Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 15: The First People's Hospital of X City (15)


Qi Leren, who was running for his life, regained a trace of reason. He knew that this murderer had amazing physical strength, and he could never get rid of him just by running away. He had to rely on the terrain to get rid of him!

Not far ahead is the abortion room. Qi Leren recalled the complicated structure inside the abortion room that Dr. Lu had introduced to him a few hours ago. At that time, he even walked around the abortion room with Dr. Lu. He knew Remember the environment there, if you want to get rid of this murderous maniac, I am afraid that only there can be!

His heart was stunned, and he turned and fled into the crowded room.

From the moment the patient channel rushed into the abortion room, with his years of professional experience, Qi Leren quickly sketched the structure of the abortion room in his mind.

There are three exits in total: dirt channel, patient channel and doctor channel.

The dirt channel is closed, and the only way to get out is to go out through the doctor's channel.

After entering the patient passage, there is a patient rest area. Patients who have just finished the flow of people will rest there. Further ahead is the operation area. There is a glass isolation door that is not locked. To get rid of the murderer, he should turn right immediately after rushing into the rest area, flip into the nurse's station, and from the nurse's station into the locker room sandwiched between the doctor's office and the nurse's station! There are doors on both sides of the locker room, lock it at the first time, rush out from the other door, enter the doctor's office, and leave through the doctor's passage!

The murderer has never been here before, he can't take a detour to block him from the other end so quickly, it must be feasible!

The crowd flow room was dark. After running into the crowd flow room from the bright place, Qi Leren's eyes were darkened. His eyes couldn't adapt to such darkness in a short time. When it happened, he tripped over something and fell heavily to the ground!

The moment he lost his balance, Qi Leren suddenly realized what it was—the chair he used to crush the ghost who attacked Xue Yingying!

It's a satire full of black humor.

After just a few seconds of delay, the murderer had already rushed into the crowded room. Qi Leren, ignoring the severe pain all over his body, crawled on the ground and swept the chair behind him. On the ground, the chainsaw hit the ground hard, scraping a string of sparks on the ground.


Qi Leren didn't care much and struggled to get up. In the dark, he vaguely saw that the murderer was on his right, blocking his way into the nurse's station. He gritted his teeth and ran to the operating room despite the pain in his leg. Go, trying to escape from the doctor's tunnel in the operating room.

There was a roar behind him, and the murderer who fell to the ground raised the broken chair and threw it at him. Qi Leren had already rushed behind the glass isolation door of the operating room. With a loud bang, the isolation door shook a few times. Sound, not broken!

If this door can be locked... Qi Le's mind flashed this idea, but he gave up the next second, because he had already seen the killer running towards here with a chainsaw behind his back!

Qi Leren ran out of his legs again and rushed into the doctor's passage. In front of him was the glass door of the exit. He pushed hard - there was a soft sound of metal collision. He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the glass door locked by iron chains. .

The exit of the doctor's passage is locked...

At this moment, Qi Leren, who was in despair, turned his head and stared blankly at the murderer standing at the other end of the passage. The light in the corridor passed through the glass door and shone on his handsome and hideous face. Like a ghost in a midnight nightmare, he gave him a creepy smile.

"caught you."

The voice was hoarse, and the tone was soft, but the thick maliciousness and the cat-and-mouse-like fun came to me, as if it were real.

Qi Leren's eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at the wooden door not far from his left.

That's the doctor's office.

But he didn't know if the door was locked.

The distance between him and the killer will not exceed four meters, and he will not be more than one meter away from this door.

The SL skill is still on cooldown, he only has one chance, or should he take a gamble

The answer is yes.

"I surrender." Qi Leren raised his hands, performed almost perfect acting, and walked forward slowly, "Please, let me die a happy death."

The knee that he had fallen over was still in pain, and even his legs were soft, but at this moment when he faced death, he calmed down.

The murderer was stunned because of his abnormal reaction, and even let him take two steps forward, and then he finally noticed the door beside Qi Leren.

It's now!

Qi Leren suddenly twisted the door handle, and the door opened!

The ecstatic Qi Leren rushed into the door and pushed the door hard. At the same moment, the murderer had already rushed to the door and slammed into the door. The two were wrestling across a wooden door at this moment.

Qi Leren, who was leaning against the wooden door, took out the crowbar in the package with his left hand, and stabbed it along the crack of the door. There was a pained cry from the door.

The sour sound of the chainsaw sounded, and the Qi Le people rolled forward a few steps, the wooden door had been penetrated by the chainsaw barrel! He'll be in in less than half a minute!

Qi Leren struggled to get up, escaped into the locker room through another door in the office, then entered the nurse station through another door in the locker room, and escaped smoothly through the patient passage.

He didn't look back, and he didn't know if the murderer had caught up. He just ran wildly in a blank space in his mind. He didn't know how long it took before he stopped in the corridor and sat limply on the ground.

Once again in desperation.


The lights in the corridor were not very bright. Qi Leren sat at the corner of the stairs and stared blankly at the green safety passage sign opposite. He was still in a trance, unable to pull away from the tension on the edge of life and death just now.

The heartbeat and breathing have slowed down, Qi Leren stood up slowly, and the injury on his knee was still painful, but compared to being alive, a little pain was nothing.

Qi Leren took a deep breath, raised his legs and prepared to go downstairs.

There were slight footsteps above his head, he froze all over and looked up.

"Brother Qi?"

"Xue Yingying?"

The two looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you alright? It scared me to death just now, I thought I would die." Xue Yingying walked down on tiptoe and said to him.

"I'm fine, I've dumped him. Have you seen Dr. Lu and Su He?" Qi Leren asked her.

Xue Yingying lowered her head and shook it gently.

Qi Leren's heart tightened, and the murderer chased him all the way after seeing him. Doctor Lu should be with Su He.

If Su He is really... Will Dr. Lu be in danger

Qi Leren pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Let's go, let's find them."

"But is he near here? Will I meet him when I go out?" Xue Yingying, who was behind her, worried.

"Then we can't just sit here and wait for death. Before he comes, remember to go back to the monitoring room to see the situation. We'd better hurry up... Su He?!" Qi Leren was walking down when he saw the stairs standing below of Su and.

The light in the corridor outside is much brighter than in the corridor, and the pale light outlines his outline, faintly revealing his beautiful and flawless facial features, as well as the solemn to gloomy look on his face.

"People from Qi Le, come to me, now!" Su He took a step forward and said in a cold tone.

"Don't go there!" Xue Yingying grabbed Qi Leren's arm, her strength was astonishing, and she felt her wrist hurt through a layer of fabric.

There was no smile on Su He's original gentle face. He looked at Xue Yingying with deep and cold eyes, but when he looked at Qi Leren, his eyes softened: "Don't believe her, she is not Xue Yingying."

The hand holding Qi Leren's wrist tightened, almost breaking his wrist, Xue Yingying said in a panic, "Brother Qi, don't believe him! I'm sorry, I lied just now, it's not that I haven't met them... It's just that Su He, Su and him…”

Su He reached out to him, and a low voice reached his ear in the dim space: "Come to me."

"Don't go there, he killed Dr. Lu! He still wants to kill me!" Xue Yingying shouted sharply.

The two voices collided, and Qi Leren stared blankly at Su He who was standing under the stairs. He raised his face slightly and asked softly, "Have you ever heard of a ghost who acts for a tiger?"