Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 95: 093 Eat you


Jiang Tao kept self-examination when drawing. After the design team completed the new product design for the next half year of the brand, they jumped to the rival company with the team and took the design drawing there, causing the original company to suffer a lot of losses. It happens from time to time in the circle, and it is too difficult to defend rights.

Therefore, she set up the company as soon as possible, put the company on the right track, and handed over the trivial matters to the people below, not to delegate power, but to hold the core part of the design department in her own hands. She is the soul of this brand, in this brand It is not enough to stand still. When the brand still needs her to lead, when others are not enough to replace her and lead the JY brand to a higher level, she needs to put more energy on design.

She wouldn't panic if something like this happened.

The 10 former employees don't know, but she herself knows that even if these design drawings leak, she is not afraid, because she has dozens of new product drawings ready at any time, which is enough to prevent her from being caught in an emergency. Got caught off guard.

Don't push yourself into a corner, and don't let others manipulate you at will.

This is the experience that Jiang Ya has been in the workplace for many years.

In an iron-clad company with flowing employees, she would not be upset because the employees left, but she had to reflect on whether she was really so busy that she neglected to manage the company.

"Peijun!" Jiang Yu called inside.

Bi Peijun came over immediately. "Mr. Jiang." Bi Peijun feels a little guilty. She is very responsible for something like this in the company. Besides, she has received two wages so far. Gu Shenliu and Jiang Yu are good to her, but she doesn't. Get things done.

"Peijun, this is over, you don't need to blame yourself." Jiang Yu took a sip of the coffee bought by Zhong Xiaoping, "Before joining the staff, employees in each department should undergo a week of training, popularize corporate culture and guidelines, and popularize clothing. Legal knowledge of the design industry, clear responsibilities, and let them know that it is not impossible to resign, but you must apply at least one month in advance, and if she leaks design drawings, even if she runs to the ends of the earth, I will let lawyers chase after her! "

It is difficult to defend one's rights, but one cannot refuse to do it just because of fear. Wouldn't this allow those who leaked secrets to go unpunished


"Also, hold accountable the regular employees who signed the contract among the 10 employees! Find a professional law firm to cooperate, and leave all related matters to them in the future!" Jiang Tao explained calmly.

"Okay." Bi Peijun wrote down the matter in the notebook.

Bi Peijun took a look at Jiang Yu, to be honest, Jiang Yu was very calm from beginning to end, she didn't even understand what Jiang Yu was thinking, didn't she care? Impossible, it is impossible for her to leave the entire team without a thought, but let's say she cares, Jiang Yu's mood did not fluctuate at all, and even the tone of speech was the same as usual.

Furthermore, from this matter, Bi Peijun suddenly realized that she underestimated this company. She originally thought that this was a new type of clothing company, and she would be shocked when something happened, but she was completely wrong. This time, the collective resignation of 10 people not only did not have any impact on the company, but also beat other active employees.

And, somehow, those 10 employees didn't go to Cheng Suxi Company! I heard that the company doesn't exist at all. Now these people are looking for jobs everywhere, but because their collective resignation has been leaked, although collective poaching is not uncommon, it can show that these employees have some professional ethics. The problem, in addition, you can negotiate the conditions when you take the initiative to poach you, and when you take the initiative to apply for the job, it is not your turn to talk big.

After several rounds of applications, Hua Jie and Su Nishang were surprised to find that they could not get 20,000 yuan, even 10,000 yuan was dangerous. Many companies clearly wanted to lower the price, and they also said that their design ability was not enough to make a good one. company! How is this possible! The clothes they designed are placed in Jiangya's store, and there are tens of thousands of them on sale! As long as the design is selected for listing, it will be swept away every time! How can it become a worthless thing in the mouth of others!

At this meeting, they realized that it was not their talent that was outstanding, but that Jiang Tao's platform was good, not that they were talented, but that a group of fans who could appreciate such niche designs had gathered on Jiang Tao's Weibo.

They suddenly realized that they were nothing at all, and they were not completely irreplaceable, because many of the new recruits at Jiangyao were newcomers, but Jiangyao did not despise them. design.

By this time, Hua Jie and Su Nishang's guts are all green, what can they do with eight or nine thousand wages? After paying taxes and paying the house, the money left is not enough to buy clothes, but what about the original company? Gifts are given at every turn, and there are more than 10,000 commissions every month. If you do it well, it is possible to get 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, quarterly awards, team awards, year-end awards... How can they be so stupid

Not to mention less than a few interns...

End of internship at Jiangyao Company? Is there a stamp proof? no? Re-internship without it, internship salary? Where is the internship salary, whether you like it or not!

They still can't figure out what part went wrong. How could a company as big as Suxi disappear

The old-fashioned Tongzilou in Shencheng is a 45-square-meter house. There are four generations living in the same house, and seven people live in the same house. When you enter the house, there will be an unpleasant smell. This kind of house is not well ventilated and the area is small. Seven people live, and there is an old lady in her 80s who is bedridden, how could it be tasteless!

Yao Yiyi's mother is drying the quilt in the house. It is inconvenient to dry the quilt at her house, and she needs to prop the quilt outside the house.

The video of Yao Yiyi being beaten was posted online. Yao Yiyi's aunt saw it and asked Yao Yiyi's mother in disbelief:

"Mother Yiyi, why do I think this beaten mistress looks like your Yiyi?"

"How is it possible!" Yao Yiyi's mother rolled her eyes, "My family Yiyi may have done it! I can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, how can I be a junior? Besides, Yiyi has her own boyfriend, called Sun Jincheng, you are not Have you seen it too?"

"No, Yiyi's mother, this person seems to be really Yiyi. Look at what the netizens said below, it's from the School of Fashion of Shenda University! Not who is Yiyi from your family?"

This auntie Yiyi has always been at odds with Yiyi's mother. The two have been fighting for many years. They have been comparing since the child went to kindergarten. Recently, Yao Yiyi's mother is very proud, because Yao Yiyi often buys gold and jade for her when she makes money. Sending her to travel abroad, Aunt Yao Yiyi became jealous and kept staring at Yao Yiyi, wondering how Yao Yiyi made money! fine! Let her find this video.

Yao Yiyi's mother noticed Aunt Yiyi's schadenfreude, and she hurriedly denied: "Impossible! My Yiyi is a good boy!"

"Good boy? A good boy still steps on two boats and acts as a junior? He still earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a month! I think this old man gave it to her? Before my family Qianqian said that Yiyi's nude photos have no bottom line. I don't believe it yet, I didn't expect it to be like this!"

After speaking, Aunt Yiyi left in disdain. In less than two minutes, all of Yao Yiyi's relatives knew about it.

But Yao Yiyi's mother couldn't get through when she called her daughter.

Yao Yiyi's mother was so anxious that she hurriedly called the head teacher. When the head teacher asked, she knew that Yao Yiyi didn't come back at night. She had to know that the students didn't come back to live. If something happened, she, the head teacher, would take responsibility. I had to call the police, but not long after calling the police, I heard the police say:

"Oh? Yao Yiyi? We just brought back a dispute case from the police station. This girl is also called this name."

After hearing this, the head teacher and Yao Yiyi's mother hurried over, but saw Yao Yiyi's clothes were disheveled, her nose was bruised and her eyes were bruised, and she was crying at the police station.

"Yiyi!" Yao Yiyi's mother was so distressed that she was only one daughter, and asked quickly, "Who hit you? Mom is going to fight her!"

Xiao Meifeng heard the words and said: "What happened to me! How did you teach your daughter, ah! Let her seduce this dead old man in my family, damn it! Don't be ashamed! A 20-year-old girl and a man in his 50s , as expected of a college student! Go to school to learn this kind of thing!"

The head teacher frowned and glanced at Yao Yiyi, only to see Yao Yiyi's guilty conscience, not daring to say a word, how could she not guess what happened? Thinking of this, the head teacher directly reported the incident to the department, because this incident had a bad influence on the Internet and seriously damaged the reputation of Shenda University. The school decided to punish Yao Yiyi with demerit! Punishment written to the file!

Yao Yiyi wanted to die. She always wanted face and pretended to be arrogant, but now everyone knows that she relied on this old man to rise to the top. When she thinks that her classmates will point her to her, Yao Yiyi is connected to school. dare not go

"Jiang Yu, have you heard? Yao Yiyi is a mistress and is being cared for!" Bei Xiao asked in a low voice, "Do you think this is true?"

"I don't know." Jiang Yu said blankly, "I'm not interested in her affairs."

"Hey, it's really embarrassing! Yao Yiyi has always claimed to be the proud woman of the sky, and has always been proud of her identity as a local. I didn't expect that in order to compare with you, she would actually be reduced to the point where she is today."

The corners of Jiang Tao's mouth held a sarcastic smile, and she said, "I can't bear this pot!"

"I know, it's her own bad mood! I just sigh with emotion!" Bei Xiaoxiao said hurriedly.

For the next few days, Jiang Tao has been attending classes at school. It is strange to say that after Yao Yiyi was gone, the class became very quiet, and the school life was calm. Overnight, the classmates became very friendly. At that time, Jiang Yu passed by the basketball court after class and saw the boys playing on the basketball court very energetically. She only felt that such a campus life was what she dreamed of.

As for Yao Yiyi...

Jiang Yu sneered, she would never take the initiative to offend others, but if someone put their hand in her face to hit her, she would always hit back.

That night, the third episode of "The Concubine's Entertainment Circle" was broadcast.

The crew is filming a costume drama, and the concubine in it needs to have excellent piano skills, and the effect will surprise the entire court. Voice dubbing, but if you just come up with this level of things to fool the audience, how can you make a good TV series

Lan Xiaoxiao was nibbling on the apple. Seeing this scene, she threw away the apple core and said, "Let me try!"

"You?" The director snorted coldly, a 180-line small supporting role just for one more shot, it's too shameless! Let her try? "People are professional musicians, but none of the masters can produce the effect I want, just you!"

Obviously look down!

"Yes! Just me!" Lan Xiaoxiao looked directly into the director's eyes.

For some reason, Lan Xiaoxiao has an aura of a superior person. Sometimes the feeling of speaking often makes the director mistakenly think that she is the concubine of which palace. The director is startled and suspects that Lan Xiaoxiao is too deep into the play.

Lan Xiaoxiao was not annoyed either, sitting directly in front of the guqin, she closed her eyes and began to recall her past life.

In her previous life, when she first entered the palace, she was just an unfavored concubine. Only once, the emperor overheard her qin sound and judged her to have a different personality from others. The emperor followed the qin sound and walked into her room. In the palace, the two chatted all night, and the more they talked, the more they felt that they had met each other late. It can be said that Ruolan was very excited at that time, not only because the emperor noticed her, but because she met a confidant. Someone who understands her completely!

After that, the emperor looked at her with admiration, often went to her palace, and slowly the two of them became friends, knew each other, and fell in love with each other.

Lan Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and started to play, the beautiful piano sound flowing...

At the end of the song, everyone in the crew was still in shock. They stared at Lan Xiaoxiao and couldn't believe that she played the wonderful piano sound just now. Besides, what kind of song is this, why didn't they listen to it? pass

The musician asked in disbelief, "Little girl, what's the name of the piece you played?"

"Autumn Moon"

"What? Why haven't I heard this song? I've never heard anyone play it."

"Never heard of it?" Lan Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, only to realize that many ancient songs have now been lost. She hurriedly said, "I also heard the teacher play it by accident. Maybe the name is wrong!"

Unexpectedly, the video of Lan Xiaoxiao playing the piano was posted on the Internet, surprising all netizens! It is also a little famous.

At this moment, the male protagonist Zhuang Xu passed by the crew and glanced indifferently. This glance made Lan Xiaoxiao run towards him in shock.

"Your Majesty..." Lan Xiaoxiao shouted.

It turns out that Zhuang Xu looks exactly like the previous emperor!

Hearing this, Zhuang Xu frowned, and said to the assistant impatiently, "Call the mental hospital and say that his hospital ran out!"

- Haha, mental hospital, this is a big misunderstanding!

—Gu Shenliu is so handsome, his acting skills are good, and he is not exaggerated at all! This is a non-mainstream president.

-Although it is not a big production, because the costumes and makeup are so sophisticated, I don't feel that Gu Shenliu's force has been lowered when I watch the play.

—Yes, it feels like making a movie.

- Jiang Taro is still very powerful.

- Turn fans to Jiangya passers-by.

- The lighting is really good, although many actors are not famous, but the modeling is extra, it is really attractive, not the plastic face outside, this crew is very good at picking actors!

After the third episode, "The Concubine" became the most talked about TV series in the first half of the year, and all netizens were talking about it. At this moment, a netizen cut everyone's clothes in the play, and specially cut everyone's clothes. The clips while walking are combined into a video, and the finished video gives people an illusion, as if all the actors are walking on the stage, and the clothes on them are the clothes of the catwalk.

- rely on me! Who is so talented? This video is simply a collection of costumes from "The Favorite Concubine"!

- Awesome! The clothes are so pretty! Are these clothes sold on Tmall

—Jiangyu’s Tmall stores are all selling it, saying that Jiangyu is really a winner in life! Rich and talented! He looks beautiful, hey, if such a person remarries into a wealthy family and finds a handsome man, his life will be complete.

- Jiang Tao married? Except for Gu Shenliu, I don't accept anyone else!

At the same time, Zheng Lan, the head of Tmall, sent a message: "Mr. Jiang, the video has been released, and the response is not bad!"

"I see!" Jiang Yu exited the video and laughed: "Give the editing staff more wages! This video is well done!"

"Okay! I thank you for him!"

"By the way, put the video on the Tmall website, and then go to the bottom of this video and post the Tmall link! Tmall ads must keep up!"

"Understood!" Zheng Lan said.

Tmall only sells the clothes in the drama so far, but these clothes are the painstaking work of the Jiangya team, and there is also Jiangya's hard work in it. If it is only worn in the TV series, then it is undoubtedly that the clothes have not been converted into productivity. In other words, she invested in this drama and styled it, and her goals have always been clear.

make money! Improve your style! Make her brand Jiangyao homemade, that is, the JY brand is well known.

Judging from Tmall's sales, this goal has been achieved.

In fact, many Tmall brands have sponsored idol dramas, such as The Three Squirrels. The money-burning model has allowed the brand to expand rapidly. Although the quality is difficult to guarantee after expansion, products with problems are often bought, but sales have been rising. It's true, the brand's exposure has also increased!

And Jiang Yu's goal was achieved, because just the day after the third episode aired, Zheng Lan came over excitedly and said:

"Mr. Jiang! It exploded! It exploded!"

"What's going on?" Jiang Yu raised her eyes and looked inconvenient.

"Sales exploded!"

"Oh?" Jiang Yu pondered for a moment, and said in a light tone: "Over 100 million?"

"..." Zheng Lan killed in seconds, and said weakly: "It's over 50 million!"

She slipped away! Omg! President Jiang is so terrifying, his heart is too big! Not long after its establishment, the sales volume of over 50 million was actually dissatisfied! Opening your mouth is 100 million! And let no one live!

Behind her, Jiang Tao laughed.

50000000? It's a nice number!

And that night was destined to be a sleepless night, because after Ai Qiqi's money arrived, Jiang Yu casually flipped through her cell phone text messages, and found that her deposit was over 100 million!

Deposit over 100 million

Looking at so many figures, Jiang Yu only felt that all this happened too fast, like a dream. In her previous life, in order to start a company and speed up the pace of listing, she had to accept angel financing, but for her now, financing? She can't spend her own money, so why spend other people's money

Thinking of this, Jiang Tao is thinking about spending the money well!

100 million sounds like a lot, but what can you do? buy house? Just now, Jiang Tao heard other people's comments, saying that the house in the school district of Ershi Elementary School has exceeded 10 million, and the price of 10 million is not high in Jiang Tao's opinion, but when I asked, I found out that the house is only 40 square meters. ! Thinking about it this way, her money is not enough to buy a few school district houses.

Now that houses are subject to purchase restrictions, and property tax is also being promoted, buying a house is no longer a high-return investment, so Jiang Tao will definitely not use all the money to buy a house.

Sitting on the boss chair, Jiang Yu looked out the window, thinking in her heart, how can I spend all this money!

At this time, Jado's Tmall mall was already ready, but it has not yet opened, because Jado's bags are all handmade, the factory in Italy is slow, and Jiang Tao is afraid that the shortage will affect the sales, so Jado has time to expand the scale, stock.

Jiang Tao analyzed his source of funds and found that one-tenth of his income came from that set of acne treatment products! It is unimaginable that such things as acne cream and acne repair can bring her such a large income, and the reason for the high income is not only because of the large number of sales, but also because of the large profit.

Skin care products are the most profitable, everyone agrees!

In addition, many fans on Weibo are clamoring for her to make makeup and skin care products. Jiang Tao has included the city of the color makeup brand in the next step, and has begun to recruit headhunting and signature chemical-related talents to study, and is also in close contact with some companies. , intending to reach cooperation and launch truly cost-effective products

Just then, a little girl left a message on her Weibo and asked:

"Jiang Yu, I found that you haven't done any powder cream evaluation so far. There are many easy-to-use powder creams. Do you have any recommendations?"

Cream? Speaking of powder foundation, there is a trend to replace foundation. Now many people think that foundation is heavy and not light enough, so they will choose powder cream instead. Just like Koreans advocate the use of makeup primers, the Japanese disdain the use of air cushions. But a lot of powder creams have been invented.

Jiang Tao thought about it and recalled 2 pictures of powder cream from her mobile phone, and posted it on Weibo:

"There have been a lot of people asking about powder cream recently. The reason why I didn't give a review of powder cream is because the price of powder cream is generally too expensive. In fact, several powder creams on the market are quite good. Let me talk about the two I use frequently. -Twany Lady Cream and EXCIAAL Honey Cream.

Let's talk about Twany's ultimate powder cream first. This brand also has spring, summer and autumn and winter versions. Although the price is cheap, the effect of using it is much worse. The price of the ultimate powder cream is more than 1,000. It is the legendary lady's cream! It's expensive, but it's worth it! Moisturizing enough, the makeup is not heavy, not dull, and does not take off makeup! Although the price is not high, it is almost the most comfortable to use among all the creams.

Although EXCIAAL Royal Jelly Powder Cream has a slightly heavy makeup, it is good in terms of concealment and moisturizing! And more moisturizing than Twany.

In addition to these two, CPB diamond powder cream is also very cost-effective, it will create a feeling of egg skin, glossy and translucent, but not concealer, suitable for very good skin, while AQ delicate powder cream is too moisturizing and greasy, not for the time being. recommend! "

- Big, I hope you grow grass every day.

- Saying that the Japanese really like to invent powder cream, do you think that the Koreans invented the air cushion, so they must be overwhelmed

-Indeed, Japan doesn't seem to have any air cushion cream.

- I've been using liquid foundation? Is a liquid foundation different from a powder cream? I really want to buy it!

Jiang Yuhui: "Foundation is divided into three types: liquid foundation, cream foundation, and powder cake. The texture of powder cream is cream-like, which will be better than liquid foundation for concealing and repairing."

- Are you planting grass again? happy!

At the same time, Taobao's small purchasers went to major shopping malls in Japan to snap up powder cream in the first time! Just kidding, one minute later, someone will kill him in seconds!

And the cabinet sister in Japan saw that the foundation cream was selling well, and she quickly gave a thumbs up and praised:

"Foundation cream is easy to use! The Chinese have eyes! The air cushion BB in Korea is garbage! It can't be called a foundation makeup at all!"

Giving his grass to others makes Jiang Yu in a good mood.

When it was time to get off work, Gu Shenliu came to pick her up on time.

"You seem to have been out of work recently?" Jiang Yu was a little strange.

Recently, the two have been living together in a semi-cohabitation state. Sometimes Jiang Tao would sleep in the office after work late, but most of the time, as long as Gu Shenliu was there, she would go to the Chanson Garden, but recently, the more often Gu Shenliu came to pick her up. After more and more visits, Jiang Yu realized that Gu Shenliu seemed to have been out of work for several weeks.

It shouldn't be! For an actor like Gu Shenliu, normally his work should be scheduled at least until next year, so how could he not work

"I want to rest!" Gu Shenliu said softly.

When the two arrived at the house, Gu Shenliu skillfully buttoned up his apron and said as he entered the kitchen:

"The fruit is cut for you! Eat some fruit and watch TV, take a break, and the meal will be ready soon!"

The tall figure walked into the kitchen, looking a little out of line. He was wearing a T-shirt he designed, his lower body was home pants, and he was wearing a pair of flip-flops. He was tall, handsome, and very stylish! Not to mention anything else, Jiang Yu noticed that Gu Shenliu's hip line was very high just by looking at the back. It should be said that no matter what aspect he looked at, this man was perfect and impeccable.

In bed he was always perfect.

But it gets weirder!

"..." Jiang Yu gave him a strange look.

To be honest, such a Gu Shenliu made her feel very unfamiliar. How can I say that Gu Shenliu, who has always been very high-profile, has actually become a family cook? This is so weird too! It doesn't look right!

Jiang Yu glanced at the fruit plate in front of him again, frowning even tighter.

Speaking of which, Gu Shenliu is a very sentimental person. For example, whenever he is at home, he will light a good smell. For example, he has high requirements for the quality of household items. For example, the fruit plate in front of him has dragon fruit and kiwi fruit. , mangosteen, passion fruit, pineapple... All are cut and placed in a delicate three-layer fruit bowl. The colors match well. There are also a few macarons and delicate pastries on the side, making the sweet potato a kind of six-star hotel. The illusion of having afternoon tea.

Jiang Yu glanced at Gu Shenliu in the kitchen again.

strangeness! Too strange!

Jiang Tao suddenly realized that their positions seemed to be reversed. It stands to reason that after entering the door, they would light incense at home, choose household items, cut fruit for the family to eat, cook, etc. These are things that ordinary women are good at!

But she unfortunately found that she had never done the same! She seems to have work in addition to work in her life!

As soon as Gu Shenliu came out, he noticed Jiang Yu's inquiring gaze.

"What?" he asked in a low voice.

"Do you want to boil a frog in warm water?"

Gu Shenliu raised his brows lightly, the old god was there: "Why do you see it?"

Jiang Tao said one by one: "Because you are so strange recently! Pick me up from get off work on time, prepare fruit for me, bring me food, come back at night to cook for me, and soak my feet before going to bed! I always have a seed The illusion that you are a frog and will be cooked by you."

Gu Shenliu's long and narrow eyes were stained with a stary smile, and the corners of his mouth twitched, a smile that was not a smile: "So, do you have a sense of panic?"

Jiang Tao nodded silently.

Is this human inferiority? She was just not used to being treated like this all of a sudden.

Gu Shenliu touched her head and said solemnly:

"What the hell are you thinking about? Warm water boils frogs? Do you think warm water can really boil frogs?"

After finishing speaking, Cope said: "Let my brother tell you that the frog will not die even if it is boiled in warm water, because it will jump out of the pot ahead of time."

"… "

Gu Shenliu's body came over, he directly hugged Jiang Yu and hooked it on his waist, and then held her hand and leaned down.

The voice was dyed with lust: "Little frog, what should I do? I want to eat you before I eat!"