Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 16: The First People's Hospital of X City (16)


A ghost? It took Qi Leren a few seconds to realize what he was talking about. According to legend, the person eaten by the tiger will become its accomplice after death, which is also the source of the tiger's feint.

"Don't believe him! That's how he lied to Dr. Lu just now! Brother Qi, come with me, Su He wants to kill us!" Xue Yingying dragged Qi Leren up the stairs, her strength was so strong Can't earn it.

Yes, he should go with Xue Yingying. He was suspecting that Su He had a problem just now, didn't he

But is the person holding his wrist at this moment really Xue Yingying? This strength, that coldness that can be felt through the fabric, is like... that dead girl in that corridor.

"Miss Xue, no, I should call you an unknown ghost." Su He took another step forward, and in the dim light, his soft facial features became sharp because of a pair of deep eyes, "I just Was wondering why the murderer would show up outside Director Li's office. If he watched us go into that office and locked us on the surveillance camera, it would have taken him at least five minutes to get there from the surveillance room, but we were in The office only stayed for two or three minutes; if he just hurried over to see us near the goldfish bowl, how did he accurately find us in Director Li's office? I don't think he has the ability to accurately locate others, Otherwise, Qi Leren would not have been able to escape from him in the first place, so the only possibility is that some of us somehow told him our location."

Su He slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a subtle sarcasm in his smile: "Besides, you, who didn't unscrew the mineral water bottle three times in the office just now, seem to have become extremely powerful again? I guess there may be two The reason is, firstly, because you had just possessed the body at that time, and you could not control the body, and secondly, because the room with sandalwood incense and full of Buddha statues made you feel extremely uncomfortable. Am I right, the ghost does not. Miss No. 4 scattered?"

Silence, after a short silence, Qi Leren heard a crisp laughter behind him, and then he was pushed heavily and rolled down the stairs. As the world was spinning, he only remembered to hug his head and pray that he wouldn't bleed.

The feeling of his body rolling stopped, Su He rushed up the stairs and hugged him, then raised his head and shouted, "Doctor Lu!"

There was a roar from upstairs, the sound of splashing water, and then the shrill cry of a ghost.

Qi Leren rolled out of Su He's arms in one go. He was still dizzy. Even the pictures he saw with his eyes were messy and spinning. His nose was full of blood. He saw Dr. Lu holding a splash. The bucket of blood ran to him: "Qi Leren, are you still alive? Hurry up and make up for it, I don't kill!"

Xue Yingying, who was in the pool of blood, twitched all over, her fingers digging frantically on the ground, and her low roar was full of pain and unwillingness.

Su He got up and walked in front of Xue Yingying, pinched her chin with her long fingers, and checked her condition carefully. Xue Yingying rolled her eyes, her whole face was in convulsions, as if she was fighting against the ghost in her body. Su He frowned and slashed his arm with a blade. Fresh blood fell on Xue Yingying's face along Su He's hand. She suddenly screamed loudly, and a black mist came from her mouth. It spewed out and dissipated in the air in an instant.

Xue Yingying also stopped convulsing and fainted completely.

"It should be fine." Su He lifted her up with one hand, walked down the stairs and asked Qi Leren, "Can you stand up? Do you need me to carry you?"

Qi Leren shook his head and stood up in a daze, his mind still blank.

Was it Xue Yingying who was possessed? He wronged Su He

Dr. Lu hooked his arm around Qi Leren's neck, and said excitedly: "Wow, it's really exciting, is my bucket of plasma just right? Hey, are you alright? Why does it look stupid, can't it be? Did it break?"

"Leave here first, there was too much movement just now." Su He carried Xue Yingying and said to the two of them, not forgetting to throw the towel on the ground and step on it, so as not to reveal the whereabouts of the blood on the soles of his feet.

Dr. Lu used his lucky blessing skills and led them to a secluded room without encountering any ghosts along the way. Su He put Xue Yingying on the bench, and wiped the blood on her face with a wet towel.

"I can't tell, you are very strong." Dr. Lu sighed, "I felt my arm sore while carrying the bucket full of blood plasma all the way, but you don't feel tired when you carry a hundred pounds?"

"It's okay." Su He said with a smile, "I quite like sports."

Dr. Lu pinched his muscleless arm and fell into a deep depression.

Qi Leren didn't speak all the way, and was still in a trance at this time, sitting in a chair and looking at the ceiling, his eyes were out of focus. Too many things happened in less than half an hour, and at this moment he was still immersed in a sense of absurdity after tension, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Su He sitting down beside him, and asked in his unique gentle tone, "Does it still hurt?"

Qi Leren touched his knee. When he rolled down the stairs, his knee was injured for the second time, and the pain is still unbearable. Dr. Lu rolled up his trouser legs and checked: "No sprains, no serious abrasions, just a little bruise. I'll just spray you with some potion."

With that said, he found the spray he had put in earlier from the package and helped him treat the wound.

Qi Leren thanked him in a hoarse voice. His left hand was held by Su He.

The sleeves were pulled up, revealing a circle of blue and black bruises on the wrist. Dr. Lu took a deep breath: "I'm going, was this made by someone?"

Su He gave a low laugh: "It really wasn't made by people."

"There won't be any yin, right? There's no talisman here to help you get rid of the evil." Dr. Lu sprayed his wrist with a spray, and wrapped it twice with a bandage, "If it gets worse, follow me later. Say, I'll help you think of a way."

Qi Leren looked at the bandage on his wrist and was depressed. He was a little afraid to look at Su He. At that time, he was full of suspicion that the dike was protecting him, but he saved his life... If Su He didn't show up in time, he would definitely Following Xue Yingying, he never thought that the No. 4 killed by him did not die completely, but instead possessed Xue Yingying.

He felt guilty about his doubts, but he didn't dare to express his guilt, so he could only listen to Dr. Lu in silence about what happened after the murderer chased him away.

Su He questioned Xue Yingying's state. After some psychological struggle, Dr. Lu agreed with him, so the two decided to try it out. Su He boldly went to the monitoring room in Building A with Dr. Lu. After confirming that Qi Leren had successfully escaped, he went to meet him. Dr. Lu wanted to destroy the monitoring, but Su He refused.

"Keep it. I have already recorded the location of the cameras, so I can completely avoid them... Maybe these surveillance cameras can be used a lot." Su He said.

Su He's confidence infected Dr. Lu. Instead of insisting on destroying the surveillance, he followed Su He to the corridor where Qi Leren was hiding, and heard the voices of Xue Yingying and Qi Leren talking.

Dr. Lu was assigned to take a detour to the first floor upstairs. After hearing Su He's order, he poured the prepared bucket full of blood plasma onto Xue Yingying. If she was really possessed, she should have Rejecting human blood like a ghost, Su He is responsible for attracting Xue Yingying's attention and buying time for Dr. Lu.

The plan was undoubtedly a success, although Xue Yingying's condition would not be confirmed until she woke up.

"Now we have two questions left," Su He played with the pen he found on the table and turned it in a beautiful arc, "First, get rid of that murderer; second, solve the mystery of 4:30 question."

He stopped turning the pen, glanced at the faces of the two, and said with a smile: "I already have some ideas about these two issues, let's improve it together."