Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 59: Sacrifice to the Witch (28)


Time seemed to come to an abrupt end in this murderous knife, and the person standing outside the door slowly drew back the knife through a thin layer of door. The sharp blade scraped through the pierced wooden door, making a harsh creaking sound, like countless iron combs scraping on the apex of a person's heart.

At this moment, Qi Leren hesitated.

Are you going to fight to the death? If he uses the SL skill now but fails the sneak attack, he will face a 100% death situation. The person outside the door has already gained power far beyond the limit of human beings. Can ordinary methods still solve her

Just wait a second, wait for the moment the door opens...

"Come out, you can't escape even if you hide." Lu Youxin's voice sounded outside the door, but it was a completely different tone, soft and cold, without a trace of killing intent.

Qi Leren still did not move.

"If you are waiting for me to open the door and then die with me with that ridiculous little skill, you should give up as soon as possible." The person outside the door said coldly, with a mocking smile.

! !

How does she know? How could she possibly know? !

Qi Le people were in chaos, countless thoughts came one after another, and their hearts were beating like they were about to explode.

How on earth did Ye Xia know his skills? Did she see it? Where? when

Just as he panicked, the door creaked open.

The first light shot into the crack of the door, and her shadow swaying in the candlelight shook the signal of death slightly. She turned her back to the candles on the wall of the corridor, her face was blurred, she was like a silhouette, a symbol, but it really meant the coming of death.

At this moment, Qi Le people even lost the courage to fight back.

He has realized that he cannot win.

This is not a desperate escape under the murderous pursuit, nor is it a desperate fight against a dead witch in the Moonlight Courtyard. No matter which time, he knew that he had the possibility of surviving because he still had trump cards, but this time, Facing an opponent who had been prepared for his tricks, he finally found his powerlessness.

Save now, and then detonate the bomb? Will she give him this chance? Will she be able to escape

She would stand here and push the door open to tell him what it means to win!

The door opened completely, Ye Xia stood motionless outside the door, the projection of his arm and the long knife was like a scythe of the god of death, hooking his feet. Qi Leren forgot to breathe, and stared at her with a breath, as if all his limbs were paralyzed.

"I'm curious about one thing." Ye Xia asked lightly.

"...What's the matter?" Qi Leren's voice was trembling, and he forced himself to speak to Ye Xia calmly.

"How did you find out that I'm not Lu Youxin? I consciously didn't reveal any flaws." Ye Xia looked into his eyes and raised his own questions slowly.

"Because Isabel saw you three years ago, but she lost that memory until she recalled it just now. So we judge that you can't die so easily." Qi Leren subconsciously concealed Lu Youxin's last words.

"Have you seen me? Oh, you mean I have seen the body three years ago. She is really good, agile, vigorous, and malleable. I was very satisfied with her at one point. The only downside is that she is too ostentatious." The corners of Ye Xia's mouth curled up in a subtle arc, "Xie Wanwan's body is also good, Lu Youxin's is better, but the one that impresses me the most is Ning Zhou's body."

Qi Leren suddenly widened his eyes.

"Strength, agility, speed, reflexes are all impeccable, and even the appearance can't pick out the slightest flaw, that's the body I want! Perfect! With such a body, she will definitely like me more , definitely!" Ye Xia's emotions suddenly became excited, and his expression was full of frightening frenzy.

"If I become as beautiful as her, she will definitely notice me, I don't want to be an ant crawling at her feet anymore, so humble and pitiful begging her to look at me more, but she turns a blind eye. Three years , she never came again, even if I follow her will and return to this underground palace, she will never appear again. But even so, I will not let anyone take my place! Only I can serve her, Only I can!"

Ye Xia slowly raised the knife in his hand, and Qi Leren showed a cold smile: "Goodbye..."

The blade reflected the flickering candlelight, and Qi Leren, who was holding the miniature bomb, finally gave up his heart. Even if he knew that victory would not be possible, he would not be willing to slaughter like this!

At the moment of life and death, a silver-light flickering arrow shot from a distance, and hit the blade with a clanging sound. The next second, the arrow exploded, and the shock wave made Qi Leren stumble and fell to the ground, surrounded by smoke. In the middle, he struggled to climb out of the door, and the cold feeling spread from the ground. Qi Leren was stunned to think that Ye Xia did have the ability to freeze, and the terrifying cold had formed a thin layer on his hand. Thin frost flowers.

The frozen limbs were sluggish and stiff, and he couldn't stand up at all. In the thick smoke, two figures could be seen intertwined at an astonishing speed, and they were separated with a touch. The weapons collided and made a harsh sound. Dazzling aura.

The sound of the blade piercing into the body came, Ning Zhou groaned, and retreated to Qi Leren's side in a flash, blood gurgled from the wound on his arm and spilled on the ground. Her black bird also flew out of the thick fog, flapping its wings and stopping at Qi Leren's feet.

"The lackey of the Holy See? The holy city has already fallen into the hands of the demons, and you are still alive? It's really annoying." Ye Xia stepped out of the thick smoke and looked at Ning Zhou calmly. "Is it still necessary to struggle? I admit that you are very good, but now you can't be my opponent, unless you find four more witches to kill them one by one."

Ning Zhou's eyes turned cold, and he rushed up without hesitation regardless of the injury. A dazzling silver holy light burst out from the two short knives, just as dazzling as two flying rainbows. Ye Xia took a half step back, holding the long knife and hers horizontally. The short knife collided with force, and the force of the collision of the weapons sent Ning Zhou flying out. She twisted her body in the air inconceivably and squatted on the ground. The impact force even took her back a few meters before it stopped. A long trail of blood was dragged on the ground.

It's too terrifying, this kind of power, human beings can't compete at all.

"Isn't it okay to admit defeat, obediently? I don't want to make your body tattered. Forget it, let's get rid of this little guy first." Ye Xia sighed helplessly and turned his icy gaze. Qi Le people.

Qi Leren stood up against the wall with difficulty, his palms and knees were frostbitten, but he still stood up, even if he wanted to die, he would die standing up.

Ye Xia smiled slightly and charged at him with a knife. In the corner of his sight, Qi Leren saw that Ning Zhou pulled out a chain from his chest and threw it to Qi Leren's feet. It was blurry, Ye Xia who was killing him, the black bird at his feet, and Ning Zhou standing in the distance, everything seemed to be twisted in a time-space tunnel.

The Holy Light rose from under his feet, engulfing everything in a holy white.

The devout singing came down from the sky, and the Qile people were bathed in pure white. He was in a magnificent temple. Countless pilgrims in white sacrificial clothes prayed devoutly to the huge cross in front of him. Each of them has blurred faces, illusory figures, and at a glance, it can be seen that they are not living beings.

Where is this place

He looked around in a panic, saw Ning Zhou not far away, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Under the giant cross, a blond woman in white sacrificial clothes was praying to the void, as if sensing their arrival, she opened her eyes, and those azure blue eyes were almost identical to Ning Zhou.

She smiled at them and closed her eyes again in prayer. The prayers pouring out of her mouth seemed to carry a holy magic, bathing the temple in incredible power, healing the body and soul.

"Where is this place?" Qi Leren asked blankly.

The black bird that stopped on Ning Zhou's shoulder said: "... The Holy Spirit Barrier can maintain an absolute defense for five minutes, remove all negative effects, and heal all wounds."

Qi Leren looked at Ning Zhou's arm in shock. The arm chopped by Ye Xia was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his own wounds disappeared quickly.

It's just... incredible. But is it only five minutes

Five minutes later, they still had to face death.

Ning Zhou stood in front of him, looked at him quietly for a while, then lowered her eyes, the black bird on her shoulder said: "When the barrier is broken, you run immediately, the farther the better."

"Then what do you do?" Qi Leren asked anxiously.


"No, she can't defeat it now, you will die if you stay!" Qi Leren said firmly.

"… "

In the midst of the ethereal holy light, Ning Zhou's originally overly bright facial features were dyed with a layer of holy light, and her beautiful blue eyes stared at Qi Leren without speaking.

Qi Leren took a deep breath, covered his forehead and reconsidered: "There must be a way, I don't believe this is a mortal situation, there must be a way, Ning Zhou, listen, don't fight her for stupid things, you will die I can't live without it, I'd rather die than let you die!"

The current situation is that Ye Xia has killed four witch candidates. Even if Ning Zhou kills him and Isabel now, it is impossible to surpass her strength. This is the absolute number gap. Witch candidates can get a substantial increase in various attributes"... every time

Qi Leren's eyes lit up, it said every time, not every one

At this moment, he was like a hungry and tired traveler walking alone in the endless darkness. Suddenly, he saw the lights shaking in the night. It was the light of life, the flame of hope, and the vitality in desperation.

"Ning Zhou, I have a way, maybe we can all live." Qi Leren looked at Ning Zhou excitedly.

The singing in the Holy Spirit Barrier became more and more ethereal, and countless golden and silver light spots danced in the void, entangling the two of them.

Qi Leren couldn't help but smile: "It's very simple, kill me."

PS: I'm not very serious about writing this card of Ye Xia. [Soul Transfer] (unbound skill card): You can exchange bodies with another player if the following conditions are met within one minute: 1. Defeat the opponent in a one-on-one situation to make it lose the ability to resist; 2. Release the opponent after defeating the opponent The other party restores its mobility; 3, is on the verge of death by a fatal attack by the other party. If the above three conditions are met, you can use this skill to exchange the bodies of both parties, and all the skill items provided by the system are also exchanged with each other at the same time. Half an hour after the exchange is completed, all abilities are reduced by 50%.