Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 76: 074 Drop the horse


The waiter's voice was not small, and they didn't seem to care whether Jiang Yu and the two could hear them. Maybe in their opinion, people dressed like Jiang Yu and Yu Hong belonged to manual laborers, and even if they had money to buy clothes, they would still It is impossible to be willing to spend three or four thousand dollars on a piece of clothing. After all, in a small county, the monthly salary per capita is only two or three thousand, and three or four thousand clothes are tantamount to sky-high prices.

It was only after visiting a few stores that Jiang Tao realized that the styles of clothes in small towns are outdated, and many of them have been eliminated by brands. For such styles, Shencheng will definitely give them 13% off. , These clothes are full price, actually more expensive than Shencheng.

This surprised Jiang Ya.

The shop in front of me is a small shop. The clothes are all cut and marked, and the brand is not visible, but from the style point of view, many of them are imitation big brands or wholesale from Taobao, but fortunately all the clothes are very good. It has been ironed to make the quality of the clothes look very good and has a sense of luxury. In addition, the decoration is luxurious, so the price of each dress is higher than that of the other, even a dress costs three or four thousand. For such a brand name clothing store, such a price is quite high.

I didn't expect that such a store would actually be patronized and survive.

This surprised Jiang Ya once again.

"Yuanyuan, you are wearing this well."

Yu Hong said, took a piece of clothing and gestured, to tell the truth, the clothes in this store are really expensive. If she wears it herself, she would definitely be reluctant to buy such expensive ones, but Jiang Yu helped her a lot, making her eggs No need to throw it away, Yu Hong really wanted to buy Jiang Yu a decent dress. For some reason, although she knew that Jiang Yu was actually very popular, in her heart, Jiang Yu was just a child with little money.

"Aunt Yu, forget it?" Jiang Yu said.

"No, Auntie must buy one for you!"

"Still forget it?" Jiang Yu said sincerely.

They declined for a while. In the eyes of the waiter, they undoubtedly felt that the two could not afford it. When one of the young waiters saw this, he rolled his eyes without a trace, and then said impatiently:

"Are you going to buy it or not?"

"Buy, why don't you buy it!" Yu Hong frowned and said, "We entered the store just to try on the clothes. What's the matter, you can't try on your clothes?"

"You can try it, but not everyone can try it!" the waiter said impatiently: "I tell you in advance that our clothes are very expensive. Don't think it's too expensive after you try it. Find some reason not to buy it."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu only raised the corners of his lips and stared at the waiter with a half-smile but not the slightest anger on his face.

For some reason, the waiter was a little uncomfortable being stared at by her. Strange, why did the girl's eyes make her feel so oppressive? It's like a high-ranking person who has been in the market for a long time? No, not possible! This girl is so young and dressed in soil. At first glance, she looks like a countryman. She has been selling clothes for so many years, it is impossible to read it wrong!

Thinking of this, the attitude of the waiter is even worse

On the contrary, Yu Hong said:

"I said how do you talk, I can't try it on when I buy clothes? Look at your tone!"

The waiter was very stiff and said directly:

"I'm just like this, what's the matter? If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it! You can't afford it if you are so poor!"

These words made Yu Hong angry, and she said angrily:

"I'm telling you, you must apologize to me! Otherwise, I'm going to ask your boss for a theory today!"

"Boss?" The waiter continued to roll his eyes and was very impatient: "You have the ability to say it, customers like you don't know how to cherish when trying on clothes, and they only try and don't buy. You just tell the boss, she won't do anything. I!"

After speaking, he smiled at the waiter next to him:

"Everyone wants to go to our store. I've seen a lot of people like this. It's fine if you don't buy them. You have to use the banner of trying them out. As soon as you turn your face, you will go to Taobao to buy the same model. To serve this kind of people, It's just disgusting!"

Several waiters heard the words and let out a burst of laughter.

"Why do you say that about us! I'm good to buy clothes, but you're good to be looking for a fight. What kind of waiter can someone like you be?" Yu Hong said angrily when he was blocked for no reason.

"You look like a shrew! I don't care if I can be a waiter or not, you just need to take care of yourself! Get out! You are not welcome in our store, you are the only one who can't wear our clothes at all. !"

After speaking, a few waiters sneered and stood at the door, making it clear that they wanted to see off the guests.

This made Yu Hong so angry that smoke rose from his head.

From beginning to end, Jiang Yu didn't say a word, as if the waiter was not mocking herself, she touched the clothes on the hanger, and her brows became even tighter.

Yu Hong was so angry that she couldn't really fight with the waiter. After thinking about it, she had no choice but to admit that she was unlucky and took Jiang Yu out:

"Yuanyuan, let's go! Auntie will buy you better clothes from another place, let's not get angry here!"

Jiang Yu raised her lips and smiled. She was about to speak when she saw a middle-aged woman with glasses walk in. The woman was dressed in a modest manner, looking very quiet, with curly hair, fair skin, and no face A trace of wrinkles, no age, it looks like it has been carefully maintained.

There is no doubt that he belongs to the kind of people who live well in the small county.

The woman stared at Jiang Yu for a long time, suddenly pointed at Jiang Yu, and said in surprise:

"Jiang Yu, it's you!"

Jiang Yu was stunned and turned around. She searched her memory and quickly found out in her mind that this woman was Song Kaiping, the head teacher of Jiang Yu High School for three years.

"Teacher Song?" Jiang Yu asked in disbelief.

"Oh! It's really you! Jiang Yu!" Teacher Song took Jiang Yu's hand enthusiastically, and said excitedly: "After you graduated, the teacher has been asking about your situation, wanting to know if you are doing well, but you If you didn't join the class group of senior year, and didn't go to the class reunion, the teacher is really worried about you!"

Jiang Tao knew that Teacher Song took good care of Jiang Taro. In the past, Jiang Tao had no money, and always liked to eat a steamed bun with pickles. After Teacher Song found out, she cherished her very much. Sausages and other things are given to Jiang Ya, and Jiang Ya can supplement the food. It can be said that the teacher has always been very kind to her.

"Mr. Song, I used to have inconvenient access to the Internet on my mobile phone, so I didn't have much contact with my classmates, which made you worry." Jiang Yu said with a smile.

Teacher Song said with emotion: "Jiangyu! You have been one of the teacher's favorite students for so many years. I am really happy for you to be admitted to the Department of Clothing of Shenyang University. At the beginning, I tried my best to contact you. , I also went to your house to find you, I was afraid that you would have difficulty in school. Who knows that your mother said that she did not know your contact information. After that, I searched for your news on the Internet of Shenda University, but to no avail. Fortunately, this year I finally found your news!"

After hearing this, the waiter who had a bad tone just now was stunned for a moment. Is this native girl a student of the clothing department of Shenda University? is it possible? The clothing department is so dirty? However, there is nothing special about college students. Poor is poor, and if she can't buy clothes, she can't afford to buy them.

Thinking of this, the waiter's expression was still cold.

Jiang Yu was startled, a little surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Teacher knows my news?"

"Of course! The teacher is your fan girl!" Teacher Song said excitedly: "Jiang Yu, when the teacher saw that you were famous, he thought it was a mistake, and it was not until later when he compared the photos that he was sure that you really were. It's my student Jiang Yu. My daughter admires you very much. She used to have low self-esteem and didn't know how to dress up, but with the help of your makeup video, she now seems to be a different person and has become a beauty! She has followed you. I receive your news every day, and I also go to your Taobao store to buy clothes, but the teacher sees that the clothes you design are so beautiful, and when you have an idea, the teacher is really proud of you! But now you are popular, The teacher was afraid that rushing to find you would make you misunderstood, and after thinking about it, she has been silently supporting you and being your little fan girl!"

Teacher Song said warmly.

I don't know if it's because the female teachers are more gentle, but after she said something, Jiang Yu felt a little moved. She smiled and said humbly:

"Teacher, you have won the prize. I became an internet celebrity just to sell clothes. Now my career has just started, and I can't talk about achievements. I only hope that I can work harder in the future, and I hope that one day I can stand on the international show stage. Come on, win glory for the country!"

"Good! Good!" Teacher Song was very excited and burst into tears.

At this time, the waitress snorted coldly, and then burst out laughing.

She sneered: "It really doesn't cost anything to brag these days, just open your mouth and come here. Hey, if you want to brag, I can even say that the county magistrate is my dad! I can also say to others that Gu Shenliu is my man. What! Cut~ Who can't brag! I tell you, leave without buying anything, don't stop us from doing business!"

"You girl, what kind of quality!" Yu Hong was so angry that she wanted to peel off her skin, but Jiang Yu stopped her.

From beginning to end, Jiang Tao didn't even look at the waiter.

At this time, Teacher Song seemed to feel something. She glanced at Jiang Ya's dress, and then she understood why the waiter looked down on others. The reason why she can recognize Jiang Yu at a glance is because Jiang Yu is her student. Jiang Yu has always been dressed like this in the past. She didn't think there was anything wrong, so she recognized it immediately, but when the waiter saw Jiang Yu dressed like this, she must have I thought Jiang Yu was very poor and could not afford the clothes in this store.

Thinking of this, Teacher Song looked at the waiter's snobbish face again, and his expression became very subtle.

She said: "Waiter, don't judge people by their appearance. Sometimes people's clothes can be changed. Although Jiang Yu is wearing ordinary clothes today, it does not mean that she has no money and can't afford your clothes!"

"That's right!" Yu Honggang said.

"Okay! You can afford it, you are rich people, right? Please leave our store quickly, you rich people! Can't we not be able to serve you?"

After the waiter finished speaking, he immediately drove people away, impatiently going to close the door

At this time, Jiang Yu finally laughed, she raised her lips to look at the waiter, and said:

"I guess you're about my age?"

The waiter shrank for a moment, and then bit his head and said: "I'm 24, what's wrong?"

"Oh, he's only 24!" Jiang Yu smiled, then shook his head, and said helplessly, "I'm only 24 years old, and I like to see people through the cracks of the door. I can only say that little girl, your knowledge is too short, and your knowledge and self-cultivation are too short. , The quality needs to be improved. If you drive customers out casually, just because of your so-called experience judgment, you lack the basic ability to see people, which proves that your observation is not enough, and you do not have the basic quality of sales. Your temper does not seem to be special. Well, as someone who is a few years younger than you, I want to give you a piece of advice—the next time you want to scold someone, you can wait until we leave, and scold guests in person, it's a very bad behavior!"

After saying that, Jiang Yu blinked.

The waitress's face turned blue and white when she said it, and she couldn't speak for a while. She didn't expect Jiang Tao to be hardened, but she didn't dare to be like before when she encountered hard-hearted customers.

After thinking about it for a long time, she only blushed and frowned:

"Whether you are rich or not, it has nothing to do with me! In short, I will not sell you any of these clothes today! Buy them from whichever one you love!"

After he finished speaking, he sneered and said contemptuously:

"Really rich people are like you? They wear so dirty, they won't spend money! Bring the money into the coffin! I won't sell you this dress today! I won't sell any of it! I'm so mad you!"

Hearing what she said, Teacher Song and Yu Hong were so angry that they wanted to refute.

Jiang Yu stopped them.

She raised that St. Mary's smile again, like a circle on her head, a halo around her.

"You are wrong!" Jiang Yu's smile gradually faded, and his voice was cold: "I never planned to buy a piece of your clothes from the beginning to the end, and I am very suspicious that there are clothes from your store like this. Which idiot would buy it?"

"What's wrong with our store! The clothes in our store are very fashionable! Don't talk nonsense if you can't afford it!"

"Yes, fashion!" Jiang Yu finished, walked to the hanger with a sneer, picked up the clothes and said, "This dress is imitation Valentino, this one is imitation Chanel, this one is imitation Dior! I am very Doubt, what kind of capital does a store that sells imitation clothes have the illusion of being high-quality? Wholesale clothes from Taobao, and sell them at a price 4 or 5 times higher than the purchase price, this is your home The reason for being so high?"

Seeing that Jiang Yu actually said everything one by one, it provoked the onlookers to point and point, the waiter was anxious and hurriedly said:

"You you... you are talking nonsense!"

Seeing that more and more people were watching, the waiter was afraid that things would get bigger, and said:

"What evidence do you have to talk nonsense here! Just because I don't sell you clothes, you are like this? I tell you, the more you are like this, the less I will sell you! You better get out of here!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu was not angry at all, she snorted coldly and shook her head:

"I said, I don't want to buy your clothes, but what evidence do you ask me? Then I can tell you... "

After speaking, Jiang Yu picked up a long down jacket and said, "Is this one bought from Taobao?"

"Nonsense!" Another waiter hurriedly said: "Our clothes are all imported from factories, how could they be bought from Taobao? This dress is my family's main style this year, and it sells so well that I can't order it at all. Goods! Only this one is left because the size is too small and no one has worn it!"

Once it is revealed that the clothes in the store are ordered from Taobao, then her family's business will be greatly reduced. Now the customers are not shrewd and can save money to buy on Taobao, who would waste money to buy in the store

"Of course you can't order it..." Jiang Yu sneered: "When this dress was sold, only 2,000 pieces were sold nationwide, and there were at least hundreds of thousands of people waiting for this dress. It can be said that this dress Clothes were sold out within 3 seconds of the first listing. You must be able to buy different sizes from seckill software, right? Such clothes are out of stock nationwide, and of course you have nowhere to buy them!”

"You..." the waitress exclaimed, "how did you know?"

"How do I know?" Jiang Tao laughed and said, "Of course I do! Because the clothes you bought in your store happened to be designed by me."


All the waiters were stunned, and even the one who scolded Jiang Yu poor ghost in a bad tone at first looked at Jiang Yu with a blue face.

"You designed it?"

"Yes, this is the clothes I designed! I named her 'Fanshiji', which means that in the cold winter, she wraps such a seemingly ordinary down jacket from top to bottom, but it is actually a good fit. It can warm people's hearts, separate all things and trivial matters, and no longer worry about dusty things. The price of this clothes in my store is only 1399. If you buy it, put it in the store and sell it, and it will be marked 4200. The price, let me not say whether your home is too dark, I will ask you, if you have designed and produced a piece of clothing, you still have this style in your wardrobe, and you can find a factory to reprint it at any time. Come out, will you pay three times the price to buy this down jacket? Would you be such a fool?"

After speaking, Jiang Yu looked at the waiter's sullen face, her face suddenly turned cold, and said with a strong sense of oppression: "I don't think you will!"

The waiter saw that more and more people were watching, and Jiang Tao made a big deal of the matter again. After thinking about it, she suddenly squinted and sneered:

"Come on! Who can't brag! I think you are ridiculous! You can't afford clothes yourself, so you make excuses like this, saying that the clothes were designed by you. Do you have any evidence?"

At this moment, the hanging TV in the hall turned to entertainment news, and only listened to the report of the young female anchor:

"If you want to say that the most popular Internet celebrity right now, it is undoubtedly the following one..."

After speaking, a picture appeared on the TV.

"This internet celebrity is not only beautiful! She has a high face value! She is also very talented. Her clothing design has entered the international stage, and her invention of bath makeup and Su Ye makeup has been leading the trend. Until now, these two This makeup method is also loved by Chinese fans and spread to Japan, becoming the first makeup look popular in Japan in my country! It can be regarded as a glory for the country! Besides, the Taobao store opened by this Internet celebrity has been sold in just a few months The amount is over 100 million, and the sales on Double 11 exceeded 80 million! It’s simply the number of the mythical class! These are not enough, what’s even more unbelievable is that people made money and made an online drama by themselves. She did the styling design, from clothing to makeup! The style she designed was called 'saving the aesthetics of Chinese TV dramas' by netizens, and she said that the style she designed was the pinnacle of global TV dramas!"

"Forget it, this girl has actually invited her senior brother, Gu Shenliu, the famous actor in the entertainment industry, to play the male lead! Because of this, this drama became popular before it was filmed, and was popularized by netizens. Voted as the most popular TV series of the year…”

Immediately afterwards, a live video of Jiang Ya's makeup was shown on TV. On the video, Jiang Ya's face was enlarged and perfectly presented in front of the audience.

The waitress frowned more and more tightly, her face became more and more blue, she stared at the TV in disbelief, and moved her eyes to Jiang Yu's face. After a long back and forth, she finally realized something, her complexion suddenly changed Very complicated.

She looked away, looking away.

At this moment, the clothes of Jiang Tao Taobao shop were released on TV, and there was this long down jacket inside.

Seeing this picture, what else do passers-by know? Everyone pointed to the dress and said, "Isn't this the one in the store?"

Seeing this, the waiter dodged his eyes and looked elsewhere, and finally went to the fitting room in despair.

Passersby saw the snobbish face of the waiter from the very beginning, and many people applauded when they saw Jiang Yu slapped in the face.

"This store looks down on people the most! Little girl, you did a good job!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu smiled. To be honest, she didn't want to do this at first, but she didn't expect that the waiter's words were too harsh, which made her dignified. Some things can be tolerated, and some things are not.

She can ignore this girl bullying her, but not Yu Hong

When Teacher Song and Yu Hong saw this, they only felt that their hearts were relieved, and they were full of energy.

Teacher Song said with emotion:

"Jiang Yu, I don't blame her for disliking you. It's because your dress is too ordinary today. To be honest, if the teacher is not familiar with you, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize that Weibo VJ Jiang Yu and my students. Jiang taro is the same person.

"Teacher." Jiang Yu smiled: "It's her problem, she is used to wearing colored glasses to see people."

"If we don't buy this store, let's change it." Yu Hong said, "I must buy Jiang Yu some clothes today, and wear new clothes for the New Year."

"It's really unnecessary, Aunt Yu..." Jiang Yu kept refusing, she smiled sincerely: "You see that the clothes sold on the street are all old and not good-looking, where can I see it? My vision It’s very picky, why don’t we buy it? Besides, I still owe you a lot, how can I ask you to buy me clothes! Let’s go back!”

Yu Hong hesitated for a long time, and her fat and white face showed hesitation. To be honest, she was now afraid that Jiang Yu would not like the clothes of this small county town, so she reluctantly accepted it, just because she was afraid of spending money in vain. , Yu Hong replied:

"Okay! Since you don't like it, next time I see something good-looking, I'll buy it and send it to you!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yu replied.

They parted and said goodbye to Teacher Song, and Jiang Yu also left a private WeChat message to Teacher Song, so that they can easily contact him in the future.

At the same time, Jiang Jie is packing goods at the house in the town. Although the goods will not be delivered during the Spring Festival, the Taobao store is taking orders on time, and Jiang Jie is no exception.

The shop she opened sells flowers and trees, and can make hundreds of orders a day. Although there are many orders, but because they are small profits but quick turnover, they are all 9.9 free shipping, so they don’t make any money at all, but they work hard every day. package. Tired is tiring, but how should I put it? In the countryside, earning five or six thousand dollars a month is considered a high income. Sometimes, if it is good, it may even be ten thousand yuan. She is very satisfied with this kind of income. Therefore, although Tired, but Jiang Jie has been insisting on Taobao.

At this time, entertainment news suddenly flashed on the TV, as if talking about an Internet celebrity.

Internet celebrity? That world is too far away from you, you can't climb high by yourself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jie still lowered her head to deliver the goods, not watching the TV at all.

"Internet celebrity Jiangya..." the anchor said.

Hearing the word "Jiang taro", Jiang Jie sneered and said to the person who helped:

"So, everything is fate! It's really different from people's fate. Someone called Jiang Yu can be an internet celebrity and designer, and Taobao can sell 80 million a day! Oh my God! I can't even spend it all! I'm still filming with Gu Shenliu, what a good fate! Such a good fate belongs to other Jiangyao, but my unlucky sister is also called Jiangyao, and her life should not be too much. It's miserable! I was just kicked out of the house by my mother! I'm destined to be poor all my life, it's really sad to think about it."

Sisi, who was packing goods with her next to her, just lowered her head and said nothing after hearing this.

Si Si sneered in her heart, everyone in the town knew about the Jiang family's immorality. She sold her daughter for her son's betrothal gift. Even people like her who have never studied would despise this practice!

Thinking of this, Si Si snorted and glanced up, wanting to see what this beautiful internet celebrity Jiang Tao looked like.

However, looking at it, Si Si felt that something was wrong.

Because the person in front of him, although dressed very differently from Jiang Jie's sister, has a similar general outline and a bit of a spirit, and more importantly, the anchor said that this Jiang Tao is also from Shenda.

"Hey, Jiang Jie, isn't your sister from Shen Da?" Sisi touched Jiang Jie's arm.

"Yeah! That's why it is said that the same person is not the same life! That dead Jiang Tao will live forever..." Hearing this, Jiang Jie realized that something was wrong.

They are all from the clothing department of Shenda University, and they are all called Jiang Yu! Are you in Shencheng? Is there such a coincidence in the world

Jiang Jie looked at the TV suspiciously.

Sisi wondered: "Why do I think this online celebrity on TV, with a daily sales of 80 million, looks a lot like your sister who was kicked out by your mother?"

The more Jiang Jie looked at her, the tighter her brows became. She suddenly discovered that the beautifully dressed, capable, and talented woman on TV was the one who was disliked by her whole family and was kicked out of the house, if I was not mistaken!

Thinking of this, Jiang Jie hurriedly stood up and hurriedly ran out.

"Where are you going?" Sisi frowned: "The goods are not finished yet!"

"What are you going to pack! My sister is so rich, I can enjoy her happiness right away, why do I need to do such a hard thing?" After speaking, Jiang Jie ran home: "No! I have to tell my mother to go, our old man The Jiang family will make a fortune buying everyone!"