Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 25: The first arrival in the land of dusk (2)


Like an old ship, the steel-wrapped aircraft slowly left the coast and flew towards the sea outside Sunset Harbor. The airship flying in the air rides the wind and waves in the sea of clouds in the golden red sunset. Through the round old cabin glass, the three newcomers watch this magnificent scene in amazement.

The cabin is filled with the smell of oil and food mixed together, which is not good, but the passengers who come and go give people a fresh vitality - these are not NPCs, but players like them.

Qi Le people suppressed their curiosity and doubts, and looked at the people around them secretly. Most of these people are very young, very few are very old, and almost none are very young. They are half male and female. Some of them seem to have adapted to the life in horror games, and they are indifferently chatting with their companions about their recent achievements. , There are also some alone, sitting alone in the cabin, staring blankly at the sunset outside the window, and their bodies are filled with a depressing breath.

He was clearly in his prime, but he seemed like an old man on the verge of death.

Is the number of days to live running out? A guess flashed in Qi Leren's heart, and even his own heart became heavy.

- He has only ten days to live.

"Number of days to live?" When Su He said this word, Dr. Lu repeated it subconsciously, but there was an unconscious panic on his face.

"Yes, the number of days to survive. For players living in the nightmare world, without the number of days to survive, everything is nothing. After coming out of the novice village, each player will get ten days of survival, and they must earn within these ten days. Take more days to live, otherwise what awaits them is death. Money means nothing to them." Standing in the sunset, Su He looked out at the vast sea. magical.

"Maybe people living in the outside world think that time is something that can be squandered at will. They don't think about how much their day is worth, and let time flow silently, but here, time is life. , it is more important than everything." Su He's voice fell softly in the ears of the three, but it was like a hammer hitting the heart.

Qi Leren looked back on his past life: playing games with nothing to do, occasionally taking design orders to maintain his life, and then continuing to have nothing to do... He didn't think about the future.

But now, he only has ten days left.

When death really came in front of him and people could no longer escape, he began to hate the luxury of his past.

There's no time left, but he still wants to... still want to live.

"The things in the dungeon world can't be brought to the main world, and the same is true for eating. Eat something to pamper your stomach first, and then treat you to delicious food when you arrive on the island." Su Hegang went to buy some bread and drinks to satisfy his hunger. , placed in front of the three.

The three of them, who were already hungry and growling, devoured them for a while. Su He looked at them with a smile on his chin. Xue Yingying blushed at the handsome guy and said embarrassedly, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry. I'll have a full meal when I get to my destination." Su He said lightly, "Don't eat too much, or you won't be able to eat later."

In fact, food that is not much better than brown bread is really hard to swallow, right? Qi Le thought that although Su He didn't show it, he vaguely felt that Su He should be a very particular person when it comes to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

A traveler walked past the table of Qi Leren, and the slightly floating cloak touched the water glass in front of Qi Leren. He reached out and held the glass. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the passing traveler. He was firmly held by the cloak. The wrapped figure was particularly bloated, Qi Leren looked back, and the man stood in the corner of the cockpit and whispered to another traveler.

The cloaked traveler had a blindfold over his right eye. He must have been injured and blind. His companion even had a broken leg. The metal prosthesis stretched out from the trouser leg, reflecting a sharp cold light in the setting sun.

Qi Leren suddenly had a subtle premonition.

These two are desperadoes.

With a loud bang, the prosthetic limb of the man with the broken leg slammed into the cabin door, and the cabin fell silent in an instant, and everyone looked at them.

The man with the broken leg slapped a piece of white paper on the door of the cabin, then patted his companion on the shoulder, showing a hideous smile to the passengers in the cabin.

The one-eyed hand has been hidden in the cloak. At this time, he slowly pulled his hand out of it, and it was a bomb detonator in his hand! And his body is densely tied with explosive packs!

It's a robber!

Qi Leren stared blankly at the two of them, stunned for a while.

"Our brothers' days are numbered, and they have offended people again. Now one has a broken leg and one is blind. When death is imminent, he doesn't want to die." Crazy, "We're not greedy either. Everyone on this ship will be given ten days to survive, sign the contract, and let you off the ship safely. Otherwise..."

The man with the broken leg patted his companion's hand holding the detonator tightly: "Otherwise, let's die together!"

There was dead silence in the cabin. After a long time, a young man stood up and said, "I want to read the contract first."

"The contract is on the wall, sign your name, tie your hands, stand over there, and let you go when you arrive." The man with the broken leg pointed to the white paper stuck to the wall and said.

The man raised his hands, walked to the contract under the surveillance of the two kidnappers, and read it out softly: "Party B voluntarily handed over 10 days of survival to Party A in exchange for the right to disembark safely, and Party A shall not harm the delivery of the number of survival days. This kind of contract cannot pass the review! Once you are judged to be fraudulent, you will be dead!"

The man with the broken leg laughed wildly: "No, this is not an ordinary contract, this is a devil's contract! I signed a devil's contract with the Demon King of Deception, which promises me to use the power of the devil to make it take effect, no matter if it's fair or not!"

The young man frowned and said solemnly, "You have taken refuge in the devil..."

"As long as you can survive, it doesn't matter if you sell your soul to the devil! Isn't it worth your life for ten days to survive? Are you going to risk your life for ten days?" Put it in front of the man, "Sign it."

With a gloomy face, the man grabbed the pen and neatly signed the contract, then let the kidnappers tie his hands and drove him to the corner of the cabin.

"Next, who's coming?"

Qi Leren looked at Xue Yingying and Dr. Lu, their faces were pale, and they were both depressed and flustered.

Ten days may not be a big deal for old players, but they only have ten days! If handed over, doesn't it mean that they will die immediately

"Mr. kidnapper, I have a question." There were two women sitting at a table next to Qi Leren, the people who had a relationship with them at the harbor. One of the older women stood up and asked politely. , "Excuse me, what should I do if the number of days to survive is less than ten days?"

The man with the broken leg looked at her gloomily: "Then go to death!"

The woman with slender eyebrows smiled with a good temper: "Please rest assured, I have enough days to live, but if there are friends on board who don't have enough days to live, I can make advance payments on your behalf. Is this allowed?"

The kidnapper's face turned from cloudy to sunny, and said coldly, "Yes."

Hearing this, the woman smiled and looked at the Qi Le people and whispered, "I ask for a low price, and I will return it three times within a month, how about it?"

Still doing business at this critical juncture... Qi Le people didn't know what to say for a while.

"Businessman Chen Baiqi, you really don't forget to make a fortune wherever you go." Su He seemed to sigh helplessly.

"Hey, this handsome guy, I didn't expect you to know me? It's strange, you look so handsome, if I had the chance to meet once, I would never forget it." The woman named Chen Baiqi raised her eyebrows. Strange way.

When passing by on the harbour, she didn't look at Su He, she was as indifferent as looking at a stone on the side of the road, but at this time, she smiled very kindly.

"I don't often come to the land of dusk. Compared with the sunset that never falls, I prefer the scenery of dawn." Su He said lightly.

Chen Baiqi said in surprise: "You have settled in the Land of Dawn? No wonder... I was rude just now, sorry." After speaking, she naturally pulled up the little girl who had been trying to interrupt but was signaled to shut up with her eyes. After signing the book, he quietly stood on the other side, never mentioning the number of days to live on loan.

Land of Dawn? Qi Le people remembered that it was a place that was listed as the two major human sanctuaries alongside the Land of Twilight. The living environment was far superior to that of the Land of Twilight. Unexpectedly, Su He was actually stationed there.

Just as they were talking in a low voice, the passengers had already stepped up to sign one after another. Although many of them were hesitant, after weighing the pros and cons, they felt that it was not worth risking their own lives for ten days. I have to say. The two kidnappers demanded just the right number of days to live.

"Don't worry." Su He turned his back to the two kidnappers and said softly to the three of them, "These two people won't be around for a long time."