Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 72: Year 070


After Jiang Yu said this, the faces of the people on the table were extremely ugly. Anyone who heard others say that they were going to use rat poison to poison themselves could not remain indifferent. Jiang Jie wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhao Chenglei.

Jiang Jie looked at Jiang Yu and sneered, but she didn't expect to see Jiang Yu for a year, Jiang Yu was capable! How dare you talk to them like that!

Zhang Meifeng felt a fire in her heart, but she was also numb with Jiang Yu's cool words. She glanced at her second daughter, but under the thick black lenses, Jiang Yu's eyes were squinted slightly, and her eyes were bright. Scary, it made her seem assertive, not like a joke.

Zhang Meifeng couldn't help but be surprised. In her impression, Jiang Yu was a very foolish person. She was not good at speaking and did not like to communicate with people. When she first learned to draw and entered the fashion design department, it was a mistake. She thought of Jiang Yu going to university. Zhang Meifeng's heart is still uncomfortable, Jiang Jie, Jiang Lan and Jiang Mingxuan have not gone to college, she actually wants to fly up the branches and become a phoenix? Think beautifully!

Speaking of which, the family is to blame...

No one in that family is safe! Zhang Meifeng snorted in her heart, seeing that Jiang Yu became more and more unpleasant, she glanced at Jiang Yu, and her tone was not good:

"Jiang Yu, we are all for your own good!"

"I'm good for you, too." Jiang Yu looked innocent and said softly: "Mom, don't you think that everyone is dead, and it's okay to wait a hundred times?"

Her tone was innocent, and her expression was innocent. I don't know if she was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Zhang Meifeng couldn't speak anymore, she just felt a little scared in her heart.

If Jiang Yu said that she killed the whole family with a knife today, she would not be so afraid. The key thing is rat poison, which kills people every year.

When Zhang Meifeng was a child, a daughter-in-law in the same village put rat poison in her breakfast because her mother-in-law was harsh. The last family died. This summer, an old man in their town put an apple poison rat with rat poison on the wall, but was caught The neighbor's child died on the spot after eating it. It can be said that rat poison is something you can buy anywhere. She really wants Jiang Yu to be anxious. Maybe Jiang Yu can really do this.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meifeng and the other children looked at each other and finally stopped talking.

Xu Shi Jiang Yu's words had an effect. No one bothered her until the evening. Jiang Yu was so happy that she turned on the computer and started surfing the Internet.

Xu is because of the influence of the live broadcast last night, Jiang Yu opened Weibo again, but saw that the number of fans had grown to 15 million, which was higher than the number of Weibo fans in her previous life, which also made Jiang Yu's lips slightly raised, and she was happy for a long time.

It can be said that this number of Weibo fans is the capital for her to make money in the future. As long as she has fans, no matter what industry she is in, she can make money. What’s more, she has never bought any fans, and her fans are very active. She can say that without shame. , her 15 million fans are more powerful than many stars' 40 million or 50 million fans, because many of the stars' fans are obtained by promoting and buying fans. You can see how active they are when they post on Weibo. What's more, some stars The number of fans is equivalent to half of the total users of Weibo. Is this possible? One out of every two people follow you? unless you are in RMB.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu thought that he should manage his account well in the future.

She entered Taobao again. The last time Taobao was launched, the funds were almost returned, and the after-sales problems that should be dealt with have been dealt with properly. Jiang Yu also planned to give employees an early vacation. Thinking of this, she contacted Bi Peijun on WeChat.

"Peijun, how are the after-sales issues handled?"

"It's basically fine."

"That's fine, I'll give the employees a day off tomorrow."

Bi Peijun was also one of the employees. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Then I will thank President Jiang for them."

Jiang Tao smiled, thought for a moment and then said:

"This year is the first year, and everyone has contributed a lot to the company. Now it's the end of the year. I think we'll give our employees benefits like this..."


Jiang Taro continued typing:

"We are a clothing company, so I thought, let each employee choose a dress and go home for the New Year! Male employees can also choose to wear them for their families."

"Okay." Bi Peijun smiled.

"Secondly, for the large row of lights I promised, one for each female employee, and the male employee will give them a fitness card. What do you think?"

"Mr. Jiang is generous, we definitely have no opinion."

After Bi Peijun finished speaking, her eyes were squinting together. She had been planted by japonica for a long time and wanted to buy a large row of lamps, but the price of a large row of lamps was very expensive, at least more than 5,000, and some direct mails cost 6,000. Duo, since Jiang Yu really gave it away, it saved her nearly 6,000 yuan, how could she be unhappy

Jiang Yu thought about it for a while. To tell the truth, she was very generous to her employees in her previous life. In fact, she was not a bad person without principles, nor was she an idealistic fool. Her idea was very simple, the employees came to work for you, It is nothing more than wanting to live a better life. You treat them well and treat them as family, and they will repay you in the same way, even a million times. Just imagine, which employee in the design department works hard and designs good clothes. If you sell it online, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars with just one piece of clothing. What is her favor for this comparison

Furthermore, everyone is out and about to work hard. In her previous life, she also started as a low-level employee. She knew that it was not easy. Many people had to rent a house with a salary of two or three thousand a month. She did not want her employees to face the entire application. When the city is prosperous, there is only sadness in my heart.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu smiled, "This year, everyone's working time is less than half a year, but I also give everyone a four-month salary year-end bonus according to the standard of old employees."

After hearing this, Bi Peijun was surprised in his heart, 4 months? You must know that they haven't worked for a few months in total. According to their salary, most of the employees in the entire company can get year-end bonuses of more than 15,000 yuan. If they are good, they can get 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Get nearly 50,000, which is a very good figure, not to mention, Jiang Yu also provides them with food and accommodation!

You must know that all the employees were recruited directly from a closed company. At that time, when everyone was out of work, Jiang Tao pulled all the employees. Not only did she not appear as a benefactor, but she was so generous to everyone. , like treating employees as family from the heart.

Bi Peijun was a little emotional and a little moved.

At this time, Jiang Yu made her admire, not only because of the high salary Jiang Yu gave her, but also because of Jiang Yu's mind and style, which made her feel that Jiang Yu had a great pattern of being a person.

Bi Peijun quickly posted a screenshot of Jiang Yu's words in the group.

Everyone read it carefully and then screamed.

"Ahhh! Year-end award!!! Kiss my boss Jiang."

"Mr. Jiang is fine!! I love you, Mr. Jiang!"

"Mr. Jiang, I will do my best for you and die!"

"Mr. Jiang, is there a shortage of pets in your family? The ones that only eat and sleep?"

Seeing the employees swiping the screen, Jiang Tao smiled and didn't make a sound. After that, all the employees in the group jumped out to cheer for the year-end bonus!

You must know that general e-commerce companies do not have high year-end bonuses, especially for occupations such as customer service and delivery workers. It is not bad to have a month's salary at the end of the year. This is the first time they have seen such high! Furthermore, a suit of clothes in the Jiangyao store is not cheap, and you can pick two or three thousand at random, not to mention the large row of lights and fitness cards!

After a while, Bi Peijun knocked on Jiang Yu and asked weakly:

"Mr. Jiang, the male employees of our company said that they don't want a fitness card, they want a large row of lights, and they said they want to take it home to please his wife!"

Jiang Yu heard the words and laughed: "That's right!"

"Mr. Jiang is domineering!" Bi Peijun quickly posted the conversation to the group, and for a while, the whole group cheered again

Dealing with this matter well is also a matter of Jiang Yu's mind. By this time, all the work this year can come to an end.

After turning off the computer, Jiang Yu took out the shorthand and started drawing. After drawing, she took care of her work for the next year, as well as the following things about Jado and Jiang Yu’s self-made Tmall mall. However, for her now, The top priority is to push Jado on fire. For her, Jado's current popularity is not enough. She must let this new spring product sound the horn for Jado's battle to enter the market.

By the time Jiang Tao was done, it was already 10 o'clock.

Gu Shenliu shouldn't have slept, right? Jiang Yu took out the phone and called Gu Shenliu.


Over there, Gu Shenliu had just arrived at Gu's house and was being bullied by Fat Xiao Q. Fat Xiao Q was hanging around his neck, making it difficult for him to speak.

"Jiang Yu." Gu Shenliu called out.

Hearing his voice, Jiang Yu felt inexplicably warm in her heart, as if all the humiliation she suffered in this unfamiliar place was nothing, and it also made her feel that there was something to worry about in Shencheng.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." After a pause, both of them fell silent.

Jiang Yu was inevitably disappointed by this silence. The two had only been separated for less than a day. If they called again, they had reached the point where they had nothing to say

After a while, she raised her lips and smiled lightly, and rarely said actively:

"Oh! I seem to miss you a little bit."

What she didn't know was that Gu Shenliu's originally cold eyes on the other end of the phone were suddenly dyed with warm light, and his pursed lips suddenly curved, and the corners of his mouth had a faint smile.

After a moment of silence, Gu Shenliu said in a low voice, "Jiang Yu."

"Huh?" Jiang Yu held the microphone, thinking that it was rare for her to take the initiative, but Gu Shenliu didn't say anything, it really didn't look like his style.

"They are."

"What?" Jiang Yu didn't return to his senses for a while.

This is a silly sentence.

Gu Shenliu chuckled lightly and said:

"They... I mean, my dad, mom, eldest brother, second brother, little Q, and sister-in-law Chen at home are all around."

The light smile on Jiang Yu's face couldn't be hung up any longer. She looked stagnant and asked in disbelief, "Your phone number..."

"The power amplifier is on." After a pause, Gu Shenliu, in order to prevent being implicated by his wife, said again, "The mobile phone is in Xiao Q's hand."

In other words, he was also forced to be helpless, and the whole matter had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Yu almost wanted to help her forehead, but in front of the Gu family's gang, there was no one else who said she wanted Gu Shenliu, and was humiliated and thrown to her husband's house! Thinking about the last time she and Gu Shenliu kissed in front of the Gu family members, thinking about it, she had lost all her face.

Jiang Yu sighed in her heart. Although she was annoyed, she was used to seeing big scenes. After a while, she had calmed down with the momentum she had experienced in shopping malls.

She hung up her calm smile again and greeted gently:

"Hello, uncle, aunt, eldest brother, second brother, little Q, and Sister Chen!"

"Hahaha… "

A burst of laughter suddenly came. There were men and women with kindness. For some reason, they warmed Jiang Yu.

Gu Linlu hummed: "I can't see it, my younger brother and sister's brains react quite quickly."

Gu Shenliu snorted coldly, "Can the person I'm looking for be bad?"

After speaking, Gu's mother approached the microphone and said:

"Little Taro Ball, Auntie is your fan girl now. Your auntie watched yesterday's live broadcast. Auntie likes you very much! The makeup you painted is really amazing! Especially the one that is deep in my family! I This motherfucker almost didn't recognize it, and more! It's amazing that you can put 14 pencil leads on your eyelashes! I bought a tube of pencil leads today and came back to test. There are so many people in our family, only small ones. Q can surpass you!"

"… "

fangirl or something...

It's hard to say good rich mother-in-law? The good mother-in-law must be on the shelf? What about dismounting the horse? And ah! Auntie, she put the pencil lead only to interact with fans, you really don't need to take it seriously!

Jiang Yu suddenly felt that there was something wrong with her way of opening, otherwise, how could Gu's mother be so soft and trendy, with more Internet terms than she knew

Jiang Yu laughed, a little embarrassed: "Auntie, I made you laugh!"

"No way! You are really amazing! Taro balls, can you help me make a look next time?"


Jiang Yu could not ask for it. Although she would not lose herself in order to marry Gu Shenliu, she has always been willing to do things that make others feel good.

"By the way, Taro Ball, next time you come to my house to play, don't be restrained, your aunt and me are a very open-minded person! Since my family has been deeply involved in the entertainment industry, in order to understand the entertainment industry, I follow it every day. His backers will chase stars together, no, I'm already a senior in the rice circle!" Gu's mother added.

"Auntie, your mentality is so young! I can't compare to you!" Jiang Yu said sincerely.

Aunt Gu laughed happily, aside from that, the fat little Q babbled a few times and said, "Born!"

Gu Shenliu said, "Little Q called you!"

Jiang Tao laughed so much that her eyes almost closed. The child's voice was very soft and cute, which made her like it from the bottom of her heart. She smiled and said:

"Bring Xiao Q to the crew next time?"


Afterwards, Jiang Yu paid their respects to them in the early years before ending the call.

After the end, Jiang Yu was lying on the bed and was about to rest, but suddenly heard an unusual sound outside.