Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 110: Killing Secret Society (12)


The Seed of Slaughter erupts!

Luo Yishan, whose protective cover was broken, fell into the control of the Seed of Slaughter under the stimulation of the huge crisis. The Seed of Slaughter turned into thorns and pierced his body. Power surrounds the altar, and a raging rain cloud of demonic power shrouds this half-field controlled by lava.

On the cave dome, the blue light of thermophilic fungi like a starry sky flourished. Under this gloomy and eerie blue light, the Seeds of Killing on the believers began to lose control one after another, swallowing all reason in an instant!

Qi Leren, who had just been revived from reading the file, had red eyes, and a cold force rushed down from the back of his neck. Electric currents flowed in his blood. That terrifying and destructive force had invaded his sanity. At this moment There is no token ring in front of him, nor Ning Zhou, and there is only killing in front of him!

The same was true for Luo Yishan, who had broken his hand. He forgot the wound that was spewing blood, he didn't even remember to pick up his broken hand, and he also forgot the ring on his broken hand. He raised a heavy stick in his intact right hand and roared at Qi Le. People rushed in, and thorns swept over like a torrential rain!

The two people who were irrational fought in the open space. Qi Leren, who had fully stimulated his fighting instinct, was as agile as a lynx. Even under the control of the Slaughter Seed, he did not forget his shortcomings and would never be with him. Kong Wu's powerful Luo Yishan confronted him head-on. But even so, the significant difference in combat effectiveness between the two was not enough for him to defeat this opponent. If it wasn't for Ning Zhou shooting arrows to help him, he would have been overturned within a dozen seconds.

The half-field was already in chaos, and Mrs. Kathleen became suspicious because of Ning Zhou's sudden awakening, but at this time she was already in a difficult situation, and after deliberation, she chose to believe him, which prevented Luo Yishan's cronies from taking control of the overall situation. However, under the pull of the huge demon power, all believers fell into the outbreak of the Seed of Slaughter. The believers who were deeply eroded by the Seed of Slaughter stabbed out thorns, and large black thorns recklessly harvested the lives of believers. , let the gushing blood and whining become the melody of death.

There is no right or wrong, no right or wrong, just killing for the sake of revelry, revelry for the sake of killing.

A silver arrow dragged a long electric light into the ground, and the frost spread like an explosion. The extremely cold temperature made the surrounding magma freeze for a while, and even the believers in that area were covered with thorns and thorns. A layer of hoarfrost, slow action. Ning Zhou unsheathed his swords and charged with murderous intent towards the demon believers who had turned into Asura Fields, fighting in the rain of blood.

On the edge of the altar, Qi Leren had already turned over and climbed onto the altar, fighting with Luo Yishan more and more bravely, Qingming's consciousness has been suppressed by the desire to kill, but the countdown is getting less and less.

The effective time of SL skills is left... Seven, six, five, four, three...

The thorns on Luo Yishan's body swept across the rocky ground like a storm, and the stump that was cut off by the Qi Le people flew out. The landing point of that parabola was in the magma.

Qi Leren, who was dodging Luo Yishan's attack on the altar, suddenly woke up for a moment. If the ring falls into lava, all the hard work during this period of time will be forfeited!

two seconds.

He kicked and jumped like a feline slaughtering its prey.

one second.

His hand was two meters away from the flying broken hand. He was still rising, but the broken hand was thrown away.

zero seconds.

He also began to fall, but it was still half a meter away! Only half a meter away!

The save time has passed, and the skill cooldown countdown is 0:59:59.

His feet are no longer solid ground, but hot lava, and the terrifying heat is steaming on him, getting closer and closer...

He had lost his center of gravity and fell headfirst, the world turned upside down in front of his eyes, the funny thing was that at this moment he could still calmly watch the absurd killing ritual not far away. It was the red rain that fell from the sky, more dazzling than magma.

The icy voice laughed wildly in his head, it was the consciousness belonging to the Seed of Killing, and it joyfully directed him towards death.

No, stop! There is still a way, there must be a way... By the way, he has [Countercurrent Sand] and can reset a skill card at will, but... But even if he resets the SL skill here, he will still be in mid-air after reading the file, One fell into the lava!


The sober consciousness was once again swallowed by the Seed of Killing, and Qi Leren looked at the hot red indifferently, watching himself run towards death.

"People from Qi Le! Grab the ring!!!" Ning Zhou's voice came from a distance, and the closed mantra with a slight power of words awakened him like thunder.

In the tumultuous turn, Qi Leren's self-awareness once again overwhelmed the Seed of Slaughter, and he realized that he was falling into the abyss of death.

To fall into lava is to fall into hell, and he will be reduced to ashes and disappear forever.

There is only one chance for him to survive...

Grab the ring!

Although the power of the word spirit attached to the relapse of the closed mantra was slight, the impossibility became possible at the moment when it was missed. After staying in it, the cold temperature of the token ring had no time to reach his mind, and he frantically urged his thoughts—

go out! Close the field! leave here!

A white light flashed, and the half field closed.

In this slaughtering feast of the dance of demons, at this moment...

It came to an abrupt end.


There was a hot red in front of him, Qi Leren stood up from the sofa like an electric shock, and then sat back again with a soft leg.

In the last second of the half-field, the scorching magma had almost touched the top of his head. The terrifying heat seemed to have burned his soul. At that time, his SL skills had cooled down. If Ning Zhou didn't wake him up at that time, If he hadn't caught the severed hand then...

The broken hand was still held in his hand, and before Qi Leren took off the token ring, his hand was held.

Ning Zhou, who was hesitant to speak, pulled his wrist, those blue eyes were like the sea in a storm, brewing terrifying emotions, Qi Leren couldn't help but tremble, a little cowardly.

"Uh... It's not all right." Qi Leren's old god said, but he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

The wrist was pinched so painfully that the Qi Le people didn't dare to look at Ning Zhou's face. At the first glance, he couldn't figure out whether Ning Zhou was going to beat him or hug him... Maybe he was going to beat him, he I also know that the picture at that moment was too thrilling, and it can make people see a heart attack.

After leaving the half-field, his Slaughter Seed was under control, and now it was dormant on the back of his neck. Qi Leren was a little dazed, and suddenly heard Ning Zhou's voice: "Any time, alive are the most important."

"...Well, I see." The atmosphere was so strange that Qi Leren had no intention of arguing, so he pulled out his hand and used the walkie-talkie to contact the trial office, "I have the ring, come quickly."

"In three minutes, wait on the roof." Alpo's calm voice came from the intercom.

Time is running out, the followers of the Killing Secret Society must have arrived here, and they must leave before they arrive.

Qi Leren took off the ring from his severed hand and held it in his hand. He did not complete the ritual task and did not kill another candidate, so he did not own the ring, nor did he kill the ring bearer of the secret society. At most, only a part of the power of this half-field can be used.

It is a pity that the believers who are summoned by the half-domain can refuse to enter the half-domain, otherwise he can now pull all the believers into the half-domain and escape calmly.

"Let's go, go to the roof and wait for the spacecraft." Qi Leren said to Ning Zhou.

On the roof, afterglow like blood.

The Nightmare Game has not explained why the Nightmare Land of Twilight has such a strange weather. This human shelter, which is shrouded in the sunset all year round, seems to be forgotten in time, together with the sunset that never falls.

But at this moment, the two had no intention of enjoying such a beautiful scenery. In the direction of the setting sun, a large group of bats attacked them like a flock of migrating birds. Looking down from a height, people wearing cloaks appeared one after another in the streets and alleys in the distance. Believers wearing masks, they are coming here to stop them from taking the token ring!

The aircraft of the trial chamber appeared almost at the same time. This helicopter-like aircraft went straight to the roof where the two were from the other direction.

Faster, faster, Qi Leren stared at both sides, praying for the speed of the aircraft to be faster, otherwise they will fall into the bat tide.

Looking at Ning Zhou again, he has taken out the bow and arrow without saying a word.

Just do it, it really is. Qi Le people are used to his style, but there are too many bats, are there enough arrows? Or should I use the Frost Arrows that can freeze bone dragons

The dark arrow rested on the metal longbow, opened the bow and pulled the string and shot an arrow. There was a loud crack in the ear, and the arrow shot out like lightning, and the bats fell like iron blocks wherever it passed. The sound was like a steel torrential rain from near to far.

what arrow is this? Qi Leren watched curiously, and then secretly looked at the bow and arrow in Ning Zhou's hand.

"Increase gravity." Ning Zhou said.

In fact, Qi Leren doesn't really know if this is a skill or what, but he has not adjusted his mentality because of his habit of pretending to be forceful recently.

The aircraft was already close to the roof to open the hatch, and it was only two meters away from the roof. Ning Zhou motioned for Qi Leren to get on first. Zhou reached out his hand to pull him, but Ning Zhou came up before he turned around.

Almost at the same time, believers had rushed to the roof.

A man-made rain cloud condensed in this sky, and the strong wind made lightning and thunder, and lightning bolts with the thickness of the wrist fell from the sky and fell on the roof.

The aircraft rose, getting farther and farther from the roof. Through the translucent protective cover, Qi Leren saw a large group of believers in cloaks rushing to the roof. The believers with long-range attack methods were trying to break the protective cover and shoot down the aircraft.

In the crowd, only one person was not wearing a mask, and Qi Leren saw him at a glance.


In the rioting crowd, he looked up at him, and across the thunder and rain, his childish eyes changed.

He has a lot to ask, a lot to say, the encounter and help that day in the rainy night turned out to be the beginning of a ruinous conspiracy, his longing, his yearning, his silent love are all false of.

There is no red in this world, what he fell in love with was just a phantom carefully woven by others.

In the same torrential rain as the day they met, his first love, which he never started, came to an abrupt end in the silent gaze.

The crowd flocked to the aircraft, but Asi suddenly turned around and left against the flow of people. He was holding the red mask in his hand, which was broken because of too much force. .

"Madam, get out of here, Duskland is no longer safe." Asi said to Lady Catherine, who was hiding in the shadows.

Mrs. Catherine, who had cast Rainstorm and Thunder, looked at him wearily, her delicate makeup was washed away by the rain, and she fainted, decadent and ridiculous. She vaguely felt that her descendants had changed, and the youthful childishness faded from his face, leaving no traces. Standing in the rainstorm, he already had the outline of a mature man.

"I've been put together... Let's go, go to the underground ant city, and if you don't go to the enchantment of Duskland, you will be closed by the trial." Mrs. Catherine made a decision and gave up calling other descendants. West together towards the border.

Asi looked up at the flying aircraft, which had passed through the magical rain cloud and flew towards the distant sunset.

One day... Asi carefully put away the mask that he pinched and put it into the inventory. One day, they will meet again.

Back then, he would definitely not be what he is today.

PS: As a straight male, one task breaks three straight males, the protagonist is really a mysterious aura.

Asi Juvenile has retired, and his role is reserved for the second part. He must quickly grow into a mature man.

[The fourth copy: The Dream of the Holy Nun]