Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 17: The First People's Hospital of X City (17)


Su He's words made Dr. Lu and Qi Leren's eyes shine. Do you have any ideas? This means that their chances of survival have increased again.

"Come here first, although Xue Yingying has fallen asleep now, but in case the situation of possession is not resolved, our conversation may be heard, it is better to be cautious." Su He said.

So the three of them went to an office next door and repeatedly confirmed the escape route before they settled down and began to discuss.

"I've been thinking about dealing with murderers for a long time. We have a good chance of winning a head-to-head confrontation, but at least one or two people will be killed, so I haven't mentioned it. Before, Dr. Lu and I went to Building A for surveillance. There are some new ideas in the monitoring room. There are indeed a lot of monitoring probes in the monitoring room, almost covering the main passages of the two buildings. We did not destroy the monitoring, mainly considering that these monitoring can be used in reverse. " Su He tapped his thumb lightly with a pen and spoke slowly.

"The easiest way to do this is to set a trap. If done right, a simple trap can kill him. I've heard stories of hospital oxygen stations blowing up and killing people. If a murderer can be introduced into this trap, If it is ignited and exploded again, the success rate should be extremely high.”

Su He's words made Dr. Lu jump up excitedly: "This is feasible! There is no need to go to the oxygen station, each ward has an oxygen supply system, as long as the oxygen is released in advance to increase the oxygen concentration, and then the circuit device is slightly modified to cause a short circuit spark, which will explode. The power is definitely enough!"

Qi Leren shook his head: "But it's a bit difficult to accurately calculate the explosion time, and once it fails once, it won't work the second time."

"Precisely control the time of the explosion..." Dr. Lu pondered, and suddenly looked at him together with Su He.

That look is so familiar! Qi Leren was convinced that they had seen him this way when he was in the blood bank!

"Hey... don't you want me to die again?" Qi Leren said depressedly.

"Brother, for the sake of everyone's lives, you, the bait, have a great responsibility." Dr. Lu patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "When we leave this ghost place, I will invite you to eat all the major food restaurants in this city to ensure your satisfaction. Don't underestimate the self-cultivation of a foodie!"

Qi Leren said that he is not interested in the self-cultivation of a foodie, he is more interested in his own life.

Su He didn't speak, just looked at him with a smile: "Actually, you can think of other ways..."

Qi Leren struggled for a while in his heart, and finally gave in: "Forget it, if there is another good way, you must have said it long ago, or I will go, but you have to ensure my safety."

Su He Wenwen said: "As long as you don't fall while running away, or enter the wrong room, or forget to save the file, I don't think there will be a problem."

"..." Why does it sound like the possibility of an accident is so high? Can he regret it now? !

After roughly agreeing on the specific steps, the topic of the three turned to 4:13.

"Su He, didn't you just say that you have some ideas about this time? Tell me more about it?" Dr. Lu changed into a comfortable sitting position and slumped lazily on the reclining chair for lunch break as if he had no bones.

Su He sat very upright. He crossed his hands, supported his chin, and said slowly, "Remember that electronic board? At first we all focused on the time, but what happened in Director Li's office just now reminded me. , in fact, the problem is not time."

Qi Leren's mind flashed, he took out the old notebook and looked at the cover again.

"It's the name!" "The name of the hospital?!" Dr. Lu and Qi Leren said in unison.

"I see, no wonder I always thought that the electronic board was wrong. It turned out to be the wrong name." Dr. Lu stood up suddenly and circled around the office, with an excited tone, "The name of the hospital on the electronic board and the one in Qi Leren's hand The notebooks are the same, but the word 'first' is missing, so the name of this hospital was actually 20 years ago when the hospital had not changed its name. Tonight's time, but..."

"It was 4:13 on a certain day more than 20 years ago," Su He said.

That should have happened before he was five years old. Qi Le thought to himself, what happened to the hospital before he was five years old

That must be a big thing, or more detailed clues can be found in the hospital, otherwise it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to recall the old events more than 20 years ago. What happened on a certain night at 4:30 more than 20 years ago

"Ah, there is no clue at all! Is this forcing me to go to the hospital's archives to look up the information?!" Dr. Lu was furious.

"Does the hospital still have a file room?" Qi Leren asked suspiciously.

"Of course there is, but there are a lot of things in it, and you may not find useful information overnight!" Dr. Lu sat down, covering his face and sulking, "I hate the part of puzzle solving games where the world is full of clues. Now, the hospital is so big that it will kill me."

The three discussed for a while, but still had no clue, so they had to put this matter aside now and concentrate on planning how to deal with the murderer.

"The method is already in place, and the rest is to implement it. All accidents must be avoided. I don't want you to be in trouble." Su He looked at Qi Leren and said to him solemnly.

Qi Leren nodded slightly.

He was willing to take this risk, not only for his own safety, but also for these few companions who had only been with him for a few hours, especially Su He. At that time, he could bravely stand up to save his life, and he was full of gratitude. If he could, he would do everything in his power to help them. And deep in his heart, he also hoped to avenge his revenge for being hunted down three times.

Anyway... he's used to dying and dying.

"Don't worry about this, we can wait a bit later to execute it, let's take a break first." Su He frowned while looking at Qi Leren's still pale face, "Does that file-reading skill have any side effects? Your face is very bad, I wanted to say it when I was there in the goldfish bowl."

Qi Leren touched his face, it was cool, he didn't even need to look to know that his face was pale, and even his body was a little weak. The two consecutive reading files near the goldfish tank seemed to have drained his energy. He was really tired from the nervousness and the pursuit that followed soon after.

"I don't know... There is no side effect written on the skill card." Qi Leren took out the skill card and confirmed it again. It did not write the consequences of multiple use, but his physical condition could not deceive him. It seems that this skill is still Can cause damage to the body, especially with continuous use.

"Go to sleep for a while. I'll wake you up at eleven o'clock, and then we'll set up a trap." Su He got up and looked around in the office. He successfully found the blanket the doctor used during his lunch break and put it in in his arms.

"Thank you." Qi Leren said thanks, rolled up the blanket and lay down on the ground, closing his eyes and resting.

"I'll go check Xue Yingying's condition." Dr. Lu said to Su He in a low voice.

Qi Leren didn't hear Su He's answer, but Dr. Lu's footsteps quickly disappeared, the lights in this office were turned off, the door was gently closed, and soon only Qi Le was left in the room. The sound of one's own breathing.

Su He should still be here, right? Half-dream and half-awake, Qi Leren thought in a daze, but couldn't help but turn around and squinted for a peek.

With the light seeping in from the glass window on the door, he saw Su He sitting quietly at the window, looking at the boundless fog outside the window. The profile of the face illuminated by the corridor lights is flawless and beautiful. It looks so gentle in the dim light, but it is unusually distant, like a distant lighthouse on the vast foggy sea. It is obviously a guide, but it is also daunting .

This is a different person from them, Qi Le thought, that is really a special person.

Su He glanced at him, like a glimpse of light, he should have smiled at him.

The irresistible drowsiness struck, and Qi Leren closed his eyes in the deep drowsiness.