Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 118: The Dream of the Holy Nun (8)


The aircraft landed on a hill near the holy city. Looking down from the hill, the holy city located in the basin was shrouded in a fog that covered the sky and the sun, and the scene in the fog could not be seen at all.

Qi Leren and his party descended the hill and walked towards the mist. Maria's brooch, which he held in his palm, was slightly hot from the moment he walked into the mist, exuding a warmth.

The fog is getting deeper and deeper, the trees that are close at hand become blurred, and even the feet are covered with a layer of gauze.

"The compass doesn't work too." Dr. Lu muttered.

"Let's go by feeling, since the mission props are all there, you will definitely be able to enter the holy city." Su He comforted.

Qi Le people have an instinctive fear of fog. When he was in Xinxing Village, the hospital was shrouded in fog. In order to save Su He, he fell off the roof. Countless strange people stood quietly in the fog that was so heavy that it was about to liquefy. The laughing dead soul, that scene also became a frequent visitor to his nightmares in the future.

"There seems to be light ahead!" Dr. Lu exclaimed in surprise.

The four walked forward quickly, the thick fog began to dissipate, and a small figure could vaguely be seen standing in the fog in the misty gray.

Qi Leren stopped. In "Nightmare Game", when he walked through the fog of the holy city, he had never seen any strange figures. What was the shadow in front of him...

The little girl giggled from the mist, and the standing figures started running, as if they had just discovered them, and ran towards them happily, her figure became clearer and closer, and she was golden in the mist. His hair was as dazzling as gold, beating in the mist.

She was running and dancing with her skirt in hand. The fog made her look blurry. Qi Leren tried to look at her, but she couldn't see her face clearly. She just felt a familiar feeling... Very close, very close .

The laughter stopped, and the little girl's footsteps also stopped. She raised her skirt with both hands and bowed to them like a dancer in a curtain call. She giggled and ran away, disappearing into the mist in a blink of an eye.

"Then... what is that?" Doctor Lu asked in a trembling voice.

Qi Leren is calmer than him. He can still think about what it means for this little girl who has not appeared in "Nightmare Game" to appear at this time

Maybe that means he's on the right track this time.

Qi Leren looked at Ning Zhou next to him, and he frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Qi Leren asked him in a low voice.

"..." Ning Zhou shook his head and said nothing.

"Follow her, maybe we'll be there soon." Su He said warmly.

The four continued to trek through the fog. After the mysterious little blonde girl appeared, the fog finally began to dissipate. The light of the sun made people feel joy and yearning, and they chased the direction of the light. Finally, the fog in front of you dissipated, and a magnificent and holy city was already in sight!

System tasks appear:

[Player Qi Leren, start the mission: The Dream of Saint Nun.]

[Task background: Twenty-two years ago, the Demon King led the demons to attack the Holy City, the Holy City fell, and the Holy See was forced to evacuate, leaving forever. A holy nun couldn't bear to see the believers being devastated by the demons, and she was willing to live and die with the people of the holy city. She got the power given by God in the desperate situation, and used her dream to protect the holy city, and the demons were expelled. , was wiped out, but since then the holy city has been shrouded in a fog, cut off from the outside world...]

[Task requirements: End the dream of the saint nun.]

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization is completed.]

There is a towering wall on the periphery of the city. A group of people came to the gate. The gate was open, but there were no guards to guard it. After passing through the open outer wall of the city, the city in front of them was thriving, and the residents came and went in the lively streets. The masonry structure has a different exotic style. The taverns that are also open during the day, the roadside vendors selling fruit, the temple complex built around the mountains in the distance... Everything looks beautiful, but nothing can be seen This is a city that has been closed for more than 20 years.

"This is... the holy city?" Ning Zhou's voice was very soft, and he was talking to himself. Although this was where his mother grew up, he had never been here. Because when he was born, it was already isolated from the outside world.

"No, I'm afraid this is not the real holy city." Su He said with a hint of solemnity, "I can feel that I am in a field now."

Yes, they are not in a real world now. Qi Le people are very clear about this. This is the realm of Mary and the dream of the holy nun, but it is not the real holy city.

"Domain? It seems to be very powerful." Dr. Lu didn't quite know what it was. His knowledge of the domain came from the "domain" that Su He brought him and Qi Leren into.

"This field is indeed very powerful. Whether it is the scope or the degree of authenticity... Linked to the name of this quest and the history of the Holy City, this is the field condensed by the saint nun, right? She created a dream holy city, let Humans who survived twenty-two years ago live in her domain. It's really... amazing." Su He looked at the real blue sky and white clouds in front of him, and said in admiration, "Very, very remarkable."

"If you have a chance, you must meet this lady." Su He said.

"Cough, I'm afraid it's impossible, this lady has been dead for many years." Qi Leren glanced at Ning Zhou and said after seeing that he didn't show any special expression.

Su He looked at him in astonishment: "The owner of the realm has died, and the realm has not broken? Or is there a difference between the realm condensed by the Holy See's secret law and the realm condensed by the players? Is it related to faith?"

Ning Zhou nodded. Although his half realm is broken, he still knows the path of the Holy See very well, which is also due to the large amount of research on the realm of the Holy See left to him by Mary before his death, although his physique is not suitable for the power of faith. route, but theoretical knowledge is still no problem.

Qi Leren was inexplicably sad. Ever since he knew that Ning Zhou's half-domain was broken, he had been worried about it, but he knew too little about the domain. Now...

Although a little embarrassed, Qi Leren still asked Su He cheekily: "The player condenses the realm, what should I do?"

"Actually, this sounds very mysterious. When I recalled the Condensation Domain, I could only think of a very vague memory fragment, because at that time... I was about to die." Su He narrated calmly, "It's like in the dark. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and at the edge of life and death, I suddenly realized a new power, wonderful and incredible…”

Dr. Lu covered his forehead: "I don't understand at all, I believe in science. What is the use of this field?"

"Simply put, only domain-level people can fight against domain-level people, otherwise it's not an order of magnitude at all." Su He blinked at several people mysteriously, "It's like stepping into a whole new world suddenly, you What we have to face is completely different from the past.”

When Qi Leren heard it in a fog and wanted to ask something, several middle-aged NPC guards found them and asked where they came from. After learning that they had passed through the fog outside the holy city, the guards and the surrounding NPCs were very surprised and wanted to take them to see the lord.

Is there a plot in "Nightmare Games"? Qi Le people are inexplicable.

He remembered that when he played here, no guards appeared, and he never saw any lord until he died. What is going on in this plot now? !

Qi Leren, who felt that the plot was derailed, was powerless for a while.

The four followed the guards to the city lord's mansion in the holy city. The residents along the way looked at them curiously and whispered.

Along the brick-paved street, the guards took the four to the stone fort in the center of the holy city, passed through the gate and hall, and came to the lord. The administrator of this holy city is about fifty or so, full of white hair and extremely old.

The guard reported the origin of the four to him, and the old lord stood up tremblingly from the seat and stared at Ning Zhou: "You... you are from the Holy See?"

Ning Zhou, who was wearing the uniform of the Holy See exorcist, nodded. The dress of the Holy See has not changed for more than 20 years. Even if the holy city in the mist has been forgotten by the grace of God for more than 20 years, the lord can still recognize the dress of the Holy See at a glance.

The lord stared at him for a long time, and after a long while, he collapsed and sat back on his seat. His wife served him a glass of wine with a gold cup, and the lord drank it all: "Then, you are here to help us end the new moon disaster. Eh?"

New moon disaster? Qi Leren smiled bitterly. After going around in circles, I still have to solve this task in the end.

I hope he doesn't have to die this time.