Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 8: 007 Explosion


The next day, she woke up early and opened her Weibo to take a look. In just one night, 15,000 people had already forwarded the Weibo of the 8 Essence Evaluations. , to be able to retweet 15,000 overnight, and to reach 30,000 messages, is already a great achievement!

At this time, Jiang Yu calmly forwarded the Weibo of the 8 essences and left a message:

"Many people asked if the person on the long Weibo was me, yes, it was me! Some people guessed that I was a dinosaur, haha! How can a dinosaur be as beautiful as me? There are many people who want me to wear this dress, Link: #23HIEHw. The new store has just opened, and all the products are in promotions, no 998 nor 688! As long as 98 free shipping! This batch will be gone after sold out, and it is impossible to have such a price below.”

On this point, Jiang Yu is telling the truth. For a designer like her, explosive clothing is the most avoidable. Exploding clothing is equivalent to making a piece of clothing rotten, and it will kill the fashion life of this piece of clothing. It is impossible for Taobao to sell such cheap clothes. If she sells 40,000 to 50,000 pieces of clothes in a month, what a terrible thing! Women hope that the clothes they wear are unique. If you wear a single dress and walk 100 meters and bump into your shirt two or three times, will you continue to wear it

Therefore, selling this price, although it is suspected of lowering the style, is also a helpless move to make money.

After Jiang Yu posted the link, she quickly refreshed her Weibo, but she was surprised that there would have been at least hundreds of comments at this time, but after this Weibo with the link was posted, the comments were quiet and No one left a message.

Should not be! I was clamoring for Taobao addresses just now.

Jiang Tao frowned slightly, and immediately opened his Taobao store. Unexpectedly, the next moment, he was stunned by the monthly sales of the baby in the store.

Early in the morning, Bei Xiaoxiao dazedly lifted the sheets and got up. She walked to the bed and looked at the rice cooker on the table, wondering:

"Have you already made the meal?"

"Yeah, it's relatively simple, red jujube porridge and eggs, I went downstairs and bought 2 buns, one for each of us." Jiang Yu smiled.

"Jiang Yu, you are so kind!" After taking a shower, Bei Xiaoxiao happily ate breakfast.

Just halfway through the meal, she suddenly remembered, "By the way, I forgot to look at your Taobao store! It stands to reason that the treasures uploaded last night should be searchable today. If you are lucky, there may be customers who place orders."

After Bei Xiao finished the novel, he turned on the computer with anticipation, and then folded his hands together and said:

"Bless the Buddha! I hope Jiang Tao's shop can sell 1 piece of clothing and earn some lunch money!"

After hearing this, Jiang Yu shook her head, put down her chopsticks, and said with a light smile:

"I'm done eating, why don't you finish your meal first and then watch it?"

"No! I can't hold back. I dreamed last night that your store was very popular, and several people placed orders."

"It's best to watch it after dinner!"


"I'm afraid you will choke!" Jiang Yu said seriously.

"Choke? How is that possible! Even if no one buys it, I won't be scared!" Bei Xiao said, picking up the unfinished buns and throwing them into his mouth.

Jiang Tao smiled without saying a word.

Downstairs, this custard bun exudes a strong milk and egg yolk flavor. The outer skin is white, and the filling is authentic warm yellow. The freshness is blowing.

Jiang Yu looked at the custard bag in a trance. After a while, she suddenly had a new inspiration. White and yellow are suitable for windbreaker raincoats. The base is white and transparent, and yellow can be used on pockets or hats. Thinking of this , She quickly took out her sketchbook and wrote and drew on it.

Over there, Bei Xiaoxiao bit the bun and clicked on the website link.

"Strange, why is it so stuck? It was normal to go in yesterday, what's going on today?"

Bei Xiaoxiao finished speaking in doubt, and after several attempts, she finally entered the Taobao page.

She opened the page, glanced at the baby page, and quickly closed the page.

"I seem to have saved the wrong address. Did I save the address of another store? Otherwise, how could it be sold out! It's not April Fool's Day... No! This is obviously your shop... "

Bei Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and when she reacted, she almost jumped up in shock. She bit the bun, pointed at the computer screen, and said in surprise:

"Jiangyu! This is your store? Why did it go off the shelves overnight?"

Jiang Yu shrugged and said with a smile: "Only a few models have been taken off the shelves, which is not as exaggerated as you said, mainly because there are too few goods from Boss Jiang, and each piece of clothing is about a thousand pieces. Besides, I also I don’t want my store to follow a bad street model, so it’s sold out as soon as it’s sold out, and I don’t plan to continue adding more orders.”

"No, that's the point? How did you say it was so light! I mean, how did you do it? Why did so many people come here all of a sudden?" Bei Xiaoxiao froze for a while .

Jiang Yu's face was always pale, she picked up the tableware and went to the bathroom to wash the dishes.

"You can tell by looking at my Weibo."

Bei Xiaoxiao hurriedly opened Jiangyu Weibo, and saw a new dry goods post from Jianghu. This post has been retweeted by 20,000. More importantly, the background picture in Jiangyu's long Weibo is The picture she took for the clothes, although it is the back view, can show the design of the clothes very well.

In the comments below, most of the focus is not on these 8 essences, but on Jiang Yu's clothes.

Seeing everyone's comments, Bei Xiaoxiao suddenly understood Jiang Yu's intentions.

"I understand." Bei Xiaoxiao said suddenly.


"You must have put the background picture on purpose. After all, you are very popular on Weibo now, and you have slapped Chen Bixiang in the face and caught liars for many victims. Your image on Weibo is very good, and many people call you Ladies, at this time, when you show your back image, many people want to know what you look like. In this way, most people will click into your store to see what it is, and when they enter the store, they will focus on Then I started to transfer. With beautiful women like you to take pictures of clothes, people like me who knew that I might not be able to control clothes couldn’t help but want to buy a few pieces, not to mention those fairies on Weibo, I was taken prisoner by your clothes!"

After saying this, Bei Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes and said, "I can't tell, you are quite treacherous!"

Jiang Yu glanced at her dumbfoundedly, "You think too much!"

"Cut~ don't think I don't know, but if you do this, the effect is very good. I think the traffic of the backstage store is hundreds of thousands today."

"Yeah!" Jiang Yu raised the corners of her lips and smiled confidently.

Such a speed of success surprised even herself, it was like a hang-up.

"its not right!"

Bei Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped up, and she remembered one thing later:

"Jiang Yu, you have sold more than 10,000 pieces of clothes this night, how do you ship them?"

Jiang Yu was not as anxious as her. "Don't worry, I've made up my mind."


"I have to ask you to do me a favor. Last night, I contacted several local businesses that make gift boxes, and I also customized my WeChat scan code sticker and my Weibo address sticker, which I plan to put on the gift box together. ."

"Gift box?" Bei Xiaoxiao didn't understand. "A gift box costs a lot of money, right?"

"It's really not cheap, because it's too urgent to negotiate the price, so we can only order the finished product, including the WeChat sticker and the tote bag, and the cost is about 5 yuan."

"5 yuan? Jiangyao, do you know? You still need courier fees to send clothes. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai cost 6 yuan."

"3 yuan, I have inquired about it, it will be very cheap for my amount."

Bei Xiaoxiao still couldn't understand, "I think the packaging is fine as long as it is acceptable. There is no need to waste so much money."

However, Jiang Yu had her own persistence in this matter, and she looked at Bei Xiao's novel seriously:

"Selling these clothes, I just want to make money, but I will use this store to make clothes later. Showing sincerity in the early stage is good for accumulating customers. Making less money can make our store look more professional. Happy but not?"

Her words convinced Bei Xiaoxiao. "Okay, I'll do as you say!"

"Thank you Xiaoxiao, when this batch of goods is finished, let's go out and have a good time!" After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he looked at the dark and damp cubicle and said, "When we make money, the first thing we do is Just move out!"

"Okay! I'll listen to you!" The chubby Bei Xiaotian smiled. "However, I have a question..."


Bei Xiaoxiaochou said: "Jiang Yu, have you forgotten? There are only two of us. Even if we get our hands broken, we can't send more than 10,000 pieces of clothes!"

Jiang Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I have already thought about this!"

With the increasing number of retweets on Weibo of Essence Cream, and there are many comments below that the clothes sold by Jiangyao are very beautiful, many people are discussing whether the model in Jiangyao store is her own, Jiangyao deliberately did not Answering immediately, not answering and letting fans guess will help maintain discussion, and make fans hotly debated, so that there are different opinions, so as to make her Weibo more popular.

Otherwise, why do some stars not jump out to defend themselves even if it is not dark every day

With more and more forwarding, the transaction volume of the store is also rising, and the sound of "ding dong" is constantly sounding in the background of Taobao.

Jiang Yu and Bei Xiaoxiao both took their mobile phones to reply to Want Want's consultation.

"Damn! Jiang Yu, my fingers are about to fall off!" Bei Xiaoxiao blew her fingers and pouted, "It's not easy being a customer service!"

"It's really not easy. My brain hurts when I hear this Wangwang's voice now."

The two replied for a long time, and in the afternoon, Jiang Yu looked at the backstage, and there were already tens of thousands of orders in the column to be shipped!

"Jiang Yu! You're going to make a fortune!" Bei Xiaoxiao jumped up with excitement.

On the other hand, Jiang Yu had a calm face, just shrugged and smiled rather plainly: "Yes, I'm going to make a fortune! I'm going to make a fortune!"


Bei Xiaoxiao went to pick up gift boxes and customized stickers, while Jiang Yu went to the factory.

When she arrived, Boss Jiang was sitting at the door eating melon seeds.

When he first knew that the factory was going to close down, Boss Jiang was still in a bad mood, but he was already numb. Anyway, he couldn't sell the goods, and he couldn't pay the loan. The dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. He didn't want to do anything. Just want to die.

"Why are you here?" Seeing her, Jiang Chao, the boss of Jiang, was a little surprised.

Jiang Tao smiled lightly and walked in with his laptop. "Let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

Hearing him ask this, Jiang Yu knew that Jiang Chao definitely didn't pay attention to his Weibo. "I want you to help me with Taobao delivery!"

"Delivery?" Jiang Chao rolled his eyes, and then said, "Little girl, I didn't tell you, I gave you the goods for free, and all your money was taken. Now you still want to enslave me as your free coolie? Don't do it!"

"Really not?"

"Don't do it!" After Jiang Chao finished speaking, he was in a hurry to go to the factory.

Jiang Yu chuckled, and then sighed helplessly: "Hey! It seems that my more than 10,000 orders today are destined to be endless."

Jiang Chao's footsteps stagnated, and then he turned his head slowly and slowly.