Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 75: 073 Myth


"Brother Zhou Yue, how many chickens are there in your family?" Jiang Yu asked.

"More than 2,000! If it goes on like this, it is estimated that half of the scale will not be able to reach next year. Hey, what a pity! These chickens are all grown up by me. "Zhou Yue is about to die of grief.

After Jiang Yu heard this, he already had a plan in his heart.

She knew that Yu Hong had paid so much for the original body, and she also took out 100,000 yuan today. She really wanted to do something for the original body, so that the original body would not feel sorry for the spirit of the sky. Besides, she was in the house just now, It was observed that there was a man in the main room of Yu Hong's house. It must be Yu Hong's husband. Yu Hong brought up two children by himself. Even though he was not very wealthy, he could still give so much to himself. It's hard to ignore her plight.

What's more, it's just a small effort for her.

It's just... Jiang Yu still has some concerns. After all, her image has always been relatively tall. Speaking of her Weibo V, she also started as an Internet celebrity, and has also done live broadcasts. Based on her number of fans, if she passed the With the live broadcast method, it shouldn't be a problem to sell all the eggs, but selling to put it, it's too down-to-earth.

Internet celebrity has become a village celebrity, I don't know what her fans will think.

Furthermore, she starred in a web drama. If she really wants to sell eggs live, she seems to be hurting herself.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yu planned to plan this matter well, so as not to let others think that she dropped the price, but also to sell the eggs.

After a while, Jiang Yu already had an idea in her heart, her eyes lit up, and she suddenly raised her lips and said:

"Zhou Yue."


"Have you encountered anything interesting while raising chickens?"

"Interesting?" Zhou Yue thought about it and said, "I don't think it's fun to do something interesting every day, but I think it's very interesting to go to the hillside to pick up eggs. Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I grab some corn kernels to feed the chickens. When I saw chickens all around me, I felt that I was needed by them, and I was in a good mood. Recently, I broke up with my girlfriend and I was in a bad mood, so I ran to the chickens and yelled. Fei, I feel a lot better all of a sudden!"

"..." You really have pursuit! Jiang Tao was speechless and wanted to laugh.

After thinking for a while, she mused: "Zhou Xiao, Zhou Yuege, that's right, I have some fans on Weibo, I can help you plan a live broadcast and sell eggs to people in big cities."

"What? Is this possible?" Zhou Yue subconsciously felt that it was impossible.

"Live broadcast? I heard that this thing is very popular, but I don't think it is reliable. If live broadcast sells eggs, how do you trade? Eggs are easily damaged when they are sent." Zhou Xiao also said.

Jiang Yu smiled, and she pointed out the mall selling eggs on Taobao to show them.

"Look, the end of the year is actually the peak season for the sales of agricultural products. They sell tens of thousands of eggs a month, and each order is 50 eggs. You can do your own calculations and see how good the business is!"

"The packaging..."

"I saw that they put the eggs in cardboard boxes, separated them with things, and then spread them in with straw husks to prevent shocks. I read the reviews and there were almost no broken eggs."

"Is that so?" Zhou Xiao and Zhou Yue leaned over to take a look, but didn't say anything.

"But can it be sold? Now the courier has stopped... "

"It's not for you to ship it right away." Jiang Yu said with a smile: "For example, someone grows peaches, do you think they have to wait until summer to sell them?"

"That's for sure!" Zhou Xiao nodded.

Jiang Tao shook his head and denied: "When you sell it in summer, the day lilies will be cold, especially the perishable fruits such as peaches. It's not easy to sell them after they are ripe. The smart people's way is to pre-sell them in advance. If you don’t believe me, you can search Taobao peach now to see if the delivery time is June next year?”

Zhou Xiao didn't believe it, clicked on a search, and it really was.

He and Zhou Yue, two big men, rarely shop online, so they didn't know they could play like this now.

Really outdated!

Jiang Yu said with a smile: "I remember that eggs below 15 degrees can be kept for a month, right? You can sell the eggs in stock now, and you can send these fresh eggs from chickens to customers, so that you don't have to worry about inventory. More and more."

"Can this work?" Both of them felt a little confused. For people like them who don't surf the Internet often, they just thought Jiang Yu said these words like a fantasy.

"Will it work or not, you'll know after you try it!" Jiang Yu said, and asked them a few words.

Soon, Jiang Yu posted on Weibo:

"My relatives wanted to comfort my broken-hearted brother during the Chinese New Year, but who knew that my brother's chicken farm successfully attracted my attention, and I wanted to send it to you right away! Will you buy it? ?"

Jiang Tao laughed at himself as a village celebrity, but netizens were very impressed.

- Hello, Cunhong, let’s broadcast live!

- I didn't expect you to be such an internet celebrity! Live chicken farm? Well, are you not afraid that I will abandon you

— to see and see! I don't even know what a chicken farm looks like!

- I'm just bored. Recently, I've gotten fat from eating together every day. Chicken farms are so refreshing!

To Jiang Yu's surprise, the netizens were very generous. Thinking of this, Jiang Yu made an appointment on Weibo to start a live broadcast.

Of course, if you want to start a live broadcast, you can't be so old-fashioned.

Now that it's been exposed, Jiang Tao doesn't mind a gorgeous turn around.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu went to Yu Hong's room, took out the homemade down jacket at the bottom of the press box and put it on, took off the eyes of the glass bottle, straightened the bangs, tied her hair into a ball shape, and then painted a beautiful makeup.

OK! Jiang Tao looked at herself in the mirror and raised her red lips!

Even if you want to be a village red, you must also be the most beautiful village red! Big red lips can't be lost! The background can be earthy, and the live broadcast content can be down-to-earth, but I still want everyone to think, oh, in such a frustrated place, I am still beautiful!

Satisfied with her outfit, Jiang Yu put on her short boots and went out.

"Sister Taro Yuan, I..."

Zhou Yue just shouted, and when he saw a beautiful woman walking out of Yu Hong's room, he didn't recognize it for a while. He opened his mouth wide after a while, and was so shocked that he could put an egg in it. He pointed at Jiang Yu and shouted in disbelief:

"Mom mom! Taro balls she she she she... "

"You unlucky child, what are you shouting!" Yu Hong came over with the basin, banging, the basin fell to the ground!

"What are you two doing? Call you and ignore me for a long time!"

Zhou Xiao also came over and glanced at it, as if he was poisoned, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Their reaction was very interesting, Jiang Tao smiled sincerely, she raised her lips and said:

"Why are you so surprised? Have I changed so much?"

"More than a big change! We didn't even recognize it! Taro Yuan, your makeup... "

"I drew it myself." Jiang Yu smiled.

Yu Hong hasn't digested this matter yet. She wonders why Jiang Yu has changed from a local beauty to a beautiful beauty

Zhou Xiao kept walking forward, looking back at Jiang Yu from time to time.

Suddenly, plop...

He twitched.

"Damn! Brother! Sister Taro Yuan is so pretty, you can't stare at her like that!"

Zhou Xiao blushed when he was told, and said, "Don't I just find it strange? Why does a woman's makeup change so much!"

Jiang Ya was amused by their honest responses

Everything was ready, Jiang Yu started the live broadcast, and she greeted with a smile:

"Hello everyone! I'm here again! I recently returned to my hometown. I heard that a brother had lost his love. I wanted to visit him, but I fell in love with his chicken farm. Look, the handsome man in front of me is me. elder brother!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu gave the camera to Zhou Yue!

The reason why Zhou Yue was on camera was because Zhou Yue was a little more handsome, with a good figure and youth, which made it easier for female fans to be attracted. Sure enough, after Zhou Yue was on camera, he was even more handsome, which caused fans to scream, full of excitement. The screen is full of red hearts.

- What a handsome brother! I'm embarrassed!

-Brother, are you still missing a sister

—Hehe, it seems that I'm the only one who sees this clucking chicken all over the screen!

—These chickens… look delicious!

Many people were interested in Zhou Yue, and Jiang Yu gave Zhou Yue more shots.

—Is this the brother who lost love

"Yeah, this is brother Zhou Yue who just lost his love." Jiang Yu said with a smile.

- Ask yourself to be your girlfriend!

- Same as self-recommendation! Today, I am 20 years old, 165 in height, 99 in weight, a native of Shencheng, an undergraduate student.

- I am me! Brother is so handsome! Great, I'm really excited!

What Jiang Tao didn't expect was that almost all female fans were of good looks, and everyone was clamoring for Zhou Yue's contact information.

At this time, Zhou Yue brought another pot of corn to feed the chickens.

To say that everyone may have watched a lot of ordinary handsome guys, but at this moment, seeing Zhou Yue feeding chickens, they all feel that there is a kind of contrast and cuteness! After all, if a handsome guy is standing in a group of chickens, it is a serious person standing in a group of chickens! All fans are bubbling with his cuteness.

This is something Jiang Yu did not expect.

Jiang Tao heard the words and said with a smile:

"It was the first time I came to the chicken farm, and it was very interesting. The chickens here almost all eat the bugs on the hillside. They are serious free-range chickens. The meat is delicious and the eggs taste delicious. It's different. I haven't eaten the eggs here, and I feel that the ones sold by Shencheng have no taste at all. Look, brother Zhou Yue is feeding the chickens. Sometimes there are not enough insects to feed the corn kernels. I will also come to feed the chickens. ."

Jiang Yu said, sprinkled a pot of corn kernels on the ground, and soon, all the chickens smelled the fragrance of rice and dared to come, and all gathered around Jiang Yu's feet, Jiang Yu smiled and took a video.

"It's the first time that chickens are also very interesting!"

—Braised chicken, spicy chicken, boiled chicken soup, roasted chicken...that's all I can think of!

- So many chickens? I rely on! Look at that chicken laying an egg!

- A lot of chickens laying eggs, so interesting!

-Why is the action of taro balls feeding chickens so beautiful? There is a sense of sight in the filming of TV.

- That is, the name of the TV series is "I have contracted this chicken farm"

- No no, it should be called "Domineering President Falls in Love with Chicken Little Girl"

"Enough of you! Can you spare me some face?"

- No, big, we are complimenting you!

Jiang Yu walked forward with a smile. She didn't expect that many chickens would lay eggs while eating. Soon, eggs fell all over the ground.

She picked up an egg and pondered, "I didn't expect it to be hot."

- Haha, great! The hot eggs just came out of that place... yep!

- Big, are your hands okay

- This egg is so clean and looks delicious! It's over, I suddenly want to eat boiled eggs!

- want to eat eggs +1

- Taro Ball's hand is so beautiful, I didn't expect that this hand can not only make up, but also pick up eggs!

Everyone laughed, and Jiang Yu felt relieved when he saw that they didn't have any disgust.

Afterwards, she smiled and showed everyone the interesting stories of the chickens, and bent down to penetrate into the chickens, and sometimes drove the chickens to the water to see what the chickens would do when they were at a loss. In short, because Yu Yu There are more chickens in the Hong family, and the whole live broadcast unexpectedly has no urine spots!

And after watching the live broadcast, everyone has a feeling - I'm hungry!

Everyone was so hungry that they all left messages on Jiangyu Weibo.

- Big, I really want to eat eggs! Craving for chicken soup! Can you ask my brother to sell us something

—Yeah, my eggs are all fake, they turn yellow when they are opened, and I don’t dare to eat them. You ask my brother to sell some eggs for us to eat.

-Da, I'm about to give birth, and I want to eat chicken in confinement, can you sell it to me

For a time, there were tens of thousands of messages asking for eggs and chickens.

Jiang Yu's goal was achieved. After thinking about it, she quickly posted on Weibo:

"Everyone asked me if I could sell some eggs to you. In fact, there are not many eggs in Zhou Yue's house. If there are, they have already been ordered. I discussed with him. If you want, he can I will no longer sell it to the outside world, and I will send it to you when the courier goes to work after the new year."

-I need to!

-I also want!

- want to eat! Look I'm hungry! Although every day is full of fish and meat, it doesn't look as delicious as your eggs!

When Jiang Yu heard the words, she laughed. She didn't expect that such a large group of foodies were hidden among her fans.

Soon, Jiang Ya reposted Weibo:

"This is Brother Zhou Yue's Taobao shop. Everyone can play tricks. He said that chickens and eggs can be sold to you. There are 30 pieces per order, and 50 pieces per order. You can see for yourself!"

Jiang Tao is also a Weibo V with 15 million followers.

As soon as she posted this Weibo, she only heard the sound of "dong dong dong" on Zhou Yue's computer.

Although Jiang Tao emphasized that it can only be shipped after the year, the enthusiasm of the fans has not diminished, and everyone has placed orders.

This grand occasion is even more lively than her Taobao store.

Yu Hong and Zhou Xiao and Zhou Yue's eyes were straight! They really did not expect that Jiang Tao only broadcasted for an hour, and there was such a large amount of traffic.

Looking at the order volume in the background, Zhou Yue swallowed.

1000, 1500, 2000…

In the end, in just 6 hours, his Taobao store sold more than 2,000 orders. You must know that there are only 30 eggs and 50 eggs in his Taobao package, and most people buy 50 eggs. That is to say, in just 6 hours, he sold more than 100,000 eggs! No, it should be said that Jiang Ya sold more than 100,000 eggs!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yue stared at Jiang Yu with a mysterious look.

At the same time, more than 1,200 turkeys were sold!

This figure refreshed Zhou Yue's worldview! He and Zhou Xiao have been driving tricycles with chicken coops to sell by the bridge for a long time. It would be good to sell 30 or 40 chickens in one day! It's still early to get up, often at four or five o'clock, but other people's Jiangyao is good, the wind can't blow and the rain can't, just start the live broadcast and shout a few times, and sell so much

Zhou Yue looked at Jiang Yu with the eyes of a hero.

"Sister! I'll be worshipped by my brother! Are you too good? How on earth did you do it?"

"That's right, Sister Taro Yuan." Zhou Xiao couldn't believe it, "So many, not only are they all sold out, but it's not enough to sell at this situation!"

Yu Hong stared at Jiang Yu thoughtfully. To be honest, at the beginning she saw Jiang Yu suddenly dressed up like this. She was very afraid that Jiang Yu had learned badly. Now that Jiang Yu didn't do anything bad, she felt relieved.

"I think I'm getting old and can't keep up with the times. If it was in the past, I would definitely not look down on these anchors! But I didn't expect that live broadcasts could still sell eggs! And they sold so many as soon as they were sold, I suddenly I think you young people are really amazing!" Yu Hong gave a thumbs up.

She really could not have imagined that with this little effort, more than 200,000 yuan was sold! You must know that she originally planned to throw the eggs away. Anyway, they would be broken if they couldn't be sold, but now they have not only sold them, but also got so much money. This is like a pie from the sky!

Yu Hong was very excited, "That's great! To be honest, I feel really distressed to see the eggs dumped. Now, everyone can eat fresh eggs, and I can also sell them out!"

For a while, everyone laughed

"That's not right! Taro Ball, your name on Weibo is also Jiang Yu? Why does this name sound so familiar to me?" After Zhou Xiao finished speaking, he opened Baidu and searched for the word "Jiang Yu". , immediately jump out of many related pages.

"Su Mang's red carpet outfit is eye-catching, Internet celebrity Jiangya goes international"

"Jiang Tao Live Putting Pencil Leads on Eyelashes"

"The bath makeup is already out! Su Ye makeup is popular now! 》

"Jiang Tao's new drama starts shooting, Gu Shenliu becomes the number one male"

Gu Shenliu? At the end, Zhou Xiao's eyes straightened, "This Gu Shenliu can't be the Gu Shenliu I thought, right?"

Zhou Xiao didn't believe it. He opened it and saw that the photos of Jiang Yu and Gu Shenliu were placed at the top of the news. That is to say, he guessed right, Jiang Yu and Gu Shenliu really made a TV series together.

And who Gu Shenliu is, he knows better than anyone else, because he has always liked to watch Gu Shenliu's movies. Gu Shenliu is more picky and has good resources. Every time he shoots a movie, he has both word-of-mouth and box office. Not a fan of Gu Shenliu, but as long as Gu Shenliu has a movie released, he will take his girlfriend to watch it.

"Isn't it? Sister Jiang Yu, are you... the person above is you?" He took his mobile phone and pointed it at Jiang Yu again, "Oh my god! It's really you! I wouldn't even recognize you if you didn't wear makeup today, but this photo The people who are there are exactly the same as you after putting on makeup!"

Jiang Tao didn't plan to hide from them, she confessed:

"that's me."

Although he had already guessed it, Zhou Xiao still felt that the world was mysterious when he heard Jiang Yu's admission.

Therefore, Jiang Yu, the local girl he always thought, was always fighting against the injustice Jiang Yu, the one who was despised by Zhang Meifeng and did not make money, and said that Jiang Yu was no better than Jiang Jie, who earned 5,000 a month! Turned around and turned into an internet celebrity! Weibo Big V! Everyone thought that Jiang Yu was just a dirty and not sociable girl. Everyone subconsciously felt that such a girl would not be outstanding and conspicuous, but they did not expect that all this was fake!

Don't be too outstanding! Don't be too conspicuous! They are already stars! According to this news, Jiang Tao's Taobao is becoming a gold medal every day!

At this moment, Zhou Xiao saw a news "Jiangyu Internet celebrity Taobao shop double 11 sales of 80 million".

80 million? one day? Zhou Xiao was killed in seconds!

Afterwards, Yu Hong and Zhou Yue also gathered around, all of them had fantastic expressions on their faces. If Jiang Yu hadn't admitted it, they wouldn't have dared to recognize the news even if they saw the news. It's so different from the one in the photo!

Yu Hong looked at the beautiful Jiang Tao in disbelief again.

"Yuanyuan! Since you are so rich now, why don't you tell Zhang Meifeng? If you tell her, maybe... "

"Maybe she won't treat me like this? Maybe she'll hold me in her palm? Maybe she'll greet me warmly?" Jiang Yu continued her words.

Yu Hong froze for a moment, then nodded hurriedly: "I just think that if you had said that, maybe you wouldn't have to feel so uncomfortable."

Jiang Tao sneered and said coldly:

"I don't need the hypocrisy bought with money! Besides, it is precisely because I pretended to have no money that I let them show their true colors. A person who will change his attitude because you have money, you think they are worthy of being called. Is it my family?"

After hearing this, Yu Hong nodded, feeling that it was very reasonable.

To be honest, she is still covered up.

A child who has been in a disadvantaged position has become a big star

Yu Hong has a hard time accepting this reality

Because the eggs will be shipped after the new year, they are not busy packing the goods. After Zhou Xiao and Zhou Yue knew Jiang Yu's identity, not only did they not intend to take money from Jiang Yu, but they cheered up and went to collect rice husks and rice husks. Cardboard boxes are used to package eggs, and they are also actively busy negotiating prices with couriers, because they don't want to drag Jiangyao back and ruin the good reputation of Jiangyao.

As for Yu Hong, she had to thank Jiang Yu for everything. She forgot that she had helped Jiang Yu, so she insisted on taking Jiang Yu to buy clothes on the street.

"Aunt Yu, I have no shortage of clothes, have you forgotten? I sell clothes myself!" Jiang Yu said.

"That won't work! That's what I want." After Yu Hong finished speaking, she had to take Jiang Ya to the street.

Jiang Tao couldn't beat her, so she had to change her clothes, put on those earthy eyes, and deliberately painted ugly makeup, and soon, she became a little earthy girl again.

Yu Hong swallowed, surprised by such a face-changing technique.

At the end of the year, the weather was getting warmer, and the two went to the street. Yu Hong took Jiang Ya directly into the high-end clothing store.

The waitress in the clothing store was smiling and planning to take them in, but after glancing at their outfits, the enthusiasm cooled, and even saying "Welcome" lazily, they didn't take them to heart at all.

When Jiang Yu saw the store, the waiter didn't come over, but just went to the side and whispered to another person:

"Another one who only sees but does not buy! Countryman, full of the smell of chicken!"

"I don't think I would buy it. Our store has three or four thousand pieces of clothes, not someone like her can consume it!"

"That's right, look at that aunt, she looks like a rural person. I don't know where to buy the down jacket. It's almost the same as going to the wholesale market!"