Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 105: Killing secret meeting (7)


"What have you been up to lately? You haven't been around since the last meal, and you've been away from home all day. Su He has asked me several times."

On this day, the Qi Le people did not dress up as red. They went back to Sunset Island in the Land of Dusk and asked Chen Baiqi about the production of chargers and mandatory tasks. In ten days, he would have to perform the first mandatory task. , I heard that it would be very easy, but he was still a little worried. As a result, on the main road, he was caught by Dr. Lu, who had his own talent for finding people and treasures.

"I have something to do..." Of course Qi Leren couldn't reveal what he was doing to Dr. Lu, so he had to play stupid.

This undercover mission is very dangerous. Qi Leren even wrote a suicide note and put it at his home in Sunset Island. If he is unfortunate enough to die without a whole body and cannot be resurrected with an Easter egg, then this letter and other daily necessities will be left to the next person to live in. The person who entered this room told him about the nightmare game and the main quest. It was the matter of writing this letter that he felt a little complicated. He always felt like a senior NPC in the game who died before he was successful. He died before the story started. The kind that provides clues and inheritance to the protagonist, very Ominous.

The reason why he didn't choose to tell Dr. Lu was because he didn't want to implicate him. With Dr. Lu's character, he couldn't afford such a big thing, and he would rather place his hopes on an irrelevant stranger. As long as this secret is not allowed to sink into the sea with his death, he is at ease.

It's a pity that Dr. Lu didn't understand his good intentions at all. He made a lot of comments about his disappearance. Qi Leren had no choice but to use his nirvana: "I was wrong, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Wow, this is what you said. I found a very delicious restaurant, then let's go!" Dr. Lu forgot his chatter just now, and took Qi Le people to eat delicious food.

"Oh, two days ago, Su He and I chatted about the mission of the Castle Horror. The true ending of this mission is the type of diverse interpretation. I thought of another possibility." On the way, Dr. Lu and Qi Leren chatted. .

"What's the possibility?" Qi Leren asked.

"Didn't you say before that the NPC who played Adeline was from the demon camp, like Isabel? She seduced John and was killed by the jealous Mad Lady, all of which she planned, and then she changed her vest to The identity of the devil bewitched the crazy lady, and finally caused a whole tragedy, which should be the true ending in the general sense. But we have never considered Nina's role, she has a great role in promoting the plot of the whole story, but her behavior It seems weird. Is it possible that Nina is actually from the devil's side, at least when she secretly killed the mad lady, she was bewitched by the devil? The last devil sacrifice we found was nails, but in chronological order this is actually It was the first sacrifice of Mad Lady, and the only place where demon bewitched. In this memory, Nina, who was picking up the mirror fragments, cut her hand, and blood dripped on the carpet, which had mirrors at that time. Is it possible that the person who was bewitched at that time was not just the Mad Lady?" Dr. Lu said.

"You mean, the soul of the demon Isabel is attached to Nina?" Qi Leren asked.

"It can't be said to be attachment, it should be said to be influence. Su He has a better understanding of demons. He said that a witch like Isabel is no longer a low-level monster. As a follower of the Demon King of Deception, she represents a kind of original sin. Domineering, greedy, suspicious, depraved, tyrannical, lustful, betrayal, or other sins, what do you think Isabelle represents?"

Qi Leren closed her eyes, recalling everything about Isabel, and a word suddenly poured into her mind.

—I am the soul of the dead Adeline, the countless betrayals that Sarah perceives in the smallest details, the eternal burning in her heart... jealousy.

"It's jealousy." Qi Leren said clearly.

He thought of the underground palace where the witches were sacrificed, where the resentful souls of countless girls were buried, and the girls who were played by the stunning deceitful demon king in the palms of each other killed each other because of jealousy, and finally became one witch after another. .

And the garden on the top of the old castle, burning in the rain of fire, and finally shedding blood like the mad lady... That flame is the jealous fire that never goes out in her heart.

Dr. Lu nodded: "Yes, she is 'jealous' nine times out of ten. Madam Madam is bewitched by her because she is jealous, and Nan Lu is possessed by her because of her jealousy. If Nina is also influenced, That shows that she also has a flame of jealousy in her heart."

"Uh… you mean, Nina might be John's mistress, so she's jealous of Mad Lady?"

Dr. Lu rolled his eyes at him: "Have you ever thought that she is jealous of someone else?"

"Ah? Who?" Qi Leren was at a loss.

"She is jealous of John because she likes Mad Lady." Dr. Lu said naturally.

Qi Leren, who was stunned by Dr. Lu's brain hole, stared at him blankly, and took a long time to say, "No way? They are all women."

"You've already dealt with lily, why are you prejudiced against lily?" Dr. Lu asked in disbelief.

Qi Leren was speechless.

"If you read this story without prejudice, Nina's liking for Mad Lady is an explanation. She loves Mad Madame and doesn't want her to get pregnant, so she helps John to drug Mad Madame, but then she feels bad for her because of the side effects. , so she went against John's order to reduce the dose of mercury powder, so she acted violently and caused her to miscarry after the Mad Lady became pregnant, so at the end she was willing to risk the danger to let the Mad Lady go, and persuaded her to fly away, still everything When irreparable, became the sacrifice of the Mad Lady. Nina is weak, she is just a lowly maid, afraid of John - in the story she is afraid of the armor, because it represents the master of the armor because of her Punished her for being ineffective - and didn't dare to show her feelings to the Mad Lady, this mixture of admiration, jealousy and fear filled her soul with pain, and was eventually seduced by the devil. Hey, hey, am I very witty? ?" Dr. Lu, who was talking nonsense in a serious manner, finally couldn't help it and began to boast.

"Is there any evidence for this conjecture?" Qi Leren asked the key.

"...No." Dr. Lu was stunned.

"Then you're just guessing?" Qi Leren sneered.

"Isn't this quite reasonable? It's called blind guessing, it's called reasonable imagination." Dr. Lu argued, "If you are not satisfied with the direction of Lily, I will give you a gay brain! Once upon a time there was a John , For the money, he wanted to marry a wealthy Mrs. Sarah, but fell in love with her family doctor. He didn't want to reveal that he was gay, but he wanted to break the engagement, so he pretended to have an affair with Mrs. Sarah's maid, Adeline, As a result, Adeline was secretly killed by Mrs. Sarah. He still married Mrs. Sarah and was waiting for an opportunity to kill her to get her inheritance. His lover, Dr. Fleischer, assisted by the side, and the couple went crazy. Mrs. Sarah, finally killed by the blackened Mrs. Sarah, perfect!"

"..." is getting more and more nonsense. Although Qi Leren didn't agree with Dr. Lu's wild imagination, he couldn't stop his little friend's brain hole. He was more interested in the types of demons. Because of the skill "Devil's Etiquette", he applied for some demon crystals from the Trial Institute, but these crystals were all low-level demons, and most of them were succubuses, not demons like Isabel's. He was a little curious about her like this. What kind of crystals will the demon of the scorpion have, the energy in it may make the entire lake boil.

In order to appease Dr. Lu, Qi Leren invited him to have a delicious meal, and told him to be careful in compulsory missions, so as not to be thrown into the street because of his rookie-like fighting power.

After saying goodbye to Dr. Lu, Qi Leren went to look for Chen Baiqi. Her younger sister, Qian Qian, was looking at the store. As soon as she saw him, she shouted to her sister to come up. Chen Baiqi then came out of the basement. , put Lao Gao's stack of books on the desk, and said hello to Qi Leren.

Chen Baiqi runs a bookstore, most of which are books from Nightmare World, and she doesn't know where she came from. What is more terrifying are books such as "Simple Demon Summoning Technique", "The Breeding Method of Lower Demons", "Introduction to Theological Prayer", "Some Thoughts on the Purification of Demon Crystallization Energy" and so on. It's not fake, it's real.

It is a pity that Qi Le people are not very interested in mysticism and have no time to study these things, but I heard that many players are very interested in such things and are willing to spend a lot of survival days to buy these books.

"I want to ask about the first mandatory mission." Qi Leren said to Chen Baiqi, "In addition, I want to ask if anyone in the village of dusk can make a charger."

Chen Baiqi glanced at him up and down, and took out a contract. Qi Leren saw the numbers on it, and it was okay and not expensive, so he signed it.

"The players in Nightmare World come from all walks of life in the real world. I happen to know a few craftsmen. I'll make a list and contact information for you later. You can get in touch yourself. If you need me to contact you, I will charge an additional fee." Chen Baiqi said calmly, and took the contract away. "As for the compulsory task, it is very simple. You can pass it with your eyes closed and bare hands. The difficulty is about the same as a haunted house in an amusement park. Just walk over."

"It's over?" Qi Leren scratched his ears, a little unbelievable.

"It's over." Chen Baiqi said.

"... Unscrupulous profiteers, return my money!" Qi Leren slapped the table.

"There's really nothing to say. Everyone's mission is different. As far as I know, no one seems to have died in the first mandatory mission, unless it was a multiplayer mission because of conflict with other players, so they were killed." Chen Bai Qi curled his lips, "As compensation, you can ask me another question without charging me."

Qi Leren sat back in his seat again, it was impossible to get the time back, why don't you ask Chen Baiqi something else.

After hesitating for a while, Qi Leren pretended to be casual and asked, "Do you know what's going on in the field of semi-finished products?"

Chen Baiqi glanced at him in surprise, as if thinking about how he knew about this. Qi Leren was uncomfortable with him: "What?"

"Looks like you know." Chen Baiqi said regretfully.

"Know what?" Qi Leren's heart skipped a beat, with an inexplicable feeling.

"The half-domain that hasn't been completely condensed into the domain is inherently fragile, but don't worry, although Ning Zhou's half-domain has collapsed, he is still young and has potential. It's possible." Chen Baiqi comforted.

Qi Leren looked at her blankly: "Half the field collapsed? When? What happened?"

This time, Chen Baiqi was stunned: "You don't know? Then what are you asking Bantian?"

Originally, I wanted to ask about the semi-finished field of the Slaughtering Secret Club, but when I heard about the collapse of Ning Zhou's semi-field, Qi Le people suddenly panicked: "You mean it?"

Chen Baiqi looked at him with awe, his eyes were indescribably complicated: "When his half-field collapsed, weren't you there?"

Qi Leren sat back on the chair and closed his eyes slumped. The ethereal and graceful sacred music is getting farther and farther away, the holy white light in front of you is gradually dimming, the pilgrims praying in the magnificent church hall have become illusory, and the holy nun standing under the cross in white robes silently closed the blue sky. Eye. Demons are raging, and this barrier supported by countless beliefs is already crumbling and will die at any time.

At that time, the people of Qi Le, who were bathed in the holy light and full of thoughts about how to survive, did not know that this was the half-field that Ning Zhou was about to break.