Weibo Big V’s Daily Entertainment Circle

Chapter 97: 095 Cooperation


Just like Wang Weiwei's family-sponsored $4 million in 1990 to open her first wedding dress store in Manhattan, such a large-scale business is destined from the beginning to be different from others, and Jiang Tao is in Shencheng. There is a 2,000-square-meter front and three-story front house rented in a prosperous area. There was no news that this girl was going to open her own haute couture store. When the 2,000-square-meter house was hung with a "under renovation" clothing pictorial, Let everyone talk about it, and people in the past have guessed, which brand with deep pockets would do such a stupid thing? After all, the business of brick-and-mortar stores, which have been hit by Internet shopping, has been very sluggish, and therefore, this big-name clothing store has turned its 2,000-square-meter facade.

People in the industry are all waiting to see the joke, and the tone of this matter is somewhat disapproving.

"Jiangyu? Is she the only one who can stand up such a big store? I really don't know how high the sky is!"

"Take yourself as a Lafayette? Even Lafayette would not dare to have such a big deal!"

"This little girl designs Taobao clothes and thinks she is a professional designer?"

"For fifty cents, bet she can't drive for a year!"

However, what other people think, Jiang Tao is not interested to know.

Her store is located in the most expensive shopping mall in Shanghai. LV, Chanel, Armani and other brand stores are all opened in this mall. The consumers of these brands are also one of the potential customers of Jiangyao in the future.

Gaoding has been destined to be linked to force from the beginning. As for profit, it is not in Jiang Yu's consideration for the time being, but she is sure that the name she gets from it will definitely bring her unexpected profits.

On the one hand, Jiang Tao told the design and decoration team not to neglect, and on the other hand, started to design these few treasures of the town store.

Opening a store will inevitably require some exhibits, which will be hung in the glass windows of the store, so that all customers who pass by can see her designs. This will be the customer's first impression of her brand. Besides, she also needs some products in her advertising. Make a model, so she has to make a decent batch of clothes first.

She negotiated with Durres, and Durres made promotional videos and advertisements. During the process of making clothes, Durres sent people to shoot all the time.

"Mr. Jiang, the beading process you requested on this dress is too complicated, and my colleagues in the design department can't handle it. Let me ask for instructions."

Zhong Xiaoping was a little nervous. To be honest, it was only at this moment that she realized that she, like her colleagues in the design department, couldn't help Jiang Yu a little bit. Whether it was design or production, they couldn't keep up with Jiang Yu's pace. , which also shows their lack of knowledge and ability.

"This kind of craftsmanship is ancient, and it's normal for them not to." Jiang Yu did not embarrass them, but said: "You let them in, I'll show them!"


The staff of the design department came in immediately, and Jiang Yu showed them how to do this kind of beading and how to connect the embroidery. All the staff were surprised and felt that Jiang Yu was talking about something that was impossible, and nothing else. , Ordinary designers do not know these things, special things to find special talents, embroidery beads should find a special master.

"That's it, right?" However, several designers looked at each other in dismay, and dared not say that they couldn't get these things at all.

Jiang Tao has some headaches. The couture studio naturally wants to recruit people, but she doesn't want to look for it at will. With her current reputation, the people she can recruit are definitely ordinary designers. These designers are not enough to handle couture. , she wanted to wait for the studio to become an instant hit before bringing in talent.

No one can do the process, but she really has no time to do such a thing. For a time, Jiang Tao is in trouble.

The next day, Gu Shenliu sent Jiang Yu to school, and saw that her expression was a little sleepy and sad.

"Having trouble?"

"Small difficulty, you also know that my Gao Ding store is being renovated. Although there is still some time to be renovated, the clothing for the store's showcase and the first batch of samples must be made quickly, but you also know that something like this It is very troublesome to make haute couture, and sometimes a team may not be able to complete a piece for a few months.

Jiang Yu paused and was worried: "But what I worry most about is the lack of professional brand marketing talents."

There was no reply from Alex for a long time, and it was difficult for Jiang Tao to have suitable ready-made talents.

"Marketing talent?" Gu Shenliu was silent for a moment, "I remember that the boss knows a few people who have worked in big brands. I'll ask you later when I come back."


Before you know it, it's the end of June, and the annual exam month. Jiang Yu has rarely attended classes this semester, but she has been handing in a lot of homework, and she is also very new to her studies, so the teacher also pays her attention. Close one eye.

The exam is coming soon. In this class, the teacher played a few documentaries for everyone to review. The documentaries are about Chinese embroidery skills.

Jiang Yu looked fascinated.

Soon, after the documentary was broadcast, the teacher asked:

"Remember the embroidery workshop we visited in our sophomore year? Ancient embroidery crafts like this are hard to see now, unless you go to places like Suzhou and Hangzhou, but even in such places, many embroidery crafts are gradually lost, I hope When you go to work in the future, don't forget your responsibility as a Chinese designer to inherit our excellent traditional culture and memory and bring it to the world!"

Everyone was lost in thought, thinking about the teacher's words.

"Okay, do you still remember the embroidery in the sophomore year? I'll invite a few people to come up and play a little game!"

Suddenly, all the students aimed at Zhou Zhou, and Jiang Yu turned around for no reason, but saw that everyone had nominated him, and Zhou Zhou had no choice but to go to the podium.

"Come on, Zhou Zhou, show it to everyone!"

Zhou Zhou did not refuse, quickly threading the needle and threading the thread, his hand shuttled back and forth on the cloth, and soon, a beautiful peony embroidery was completed.

Jiang Yu stepped forward to look, but saw that the peony was very vivid, with its leaves open and seemed to be blooming.

Jiang Yu was surprised: "Zhou Zhou, you actually know how to embroider?"

"You don't know Jiang Tao yet?" Chen Dekai smiled and said, "Zhou Zhou is very skilled!"

"Fuck you!" Zhou Zhou laughed: "I have a strong hands-on ability since I was a child, and I remember playing things like Rubik's Cube. Because of my good memory, I can embroider things like cross stitch much faster than others. This peony I saw it when I visited last time, and I wrote it down, it's nothing special!"

What he said was light, but Jiang Yu was very shocked. After that, Jiang Wei came to the stage to embroider well. Only then did Jiang Yu know that Jiang Wei was a descendant of a famous Su embroidery family. Because he was fascinated by his childhood, he simply learned clothing design when he grew up. The descendants of Su embroidery at the beginning of the year are very intimidating, but in fact they have no advantages. Embroidery is no longer the era of manual work. The invention of the machine has left many people's embroidery works uninterested. The price of manual embroidery is high, but few people recognize it. Willing to pay a high price to buy embroidery.

But Jiang Tao really needs such talents.

After class, she went directly to Jiang Wei and Zhou Zhou to explain her intentions.

"Are you willing to help me?" Jiang Yu asked with a smile.

"What?" Jiang Wei exclaimed directly.

No wonder she was shocked. Jiang Yu is now famous. According to the news, Jiang Yu's assets have already exceeded 100 million yuan. She would not be surprised if it was placed on ordinary businessmen, but Jiang Yu is so young! This year, he is only a junior, such a small asset is over 100 million yuan, and there are still Taobao stores and Tmall malls that can make profits and collect money. What kind of designers do such people want, and they come to her

Jiang Wei didn't come back to her senses for a while, she still couldn't believe it: "You really want me to help you?"

"Is this still fake?"

"That specific job..."

"My JY couture studio needs a batch of ready-to-wear, I'm working on it, and now I need someone who can help!"

The two of them are still in a state of shock. The students in the class have long heard that Jiang Yu has set up a high-definition studio, 2000 square meters, how much does the rent cost? Not to mention the luxurious decoration! When they first heard the news, Jiang Wei and Zhou Zhou, classmates with high self-demands, were a little disappointed.

They also thought about looking for Jiang Yu, but they were both classmates and couldn't hold their faces. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu took the initiative to find them.

"If you want, you can start with me first. Of course, if I have the opportunity to study and visit, I will definitely take you there. When you have the ability to be on your own, you can complete the customization independently."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but be overjoyed. Does this still need to be considered? Wouldn't it be a fool not to pick up the pie

"I agree!" Jiang Wei was very straightforward.

"I agree too!" Zhou Zhou was not far behind.

Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows, "Don't think about it anymore?"

"I still need to consider this?" Jiang Wei smiled: "Ms. Chanel has dominated the fashion circle for half a century, then, who is the next trend-setter in the fashion circle? Who said it couldn't be you? Jiang Tao, I know it. I may not achieve much in my life, I can only be a more successful person at most, but you are different! You are likely to change the aesthetics of the world, so I will not feel unwilling to follow you!"

Zhou Zhou felt the same way. He said, "Jiang Yu, who would have thought that the little girl who was bullied a year ago would have the right to speak in the fashion circle in just one year? Let the people in the entertainment circle take the initiative. Invite you to design clothes? I also want to follow you to create miracles!"

Said that she was used to hearing praises from fans on Weibo, and Jiang Yu already felt numb. Those words of praise did not make her feel much ups and downs, but the high opinion and encouragement of her classmates did not intend to stir Jiang Yu's heart. Affirmations from peers are sometimes more inspiring.

Jiang Tao narrowed his eyes and nodded with emotion: "Don't worry! I must be the one who changes the world! I promise!"

After speaking, she held out her hand.

Three hands crossed! They really laugh!

Perhaps, these three people did not realize that the situation they imagined would come true so quickly!

Not long after, Jiang Wei and Zhou Zhou were promoted to the international stage by Jiang Tao, and they will sincerely appreciate their decision today in their hearts.

Soon, they went back to the company with Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu gave them a demonstration, Zhou Zhou tried it, but he didn't complete the whole embroidery, but it was better than Jiang Yu imagined, but Jiang Wei was indeed Su Embroidery The descendants of his, skilled embroidery techniques and good craftsmanship are highly appreciated by Jiang Tao.

"Zhou Zhou, learn from Jiang Wei first, and then do it together with Jiang Wei!"


With their help, Jiang Tao is much easier, she just needs to concentrate on completing the design

Because Jiang Yu often carried Jado's bag in "The Concubine's Entertainment Circle", with the blessing of the popularity of online dramas, Jado's bag became more and more popular, and netizens asked Jado to set up Tmall to introduce domestic voices. Every day, I leave a message on the official blog. I am afraid that Jado's top management will not see it, so I change my mind and come to urge Jiang Tao to cooperate with Jado.

- Taro balls! I want, I want, I want! I want Jado's bag! I want those bags in your TV series!

—O Mariko, I especially like that messenger bag you carry in the TV series!

- Taro balls, when will you sell Jado's bags again? Last time I didn't buy it and it was taken off the shelf!

- The bags of this brand are all good looking! Recently, fashion magazines are talking about it every day, I feel uncomfortable if I can't buy it.

—It is often impossible to buy on behalf of Italy, hey... It is so difficult to buy a bag, it is even more difficult than buying Hermes.

Jiang Tao smiled when he saw everyone's comments.

In fact, it's not that there is no stock, it's just that she intends to let Jiaxing tighten the supply, because Jado's Tmall is about to be put on the shelves, and there are plans to open a chain store later. Goods are hard to buy. Buying is the illusion of earning. It is also the legendary hunger marketing. Of course, hunger marketing can be used occasionally. If you use it all the time, you will starve yourself to death!

Jiang Yu replied with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone! I heard from Jado's official that their Tmall mall will be established soon!"

-Really? Great!

- Will it be limited? can buy

- Tmall will not have fakes, right

- When will it open

Jiang Tao: "There will be no fakes! Tmall is directly managed by Jado!"

Jiang Tao will not open Tmall's agency rights to other malls. The merchants of the previous generation in Fujian often did this. After the authorization of the next brand, they will sell genuine goods when they open, but they will use it later. Fake goods imported from local or Alibaba are sold. Nowadays, the gap between real and fake goods in the manufacturing industry is not particularly large, and some fans cannot see it at all, but because these Tmall malls are authorized, fans also say Not true or false, of course! Some purchasing agents and stores that claim to deliver goods in the bonded area will also play such tricks.

Going to South Korea to buy hundreds of thousands of goods, there are documents and purchase records, and when you go to Taobao, you can sell millions or even tens of millions of goods. She is from Taobao, and of course she will not underestimate Chinese businessmen. It is absolutely impossible for her to authorize Jado to sell to others.

At this moment, Kavan's manager found Jiang Tao.

"Jiangyu, long time no see." The manager was very polite. Since the online drama became popular, Ka Fan has benefited a lot. Now the store queues up every day, and they all come to Lan Xiaoxiao for the same style.

Jiang Yu made a smile and went over.

The manager smiled and said, "Jiangyu, our boss asked me to talk to you. She said she wanted to take over Jado's agency and let me talk to you!"

Don't have any deep meaning in what she said, Jiang Yu couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

She has never announced that she is a shareholder of Jado. Kavan's boss came to get the proxy instead of Jiaxing, but actually came to her

"You want to represent Jado?"


"Where are the counters located?"

After hearing this, the manager scolded Jiang Tao for being treacherous in his heart. You must know that in Kavan, the establishment of brand counters is very particular. Kavan is a duty-free shop for imported goods. There are many brands, not to mention the bags, not only small brands such as Coach, but also big brands such as Chanel. Jiang Tao himself has worked at Kavan, of course he knows this. A little, then this question is interesting, put Jado's counter next to Coach? This is tantamount to classifying Jado into the class of Coach. Even though the price of Jado is higher than that of Coach, sometimes customers only look at the surface. Chi almost! Once such an inherent impression is formed, it is difficult to change, but if Jado is intentionally placed on the side of LV, Celine, and Chanel, it will be very different!

The manager said in his heart that Jiang Yu is indeed a little fox. In the past, he only thought that Jiang Yu was lucky and the audience was good, but now that he looks at it, it is not the case! She only mentioned authorized cooperation, and the other party thought of placing it on the counter, and this question made her very embarrassed!

"Haha." The manager laughed dryly: "We still need to discuss the placement of the counter before deciding."

"Manager, what you said is perfunctory me? It's just a counter, not for you to cheat! It's just for you to set up our counter next to a big brand, so that customers know Jado's positioning and grade, how difficult is it? ?" Jiang Yu raised his eyebrows.

The manager couldn't be the boss, so he said, "I'll ask the boss!"

5 minutes later, the manager went online again and said directly: "The boss said, everything is at your command!"

Jiang Tao almost cheered for Kavan's boss in his heart. The boss looks stupid but he is smart. If nothing else, he asked the manager to send her famous brand products for her use, which seemed to be a loss, but Kavan brought sales. Doubled, and sent a lot of brand-name bags to the online drama crew, watch it! After the online drama was broadcast, people who went to Kavan to buy things had to queue up to pay!

You know this is Kavan! It's not radish and cabbage sold in it!

After these few things, Jiang Tao praised the boss very much! Even more curious, I don't know what Kavan's boss looks like.

Jiaxing has never been involved in decision-making. He was very excited when Jiang Yu said this, because he had long wanted to start his business in China. When he thought that Jado could enter China, he couldn't help but want to pick up his own. The cat master worships Jesus three times!

Yeah! You can go to China! You can make a lot of money! You can buy meat to eat! Cat owners can switch to better cat food!

"No, Jiang Yu, if you say opening a store, will it affect Jado's Tmall sales?"

"No!" Jiang Yu said with certainty: "Kavan is very famous and has stores in many cities. If our brand can really set up a counter next to Chanel, I can guarantee that it will be beneficial to us and not harmful at all. Besides, Kavan does not have stores in every city, but Tmall can target all Chinese people! The popularity of the store can also introduce traffic to Tmall! I think you can give it a try!"

"Really?" Jiaxing has been expanding its scale. The original Jado has only a few stores in Italy, so handmade bags can be done slowly, but now it is different. If they want to open Tmall, they cannot underestimate the purchasing power of the Chinese people. , it is imperative to expand the scale, plus the package has to travel across the ocean, and the delivery cycle is long, and the last time Jiang Tao put Jado's package in the online store, it was killed in a few hours, that speed... Jiang Taro still feels unreal!

Therefore, Jiang Ya specially delayed the opening, so be sure to make thorough preparations.

"That's good! I agree!"

Therefore, while Jiang Tao was busy with the opening of the haute couture store and the opening of Jado Tmall, he had to be distracted to prepare for Jado to set up a counter in Kavan.

On Kavan’s side, they just do what they say, just adding a counter, which is a trivial matter. Besides, Jado has always been in stock in China, which is used to prepare for the opening of Tmall! Now Kavan is just fine to use.

It’s not a big problem to decorate a counter. Jiang Tao personally designed the style and decoration, and handed over the following to a special person to supervise the work. In short, after the Shencheng counter was made, she was quite satisfied, at least it was placed next to Chanel. Chanel looks low grade

At this moment, the final exam came. This time, Jiang Yu was the same as last time. She read at night with the lights on before the exam. She felt that she did well in the exam. In fact, she had very low requirements for herself, as long as the grades were not too ugly!

After several exams, Jiang Tao did not stop and went directly to work in the company.

Soon it was time for the students to leave school, and everyone was happy for the upcoming summer vacation.

But Jiang Tao didn't feel anything at all. She had to work all day in summer vacation.

When she only occasionally heard the news about the summer vacation, she would think of the so-called relatives far away in the small county, and it was strange that those people didn't come to Shencheng to ask her for money, which surprised Jiang Yu.

Five days after the final exam, the counter decoration was completed. A store like Kavan couldn't wait for the counter to dry before moving things in. Time is money, so once the decoration was finished, the manager urged the store to stock up.

Jiang Yu was surprised to hear the news.

"It's on sale so soon?"

"How fast? We only need a month to renovate a new store. It's just a small counter. What's the problem?" After finishing speaking, the manager smiled and said, "The day after tomorrow is a good day. Our boss said, It will be open for sale at 8:00 am the day after tomorrow, so please help us promote it when you arrive."

"Yes!" Jiang Yu agreed.

"By the way, do you still owe us Kavan a platform, remember? Why don't you help us on the platform the day after tomorrow?" the manager reminded.

"..." It's really Zhou Pipi! Jiang Tao said in his heart.

However, after all, Jado is her own brand, and who does her platform debut not give to Jado

For the promotion of Kavan, you can help Jado to stir up the heat. Now the online drama is on the rise, and the click rate has been rising. The latest episode has passed 2.5 billion, and the leaders of Ai Qiqi are smiling when they sleep!

Now there are news related to online dramas everywhere.

There are discussions on Weibo, discussions in fashion magazines, and hot posts on Baidu every day. In short, news of online dramas can be seen everywhere.

Jiang Tao felt that it was quite the grand occasion when "Meteor Garden" was broadcast.

Of course she liked it.

It is not unwise for Kavan's boss to choose to get the authorization at this time! Under the blessing of the popularity of online dramas, fans want to buy Jado's bags every day.

Jiang Yu posted a Weibo that night and said with a smile:

"Taros! Let me tell you good news, Jado is about to cooperate with Kavan and set up a counter in Kavan! That is to say, from now on, you can buy Jado's bags in Kavan in major cities! Guaranteed all Imported from Italy! All handmade! Excellent leather! Some models can be guaranteed to last for 3 years! Parents who are planted by Jiangya can go and see! The opening time is 8 am the day after tomorrow! I will also be there at that time. Congrats to those who went to buy bags! You can see the live taro!"

- rely on me! Jiang Yu, are you going too? Wow! I must go! I like you so much!

—I didn’t see you appear in the previous online drama promotion, my home happens to be next to Shencheng Kavan, I will go there then!

- The taro balls are big, in fact, I have seen you once, it is really beautiful! Long legs! Legs are better than anything!

- The appearance of the taro ball is very high. I am an alumnus of Shen University and I have seen it!

- I'm going to buy a bag!

—I like everything you've used in taro balls!

That night, this Weibo was retweeted wildly, and it became the highest number of retweets ever made by Jiangya Weibo!

Even Jiang Yu was surprised!

In just over a day, there were 170,000 retweets! And many people said they wanted to come to see her, which made Alexander!

The next day, Jiang Yu reposted this Weibo and said with a smile, "See you at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

-Oops! I will meet my favorite idol tomorrow! May I ask what clothes should I wear? urgent! Wait online!

—Upstairs, I know and I won’t tell you, because I’m going to see my husband tomorrow too! I won't let you rob me!

- You are good and bad! Woohoo... I go to school in Japan and can't go!

—Damn, you are also very famous in Japan. Come to Japan for an event another day!

For her first live event, Jiang Tao was really inexperienced, and she was in a hurry. She was thinking about the styling she was going to do in the morning, but she didn't even do her work.

Now, Gu Shenliu's wardrobe here is almost contracted by her, and it is full of her clothes.

Women are scary! Women who are fashion designers are even scarier! That cloakroom is simply unbearable!

It's all clothes!

Do you have thousands

Most of them are designed by herself, and there are some that she likes after watching the show, so she asks buyers to go to places like Paris Fashion Week to buy them for her, buy, buy, buy! Spend at least 2 million on skin care products and clothes every month. If she is not a designer herself, I am afraid that 20 million is not enough!

But there are too many clothes, and there is only one person, and it is impossible to wear them at all.

One more problem - no choice!

For the difficulty of choosing, facing so many pieces of clothes, Jiang Tao only feels a headache!

Gu Shenliu stewed a bowl of bird's nest for her, and he couldn't help touching her lower abdomen, but his expression remained the same, and his voice was low:

"Do you want to give Kavan a platform tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Yu turned over her clothes and asked Gu Shenliu, "Which suit do you think I'll wear tomorrow? It's so beautiful that I can't choose!"

"… "

What is it like to have a narcissistic designer wife? Gu Shenliu felt that he could answer such a Zhihu question.

Jiang Tao continued to struggle: "What style do you think I should go tomorrow? Is it sexy, cute, playful, youthful, or a retro beauty?"

"..." Gu Shenliu had no choice but to give an answer that couldn't go wrong: "You look good in whatever you wear!"

Jiang Yu also gave a sentence that women all over the world would say: "Talking is the same as not saying it!"

Gu Shenliu shrugged, narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, looked at a few pieces of her clothes, and said, "Or do you wear them all?"

"Wear all?" Jiang Yu was surprised for a moment.

"Aren't you going to stand for Jado tomorrow? In short, you are not a star, so don't be too burdened. You can stand on this stage as you wish. You can change your clothes at any time, and match them with different styles of bags. As a result, fans will buy when they see that you match well, and these combinations can also be posted on the Internet to stir up the heat!"

Jiang Yu looked at him in surprise: "You have figured out all the routines!"

Gu Shenliu grinned: "As a man who is a well-known designer, he still needs this ability!"

"Love you!" Jiang Yu kissed him twice on the cheek, and was about to leave, but Gu Shenliu grabbed the back of his head with his hand and gave him a deep French kiss.

Jiang Yu's breath was a little disturbed by the kiss, and a certain man was obviously lustful, and he couldn't let go of her.

So, I pushed it directly to the floor and came to play in the cloakroom.

Jiang Yu hurriedly said, "Don't! I'm still choosing clothes!"

"Isn't it solved?" Gu Shenliu snorted coldly: "Take a few more clothes tomorrow! It's really not good, I'll take the cloakroom to you by truck!"

Untie Jiang Yu's clothes impatiently: "Okay, the plan has been given to you, and the rest of the time will be allocated to the left-behind men in your family!"

"..." Jiang Yu laughed, left behind a man? So pitiful

Gu Shenliu directly carried her to the table in the cloakroom.

Jiang Yu hugged his head, Gu Shenliu lowered his head and happened to lie in front of her softness.

After a while of kissing, Jiang Yu's body trembled slightly, feeling his lips exploring her body.

"Gu Shenliu..." Jiang Yu was crying, and the words were a little begging for mercy.

Gu Shenliu looked at her, and under the light, Jiang Taro's skin was a little outrageous, like a freshly peeled egg, like porcelain, without the slightest blemish, with its own collagen, which made people want to take a bite. In fact, Gu Shenliu did the same.

He bit Jiang Yu's face and licked it. He loved her skin that was white and powdery. In addition, her eyelashes were trembling, and there were a few tears hanging from her, and her voice was soft as if she was begging for mercy. , It seems that he is in urgent need of love, so that he can't refuse, and he can't wait to rub it into his body and forcibly fall in love a few times.

Not too much anyway.

When the two became one, Jiang Tao was about to cry. Recently, she felt better and better, and she seemed to be able to feel happiness from this kind of thing. She finally understood why people love sex.

"Gu Shenliu..."

"Huh?" Gu Shenliu groaned and licked her throat lovingly.

"Your skills are good!" It's not as unfamiliar as it was at the beginning, now Gu Shenliu is completely an old driver!

"Thank you Madam for your affirmation!" Gu Shenliu grinned, and his body worked harder to please him, until Jiang Yu collapsed in his arms and his body trembled slightly.

Both of them were happy, and Gu Shenliu hugged her lovingly and went to wash.

Seeing her sleepy appearance, Gu Shenliu blamed himself, did he ask for too much and tire her out? However, it wasn't because he had strong desires, but because Jiang Yu was too busy. When he was busy in the past, the two of them rarely met each other. Gu Shenliu felt very guilty because of this. Be with her every day like any other boyfriend.

After a long time, he simply asked Gao Jing to do most of the work and stayed at home with her, but he didn't expect that he was not busy now, but she was as busy as a spinning top, sometimes sleeping in the studio and working all night, In addition to his distress, he could only develop more cooking skills and cook something delicious for her.

Because of this, the two of them don't spend much time alone. For a man like him who has just started eating meat, is it enough once every two or three days

So, as long as she is free, pull her to do this kind of thing.

It's also sad to say, to make love depends on her schedule, when she can have more than half an hour, and there is a man who is worse than him

Thinking of this, Gu Shenliu kissed Jiang Yu's forehead, put her in the bathtub again, and served her the whole time.

As for Jiang Yu, his eyes narrowed, his toes curled up, and he was so comfortable that he almost groaned.

Seeing her unserved appearance, Gu Shenliu reacted again, however, considering that she will have an activity tomorrow morning, he still held back.

A night without a dream, the sun is shining.

Sex really is a good thing, not only for inspiration, but also for a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yu woke up refreshed. She glanced at the time and said anxiously:

"Oops! I forgot to pack my clothes last night! I haven't done my makeup yet! I'm going to be late!"

She hurried to the cloakroom, but saw two suitcases lying on the ground.

Jiang Tao was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly turned to look at Gu Shenliu.

Gu Shenliu's lips curled slightly, and said, "You've packed your clothes for you, you can go do your makeup!"

Looking at the handsome man in front of him, Jiang Tao smiled and stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips.

Scratching his hair again, he said lazily, "As expected of a man I like! He can do things!"

"As expected of the woman I liked! The mouth is so sweet!" After speaking, the two were tired and crooked together again, and there was a deep French kiss.

If Gao Jing saw this scene, he would be calling the dog abuse again!