Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 87: 085 Variety


"Mr. Pang." Jiang Yu called Pang Jichun directly.

Pang Jichun answered her phone and said casually while eating, "Miss Jiang, are you okay?"

Jiang Yu heard the sound of his non-stop chewing, and immediately knew that Pang Jichun didn't take a small customer like her to heart at all.

In fact, Pang Jichun has always wanted to take orders from several big brands. Unfortunately, big brands usually have their own cooperative factories. It is difficult for him to win such cooperation. It is a waste of his time to cooperate with these small merchants. Small merchants make small noises every day, and it is not a climate. They can buy hundreds of pairs at most at a time, but the shoes he makes are very expensive, and few people dare to buy them in large quantities. If this goes on, when will his factory turn a profit

However, Jiang Yu didn't seem to notice his indifference at all, she smiled and said:

"Mr. Pang, I want to ask you to make me a pair of Latin dance shoes."

"Latin dance shoes?" Pang Jichun asked in confusion, "What do you want these shoes for?"

Jiang Tao didn't hide it from him, "A friend of mine wants to participate in a TV show and asked me to help design a pair of shoes, but the shoes were designed, but I have no experience in making Latin dance shoes. I said that you have done all kinds of shoes, so I want to entrust this matter to you, of course, we can negotiate the price."

After all, Gu Shenliu had just invested in the factory, and Pang Jichun would not take Gu Shenliu's face. Thinking about it, he reluctantly said:

"Okay, since Miss Jiang has spoken, I will definitely recruit. When do you want it?"

"Five days later."

Pang Jichun thought for a while and agreed, "Okay, I'll do it for you."

"I'll send you the design later! By the way..." Jiang Tao seemed to suddenly remember, and said again, "I have to trouble the factory to order a batch of goods for our shop."

"Oh." Pang Jichun couldn't lift himself up, he responded lazily, and asked casually, "How many pairs do you want?"

"A total of 30,000 pairs!"

"What! Thirty thousand?" Pang Jichun widened his eyes and stood up abruptly from the stool. He suspected that he had heard it wrong, and confirmed in disbelief, "Say it again, how many pairs do you want?"

"Thirty thousand!" Jiang Yu said again.

"No, President Jiang..."

When Pang Jichun heard the words, he couldn't believe it for a long time. He had heard people say that Miss Jiang is a Taobao worker. How many orders can a Taobao worker take? What's more, this is the first time to make shoes. To be honest, he has seen many Taobao sellers like this, and he can't wait to do pre-sale again and again, and it will only be shipped in a month. This is a common method used by Taobao sellers. It would be much better to sell as much as possible without the pressure of inventory. But the first time he heard that Taobao sold shoes for the first time, they ordered 30,000 pairs of shoes! Thirty thousand! What concept is this! Many big-name specialty stores can't sell this amount in a year! Jiang taro is this crazy

Pang Jichun swallowed his saliva, then frowned and said:

"Miss Jiang, you young people are impulsive, reckless, and aggressive. I can understand, but as Mr. Gu's partner, I advise you that selling things on Taobao is also very risky. This inventory is the most overwhelming, and ordinary merchants It's all 0 stock, you asked for 30,000 pairs at once, isn't this self-inflicted loss?"

Pang Jichun felt that his words were polite, thirty thousand? He sneered coldly in his heart, such a weak girl, probably like other Internet celebrity sellers, thought that shoes were easy to sell when they tasted a little sweetness. Of course, this is not the case. Shoes are much harder to sell than clothes! Clothes can be one size fits all, but what about shoes? From 34 yards to 40 yards, the amount of stock is different for each size. If there are several colors for a pair of shoes, it will be finished. Just stocking a pair of shoes can crush a middle class.

30,000 pairs of opening mouth? Insolent!

To be honest, Pang Jichun doesn't like Jiang Ya's style of doing things.

This young man is not practical and idealistic! Pang Jichun commented in his heart.

Jiang Yu smiled. She didn't blame Pang Jichun for her distrust, but felt that this person had a good character. As a stranger, who cares if you live or die? Generally, when factories see her placing an order, they can't wait to collect the deposit immediately. As for whether to sell it or not, they don't care about it!

However, 30,000 pairs are actually not many, because she designed a total of three types of shoes, each of which has many sizes.

For her shop, it wasn't much, and the reason why she wanted to bet on it was because she hoped to use Su Ye's competition to advertise her shoes for free.

"Mr. Pang, I have confidence in myself. I will send the deposit to you. I hope you can ship it sooner."

Since she didn't listen, Pang Jichun didn't want to be offended. After thinking about it, he sighed and said:

"Okay! I'll ship on time!"

"Remember!" Jiang Yu emphasized: "All shoes should be the ones you showed me last time, and they are painless."

Pang Jichun was startled, and said hurriedly, "In that case, the price is not low."

"I understand! Do as I say!"


In the next few days, Jiang Tao was busy filming during the day, and sometimes went to school to attend classes. When he came back at night, he kept making Su Ye's clothes.

She originally wanted to leave this to the staff of the design department, but after thinking about it, it would be better to go out in person for such an occasion. In the end, after finishing the design, Jiang Ya customized the Latin dance clothes herself, only some of which needed to be nailed by hand. The bead part is completed by the staff of the design department.

Finally, Pang Jichun's dancing shoes and Jiang Yu's clothes were finished.

On the day when the delivery was agreed with Su Ye, Su Ye suddenly called:



"I'll be at your company right now!"

Jiang Yu opened the door for Su Ye, but was surprised to find that there were several reporters behind Su Ye. After thinking about it, she understood that many TV programs like to conduct raids, with the intention of giving the audience a sense of authenticity and freshness.

Su Ye winked at Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu saw this, and quickly understood that Su Ye did this just to help her, and let Jiang Yu go out of the country directly on TV, which was a call to Jiang Yu for no money. advertise.

Jiang Yu gave Su Ye a hug, and the two laughed heartily, and the camera faithfully recorded all this.

"Jiang Yu, are my clothes ready?"

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

Jiang Yu took them to the clothing room. When other employees saw someone coming to record, they deliberately avoided looking at the camera and pretended to work very seriously. Jiang Yu just wanted to laugh when they saw it.

Suddenly, Su Ye looked at the bag on the wall and could no longer walk. She shouted in surprise:

"Jiangyu! Don't tell me that your bags and clothes on this wall are genuine? There are only a dozen of Hermes, what do you think?"

"It's genuine!" Jiang Yu smiled and said generously: "Which one do you like, take it back!"

"..." Su Ye suddenly hugged her and said happily, "Little taro balls! I love you, all!"

Jiang Yu smiled, the camera gave a close-up here in time, and also took a picture of all Jiang Yu's company, nothing else, as a camera they know what kind of things can trigger public discussion, and only when there is a topic can ratings The rate, they guessed, when this episode airs, Jiang Yu's company decoration may be able to overwhelm the hot discussion of any star! Not to mention, Jiang Taro himself is so beautiful! Even without make-up, they are all beautiful! The audience saw it, how could they not be curious? If you are curious, you will want to gossip, and every gossip will bring up the topic of the show.

But this girl is so pretty...

This is not scientific! The cameraman looked through the lens for a while, and his face turned red.

Jiang Yu opened the door of the garment room, smiled and said to Su Ye:

"Su Ye, the clothes are inside, go in and see for yourself!"

A black flannel covered a dummy model. Su Ye approached and lifted the flannel, only to see a black Latin dance suit in front of her.

Su Ye was startled, and circled in disbelief. It's not that she has never seen beautiful clothes, but even in the fashion circle where beautiful clothes appear frequently, this design of Jiang Tao is very outstanding. The simplicity is well integrated and highlights the model's figure very well. Su Ye only glanced at it and said to herself, this is her dress, she will wear this dress on the stage of "Dancing Stars" and conquer the whole country audience! Not surprisingly, this time she will have more attention than "Base Camp".

"Su Ye, these are dance shoes!" Jiang Yu said, and handed the dance shoes to Su Ye.

Su Ye only glanced at it, her eyes couldn't help being warm, she hugged Jiang Ya and cried and said, "Wuwu, Jiang Ya, the things you designed are so beautiful, fortunately I have found you! Otherwise, you will call me so ugly. , how dare you come to the stage!"

"Who said you were ugly? A beautiful woman like you still says she is ugly. How do you let us live!"

Su Ye took the opportunity to say, "In order to comfort me, tonight's recording, you go with me! Give me makeup! Don't refuse! I can't do it without you!"

After she finished speaking, Jiang Yu had to retract her refusal. She shook her head and laughed, patted her buttocks, and said:

"Okay! I'll give you makeup! Little Ancestor! Try on your clothes first! If you feel uncomfortable, I'll change it for you!"


Then, Su Ye went to try on the clothes, and when they came out, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Dancing Stars" recording site.

Jiang Yu put makeup on Su Ye, and brought a blush brush to add a darker blush to today's Su Ye makeup.

Su Ye, who had put on makeup, looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but be startled.

To be honest, as a star, 365 days a year, she wears makeup almost every day, and the makeup is so hard to vomit that now she is not too picky about clothing styles. Tired, and it's easy to get aesthetic fatigue after watching too much, but when she saw Jiang Yu's makeup, she felt that there was a big gap between a master and a master. Her special makeup artist could be called a master at most, but Jiang Taro is clearly a master at the top.

To tell the truth, the steps of Jiang Tao's makeup are not much different from other makeup artists, but the things she draws are different from others, and the aesthetics are also higher, causing Su Ye to look at herself in the mirror, only I feel that this makeup and clothing somehow give people a sense of luxury, as if she is not going to participate in a dance competition tonight, but the red carpet of a certain film festival.

The camera has been filming, and at this time, someone came in to report:

"Sister Su Ye, it's your turn to play!"

Su Ye took a deep breath, Jiang Yu saw it, and smiled lightly: "Little Ye Zi, don't be nervous, I will cheer you on below!"

"Okay!" Su Ye smiled: "With the clothes and dancing shoes you designed, I'm not nervous!"

After speaking, Su Ye walked out.

The audience was silent and the lights were dark. Suddenly, the colored lights projected a circle of light in the middle of the stage, reflecting Su Ye's face, and then the circle became larger, gradually allowing the audience to see her whole body clearly.

Then, the dynamic music sounded, Su Ye began to twist her hands, waist, hips, and her feet kept changing. After dancing solo, she began to dance with her partner, and everyone's eyes were attracted to her.

The audience was surprised to find that they didn't care whether Su Ye danced well or not, because such Su Ye was already a beautiful painting!