at a stalemate for a moment. In the end, Cheng Yu sighed and stood beside him angrily.

The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing. Su Ye's manager was actually her own sister-in-law Cheng Yu. The sister-in-law was very good to Su Ye. The only bad thing was that she was overprotective and liked to interfere in Su Ye's private life, but her sister-in-law was not bad. , just the rectum.

Cheng Yu frowned and stood aside, completely unable to understand why Su Ye believed Jiang Yu so much, yes, Jiang Yu helped Su Ye, and because of her help, Su Ye's audience relationship became better, but this does not mean You can trust Jiang Tao in everything, especially about the face.

Su Ye relies on her face to eat. As an actress, her job has been scheduled until the end of next year. Now that Su Ye's face is bad enough, if there is a problem, what should she do

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu hesitated on the side, his face full of worry

Jiang Tao smiled lightly, her face still calm, and she did not lose her mind because of Cheng Yu's questioning. She did not speak from the beginning to the end, she only quietly mixed the herbs, and finally made a paste with water and applied it to Su Ye's face. .

"Is this all right?" Su Ye was also a little worried.

It's not that she doesn't trust Jiang Yu, but, although Jiang Yu has a good set of skin care, acne is not an ordinary thing. Many people have been fighting acne for more than ten years and have not recovered. The acne on her face has already started. It has been several days. These days, she has seen doctors everywhere, and doctors in well-known local hospitals have seen them all. Most of the doctors only prescribed some anti-inflammatory medicines to her, but these medicines made her face look ugly. , and there is no obvious improvement, Su Ye has completely lost hope.

Now Jiang Yu is applying medicinal herbs to her, Su Ye only feels that her face is ice-cold and very comfortable.

Forget it... Su Ye closed his eyes and thought:

"Forget it, let him go! It's already like this, how can it be worse?"

An hour later, Jiang Tao came back from filming and said with a smile, "Little leaf, you can take it off."

After speaking, Jiang Yu took everything on Su Ye's face and washed it with clean water. After that, Jiang Yu smiled and said:

"Okay, open your eyes!"

Su Ye swallowed, then looked at the mirror. After taking a glance, she stood up abruptly, came to the mirror in disbelief, touched her face repeatedly, and said in surprise:

"Jiang Yu, you are amazing! The pimples on my face? Why are they gone!"

"Why not? You're exaggerating, but most of the pimples are shriveled and no longer inflamed, and the dirt in the closed mouth has been expelled." Jiang Yu smiled.

"how did you do it?"

Su Ye still didn't believe it. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at it repeatedly for a long time, only to see that none of the pimples on her face had actually decreased. In fact, it was no wonder that Jiang taro's medicine had no side effects. In just an hour, all the pimples disappeared. However, although the pimples were not less, the color was much lighter. Many pimples were even close to the skin color, and they were not obvious at first glance. Su Ye had no doubts, now. She only needs to use loose powder to cover up a little, and she can get rid of acne marks.

"Jiangyu! You were sent by God to rescue me, right?" Su Ye was stunned

At this moment, Cheng Yu frowned and walked in. She heard Su Ye's call from a distance, her heart sank, and she said, there really is a problem!

"Su Ye, I told you not to take any medication, but you don't listen! Are you okay now? The acne on your face has become more serious, and I will continue like this..."

Cheng Yu stared at Su Ye in a stunned manner, not believing that what he saw was real at all.

"Your face..." Cheng Yu hadn't recovered yet.

"Sister-in-law, is my face much better? You said that Jiang Yu is not a god, and you don't know how she did it!"

Cheng Yu kept staring at Su Ye's face, and saw that the marks on Su Ye's face were no longer obvious. She had no doubt that with a few more medicines, the acne would disappear.

But how is it possible! Jiang Yu is just a 20-year-old girl. She can do things that many famous doctors can't do with ease

Cheng Yu couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Yu, but saw that this little girl had a light expression from beginning to end, neither happy nor angry, such a cultivation level is not something ordinary people can have! Cheng Yu couldn't help feeling that he really underestimated Jiang Yu before, and also, a genius who can design international red carpet outfits at the age of 20, how could he think of her with ordinary people's thinking!

"It's amazing!" Cheng Yu was blunt, and immediately apologized to Jiang Yu: "Sorry, Jiang Yu, I shouldn't have said that just now."

Jiang Yu heard the words, her emotions still did not fluctuate at all, she smiled and said:

"You just want to protect Su Ye, there's nothing wrong with it, okay, go back! I have to continue filming!"

That night, Jiang Yu took out his mobile phone, but saw a lot of reminders on Weibo.

She opened it and saw that Su Ye had posted a Weibo:

"Recently, because of eating weight loss pills, my face broke out. I asked doctors all over the world, but they said that there is no special way to do it. I had no choice but to ask my good best friend Jiang Yu for help. In the future, the acne will be completely eliminated within 1 hour! It's amazing! Here, I will confess to my little sister, and I will show you my heart! In addition, I am a wrong model, everyone, please don't take diet pills indiscriminately!"

Below is a comparison chart of Su Ye, the first one is before the medication and the second one is after the medication.

The contrast between the two is very obvious, because the first picture of Su Ye's face is like a pockmark. No matter how beautiful the beauties are with pimples, they look very scary, but in the second picture, the pimples are suddenly shriveled, and the skin looks refreshing. Much cleaner.

Fans were immediately bombarded and left messages.

-Really? I've had acne for over ten years! It has never been cured.

- OMG! It's so happy to be best friends with Jiang Ya! There is a kind of girlfriend called Jiang Ya!

- The contrast is really obvious! Little Leaf, you have to pay attention to your body, don't take medicine indiscriminately!

—@江玉大, ask for medicine! Want to sell! No matter how expensive it is, I will definitely buy it! You don't know the pain of a person with acne, his face is full of acne pits, he has been single since he was 30, and no matter how many blind dates people have, they will all be scared away when they see me with acne all over my face! My life is handed over to you, Jiang Tao! Ask for medicine!

Seeing this comment, Jiang Tao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and only replied: "Is it so miserable

The fans immediately replied: "Big flop? It's really miserable! Big! Give me the medicine now!"

In just an instant, these fans flocked from Su Ye's Weibo. They commented on Jiangya's first Weibo and asked Jiangya to release acne medicine. See that there have been more than 10,000 requests for medicine in the comments

Seeing these people seeking medicine, Jiang Tao had a flash of inspiration, as if seeing a new business opportunity.

Since her medicine is very effective for acne, and so many people hope to get rid of acne, why doesn't she just produce the medicine and sell it to everyone

In fact, this prescription was bought from an old Chinese medicine practitioner in her previous life. It is said to be the secret recipe of his family's ancestral palace. At that time, the purpose of Jiang Taro was very simple, just to have a good relationship with the stars in the circle, so it was often prepared. The medicine was given to stars who had acne. Later, the word of mouth of this medicine spread, and many stars would ask her to ask for it. They owed her favors over and over again. After a long time, they became friends. Good friendship.

And celebrities are used to big names, but they all think her medicine is easy to use, which can only prove that this medicine is really good!

Furthermore, the ingredients of her medicine are all Chinese herbal medicine formulas, which are very convenient to produce and have a short construction period. You only need to find a regular cosmetics factory to produce it, and then buy a brand directly and paste it for sale. In this way, it is useless at all. How soon will it be available.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu suddenly raised her lips and smiled, she picked up the phone and called Bi Peijun:

"Peijun, I want you to help me find a cosmetics factory!"

Bi Peijun always pays attention to Jiang Yu's Weibo. Hearing the words, she immediately understands, and she smiles:

"It just so happens that I have a big factory I know, so I'll get in touch right away."

After the explanation, Jiang Tao thought for a while, and always felt that the acne medicine could not be put on the market so easily.

Because Taobao is very strict with drugs, Jiang Yu plans to make this drug as a skin care product.

In this way, the procedures are complete and the tests are passed, and there is no need to miss a link, otherwise it will only bring trouble to her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu's eyes couldn't help but fall on the top Weibo, this Weibo is a new preview Weibo, to promote the new launch at 8 o'clock tonight.

By the end of the year, in order to allow everyone to buy Jiangya's home-made clothes, she will celebrate the New Year beautifully. Therefore, she has already explained to the employees and the factory for the new release in January, and the supply will be unlimited, which means that this and the next issue will be released. , is the only time Jiang Tao has unlimited quantities except for the one on Double Eleven.

Thinking about it, she suddenly had an idea.

Jiang Tao quickly posted a Weibo:

"Many people have asked me for anti-acne medicine. To be honest, I don't have much of this medicine. I thought about it and decided to do this. This issue of Jiangyao is homemade, and all the clothes in it are available in unlimited quantities, but only for today. Late! If you buy it, you will earn it! All the money will not be sold a second time, and all customers who place an order today, as long as they leave a message and note that they want acne medicine, I will give you a free pack for your use!”

-Really? Then I must visit your house today, I really need this medicine.

—I never thought that one day, in addition to buying clothes at Jiang Ya’s, I would also buy skin care products for acne.

- buy buy buy! Is it new at 8 o'clock? I will buy it on time.

Seeing everyone's comments, Jiang Ya smiled lightly.

It seems like a loss to give acne medicine as a gift, but in fact it is a big profit.

First, it is beneficial to earn word of mouth for the anti-acne medicine. Second, the anti-acne medicine has no formalities yet. It is sent as a gift, not sold as a commodity, so there is no need for complete documents. And the anti-acne medicine is The formula of Chinese herbal medicine is unlikely to be allergic and very safe. Therefore, Jiang Yu planned to send a batch for everyone to try.

If the response is good, she will step up and bring the acne treatment to the market

"Taro balls, why don't you give me such a good medicine to try?"

Bei Xiaoxiao also came to ask when Jiang Tao wanted to deliver medicine.

"The pimples on your face will go down if you eat less spicy sticks!" Jiang Yu glanced at Bei Xiaoxiao.

"Let's eat less spicy sticks? That won't work! I really love Wei Long!" After Bei Xiao finished his novel, he came out with a bunch of spicy sticks.

Looking at the red, yellow and yellow spicy strips packaging in front of him, Jiang Tao, who had just returned from the crew, was stunned.

"10 packs? What are you buying so many for?"

"Not much, not much! Some are red oil, some are gluten, some are filamentous, and some are flaky." After speaking, Bei Xiaoxiao opened a bag: "Just now someone on Zhihu invited me to answer questions and asked me What is the experience of eating 10 packs of spicy sticks at one time? No, in order to answer the question, I bought the spicy sticks and came back to try."

"… "

Jiang Tao frowned even tighter, Bei Xiaoxiao was on her way to death, and she was gone forever!

At 8 o'clock that night, the new time has come.

To be honest, Jiang Yu was a little nervous.

This time, the unlimited supply is not only because the customers are arguing so much that they can't get the clothes every time, there is another important reason - she is short of money!

Yes, I just bought a house, and the crew has to spend money every day, plus they have to register the brand, open Tmall, cooperate with Jado, decorate...

Every item costs money, and Jiang Tao opens his eyes every day, always feeling that he is full of debts.

Seeing the end of the year, there is no way, after thinking about it, Jiang Yu decided to make good use of this opportunity, which not only reduces the resentment of fans, but also allows her to take the opportunity to make another profit.

At 8:00, all the customer service staff are in front of the computer.

Jiang Tao stood behind them, looking at the computer background.

dong dong dong... as usual, the sound of the deal sounded one after another!

"Hey, I feel that there are more orders than in the past." Zou Xiaoyu said.

"Look again!"

When Zou Xiaoyu refreshed the Taobao backstage and looked at it, his eyes were straight.

Even if the sales were high in the past, even if it was taken off the shelves in seconds, but because Jiang Tao has been limited to purchases, her family's clothes are at most about 30,000 orders each time.

But now...

"Mr. Jiang! Look! I see! In just ten minutes, there are already 30,000 transactions!"

That is to say, in 15 minutes, they did the transaction volume of the previous period.

Jiang Tao grinned, "Calm down!"

After half an hour.

Zou Xiaoyu shouted again: "Mr. Jiang!!! It's not good! 40,000 orders!"

"Oh!" Jiang Yu's calm tone made people want to beat her up.

Jiang Yu simply sat aside to read the magazine, turned a few pages, and said:

"Keep watching! Also, call Cheng Quanyou, chase the order, and tell him that the stock is running out!"


Soon, 50,000 orders! 60,000 orders! In the end, just from 8:00 to 12:00, a small C store like Jiang Tao sold 80,000 orders!

The sales of many clothes are in the tens of thousands, and the down jackets for autumn and winter are made of good quality. The price is often thousands, and the profit is definitely not small. Jiang Tao roughly estimated that these 80,000 orders are based on the average customer unit price in the past. Come to think of it, it is conservatively estimated that there are tens of millions of profits!

very good! Make money! Look back! Jiang Taro is very satisfied! That's how much money you get for a few houses!

The customer service staff were so excited, especially Zou Xiaoyu, who said with tears in his eyes:

"Mr. Jiang, our shop is really good! I always feel like I'm witnessing an era, what should I do? I'm going to be a fan of you!"

Jiang Tao raised the corners of her lips, stretched out her index finger and flicked her, she smiled and said:

"Okay! Don't cry anymore, do it well, and give you a big row of lights and red envelopes at the end of the year!"

"Yeah... Long live President Jiang!"

Jiang Yu took a look at the backstage. Of the 80,000 orders, nearly 40,000 left a message asking for acne medicine. That is to say, the reason why it sold so well this time is not only because there is no limit this time, but there is another reason. , that is Jiang Yu said in Weibo, to send acne medicine! Many people buy clothes just for this acne medicine.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao raised the corners of her lips and looked out the window.

Her goal was achieved, not only publicizing the new drug, but also publicizing the store, which directly led to a qualitative leap in the sales of the store!

However, 40,000 packets of acne medicine is not a small amount. Fortunately, Gu Shenliu introduced a herbal medicine dealer to Jiang Yu, which saved her a lot of money.

After that, Jiang Yu found a professional factory to prepare the purchased medicinal materials according to the standard, put them in simple packaging and seal them.

"Mr. Jiang, this medicine is so small, it looks like it can last up to 3 days?" Bi Peijun asked.

Jiang Yu smiled, and she looked at Bi Peijun: "You are wrong, this medicine can only be used for 2 days."

"Two days? Can everyone use it to see an effect?"

"Of course I can. In fact, I have used this ointment myself. Based on the evaluations of others, the effect of this medicine has been obvious after 2 days of use. Of course, only persistent use can completely remove the acne. I know, everyone received the medicine and used it for 2 days. Hey, it worked! I was so excited that I tried to use it again, but when I saw it, it was used up! At this time, what was everyone's first thought?" Jiang Yu asked Bi Peijun with a smile.

"Definitely want to buy another pack to use!"

"Bingo!" Jiang Tao laughed: "This is also my purpose. I'm not doing charity by giving medicine, but I just hope to establish a reputation and make everyone come back to buy it. This is my real ultimate purpose!"

Bi Peijun really convinced her, she said, "In terms of business, I'm far worse than you!"

Jiang Tao shook his head, looked at the packet of traditional Chinese medicine powder in his hand, and suddenly smiled:

"Let this bag of powder go to witness the miracle!"