Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 113: The Dream of the Holy Nun (3)


The Abandoned Church is on the frontier of Duskland, a deserted, dead, overgrown place.

From a distance, the dilapidated church, which is almost ruled by sparse woods, seems to be frozen in the sunset, gradually broken under the wheel of time, and finally forgotten.

The crescent moon at the end of the sky was bathed in the setting sun, and Qi Leren recalled that there was also such a crescent moon hanging in the twilight on the day he received the task in "Nightmare Game".

Qi Leren took a deep breath and walked towards the church, stepping on the gravel and weeds.

The door of the church has been in disrepair for a long time, and it opened with a slight push. The wind on the door stirred up dormant dust, flying under the golden red afterglow. The screen in the game overlapped with this scene, both familiar and unfamiliar. The picture on the computer screen in my memory became a real scene at this moment, which made people feel absurd.

Passing through the rows of seats, Qi Leren came to the depths of the church.

There are two doors here, one to the left and one to the right.

At that time, Qi Leren randomly chose the door to the right and continued walking along the forest path. He came to a cemetery, where he received the task of going to the Holy City, and the reason why he knew this task Especially, because the text color of this quest in the game is different from other quests.

As a save maniac, when choosing left or right, Qi Leren actually saved the file, but after entering the door on the right and receiving the task, he did not read the file, but continued the game, NPC Lu De told him that he and his comrade-in-arms Arnold had been eroded by demonic power after the Battle of the Holy City, their combat effectiveness had declined, and they had no strength to return to the Holy City. Now the holy city is shrouded in fog, but Arnold has a quest item, which can be used to pass through the fog and enter the holy city. He hopes that players can disperse the fog, so that humans trapped in the holy city and unable to leave can free.

At that time, Qi Le people didn't know much about the Holy City. After getting the quest items, they went to the Holy City excitedly, and then died for the first time in this game, and got a BE ending...

Qi Leren looked at the two doors with a scrutiny, they were exactly the same. They were embedded in the wall one by one, waiting for his choice.

Qi Leren knew that he should make a decision quickly. If he chased after him now, he might be able to catch up with the person who took away the drunk NPC, and even take over the task before him. But so what? If the other party is like him who has played "Nightmare Game" in the real world and happened to trigger the main quest, then his secret is no longer a secret of a person...

So this kind of responsibility is left to others to do.


The vague unwillingness made him hesitate.

Everyone in Qi Le felt helplessly that this kind of tangled situation was probably the retribution for his rare procrastination... Although he did not trigger the task without being lazy, but for his own safety.

Forget it, this time, let's go to the door on the left first, what should be his will always be his. Qi Leren turned his face away, instead of looking at the door on the right, he went straight to the wooden door on the left.

The wooden door was pushed open, and in front of him was a sparse jungle shrouded in the setting sun. Weeds covered the gravel path on the ground. Qi Leren struggled to identify the path and walked towards the jungle. The wind in the setting sun blows this barren jungle, away from the roaring factories all day long, the air in this area is fresh, and the sounds of insects, birds, wind, and bats are combined in my ears. Natural tune.

Qi Leren walked forward with his heart in mind. As he went deeper and deeper, the jungle in front of him gradually became denser. In the deep twilight scene, he vaguely saw the scattered tombstones in the misty open space ahead. and a shadowy figure in the mist.

With his feet on the wet ground, the sound of the dead branches being trampled off awakened the man, the birds on the branches chirped, and the man turned around.

The clearing in the jungle, the dilapidated tombstone on the wet soil, and the man in the sunset... It's like a story, like a dream.

"Ning, Ning Zhou?" Qi Leren swallowed, he never expected to see him here.

Ning Zhou wore a cloak and looked at him calmly. The soft sunset blurred the blue in his eyes, making people think that he saw gentleness, but in the blink of an eye, those eyes were frozen with rational ice. , only an empty calm remains.

"Why are you here?" Qi Leren couldn't help asking.

Ning Zhou stepped back a little, revealing the tombstone behind him. This tombstone was well maintained, unlike the ones around him that were damaged and dilapidated. The tombstone was engraved with a name - Maria.

Qi Leren suddenly remembered Ning Zhou's life experience, his mother was a priest of the Holy See, and his father was the first group of players to enter the game... He was raised by his mother, and was taken by him after Maria died. Sent to the Holy See, where there is no home, and embarked on the same path as Mary.

He remembered what Chen Baiqi had said, the thirteen-year-old Ning Zhou couldn't even learn the Holy Light Healing Technique, and even if he went to the Holy See, he didn't learn the Divine Technique well...

What was Ning Zhou like when he was a child? Maybe he also had the same time as an ordinary child, growing up freely and happily in the twilight country full of sunsets...until Maria died.

Qi Leren hesitated for a while, and walked silently to Ning Zhou's side. There is no photo on Maria's tombstone, and nothing but a name. It is hard to imagine that a domain-level expert would end up silently and silently in such a desolate church cemetery.

"She always wanted to go back." Ning Zhou said suddenly.

Since just now, the people of Qi Le have been waiting for Ning Zhou to say something, but they did not expect that Ning Zhou would talk about Maria's wish.

"Go back to the Holy City?" he asked in a low voice.

Ning Zhou nodded vaguely: "But she can't go back, and she doesn't dare to go back."

Although he didn't know the reason, the feeling of melancholy flooded into Qi Leren's heart. He was basically certain that Maria was the saint nun in "Nightmare Game" who had never been named.

After the enchantment of the holy city collapsed, the Holy See evacuated the holy city, she stayed and used a mysterious method to protect the people in the holy city - now the Qi Le people know that this power should be called "domain", but At that time, there was no concrete description of this method in the game, but it was described as "the dream of a saint nun".

This holy nun, who was unwilling to give up the holy city, burst out with amazing power. She was favored by the gods and used the power bestowed by the gods to pull everything in the holy city into her "dream", and the dream suppressed it. The raging demons could no longer harm humans, and even the demon king was killed by this dream and fell asleep in the depths of the cathedral.

But this holy nun finally collapsed, and her dream died and could not wake up again. Her dream imprisoned humans and demons, and even the old devil who invaded the human world for the first time was also arrested. Imprisoned in her dream.

Perhaps even her own soul was forgotten there.

The surviving walking dead were finally defeated by time, and they were smashed into bones buried deep in the soil.

But Qi Leren knew that until the moment before her death, she still wanted to go back and end the "dream" she created herself, so that the people trapped in the dream could return to reality, but she had been weak for too long. After several years of lingering sickness, the soul finally returned to the kingdom of heaven.

At this moment, Qi Leren wanted to do something for her and for him...

"Do you want to go back to the Holy City to see?" Qi Leren asked him.

Ning Zhou nodded silently.

"Then leave it to me!" Qi Leren showed him a happy smile, it seemed that being able to help Ning Zhou was an extremely happy thing, and it was indeed the case, "I just happen to know how to get to the Holy City. The way, as long as you find one thing, you can pass through the layer of fog shrouded in the holy city, then let's go to the holy city together!"

Ning Zhou, who was standing in the desolate cemetery, was peaceful in the breeze, and the light was still lingering. He didn't ask him how he knew how to get through the fog, nor how to get the key item. He just nodded, not even suspicious.

He shouldn't have agreed, Ning Zhou clearly knew this. Every step closer is walking towards the abyss; staying for one more second is drinking poison to quench thirst. In the depths of his heart, her appearance has faded, but his appearance has become more and more vivid, meeting again and again is like a colored brush, filling his outline with color, he is about to Get out of the painting.

The demon lurking in his soul lured him with moving words, making him hesitant, making him suspicious, shaking him, and drowning him in sin.

God wants his believers to love their own kind, whether they are men, women, old people, or young children, without distinction.

God praises love and blesses couples who are united because of love, but God does not allow men to fall in love with men and women to fall in love with women.

The love of man cannot exceed the love of the Lord. Only the Lord loves forever.

Therefore, he should restrain and stay away, but his inner longing and yearning cannot be restrained, just like after the long polar night in Never Land, he and his followers stood on the glacier, singing hymns against the cold wind. , waiting for the first rays of sunshine after the polar night. At that moment, the joy and yearning deep in my heart came from the soul and was irresistible.

He can only say to himself: This is the last time.