Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 114: The dream of a saint nun (4)


"So, you are the one who took Rude away in the tavern just now? Do you know him?" asked Qi Leren.

"Know. He and Mr. Arnold are my mother's friends. I only recently learned that Mr. Arnold passed away." Ning Zhou said. Knight Arnold was his enlightenment teacher, and he learned a large part of his fighting skills from him. Arnold died a few months ago, when he did not know it in Neverland. Although he had been to Duskland, but because Came and went without visiting Arnold until recently to learn of his death.

Because he didn't know where he was buried, he came to Arnold's friend Rudd, who brought him here, and then he came to visit Maria, who was also buried nearby, and then met the Qile people.

Qi Leren thought a lot in an instant, and it was even terrifying to think deeply.

If he had chosen the door on the left instead of the door on the right in that abandoned church, would he have met Ning Zhou in the game

Maybe, maybe not.

If he met Ning Zhou at that time, would the plot of "Nightmare Game" change dramatically

The answer is yes.

If Maria is really the holy nun, then as her child, Ning Zhou in the game will definitely make the same choice as he is now. If you take Ning Zhou to the Holy City...

Qi Leren smiled bitterly in his heart, so he would give his "first blood" in the holy city because he didn't bring the key quest NPC

He was reluctant to think about it, because it forced him to regard Ning Zhou as an NPC in the game, not a living human being.

Maybe there was such a possibility that he would see Ning Zhou, who was composed of a string of data, through the computer screen. He would treat him as an ordinary NPC, not to explore his life, nor to feel his joys and sorrows. Moved, even if he saw him die, at most he would just sigh for him and forget it in a blink of an eye.

It's so cruel, so cruel...

"Let's go, let's go to Rude. He knows that Arnold has a key item in his hand. With it, we can pass through the fog outside the Holy City and enter the 'Holy City'." After clearing up his mind, Qi Le People say.

The Holy City in the Mist is also the dream of the Holy Nun, or in more colloquial terms, a realm created by Mary, a world shrouded in the illusion of peace and serenity, where the happiness of human beings who have survived the demonic invasion Living in a peaceful way, ignorant of the world beneath the surface of tranquility. However, after the death of the holy nun, the illusion of peace has become more and more fragile, and will eventually reveal the hideous and terrifying inside.

The two turned back to another path. Ning Zhou had just returned from Arnold's cemetery, and he took Qi Le people there with ease, and he found Lu De in the cemetery. Qi Leren remembered that Lud easily gave him the task in the game, and told him that the token was in Arnold's former residence, hoping that he would take the token to the holy city as soon as possible and rescue the humans trapped in the holy city. .

But this time, Qi Leren hadn't chatted with Lu De in the tavern. He was worried that Lu De could still tell him the clues of the token, but the son of his old friend is here. Lu De should be more cooperative, right

While he was mulling over his words, Ning Zhou asked directly, "Her domain token, give it to me."

Lu De, who was still drunk, suddenly shuddered, sobered up, and denied: "I don't have that kind of thing!"

Qi Leren was stunned, the plot suddenly changed drastically, and Lu De's attitude was so strange, why did he deny it? In "Nightmare Game", he obviously couldn't wait to tell him the clue of the token... Is it because the plot of the tavern part was omitted

No, it was because of Ning Zhou.

Qi Leren carefully observed Lu De's expression. When he looked at Ning Zhou, he was obviously nervous. He was trying his best to hide something...

Ning Zhou said that both Lu De and Arnold were his mother's friends, so Lu De didn't want Ning Zhou to go to the Holy City


Although "Saint Nun's Dream" did start to have problems, wouldn't it be better to crack the realm as soon as possible and let the humans there leave? Why stop Ning Zhou

Ning Zhou's aura suddenly became suppressed. He seemed to be trying his best to endure something and asked in a low voice, "Does she know that her domain token has fallen into the hands of you and Arnold?"

Rudd's lips moved, and he swallowed the words in his mouth: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Ning Zhou took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his overly suppressed voice trembled slightly: "She was thinking about going back until she died..."

Rudd seemed to have been struck by lightning, his pale face stiffened after sobering up.

"As you all know, she has always wanted to go back. For more than ten years, she has been tortured by worry and guilt, and has repeatedly woken up in nightmares... She thought her domain token was left in the holy city, but she did not expect You hid it." Ning Zhou's blue eyes were filled with deep anger and disappointment, "Why hide her? Why?!"

The bearded Rude trembled, and looked a little weak and pitiful in front of the angry Ning Zhou. He looked at Arnold's tomb, and seemed to have drawn strength from his friend, and said loudly: "If Maria knew that her domain token did not exist. Left in the holy city, she will definitely go back, but her realm is already dead! To unlock the realm, it must be completely destroyed, what is the difference between killing her? How could we just watch her go to death?!"

"A soldier should die on the battlefield. This is the supreme honor bestowed by the Lord. Accept it, not run away from it." Ning Zhou took a step closer. in front of the tombstone.

"Let me do what she couldn't accomplish. Now, give me her domain token." Ning Zhou stretched out his hand in front of Lu De and stared into his eyes.

Rudd was silent, his clenched teeth revealed his restlessness. He was like a trapped beast pushed to the limit, struggling in his heart at a loss.

"I don't know." Rude threw down these words viciously, and left the cemetery as if fleeing.

In the sunset, only Qi Le and Ning Zhou were left.

Seeing this, the people of Qi Le somewhat understand why Lude would so easily tell him the whereabouts of the domain token in "Nightmare Game". Lude was afraid, and the pious Arnold would rather be deceived and cannot ascend to heaven after death. , but Rudd was not as persistent as he was. He wanted to alleviate his guilt, so he chose to give the domain token to a stranger who was willing to go to the Holy City, and let him fulfill Maria's last wish.

Qi Le people can somewhat understand Lu De's mood. Just like when he was undercover in the Killing Club, he would rather leave a letter in his room about the main quest of "Nightmare Game" and some scattered side quests, expecting a stranger to take over for him. It was a heavy responsibility, and he was unwilling to tell Dr. Lu about this.

This desire to protect relatives and friends is the same.

"I know where the things are." Qi Leren said after pondering, "It's in Arnold's house."

Ning Zhou stood in front of Arnold's tomb. He was his enlightened teacher and his mother's knight. He had sworn to the Lord to be loyal to Mary, but he would rather break his oath and take this secret to the tomb in his inner condemnation. , even if his soul would go to hell because of it.

Ning Zhou closed his eyes and recalled how Arnold had patiently taught him many years ago, carefully correcting even the simplest knife move. After Mary's death, he followed Mary's wishes and sent him to the Holy See, where the Pope himself served as his guardian.

But it was this person who ended Mary's life in a white lie.