Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 6: The First People's Hospital of X City (6)


Seeing the transformation between the elbows and armpits, Qi Leren shouted angrily without thinking: "Run!"

Qi Leren reacted very quickly and ran away. Only then did Doctor Lu come back to his senses. After screaming a few times, he stumbled around and ran away. The two of them couldn't even remember the fact that they still had weapons. They were completely terrified by instinct. Occupying his mind, he only knows to run away.

As an adult male who looks underage, Dr. Lu's motor nerves should undoubtedly be classified as "bad". In a panic, he tripped over himself and fell black. Just when he thought he was dead this time, a figure ran past him without even looking at him the whole time!

Dr. Lu lay on the ground dumbfounded, watching the killer carrying the chainsaw, chasing after Qi Leren and disappearing into the corridor.

He unexpectedly escaped unscathed

On the other side, Qi Le people are facing the most severe survival crisis in their lives. The speed of the murderer is extremely fast, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and in the sound of footsteps that are chasing more and more tightly, Qi Le people are on the contrary. Calm down.

How to survive the hands of a murderous, cold-blooded killer? What does he have to...

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, SL Dafa!

There is a safe passage not far ahead, and there is a hidden office less than ten meters away from him. He set up a save point at the entrance of the office with his mind - in his eyes, it is a translucent totem, he even Complete this step without stopping, and then make a sharp turn into the safe passage on the right.

SL skill countdown:

nine seconds.

Qi Leren braked suddenly and stabilized his body.

eight seconds.

He took out the crowbar and held it in his hand.

seven seconds.

The footsteps of the murderer had already appeared outside the safe passage.

six seconds.

Qi Leren shouted, and the crowbar went down, tripping over the murderer.

Five seconds.

The killer leaned forward, the buzzing chainsaw slashed at Qi Leren's right arm, and the crowbar let go.

Four seconds.

Qi Leren lay on the ground, blood spattered from the severed arm, and the pain penetrated into the bone marrow.

three seconds.

The Qi Le people struggled to stand up in the severe pain, and they burst out with a powerful vitality in the desperate situation!

two seconds.

The murderer also knelt on the ground, propped up his body with his knees, and slashed at him with a ferocious waving a chainsaw!

one second.

Qi Leren stretched his neck and headed up—

At the last moment of his life, he forgot the pain, and only saw the blood spewing from the carotid artery, like a dark red fountain, and the murderous face of the murderer who was only a foot away from him was caught by him. Infested with hot blood, like evil spirits, like Shura.

He was fatally wounded within ten seconds, and the file was successfully read.

Qi Leren lost consciousness.

This moment seemed short and long. When Qi Le people came back to their senses, the fear of the chainsaw cutting his throat and blood splashing on the spot was still vividly engraved in his mind, even his right arm, which was intact after reading the file. There was a dull pain, no blood, and the sleeve on his right arm was intact. He stood blankly in front of the door of the office, and the murderer was at the corner of the safe passage in front of him. The straight-line distance between the two was not even more than ten meters.

He didn't know if his corpse was still there, or if his corpse disappeared automatically and returned to the state it was in when it was saved ten seconds ago.

If it's the latter... The danger he faces isn't over yet.

The footsteps of the murderer sounded in the safe passage. Without even thinking, Qi Leren pushed open the half-open door and hid in the office-it was too late to turn back and run, not to mention that the footsteps could not be concealed from that. Murderer, this corridor without branches is enough to reveal his whereabouts.

But the moment he opened the office door, Qi Leren couldn't describe how much he regretted - this seemingly ordinary door actually made a slight creaking sound when it was pushed open. It was very light, but in this silence, the voice was too abrupt, and he didn't even dare to think whether the murderer in the safe passage not far away heard it.

Qi Le people regret it.

This is so similar to the scene where he hid under the service desk and prayed hard for the murderer not to find out, so similar that he already felt ominous.

The office is very small. Apart from two desks, there is only one wardrobe. Qi Leren looked around and carefully opened the door of the wardrobe. It was empty enough for an adult to hide in, so he got in. in the wardrobe.

The closed cupboard door locked the light, but there was a gap between the two cupboard doors, which was not narrow enough to see the outside clearly, and only faint light could be seen. He heard his own rapid breathing and heartbeat, and he was in shock.

The countdown for the SL skill has reached zero, and it is too late to read the file. Although the save point can be used three times in a row, but any time he does not die within ten seconds, the save point will be invalid.

He can no longer pin his hopes on reading files.

Now he has nothing to do but pray.

Dull footsteps sounded outside the corridor, and there was a sound of metal mopping the floor, which should be the sound of the switched-off chainsaw dragging on the ground. He walked very slowly, as if he was walking with a kind of confusion and confusion. hesitant.

Go away, go away! Qi Le couldn't help clenching his hands, praying that the murderer would go away.

But things backfired, and the worst could always happen.

The footsteps stopped!

Qi Leren's heartbeat almost stopped. He listened to the squeak of the office door being pushed open. At this moment, he could answer his previous question vaguely. Yes, the murderer heard the door open. the sound of.

His footsteps were still very slow, the saw head of the chainsaw was dragged on the ground carelessly, making a harsh sound, Qi Leren's pupils shrank because of nervousness, and the memories of death he had experienced dozens of seconds ago came one after another.

He remembered the piercing pain when his arm was cut, and the sound of death as he struggled to meet the chainsaw, he almost watched his neck hit the crazy chainsaw, and then In the blood red, the pain was already negligible. What he remembered more deeply was the smell of approaching death.

Fiercely decadent, the smell of iron.

Although it was only a few seconds, everything seemed to be a slow-moving shot, captured by his eyes, engraved by his brain, and turned into a trembling memory at this moment.

He smelled death again.

The footsteps stopped again, just outside this closet.

Qi Leren had forgotten to breathe, but his heartbeat was as fast as a drum. He clearly saw that the light in the gap between the two wardrobe doors was blocked and turned into a shadow of death - the murderer was just outside the wardrobe, and there was only a thin layer of wood between the two!

He could almost imagine the man's eyes, twisted, tyrannical, bloodthirsty, with the excitement of smelling prey, but still seemed slightly suspicious because his sudden disappearance was so incredible, beyond science.

With a sigh, the chainsaw was turned on again. At this moment, Qi Leren finally gave up the last chance. He was doomed to die here. Once again, his throat was cut by a chainsaw, or worse, he was cut in half like the corpse outside the infusion hall. The pain was even worse than cutting his throat. He would die very slowly, very painfully, and even in severe pain. Crawling as he struggled to survive, his internal organs slid out of his body one after another until he died out of breath.

The imagination of death tortured his sanity. After a while, maybe his spirit would collapse because of it, but maybe fate is so wonderful, just at this critical moment, a shrill scream came from the stairwell not far away: " Ah, ah, ghost!"

The murderer strode open the door of the office and rushed out. The sound of footsteps accompanied the sound of chainsaws getting farther and farther. Qi Leren curled up in the cupboard in a daze, until a more tragic scream came from the stairwell. Immediately pushed open the door of the wardrobe, stumbled to the opposite direction of the corridor to escape.

The screams were getting farther and farther, perhaps getting weaker and weaker, until they were hard to hear.